Is America Still a "Free Country"

Is America Still a "Free Country"

  • Free to be under surveillance by NSA

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • Enjoy your audit for speaking out against the government

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • I got free stuff, so yeah, it's a free country

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 60.0%

  • Total voters
Where do Rights come from?
Who has the Power to effect them, rightly or wrongly?

To paraphrase George Carlin...

There are no "rights".

There are the privilages that society agrees you should have, even if begrudgingly.

It can't be a right if it can be taken away. Anyone who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese Americans- 1942."

We have a Second Amendment to guard against your Nazi ideology

and the second you exercise that right you have private standing army to mow you down and lock you up as a terrorist and detain you forever.
Is America Still a "Free Country"

Poll to follow

Where do Rights come from?
Who has the Power to effect them, rightly or wrongly?

the problem with rights is that you can claim anything you want to claim as a right, but then insuring that you can enjoy them against ANY trespasser is another story.

In the final analysis governments depend upon force, when someone violates your rights its the job of the government to protect those rights.

However the DeShaney case and several others the courts said they have no obligation to protect you.

Now we have a problem since governments are created to protect rights.

We have a breach of contract, breach of trust which nullifies the contract.

We have a constitution that one party solely interprets (the government)

Wouldnt it be nice to make a contract with a nation and be the only party who can interpret its meaning and intent and then lay laws down according to those determinations?

How about you put me in charge? I will be the government and the party who interprets the intent and meaning of the contract.

Thats fair right?

Meet your new ruler!
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Repub voters (AKA- you people) have really snapped, this time, over our proud, two-term, African American President :afro: The melt down in 2014 is going to be delicious :eusa_drool:
I'm a Republican (barely, but still) and I voted for Alan Keyes in the 2000 primary. I voted for the black guy before it was cool.

But keep on pretending my objections to Obama are based on the color of his skin.
Where do Rights come from?
Who has the Power to effect them, rightly or wrongly?

To paraphrase George Carlin...

There are no "rights".

There are the privilages that society agrees you should have, even if begrudgingly.

It can't be a right if it can be taken away. Anyone who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese Americans- 1942."

We have a Second Amendment to guard against your Nazi ideology

Um, the government has tanks, planes, drones and missiles.

All you got is your little penis compensator.

and the day they take you out, your neighbors will be cheering because you were scaring their children.
Where do Rights come from?
Who has the Power to effect them, rightly or wrongly?

To paraphrase George Carlin...

There are no "rights".

There are the privilages that society agrees you should have, even if begrudgingly.

It can't be a right if it can be taken away. Anyone who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese Americans- 1942."

We have a Second Amendment to guard against your Nazi ideology

Godwin's Law attained.

\end thread
To paraphrase George Carlin...

There are no "rights".

There are the privilages that society agrees you should have, even if begrudgingly.

It can't be a right if it can be taken away. Anyone who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese Americans- 1942."

We have a Second Amendment to guard against your Nazi ideology

Um, the government has tanks, planes, drones and missiles.

All you got is your little penis compensator.

and the day they take you out, your neighbors will be cheering because you were scaring their children.

Tell us again how you were a Republican

I love that story
All I can say is thangod for Sen Warren (D) & the CFPB for protecting me from those "free" soulless, for-profit, blood sucking, corps/insurance co's. :)
We are a constitutional republic of We the People, not We the Crusaders.

Get a majority, Frank, and somebody will talk to you.
To paraphrase George Carlin...

There are no "rights".

There are the privilages that society agrees you should have, even if begrudgingly.

It can't be a right if it can be taken away. Anyone who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese Americans- 1942."

We have a Second Amendment to guard against your Nazi ideology

and the second you exercise that right you have private standing army to mow you down and lock you up as a terrorist and detain you forever.

They mow me down and then they lock me up? That's harsh

But if that's how its going to be I'd rather that than living my life as an Obama Fluffer.
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God no!

The USA is an Empire. We are all serfs. We flushed our freedom down the toilet during the Civil War.
Free compared to what? Free compared to Darfur or North Korea? Yes.
Free compared to Finland, Sweden or the Netherlands? We are on equal par but they have a higher standard of living.[

No, they don't have a higher standard of living. The U.S is rated 6th in GDP in terms of Purchasing Power Parity, according to the World Bank. The Netherlands is rates 12th. Sweden is 15th. Finland is 23th.

Within our own country we are freer now than in the 19th century because we allowed slavery of blacks, women were not allowed to own property or vote and we had no child labor laws.

So kids, women and blacks were not free then but they are now with the abolishment of slavery, the enforcement of child labor laws and women's rights. So as a nation are freer now than in previous times.

Slavery only existed until 1865. Woman were allowed to own property, and voting is not part of freedom. It's just a means of choosing a new gang of criminals to fleece the populace. Child labor laws reduce freedom, not increase it.
We are not free so long as we are a debtor nation.
We are not free when government has the power and we the people don't.
Is America Still a "Free Country"

What a ridiculous question.

Not only is America a free country, but all Americans enjoy greater freedom today than at any time in this great Nation’s history.

There’s more work to do, of course, as we strive to overcome the fear and ignorance of conservative reactionaries; but the best America is yet to come.

Gay Americans are at last realizing most of their freedoms, save that of equal access to marriage law – but that will come in time as well.

And transgender Americans are starting their struggle to realize their right to individual liberty.

But as American society continues to grow more diverse and inclusive, every citizen will at last enjoy the freedom and liberty that are indeed his civil rights.

You know paralegal, I read your responses and can't help but chuckle out loud. You're something else....:lol:
Free compared to what? Free compared to Darfur or North Korea? Yes.
Free compared to Finland, Sweden or the Netherlands? We are on equal par but they have a higher standard of living.

Within our own country we are freer now than in the 19th century because we allowed slavery of blacks, women were not allowed to own property or vote and we had no child labor laws. So kids, women and blacks were not free then but they are now with the abolishment of slavery, the enforcement of child labor laws and women's rights. So as a nation are freer now than in previous times.

Jimmy Carter is a democrat and he has stated quite clearly that we no longer have a functioning democracy. But he's just the little old man with the big enough balls to call bullshit on this whole affair. What other living ex-pres has the stones to do that. And if you disagree with JC on that, well then your just fucking wrong.

Democracy is not freedom. It's mob rule.

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