Is Biden Haunted by Vietnam? Should He Be?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Is Biden Haunted by Vietnam? Should He Be?
The president said this withdrawal will be nothing like what happened in 1975,
but there are some striking parallels.
9 Jul 2021 ~~ By Michael Hirsch
When U.S. President Joe Biden was asked at a news conference on Thursday whether there was any comparison between his withdrawal from Afghanistan and the United States’ humiliating retreat from Vietnam a half century ago, his response was unequivocal: “None whatsoever. Zero.”
he president went on to say that in the early 1970s, as the Vietnam War was grinding to a close, North Vietnam’s forces were far more powerful than the Taliban are today. “They’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability,” he said. “There’s going to be no circumstance when you’re going to see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy of the United States from Afghanistan.”
Biden is well-steeped in the history of the Vietnam War. As a young senator in 1975, he voted against any aid for the collapsing South Vietnamese government. But in contrast to the swift unraveling of South Vietnam, many experts expect a drawn-out civil war in Afghanistan, one that will likely not be conclusive for at least several years. Even if the Taliban do effectively take over the country, the president is no doubt hoping that by then, the war will have retreated from the headlines and he will have won reelection in 2024.
Still, has Biden been too quick to dismiss the comparison to Vietnam? Despite being better equipped than the Taliban, the demoralized Afghan national forces have given up large tracts of the country in the nearly three months since Biden announced his withdrawal decision. And if the bloodshed in Afghanistan intensifies after the final U.S. withdrawal on Aug. 31—as nearly every observer expects—“Biden’s Vietnam” could easily become a catchphrase ahead of 2024 or even during the 2022 midterms as Republicans look for weak spots in the president’s armor.
A transcript of an April 14, 1975, meeting with U.S. President Gerald Ford and other senators in the Oval Office shows Biden, then a 32-year-old freshman senator, was resistant to any continued involvement in Vietnam, and he didn’t even want to approve money that would help get the United States’ former South Vietnamese allies out of the country. “I am not sure I can vote for an amount to put American troops in for one to six months to get the Vietnamese out,” he said. “I will vote for any amount for getting the Americans out. I don’t want it mixed with getting the Vietnamese out.” On April 25, 1975, Biden voted to oppose the Vietnam Contingency Act of 1975, which would have sent emergency relief funds to South Vietnam to be used partly for evacuation. (A month later, however, Biden did vote in favor of a non-binding resolution “expressing the sense of the Senate to welcome to the U.S. the latest refugees from South Vietnam and Cambodia,” and he later supported resettlement in the United States.)

Joey Xi's brain is so fried he doesn't remember what he said yesterday much less April of 1975.
Even today we hear from Ret. Adm. Kirby regarding the advancements of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
As it stands today the Taliban will take over Kabul in less than two weeks and they will definitely start their blood bath of those that supported the regime and the U,S.
Surely those stationed at the Embassy are in jeopardy.
We'll soon see and hear the spin and lies this incompetent administration has to spew in the matter.
Meanwhile the CCP Belt and Roads initiative is in progress with the Taliban as we tuck tail...

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Is Biden Haunted by Vietnam? Should He Be?
The president said this withdrawal will be nothing like what happened in 1975,
but there are some striking parallels.
9 Jul 2021 ~~ By Michael Hirsch
When U.S. President Joe Biden was asked at a news conference on Thursday whether there was any comparison between his withdrawal from Afghanistan and the United States’ humiliating retreat from Vietnam a half century ago, his response was unequivocal: “None whatsoever. Zero.”
he president went on to say that in the early 1970s, as the Vietnam War was grinding to a close, North Vietnam’s forces were far more powerful than the Taliban are today. “They’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability,” he said. “There’s going to be no circumstance when you’re going to see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy of the United States from Afghanistan.”
Biden is well-steeped in the history of the Vietnam War. As a young senator in 1975, he voted against any aid for the collapsing South Vietnamese government. But in contrast to the swift unraveling of South Vietnam, many experts expect a drawn-out civil war in Afghanistan, one that will likely not be conclusive for at least several years. Even if the Taliban do effectively take over the country, the president is no doubt hoping that by then, the war will have retreated from the headlines and he will have won reelection in 2024.
Still, has Biden been too quick to dismiss the comparison to Vietnam? Despite being better equipped than the Taliban, the demoralized Afghan national forces have given up large tracts of the country in the nearly three months since Biden announced his withdrawal decision. And if the bloodshed in Afghanistan intensifies after the final U.S. withdrawal on Aug. 31—as nearly every observer expects—“Biden’s Vietnam” could easily become a catchphrase ahead of 2024 or even during the 2022 midterms as Republicans look for weak spots in the president’s armor.
A transcript of an April 14, 1975, meeting with U.S. President Gerald Ford and other senators in the Oval Office shows Biden, then a 32-year-old freshman senator, was resistant to any continued involvement in Vietnam, and he didn’t even want to approve money that would help get the United States’ former South Vietnamese allies out of the country. “I am not sure I can vote for an amount to put American troops in for one to six months to get the Vietnamese out,” he said. “I will vote for any amount for getting the Americans out. I don’t want it mixed with getting the Vietnamese out.” On April 25, 1975, Biden voted to oppose the Vietnam Contingency Act of 1975, which would have sent emergency relief funds to South Vietnam to be used partly for evacuation. (A month later, however, Biden did vote in favor of a non-binding resolution “expressing the sense of the Senate to welcome to the U.S. the latest refugees from South Vietnam and Cambodia,” and he later supported resettlement in the United States.)

Joey Xi's brain is so fried he doesn't remember what he said yesterday much less April of 1975.
Even today we hear from Ret. Adm. Kirby regarding the advancements of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
As it stands today the Taliban will take over Kabul in less than two weeks and they will definitely start their blood bath of those that supported the regime and the U,S.
Surely those stationed at the Embassy are in jeopardy.
We'll soon see and hear the spin and lies this incompetent administration has to spew in the matter.
Meanwhile the CCP Belt and Roads initiative is in progress with the Taliban as we tuck tail...

Plenty of blame to go around on all sides. Bush could have just asked the Russians how it turned out for them.
The only answer was not to go..or at least dismantle the Taliban training sites after 9/11 and get out of Dodge....
Sigh...then came Iraq.... :(
Plenty of blame to go around on all sides. Bush could have just asked the Russians how it turned out for them.
The only answer was not to go..or at least dismantle the Taliban training sites after 9/11 and get out of Dodge....
Sigh...then came Iraq.... :(

Had Bush started off at the beginning putting Pakistan in it's place things may have turned out different.
It's well known that the primary supplier of arms is Pakistan....
I wonder how quickly Pakistan will now fall when the Taliban finally take over.

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Is Biden Haunted by Vietnam? Should He Be?
The president said this withdrawal will be nothing like what happened in 1975,
but there are some striking parallels.
9 Jul 2021 ~~ By Michael Hirsch
When U.S. President Joe Biden was asked at a news conference on Thursday whether there was any comparison between his withdrawal from Afghanistan and the United States’ humiliating retreat from Vietnam a half century ago, his response was unequivocal: “None whatsoever. Zero.”
he president went on to say that in the early 1970s, as the Vietnam War was grinding to a close, North Vietnam’s forces were far more powerful than the Taliban are today. “They’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability,” he said. “There’s going to be no circumstance when you’re going to see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy of the United States from Afghanistan.”
Biden is well-steeped in the history of the Vietnam War. As a young senator in 1975, he voted against any aid for the collapsing South Vietnamese government. But in contrast to the swift unraveling of South Vietnam, many experts expect a drawn-out civil war in Afghanistan, one that will likely not be conclusive for at least several years. Even if the Taliban do effectively take over the country, the president is no doubt hoping that by then, the war will have retreated from the headlines and he will have won reelection in 2024.
Still, has Biden been too quick to dismiss the comparison to Vietnam? Despite being better equipped than the Taliban, the demoralized Afghan national forces have given up large tracts of the country in the nearly three months since Biden announced his withdrawal decision. And if the bloodshed in Afghanistan intensifies after the final U.S. withdrawal on Aug. 31—as nearly every observer expects—“Biden’s Vietnam” could easily become a catchphrase ahead of 2024 or even during the 2022 midterms as Republicans look for weak spots in the president’s armor.
A transcript of an April 14, 1975, meeting with U.S. President Gerald Ford and other senators in the Oval Office shows Biden, then a 32-year-old freshman senator, was resistant to any continued involvement in Vietnam, and he didn’t even want to approve money that would help get the United States’ former South Vietnamese allies out of the country. “I am not sure I can vote for an amount to put American troops in for one to six months to get the Vietnamese out,” he said. “I will vote for any amount for getting the Americans out. I don’t want it mixed with getting the Vietnamese out.” On April 25, 1975, Biden voted to oppose the Vietnam Contingency Act of 1975, which would have sent emergency relief funds to South Vietnam to be used partly for evacuation. (A month later, however, Biden did vote in favor of a non-binding resolution “expressing the sense of the Senate to welcome to the U.S. the latest refugees from South Vietnam and Cambodia,” and he later supported resettlement in the United States.)

Joey Xi's brain is so fried he doesn't remember what he said yesterday much less April of 1975.
Even today we hear from Ret. Adm. Kirby regarding the advancements of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
As it stands today the Taliban will take over Kabul in less than two weeks and they will definitely start their blood bath of those that supported the regime and the U,S.
Surely those stationed at the Embassy are in jeopardy.
We'll soon see and hear the spin and lies this incompetent administration has to spew in the matter.
Meanwhile the CCP Belt and Roads initiative is in progress with the Taliban as we tuck tail...


China built a railroad and some power plants in Afghanistan a few years ago. They are neighbors ad have cultural ties.
Had Bush started off at the beginning putting Pakistan in it's place things may have turned out different.
It's well known that the primary supplier of arms is Pakistan....
I wonder how quickly Pakistan will now fall when the Taliban finally take over.


China built a railroad and some power plants in Afghanistan a few years ago. They are neighbors ad have cultural ties.
What are you worried about exactly?
China built a railroad and some power plants in Afghanistan a few years ago. They are neighbors ad have cultural ties.

China built a railroad and some power plants in Afghanistan a few years ago. They are neighbors ad have cultural ties.
What are you worried about exactly?

Repeating yourself doesn't make the statement any better...I remarked a few years back about the CCP signing agreements to mine rare earths.
Had Bush started off at the beginning putting Pakistan in it's place things may have turned out different.
It's well known that the primary supplier of arms is Pakistan....
I wonder how quickly Pakistan will now fall when the Taliban finally take over.

Pakistan is a nuclear state...bullies don't pick on people who they know can punch them in the face.
Repeating yourself doesn't make the statement any better...I remarked a few years back about the CCP signing agreements to mine rare earths.

Ret Adm. John Kirby does a fantastic dance trying to explain 3 brigades of Marine and Airborne being sent to Afghanistan to evacuate NATO personnel as Kandahar reportedly on the verge of falling to the Taliban.
Yes... Joey Xi Bai Dung will preside over the fall of Afghanistan reminiscent of the fall of of Vietnam....
One can only imagine the number murders being committed to those that will remain after this ignominious retreat created by Joey Xi Bai Dung.
"U.S. officials described the mood in the White House as a combination of alarm and resignation — at the rapid pace of the Taliban offensive and the collapse of Afghan national forces, and over how the situation could continue to worsen. There has been a constant stream of video teleconference calls every day this week, the official said".
This is just another example of the poor and incompetent planning by the Bai Dung Administration.

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Plenty of blame to go around on all sides. Bush could have just asked the Russians how it turned out for them.
The only answer was not to go..or at least dismantle the Taliban training sites after 9/11 and get out of Dodge....
Sigh...then came Iraq.... :(
Agreed. The OP is correct, though I hope our troops still in country get out without any casualties. If the Taliban take our troops and cut off heads as these asshole are known to do, I hope that air strikes begin day and night until these rag heads wave the white flag, then bomb the shit out of them until the last one can be stoned to death.
Ret Adm. John Kirby does a fantastic dance trying to explain 3 brigades of Marine and Airborne being sent to Afghanistan to evacuate NATO personnel as Kandahar reportedly on the verge of falling to the Taliban.
Yes... Joey Xi Bai Dung will preside over the fall of Afghanistan reminiscent of the fall of of Vietnam....
One can only imagine the number murders being committed to those that will remain after this ignominious retreat created by Joey Xi Bai Dung.
"U.S. officials described the mood in the White House as a combination of alarm and resignation — at the rapid pace of the Taliban offensive and the collapse of Afghan national forces, and over how the situation could continue to worsen. There has been a constant stream of video teleconference calls every day this week, the official said".
This is just another example of the poor and incompetent planning by the Bai Dung Administration.

Hey, stop being an asshole [I know that's impossible] but writing it is so necessary. Trump Fucked up all of our foreign policy, by ass kissing Putin and XI, threatening Iran and when that responded Trump panicked and STFU (leaving a large number of our members of the armed forces with serious head injuries); he put the Kurds men, women and children into harms way and of course insulted NATO, the UN and the General Staff claiming he knows better than them. The cap off was putting a date to cut and run from Afghanistan. Let's not forget Trump left the hegemony to Putin's armed forces in the Middle East and Kim in N. Korea continuing his saber rattling and nuclear ambitions.
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Agreed. The OP is correct, though I hope our troops still in country get out without any casualties. If the Taliban take our troops and cut off heads as these asshole are known to do, I hope that air strikes begin day and night until these rag heads wave the white flag, then bomb the shit out of them until the last one can be stoned to death.

Dropping flowers and food over Afghanistan for 20 years clearly didn't work.
Ret Adm. John Kirby does a fantastic dance trying to explain 3 brigades of Marine and Airborne being sent to Afghanistan to evacuate NATO personnel as Kandahar reportedly on the verge of falling to the Taliban.
Yes... Joey Xi Bai Dung will preside over the fall of Afghanistan reminiscent of the fall of of Vietnam....
One can only imagine the number murders being committed to those that will remain after this ignominious retreat created by Joey Xi Bai Dung.
"U.S. officials described the mood in the White House as a combination of alarm and resignation — at the rapid pace of the Taliban offensive and the collapse of Afghan national forces, and over how the situation could continue to worsen. There has been a constant stream of video teleconference calls every day this week, the official said".
This is just another example of the poor and incompetent planning by the Bai Dung Administration.

Poor planning yes. It is just like ChiComTrump did in Syria.

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