Is coca still used in coca-cola production?

There is not the slightest doubt that the Left has always tried to get rid of heroin and cocaine. This can be traced quite clearly throughout history.

A question of motivation. Here, firstly, it is clear that alcoholization gives them Germanization. But besides this, there may be more biochemical aspects.
Originally it was created as a cure for hangovers.

The cocaine in the cocoa leaves extracts was the analgesic and the caffeine to help with tiredness. The sugar? Because otherwise it tasted bad. It wasn't supposed to be mixed with carbonated water....but a soda jerk at a drug store screwed up and made it that way despite the instructions on the bottle of "Dr. Pemberton's Pick me up" .

But the customers actually liked it so much they had to get more and more.

Today they don't use anywhere near the same amount of Caffeine or have any analgesic in it. But it does have a similar caramel taste.
The year of coca prohibition roughly coincided with the arrival of Kennedy. In general, it is clear that the left always promote alcohol, and they dislike heroin and cocaine very much.

And what does it say on the bottle label in the US? Does it mention coca? In the Russian Federation there is no such mention, it says "natural flavors". I think it's about coca. But they don't mention it directly.

Coca was banned in 1961

You're right. Cocoa leaf was banned in 1961, but wasn't because of the arrival of Kennedy as you are trying to say, it was done by the United Nations, and that was because of a study back in the 1950's. Like I said, your Troll Fu sucks ass. I know I told you to try to get some facts in there so you don't sound like such an idiot, but apparently, you can't do that right either. And, for your edification, cocaine was taken out of Coke a long time before cocoa leaves were banned.

Here, read up on a subject you apparently know nothing about, maybe you'll learn something......................

The prohibition of the use of the coca leaf except for medical or scientific purposes was established by the United Nations in the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. The coca leaf is listed on Schedule I of the 1961 Single Convention together with cocaine and heroin. The Convention determined that "The Parties shall so far as possible enforce the uprooting of all coca bushes which grow wild. They shall destroy the coca bushes if illegally cultivated" (Article 26), and that, "Coca leaf chewing must be abolished within twenty-five years from the coming into force of this Convention" (Article 49, 2.e).[67]

The historic rationale for international prohibition of coca leaf in the 1961 Single Convention comes from "The Commission of Enquiry on the Coca Leaf study" published in 1950. It was requested of the United Nations by the permanent representative of Peru, and was prepared by a commission that visited Bolivia and Peru briefly in 1949 to "investigate the effects of chewing the coca leaf and the possibilities of limiting its production and controlling its distribution." It concluded that the effects of chewing coca leaves were negative, even though chewing coca was defined as a habit, not an addiction.[68]
You're right. Cocoa leaf was banned in 1961, but wasn't because of the arrival of Kennedy as you are trying to say
Yes, and the war with heroin chic was an accident under Clinton.
And right-wing friendships with Colombian cocaine barons too
Yes, and the war with heroin chic was an accident under Clinton.
And right-wing friendships with Colombian cocaine barons too

Clinton wasn't even a gleam in his daddy's eye when heroin was banned. Clinton was born in 1946, heroin was totally outlawed in 1924. You're not really good at this, are you?

Heroin, which the FDA classes as a Schedule 1 drug, is an illegal opioid that is derived from morphine and was originally synthesized in the late 19th century. It gets its name from the German word “heroisch,” which in English means heroic. Heroin was initially used in the treatment of morphine addiction and as a cough suppressant and a cure-all for various ailments. The distribution and sale of heroin was unregulated in the U.S. until 1914, when the Harrison Narcotics Act stipulated that it had to be obtained from a doctor. In 1924 the drug was totally outlawed, even for medicinal purposes, as a result of the Anti-Heroin Act. Heroin use declined in the late 1920s, due to international regula-tions making the drug illegal and a resultant decrease in its production. There was a resurgence of heroin use tied to the Vietnam War when nearly 20 percent of U.S. servicemen identified themselves as heroin addicts.
Yes, and the war with heroin chic was an accident under Clinton.
And right-wing friendships with Colombian cocaine barons too
Coca leaves are not Cocaine. They contain alkaloids that can be a mild stimulant. They are banned only because they can be processed into cocaine.
In Golden Triangle annual production increased twenty-fold, from 30 tons at the time of Burmese independence to 600 tons in the mid-1950s

Guess who was in power in the Golden 50s?

Lintner, Bertil (1992). Heroin and Highland Insurgency in the Golden Triangle. War on Drugs: Studies in the failure of US narcotic policy. Boulder, Colorado: Westview. p. 288.
Alcohol consumption from Kennedy is constantly growing, falling critically under Reagan



I'm sorry, this only applies to Russia.

But I think that this is in line with the global trend
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Alcohol consumption from Kennedy is constantly growing, falling critically under Reagan



I'm sorry, this only applies to Russia.

But I think that this is in line with the global trend

You know, there is this neat thing called Google and you can access it from your computer to check things out. It is really useful, as you can search and find out about anything you want to know, before spewing idiocy on these boards.

As far as alcohol consumption here in the US? It seems to not have varied as much as your chart of what it is over in Russia over the years. And consumption of alcohol during the Kennedy years seems to be roughly what it was under Reagan. Do some research before posting, you won't look like as much of an idiot as you currently do.


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