bob dowling

Mar 3, 2015
Dowling What the rest of the world never sees , unless one is interested or has spent time in Colombia,hence wondering how,why a "Democratic" country,"free elections"Ally of US,strategically located in the Western Hemisphere,a country financially dependant & supported in every conceivable way by US Govt, can possibly be as corrupt, blatant chief abuser of human rights,,country who permits violence against their own people. extrajudicial acts murder kidnapping,death squads,massacres,paramilitary para politics, resulting in five million IDP,,crimes against humanity all with NO OPPOSITION by US GOVT, allegedly in name of fighting Terrorism ,attempting to assign FARC total blame,while holding Colombian authorities as righteous defenders of US values, true democracy oldest democracy in Latin America ,who unfortunately have been victimized for 55 years by uneducated peasants"

.However the reality is quite different,Reality being US/CO GOVT has systematically behind dark curtain orchestrated what can only be seen as a naked land grab; US/MULTI NATIONAL CORP;S with full complicity of Colombian authorities plain sight the thief of peasants land and the destruction of a generations of political opposition.US government has no altruistic motives, US policy is driven solely by a wealth of Colombia's natural resources primarily situated on the very land occupied owed for decades& centuries by rural the inhabitants ,indigenous, Afro-Colombians, and peasants.

Colombian authorities always beholden to carry out US -Colombia doctrine JFK 1962 ensure adherence" US government policy Latin American Doctrine" introduced in 1947 ;1962 the doctrine became urgent and,imperative Latin American puppets must carry out the doctrine or pay the consequence,

,The US government sense of urgency I attributed largely to the JFK &US government "Bay Of Pigs" failure and the entire fiasco of Cuba which JFK administration presided. ,JFK paranoia of the Castro performance being duplicated in Latin American countries was a possibility due to US policy of supporting dictators notably Brazil Argentina,or military juntas ,I don't however believe the seismic shift would have occurred as early , if not for 1973 blunder by US President Nixon of interfering and subsequently authorizing regime change in Chile election of S. Allende Paranoid President Richard Nixon accompanied by morally bankrupt ,unconscious able, future war criminal Henry Kissinger a man with a history of condoning human right violations,supporting brutal dictators, lying to congress ,before19 73 Kissinger was involved in1970 Uruguay, with a long-standing democratic tradition

The U.S. government feared the leftist tupamaros would topple a weak Uruguayan government .US Government answer, economic and security assistance;Police Military only benefactors &locally in charge of enforcing the Latin American doctrine, do whats in the best interest of the US US using the cover of U.S. AID Office of Public Safety to helped enhance the counterinsurgency techniques of a Uruguayan police renowned for the use of torture among prisoners improved by attending SOA in US Dan Mitrione, the OPS point was kidnapped 1970,demanding the release of 150 Tupamaro prisoners also 1970 US,also imported‘Escuadrón de la Muerte’ [death squad] to kill family members suspected of affiliation with the guerrillas

By doing what is in the best interest of US Government using military force if needed Colombia was hard pressed since there hasn't been an new outside threat in over twenty years No communism, NO Soviet Union, No invasions,,NO Cold war,add the failure of War on Drugs,&US has a problem justifying the almost trillion dollars spent plus the billions more needed going forward. Answer helped by 911.Bush finds an answer, more terrorist to fight,fortunately for Bush three potential candidates were in COLOMBIA FARC,ELN,AUC,the forth Cuba. None represented or have ever attacked or threaten the US or Colombia's neighbors,nevertheless with Colombia;s government on board all three were added post haste as world wide Terrorist organization opening the flood gates for money,arms, strategic planning, and control o "our"natural resources

The perfect storm US policy {Colombia Doctrine}Colombian government,Oligarchies are 2 pct of population& owners of 65 Pfc the land,Colombia in total chaos 45 percent or rest of the country,The charade had been advanced by creating distractions to US, Colombia & World citizens by a combination{perfect storm} fumigation of land using the cover of a failed"WAR ON DRUGS" which has failed miserably, because the real intended purpose was not destroying DRUGS[both are weeds & just return unlike the targeted crops .Forcing land owners farmers peasants to move out due to the constant fumigating of their land rendering the majority of land no longer capable of producing/The Land , WARS ON DRUGS -TERROR are the excuse to get away with "Modern day version of the CRUSADES' ,with money replacing ,,,,,as the real motivation. Who are the new insurgents ,since there are NO real opponents for US to disguise as a threat to Democracy The new enemy ,new insurgents,are the poor, hence WAR against the poor is the most accurate description

Even by Nixon low standards by his instigation,organizing covert ,black ops green lighting killing the chief of staff of the Military in Chile clearing the way for a violent military coup,murder of a democratically elected President Allende installing a future war criminal, a traitor to Chile "Pinochet" who lasted 17yrs was beginning of the end US political domination

The entire continent of Latin American except Colombia had seen enough of US aid ,help"" by doing what is in the best interest of US Government using military force against their own people.Will Colombians ever figure out their[Colombia's] Democracy is an illusion /non existent for 80 PERCENT AND CHARADE FOR 20 PERCENT

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