Is arresting the Opposition Leader election interference?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

Venezuela Supreme Court orders arrest of opposition …

Aug 8, 2018 · Venezuela Supreme Court orders arrest of opposition leaders. CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuela’s Supreme Court on Wednesday …

Cuban opposition figure arrested ahead of banned protest

Nov 13, 2021 · Cuban dissident, journalist and human rights campaigner Guillermo Farinas has been arrested on Friday, his family said. His arrest on Friday comes three days before …

Russia has officially named jailed opposition leader …

Jan 26, 2022 · MOSCOW — Russian authorities have added imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny and some of his top allies to the country's registry of terrorists and extremists, the latest move in a...

The Corrupt Democrat Cult is doing the same thing that Totalitarian Police States have always done.
They are illegally using our government agencies as political weapons to create a one party country where they will never lose another election.
The indictment of Trump is 100% politically motivated.
It is election interference and election rigging.
It is a banana republic junta level of politics.
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Venezuela Supreme Court orders arrest of opposition …

Aug 8, 2018 · Venezuela Supreme Court orders arrest of opposition leaders. CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuela’s Supreme Court on Wednesday …

Cuban opposition figure arrested ahead of banned protest

Nov 13, 2021 · Cuban dissident, journalist and human rights campaigner Guillermo Farinas has been arrested on Friday, his family said. His arrest on Friday comes three days before …

Russia has officially named jailed opposition leader …

Jan 26, 2022 · MOSCOW — Russian authorities have added imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny and some of his top allies to the country's registry of terrorists and extremists, the latest move in a...

The Corrupt Democrat Cult is doing the same thing that Totalitarian Police States have always done.
They are illegally using our government agencies as a political weapons to create a one party country where they will never lose another election.
The indictment of Trump is 100% politically motivated.
It is election interference and election rigging.
It is a banana republic junta level of politics.
No. If he were jailed and never heard from again...THAT'S election interference.

This? just comeuppance...50 years in the making. :)

Venezuela Supreme Court orders arrest of opposition …

Aug 8, 2018 · Venezuela Supreme Court orders arrest of opposition leaders. CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuela’s Supreme Court on Wednesday …

Cuban opposition figure arrested ahead of banned protest

Nov 13, 2021 · Cuban dissident, journalist and human rights campaigner Guillermo Farinas has been arrested on Friday, his family said. His arrest on Friday comes three days before …

Russia has officially named jailed opposition leader …

Jan 26, 2022 · MOSCOW — Russian authorities have added imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny and some of his top allies to the country's registry of terrorists and extremists, the latest move in a...

The Corrupt Democrat Cult is doing the same thing that Totalitarian Police States have always done.
They are illegally using our government agencies as a political weapons to create a one party country where they will never lose another election.
The indictment of Trump is 100% politically motivated.
It is election interference and election rigging.
It is a banana republic junta level of politics.
It depends on whether the opposition guy broke the law or not.
I don’t think the constitution says that only people from the same party as DOJ incumbents can be arrested
It's a breakdown of the American system, but the opposition leader chose the deviation from the course of normalcy himself.

Now he could quite likely drown in what he's created.

My thoughts and ............. are with him if he takes the road forward to being antiwar.
It depends on whether the opposition guy broke the law or not.
I don’t think the constitution says that only people from the same party as DOJ incumbents can be arrested
selective prosecution is unequal justice

The Corrupt Democrat Cult is doing the same thing that Totalitarian Police States have always done.
Oh quit yer bitching.

19 Benghazi investigations, where the goal was to "Lock her Up" and harm her election chances.

(R) just suck at everything except deflection, denial, and damn lying.
Trump is one lucky son of a bitch, anyone else would be behind bars.
It's become quite likely he will be soon, if he doesn't still wield the power to frighten the other side to back down. The case against him is near ironclad and certainy would be in any country with a legitimate justice system.

In fact, it can be easily imagined that he would have been executed for treason.

Still he's the best of two bad choices when the other has snared himself into a war that he can never win.

Venezuela Supreme Court orders arrest of opposition …

Aug 8, 2018 · Venezuela Supreme Court orders arrest of opposition leaders. CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuela’s Supreme Court on Wednesday …

Cuban opposition figure arrested ahead of banned protest

Nov 13, 2021 · Cuban dissident, journalist and human rights campaigner Guillermo Farinas has been arrested on Friday, his family said. His arrest on Friday comes three days before …

Russia has officially named jailed opposition leader …

Jan 26, 2022 · MOSCOW — Russian authorities have added imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny and some of his top allies to the country's registry of terrorists and extremists, the latest move in a...

The Corrupt Democrat Cult is doing the same thing that Totalitarian Police States have always done.
They are illegally using our government agencies as political weapons to create a one party country where they will never lose another election.
The indictment of Trump is 100% politically motivated.
It is election interference and election rigging.
It is a banana republic junta level of politics.
You do realize that all of those countries, Russia, Cuba and Venezuela are dictatorships ruled by Authoritarians?

It is the Republican Party which joined Trump to take power and keep power, the one which tried to turn the US into an Authoritarian country like those ones.

But you may throw as many bananas as you like, because the evidence is beyond strong that even Fox News experts are saying so.

You do realize that all of those countries, Russia, Cuba and Venezuela are dictatorships ruled by Authoritarians?

It is the Republican Party which joined Trump to take power and keep power, the one which tried to turn the US into an Authoritarian country like those ones.

But you may throw as many bananas as you like, because the evidence is beyond strong that even Fox News experts are saying so.

You are a ridiculous person. Donald Trump was one of the least "authoritarian" President's this country's ever had.

"Of the last three presidents, Trump was either the most indifferent or the most obstructed when it came to using government agencies for his own partisan political advantages or to neuter his enemies.

For the Left, Donald Trump is synonymous with “fascism” (or “semi-fascism,” as Joe Biden put it the other day). And for Liz Cheney and most of the NeverTrumpers, he remains an existential threat to democracy.

But to quantify those charges, what exactly has Trump done extralegally - as opposed to his bombast and braggadocio about what he might have wished to have done?

And what are the standards by which to judge this supposed menace?

Did Trump illegally and with a mere signature nullify over $300 billion of contracted student loans—to firm up his college-student and college-graduate base nine weeks before the midterm elections?

If Trump wished to abuse his power over the IRS, he would have followed the Obama model of weaponizing it during a reelection year to go after his ideological enemies.

Did Trump blatantly use the national security apparatus of the government to enhance his own reelection bid in 2020?

Was Trump ever caught on a hot mic promising a Russian president that he would try to ease Russian worries about Eastern European missile defense if only the Russians would give him space during his 2012 campaign for president against Mitt Romney?

Did Trump weaponize the FBI? That is, did the FBI go after journalists, former Obama officials, or Democratic Party activists who variously were attacking Don Jr. or Ivanka on the pretenses of retrieving one of their lost laptops or diaries?

Are there texts of Trump-era FBI agents talking about how to “stop” Hillary Clinton’s or Biden’s election bid?

Did the Trump Justice Department start an investigation of the suspected illegal lobbying of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, who used the former’s political connections to win large cash payments from foreign governments?

Did Trump order an FBI raid on the Obama home, on rumors that there were thousands of documents under dispute with the National Archives in his possession, especially given the Obama record of fiercely fighting any Freedom of Information Act lawsuits to release his documents?

Was Jake Sullivan’s phone grabbed by the FBI at an airport to determine his role in the Russian collusion hoax?

Are there now any former Trump loyalists who, as “anonymous” officials in cabinet agencies or obstructionists on the National Security Council, are writing op-eds about their stealthy daily efforts to undermine Biden’s executive orders or his administration’s action?

Are there now “50 former intelligence officials” who signed affidavits in support of Trump’s allegations about the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop?

Between 2017 and 2020, did Trump’s team systematically seek to change the voting laws in key states to radically transform traditional balloting, in a mail-in or early voting revolution, in which only 30 percent of the electorate would vote on Election Day?

Was there any “dark money” effort analogous to the efforts of corporate and tech money along with DNC activists and Biden operators in what Time magazine’s Molly Ball described as a “conspiracy” to ensure the defeat of Trump’s opponent?

How about Trump’s efforts to revolutionize the very system of government? Did he promote a court-packing scheme to ensure he might not just get a 5-4 majority, but perhaps an 11-4 conservative advantage in a new 15-justice Supreme Court?

Did he dream up ways of getting rid of the Electoral College so the “blue wall” might never return?

Did Trump as president meet with CIA and FBI directors who, in their weekly and daily briefings, apprised him of efforts to monitor, spy, and infiltrate the campaign of Joe Biden?

The strange thing about Trump was that he did not use extraordinary powers to investigate anyone unlawfully. He boasted, he railed, he screamed, he whined, he became at times crude and obnoxious. But he did not use the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, or the IRS to go after the Obamas, the Clintons, or the Bidens.

In fact, of the last three presidents, Trump was either the most inept or indifferent, or the most obstructed concerning any issue of using government agencies for his own partisan political advantages or to neuter his enemies. "

The Strangest Thing About "Semi-Fascist" Trump | ZeroHedge
Trump's last resort is definitely in getting better than a million strong Americans on the streets in support of him. There's no legal mechanism left to him that can save his ass.
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It's a travesty that our country has sunk to the level of third-world shitholes, where they arrest opposition leaders.
Look, I am sick of this shit. You don't get to play the victim card after obviously breaking the damn law. Trump is a stupid ass shit. I mean seriously, he doesn't have the damn sense to come in out of the rain. He broke the law, he admitted he broke the law, hell, he bragged about breaking the law, and he needs to be in a damn jail cell with a big ass black dude as his roomie.

Venezuela Supreme Court orders arrest of opposition …

Aug 8, 2018 · Venezuela Supreme Court orders arrest of opposition leaders. CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuela’s Supreme Court on Wednesday …

Cuban opposition figure arrested ahead of banned protest

Nov 13, 2021 · Cuban dissident, journalist and human rights campaigner Guillermo Farinas has been arrested on Friday, his family said. His arrest on Friday comes three days before …

Russia has officially named jailed opposition leader …

Jan 26, 2022 · MOSCOW — Russian authorities have added imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny and some of his top allies to the country's registry of terrorists and extremists, the latest move in a...

The Corrupt Democrat Cult is doing the same thing that Totalitarian Police States have always done.
They are illegally using our government agencies as political weapons to create a one party country where they will never lose another election.
The indictment of Trump is 100% politically motivated.
It is election interference and election rigging.
It is a banana republic junta level of politics.

If trump was charged and arrested on a real crime 1 time then I would say "well that sucks but he broke the law".

But let's face it, they have been after trump since he ran as president the first time and it's been a non stop barrage ever since.

He has been impeached twice and had a Jan 6 council on him for over a year and been sued multiple times. All by a large amount of prominent American politicians with unlimited funding and the help of the fbi and doj. They got him on nothing.

Then they raided his house and brought trumped (no pun intended) charges against him more times.

Now this current indictment.

At what point do people not see this has nothing to do with justice or what's right. It's about a political party using tax payer dollars and government agencies to blindly attack a political opponent to keep him from running as president and nothing more.

This isn't even really about trump anymore. It's about the current administration turning the government and media against people they disagree with to punish them and force them into submission. This isnt us watching them attack trump, it's about us watching what they will do to us if they get away with it and succeed.
If trump was charged and arrested on a real crime 1 time then I would say "well that sucks but he broke the law".

But let's face it, they have been after trump since he ran as president the first time and it's been a non stop barrage ever since.

He has been impeached twice and had a Jan 6 council on him for over a year and been sued multiple times. All by a large amount of prominent American politicians with unlimited funding and the help of the fbi and doj. They got him on nothing.

Then they raided his house and brought trumped (no pun intended) charges against him more times.

Now this current indictment.

At what point do people not see this has nothing to do with justice or what's right. It's about a political party using tax payer dollars and government agencies to blindly attack a political opponent to keep him from running as president and nothing more.

This isn't even really about trump anymore. It's about the current administration turning the government and media against people they disagree with to punish them and force them into submission. This isnt us watching them attack trump, it's about us watching what they will do to us if they get away with it and succeed.
The dumb Democrat Cultists screamed that Trump is destroying our "democracy", while the Democrat Party is using our government as a political weapon.
If trump was charged and arrested on a real crime 1 time then I would say "well that sucks but he broke the law".

But let's face it, they have been after trump since he ran as president the first time and it's been a non stop barrage ever since.

He has been impeached twice and had a Jan 6 council on him for over a year and been sued multiple times. All by a large amount of prominent American politicians with unlimited funding and the help of the fbi and doj. They got him on nothing.

Then they raided his house and brought trumped (no pun intended) charges against him more times.

Now this current indictment.

At what point do people not see this has nothing to do with justice or what's right. It's about a political party using tax payer dollars and government agencies to blindly attack a political opponent to keep him from running as president and nothing more.

This isn't even really about trump anymore. It's about the current administration turning the government and media against people they disagree with to punish them and force them into submission. This isnt us watching them attack trump, it's about us watching what they will do to us if they get away with it and succeed.
Trump's last resort is a massive show of support by Americans, because the legal system has him cornered now.

It may not be over for him if he can still make the people listen to his pleas. But he also has to be very cautious on not calling for violence in words that the lalw can interpret as that.

It's a long shot for Trump but the odds are somewhat evened on account of the American people coming to the realization that the alternative is Biden's war against Russia that America can never win.

Not to suggest that Russia can win either, but to say that neither side can afford to lose!

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