Irony: CAIR Refusing to Cooperate in Hearings On Why Muslims Don't Cooperate

Two thumbs I have a better chance of being killed by a white male terrorist, than I do a Muslim one. Sorry, it is the truth. I am just point out the hypocrisy of the hearing.
And as for your claim about the groups being watched, why is it the last few attempts my Muslim terrorists were stopped by FBI, CIA etc, but the bomb that was planted in the city I live was found by city workers? Who do you think is being watched more?
Science is my religion.... Timothy McVeigh

An athiest killed all those people

Time: Are you religious?

McVeigh: I was raised Catholic. I was confirmed Catholic (received the sacrament of confirmation). Through my military years, I sort of lost touch with the religion. I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs.

Time: Do you believe in God?

McVeigh: I do believe in a God, yes.

McVeigh No Christian; Worshipped Himself; Said “Science Is My Religion”

Erm no.

McVeigh had ties to the National Alliance and was a Christian. He changed his tune when he thought it was going to hurt the cause. He was done..he knew it and he was deflecting.
I can't be held responsible for your inability to follow the conversation.:eusa_whistle:

More deflection.

You were proven wrong about fact-finding hearings being a Kangaroo Court.

You failed to give me the quote of King as I asked that would back up your claim.

You say King's a Islamophobe for wanting to find out how prevalent Muslim radicalization is in the USA and what are the causes of it, yet you DON'T think Hlder and Napolitano are for saying it's a real problem.

No consistency in your argument and avoiding proving things you've said.

^This is a supersweet example of what passes for conservatarian radio-based, Charlie-Sheen style "winning!" on this message board.

Or, in the parlance of Richard Nixon's best advice: Declare victory and get the fuck out.

Actually, it's YOU who dismisses those FACTS that I enumerated with platitudes instead of any substance.

Where's the quote I asked for? Come on...PROVE what you said!
Science is my religion.... Timothy McVeigh

An athiest killed all those people

Time: Are you religious?

McVeigh: I was raised Catholic. I was confirmed Catholic (received the sacrament of confirmation). Through my military years, I sort of lost touch with the religion. I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs.

Time: Do you believe in God?

McVeigh: I do believe in a God, yes.

What a pathetic attempt!!!

Timothy McVeigh DIDN'T murder anyone in the name of his religion.

Not that that has anything at all to do with this topic anyhow.

Sure he did. So did Koresh and Rudolph.
Time: Are you religious?

McVeigh: I was raised Catholic. I was confirmed Catholic (received the sacrament of confirmation). Through my military years, I sort of lost touch with the religion. I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs.

Time: Do you believe in God?

McVeigh: I do believe in a God, yes.

What a pathetic attempt!!!

Timothy McVeigh DIDN'T murder anyone in the name of his religion.

Not that that has anything at all to do with this topic anyhow.

Sure he did. So did Koresh and Rudolph.

The subject is McVeigh.

Show me where he said he bombed that building in the name of his religion.
Why cooperate with Peter King...who supported Terrorism against the Brits?

That's new to me. Got a link?


“We must pledge ourselves to support those brave men and women who this very moment are carrying forth the struggle against British imperialism in the streets of Belfast and Derry,” Mr. King told a pro-I.R.A. rally on Long Island, where he was serving as Nassau County comptroller, in 1982. Three years later he declared, “If civilians are killed in an attack on a military installation, it is certainly regrettable, but I will not morally blame the I.R.A. for it.”

Peter King is an asshole and a bomb thrower. I don't need a freakin stupid "committee" to tell me how to curb terrorism from any "radical religious nuts". It's pretty simple..and well with in the founding concepts of our nation:

-We are a secular nation that supports religious freedom. You don't get to kill people in the name of it and you don't get to bully members into not seeking outside help. Stick with that. The government shouldn't be advocating or demonizing any religions. I listened to the hearing, that was not done, they were very specific about getting the radicals out.
-We are a nation that believes in defending our shores and freely trading with other nations. We are NOT an empire. We shouldn't have bases all around the world. We shouldn't be taking control of the natural resources of other countries.
-Stop killing people in other lands. Enough already. Don't know specifically what the rest had to do with killer muslims, but I couldn't possibly agree more.

That's from 1985.

Are you the same person from 1985? Any chance he's changed?

bit of a long held grudge dontcha think?
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Peter King is an asshole and a bomb thrower. I don't need a freakin stupid "committee" to tell me how to curb terrorism from any "radical religious nuts". It's pretty simple..and well with in the founding concepts of our nation:

-We are a secular nation that supports religious freedom. Stick with that. The government shouldn't be advocating or demonizing any religions.
-We are a nation that believes in defending our shores and freely trading with other nations. We are NOT an empire. We shouldn't have bases all around the world. We shouldn't be taking control of the natural resources of other countries.
-Stop killing people in other lands. Enough already.

There is a limit to religious freedom. You cannot invoke religious freedom under civil laws, and then violate due process (by executing people without democratic trials or defense) that are part of those same laws.

By enforcing Constitutional checks and balances, and ethics, this would address your second point about not abusing government or political power to oppress others denied equal rights to the same freedom and security and protection of interests.

So the same Constitutional corrections would address either religious or political abuses.
Timothy McVeigh didn't do what he did in the name of Christ, get the fuck out of here with that.

Many people have done fucked up shit in the name of Christ. Many people have done heroic deeds to help save their fellow man in the name of Christ. In fact..people have fought wars over what they thought Christ was saying.

Religion is a freaky thing.
Timothy McVeigh didn't do what he did in the name of Christ, get the fuck out of here with that.

Many people have done fucked up shit in the name of Christ. Many people have done heroic deeds to help save their fellow man in the name of Christ. In fact..people have fought wars over what they thought Christ was saying.

Religion is a freaky thing.

I understand that but did Timothy McVeigh blow up the Oklahoma federal building in the name of Jesus? or was it something else?
That's new to me. Got a link?


“We must pledge ourselves to support those brave men and women who this very moment are carrying forth the struggle against British imperialism in the streets of Belfast and Derry,” Mr. King told a pro-I.R.A. rally on Long Island, where he was serving as Nassau County comptroller, in 1982. Three years later he declared, “If civilians are killed in an attack on a military installation, it is certainly regrettable, but I will not morally blame the I.R.A. for it.”

Peter King is an asshole and a bomb thrower. I don't need a freakin stupid "committee" to tell me how to curb terrorism from any "radical religious nuts". It's pretty simple..and well with in the founding concepts of our nation:

-We are a secular nation that supports religious freedom. You don't get to kill people in the name of it and you don't get to bully members into not seeking outside help. Stick with that. The government shouldn't be advocating or demonizing any religions. I listened to the hearing, that was not done, they were very specific about getting the radicals out.
-We are a nation that believes in defending our shores and freely trading with other nations. We are NOT an empire. We shouldn't have bases all around the world. We shouldn't be taking control of the natural resources of other countries.
-Stop killing people in other lands. Enough already. Don't know specifically what the rest had to do with killer muslims, but I couldn't possibly agree more.

That's from 1985.

Are you the same person from 1985? Any chance he's changed?

bit of a long help grudge dontcha think?

You asked for a link..I gave it to you.
Timothy McVeigh didn't do what he did in the name of Christ, get the fuck out of here with that.

Many people have done fucked up shit in the name of Christ. Many people have done heroic deeds to help save their fellow man in the name of Christ. In fact..people have fought wars over what they thought Christ was saying.

Religion is a freaky thing.

I understand that but did Timothy McVeigh blow up the Oklahoma federal building in the name of Jesus? or was it something else?

Personally? I think there were multiple reasons he did what he did. His religion was part of it..but not the whole thing. McVeigh was a big fan of "The Turner Diaries".
Many people have done fucked up shit in the name of Christ. Many people have done heroic deeds to help save their fellow man in the name of Christ. In fact..people have fought wars over what they thought Christ was saying.

Religion is a freaky thing.

I understand that but did Timothy McVeigh blow up the Oklahoma federal building in the name of Jesus? or was it something else?

Personally? I think there were multiple reasons he did what he did. His religion was part of it..but not the whole thing. McVeigh was a big fan of "The Turner Diaries".

To be honest I don't remember much about the bombing, I was still in high school when it happened, I just remember watching shows on tv about McVeigh where he was shown as wanting to bring down the government and a radical, I didn't hear much about him doing this in the name of Christ and wanting to kill non-believers.
All these hearings are going to accomplish, is giving the radicals more reason to hate us, and create a worse environment for Muslim Americans who have nothing to do with terrorism.
Many people have done fucked up shit in the name of Christ. Many people have done heroic deeds to help save their fellow man in the name of Christ. In fact..people have fought wars over what they thought Christ was saying.

Religion is a freaky thing.

I understand that but did Timothy McVeigh blow up the Oklahoma federal building in the name of Jesus? or was it something else?

Personally? I think there were multiple reasons he did what he did. His religion was part of it..but not the whole thing. McVeigh was a big fan of "The Turner Diaries".

And what group did the man who wrote that book belong to?
All these hearings are going to accomplish, is giving the radicals more reason to hate us, and create a worse environment for Muslim Americans who have nothing to do with terrorism.

I'm not debating the legitimacy of the hearings but the radical Muslims that hate Americans will continue to do so with or without the hearings.

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