Irony: CAIR Refusing to Cooperate in Hearings On Why Muslims Don't Cooperate

So I take it that you cannot think of any rebuttal at all about why the California Chapter of CAIR had a poster advocating that their members not cooperate with the FBI?

Wasn't that long ago that Conservatives like Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachmann were advocating similar stuff when it came to the census.

A healthy level of suspicion when it comes to the Feds ain't a bad thing. It's pretty much the basis for the Tea Party. If you're going to investigate every organization that doesn't happily work with the Feds, you'd best clear your calendar.

So NOW you're going to try and make a serious rebuttal that talking to a census worker (not that I heard anything of the like anyhow) is on the same level as reporting terror activity.

Brilliant......NOT. :cuckoo:
How'd we go from discussing radical Islam to white Americans being on trial?

Some radical islamists are white Americans.

What is a" radical islamist "?


There may be bad Muslims utterly unaware of what’s in their holy books. More likely the ” moderates” are trying to give Islam political cover while they spread Islam.

History is replete with stories of these moderates getting religions with its expected results and that is simple not worth taking the chance with.

Thee appears to be Lots of talk is going on about reforming Islam. But it is just to plain to simple to reform. Muhammad told them that they must bring dar al islam to the world and even the Qur'an tells them to do it. You cannot know if your destine for heaven, but, one has to die while fighting to get a free ticket to paradise (and 72 virgins). Some claim it is better to kill than allow for people to look like they are not Muslims .

How do you reform that mindset???????????

Islam tells Muslims to lie so the can subdue non-Muslims and enslave them. :lol: Stick a fork in it; the pig cant wear lipstick.

Christians modernized; why can’t fundemental leaning muhammadans becoome more "moderate?" There is a simple answer to that. Jesus of the Bible, is a saintly figure. He is the embodiment of goodness. So if you don’t mind having faith, Christianity can lead you to becoming a good and compassionate person. Of course fanatics are everywhere but the message if Christ is not fanatical. Recall when the Pharisees brought a prostitute to him, asking him what to do with her! His response was: “Let the one who has not sinned throw the first stone.” If you really practice this teaching alone you will become a good and compassionate human being.

But Islam is different. The author of Islam was a vile man. He is not a mythological figure. He really existed and his acts are recorded. Many ludicrous miracles are attributed to him but once you put aside all those nonsense and study this man’s life, the portrait of a psychopath emerges. Muhammad was anything but saintly. There is not a single act of goodness in this man’s entire life. Even his kindness and generosity were manipulative and politically motivated. Take the example of his largesse to the Meccans. He raided the big tribe of Hawazin, killed many of them, took away all their belongings and captured their wives and children. Their elders came to him supplicating for mercy. They brought along Shima, his milk-sister, the daughter of Halima who had nursed him for five years when he was a child to tell him about his childhood among them and to soften his heart. She reminded him how she used to carry him on her back and how tenderly her people took care of him. He told them if they convert to Islam they can choose between their loved ones and their property. Is that a choice? They chose their loved ones. Then Muhammad gave all the booty stolen from these nomads to the potentates of Mecca . Those higher in rank received more. Other tribes who had taken part in the war and had helped him win, protested. They asked for their share and were about to start a mutiny. He made a “moving” speech and said "I want to soften the hearts of the Meccans towards Islam” and told those who had received nothing; “You take the Prophet of God with you instead. Which you prefer? The wealth of this world or the messenger of Allah?”

This cunning man was a master of deceptions and manipulations. He ruined the lives of thousands of Hawazin, killed them and stole all their herds, camels, and properties and gave them to the wealthy Meccans to “soften their hearts towards Islam”. There is not a single episode in this man’s life that was done out of the goodness of his heart. Every act he performed was calculated and manipulative. He was a psychopath narcissist much worse than Hitler.

The difference between Christianity and Islam is in Jesus and Muhammad. This is the difference between day and night. Jesus was the insignia of goodness and Muhammad was the incarnation of everything that is abhorrent and evil.

“Can Islam be reformed”? To reform Islam you have to first get rid of Muhammad, his Companions, and reform the Quran. You have to take out a great portion of that book. But this you can’t because you have no authority to do such thing. Muhammad said that he has perfected his religion. 5:3 How can you improve something that is perfect? You can’t change the Quran. You can’t reform it. All you can do is to reinterpret and pretend “slay the unbelievers wherever you find them” means something else.

Or you can say these parts of the Quran are no more applicable. The problem is that who can decide which parts of the Quran are applicable and which parts are obsolete? Who has such authority to make this decision? If you rely on your own conscience and say the verses that call for murder are outdated, someone else like Khomeni could protest and say “Why do you Mullahs only go after the ordinances of prayer and fasting? Why do you only read the Quranic verses of mercy and do not read the verses of killing? Quran says; kill, imprison! Why are you only clinging to the part that talks about mercy? Mercy is against God. ”
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