
Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
5 straight years stealing my income tax because of a communist like fake law they made to hurt the poor. They cannot get any lower can they? And they say this is the greatest country--Not as long as hard hearted thieves are running it. I say they are the real terrorists. I would like to sue them.
5 straight years stealing my income tax because of a communist like fake law they made to hurt the poor. They cannot get any lower can they? And they say this is the greatest country--Not as long as hard hearted thieves are running it. I say they are the real terrorists. I would like to sue them.

Well....I' m convinced!

You were eloquent, pithy, succinct, clear, precise!

I do have a concern, though.

I want to have the strongest military in the world but i do NOT want to pay for it.

Care to tell me how this can be done?

yard sales?

Thanks in advance!
I want to have the strongest military in the world but i do NOT want to pay for it.

Care to tell me how this can be done?

Deprivatize and nationalize the fossil fuel and defense industries.
Instead of taxpayer billions going to the CEO's and wealthy shareholders of Exxon, Chevron, BP, Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop, Halliburton, Blackwater and the Carlyle Group....we get the dividends.

We pay the ultimate price when our kids die in the Congo, Somalia and Iraq, so we should get the blood money.

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I want to have the strongest military in the world but i do NOT want to pay for it.

Care to tell me how this can be done?

Deprivatize and nationalize the fossil fuel and defense industries.
Instead of taxpayer billions going to the CEO's and wealthy shareholders of Exxon, Chevron, BP, Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop, Halliburton, Blackwater and the Carlyle Group....we get the dividends.

We pay the ultimate price when our kids die in the Congo, Somalia and Iraq, so we should get the blood money.

Did you just advocate to nationalize fossil fuel like Venezuela and Russia did? :uhh:
If you are poor you pay no income taxes to the feds.
Actually ...
seven states have no personal income tax:
  • Wyoming.
  • Washington.
  • Texas.
  • South Dakota.
  • Nevada.
  • Florida.
  • Alaska.
No shit Sherlock I said feds not state. And no income taxes mean they snag it from another source.
Income tax is an illusion anyway. All the real capital gains are out of our reach already.
There's been at least, at least since 1980 a $20 trillion wealth shift....and that's not counting the national debt which is $22 trillion now can never be paid btw ). By 2009, 90% of the estates of the top .1 % has been funneled from the middle The crash of 2008 was just the tip of the iceburg.

Anyone remember what the price of gold jump was between 1999 and 2007 ?
It went from $300 an ounce to almost $1800.
And then you have to ask the next question with currency wars rising
where is it ? I guarantee it's not in Fort Knox.

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