CDZ Intergenerationality

No. There is no reason why an adult man should be interacting with young teen girls or boys, unless it is a parent, teacher or other family member.

But it's ok if it's an adult woman doing the interacting -.-?

Nope. It is not.

In that case, ChrisL would also be "guilty". She has certainly interacted with the same minor I have, in the very same sub forums on here, no less.

In fact, I have been keeping a close eye on a couple of former female teachers that are in contact with my son.

I'm not saying that teacher/minor interactions can't be inappropriate. I'm pretty sure we have all read certain news stories. That being said, they can also be helpful for both parties. I really think that adults sometimes lose sight of their "inner child", and I also think that minors need guidance in their road to adulthood. Most people would agree with that. Teachers are even vetted, so I think they, of all people, should have more leeway in doing so. Judging by the fact that you are allowing your song to continue to interact with some of his former female teachers, it seems that you may well be in agreement with me on that count.
Pedophiles play a role in that.

Yes, adults who prey on minors certainly do play a role in that. But as has been mentioned here before, such adults generally do so within their own circles- their own families or children of their friends. Trying this type of thing online is likely to get them arrested, because parents and guardians are much more vigilant when it comes to people outside of their own circles.

That is not true.

I disagree...

**Very often the TV, radio and newspaper cover stories about children who are abused, abducted and even murdered, usually by strangers but it is important to know that these are not typical crimes. Sexual abusers are more likely to be people we know, and could well be people we care about; after all more than 8 out of 10 children who are sexually abused know their abuser. They are family members or friends, neighbours or babysitters – many hold responsible positions in society. Some will seek out employment which brings them into contact with children, some will hold positions of trust which can help to convince other adults that they are beyond reproach, making it hard for adults to raise their concerns.**

Source: Child sexual abuse questions answered

Facts and Statistics

Does that really matter? It is well known that children are in fact abused by strangers on the internet.

Yes, ofcourse it matters. It means that the main danger when it comes to sexual abuse of minors comes from people within their own circles, not from online strangers. That doesn't mean that there aren't some cases where strangers are doing the abusing. But even there, it can only occur if the minors don't take certain precautions, such as not revealing their addresses, full names or phone numbers. I think the most important thing here is whether the benefits of minors interacting with adults online outweigh the potential drawbacks. I believe they do.

I don't care about that. YOU are responsible as the adult in the situation to draw the line. What are the benefits to engaging in a relationship with a child behind their parent's back, when you are a stranger to that child?
No. There is no reason why an adult man should be interacting with young teen girls or boys, unless it is a parent, teacher or other family member.

But it's ok if it's an adult woman doing the interacting -.-?

Nope. It is not.

In that case, ChrisL would also be "guilty". She has certainly interacted with the same minor I have, in the very same sub forums on here, no less.

In fact, I have been keeping a close eye on a couple of former female teachers that are in contact with my son.

I'm not saying that teacher/minor interactions can't be inappropriate. I'm pretty sure we have all read certain news stories. That being said, they can also be helpful for both parties. I really think that adults sometimes lose sight of their "inner child", and I also think that minors need guidance in their road to adulthood. Most people would agree with that. Teachers are even vetted, so I think they, of all people, should have more leeway in doing so. Judging by the fact that you are allowing your song to continue to interact with some of his former female teachers, it seems that you may well be in agreement with me on that count.

I don't private message with minors online. Don't try to bring me into this. I simply answered some of her posts.
No. There is no reason why an adult man should be interacting with young teen girls or boys, unless it is a parent, teacher or other family member.

But it's ok if it's an adult woman doing the interacting -.-?

Nope. It is not.

In that case, ChrisL would also be "guilty". She has certainly interacted with the same minor I have, in the very same sub forums on here, no less.

In fact, I have been keeping a close eye on a couple of former female teachers that are in contact with my son.

I'm not saying that teacher/minor interactions can't be inappropriate. I'm pretty sure we have all read certain news stories. That being said, they can also be helpful for both parties. I really think that adults sometimes lose sight of their "inner child", and I also think that minors need guidance in their road to adulthood. Most people would agree with that. Teachers are even vetted, so I think they, of all people, should have more leeway in doing so. Judging by the fact that you are allowing your song to continue to interact with some of his former female teachers, it seems that you may well be in agreement with me on that count.

That is the parent's job to provide guidance, not some strange 40-year-old man on the internet without the parents knowing about it.
I can imagine various reactions. The bottom line, in my view, is that people of all ages will make friends with people of all ages. I think the important thing in a society is to try to ensure that the relationships anyone has are good ones. I think that trying to severe any type of interactions between adults and minors when not in a school setting can be worse. Tell me, have you seen the film "Lord of the Flies"?

Irrelevant. You, as an adult man, should not be befriending minors on the internet.

So if I was an adult woman, it would be ok?

I certainly wouldn't do it. I'm not interested in making friends with teenagers.

Alright. But it seems clear that you don't mind -interacting- with them. You have even seemed to be downright friendly while doing it. Who knows, if you do it enough, you might even develop a friendship with one :p.

However, most internet predators are MEN. most pedophiles are MEN.

Fine. That being said, I think there's way too much hype about them. Here's a quote I found to be interesting:
**Everyone is panicking about sexual predators online, ... that's why parents are freaking. But what they really need to freak about and pay a lot more attention about is cyberstalking, harassment and cyberbullying ...

I talk to 10,000 teens and pre-teens a month in person, 10,000. We have polled 50,000 of these kids and found that between 85 and now 100 percent ... of the kids told me that they had been cyberbullied at least once. ....

We've had six kids that I'm aware of commit suicide in the United States in the last few years because they've been cyberbullied, and just recently we've just lost the first kid who committed suicide because her best friend had been cyberbullied and committed suicide six months before. So we now have one level beyond the cyberbullying, where kids have decided they can't live with what's happening to them. ...

Source: Keeping Kids Safe - The Predator Fear | Growing Up Online | FRONTLINE | PBS

A woman would tend to have more in common with a teen girl than an adult male.

I suppose so, but males aren't -that- different then females. Furthermore, I think there is certainly some value in learning about how males are -different- then females as well. In schools, there seems to be a trend where there are less and less male teachers, perhaps in part due to the hysteria regarding male sexual predators. This can have a very negative effect, however, as both male and female minors are deprived of male role models.

Why is it important to you to interact with minors online?

Why must this always be about me -.-? I like interacting with lots of people, whether they are minors or adults. I -especially- like interacting with people who like interacting with me, regardless of their age. That being said, our society has severely curtailed interacting with people in the physical world, especially when it comes to adult/minor interactions. The online world is frequently becoming the only place where such interactions can take place outside of a school setting.
Irrelevant. You, as an adult man, should not be befriending minors on the internet.

So if I was an adult woman, it would be ok?

I certainly wouldn't do it. I'm not interested in making friends with teenagers.

Alright. But it seems clear that you don't mind -interacting- with them. You have even seemed to be downright friendly while doing it. Who knows, if you do it enough, you might even develop a friendship with one :p.

However, most internet predators are MEN. most pedophiles are MEN.

Fine. That being said, I think there's way too much hype about them. Here's a quote I found to be interesting:
**Everyone is panicking about sexual predators online, ... that's why parents are freaking. But what they really need to freak about and pay a lot more attention about is cyberstalking, harassment and cyberbullying ...

I talk to 10,000 teens and pre-teens a month in person, 10,000. We have polled 50,000 of these kids and found that between 85 and now 100 percent ... of the kids told me that they had been cyberbullied at least once. ....

We've had six kids that I'm aware of commit suicide in the United States in the last few years because they've been cyberbullied, and just recently we've just lost the first kid who committed suicide because her best friend had been cyberbullied and committed suicide six months before. So we now have one level beyond the cyberbullying, where kids have decided they can't live with what's happening to them. ...

Source: Keeping Kids Safe - The Predator Fear | Growing Up Online | FRONTLINE | PBS

A woman would tend to have more in common with a teen girl than an adult male.

I suppose so, but males aren't -that- different then females. Furthermore, I think there is certainly some value in learning about how males are -different- then females as well. In schools, there seems to be a trend where there are less and less male teachers, perhaps in part due to the hysteria regarding male sexual predators. This can have a very negative effect, however, as both male and female minors are deprived of male role models.

Why is it important to you to interact with minors online?

Why must this always be about me -.-? I like interacting with lots of people, whether they are minors or adults. I -especially- like interacting with people who like interacting with me, regardless of their age. That being said, our society has severely curtailed interacting with people in the physical world, especially when it comes to adult/minor interactions. The online world is frequently becoming the only place where such interactions can take place outside of a school setting.

For good reason. Now, what do you think her parents would think about this situation?
No. There is no reason why an adult man should be interacting with young teen girls or boys, unless it is a parent, teacher or other family member.

But it's ok if it's an adult woman doing the interacting -.-?

Nope. It is not.

In that case, ChrisL would also be "guilty". She has certainly interacted with the same minor I have, in the very same sub forums on here, no less.

I don't private message with minors online. Don't try to bring me into this. I simply answered some of her posts.

So it's fine if -I'm- dragged into these personal debates, but you're off limits -.-? The subject was interacting with minors. Like me, you interacted with a certain minor here. Disir made a blanket statement on all interactions, there was no differentiation. You seem to have an issue with 1 to 1 communications between an adult and a minor. I'm not sure why.
So if I was an adult woman, it would be ok?

I certainly wouldn't do it. I'm not interested in making friends with teenagers.

Alright. But it seems clear that you don't mind -interacting- with them. You have even seemed to be downright friendly while doing it. Who knows, if you do it enough, you might even develop a friendship with one :p.

However, most internet predators are MEN. most pedophiles are MEN.

Fine. That being said, I think there's way too much hype about them. Here's a quote I found to be interesting:
**Everyone is panicking about sexual predators online, ... that's why parents are freaking. But what they really need to freak about and pay a lot more attention about is cyberstalking, harassment and cyberbullying ...

I talk to 10,000 teens and pre-teens a month in person, 10,000. We have polled 50,000 of these kids and found that between 85 and now 100 percent ... of the kids told me that they had been cyberbullied at least once. ....

We've had six kids that I'm aware of commit suicide in the United States in the last few years because they've been cyberbullied, and just recently we've just lost the first kid who committed suicide because her best friend had been cyberbullied and committed suicide six months before. So we now have one level beyond the cyberbullying, where kids have decided they can't live with what's happening to them. ...

Source: Keeping Kids Safe - The Predator Fear | Growing Up Online | FRONTLINE | PBS

A woman would tend to have more in common with a teen girl than an adult male.

I suppose so, but males aren't -that- different then females. Furthermore, I think there is certainly some value in learning about how males are -different- then females as well. In schools, there seems to be a trend where there are less and less male teachers, perhaps in part due to the hysteria regarding male sexual predators. This can have a very negative effect, however, as both male and female minors are deprived of male role models.

Why is it important to you to interact with minors online?

Why must this always be about me -.-? I like interacting with lots of people, whether they are minors or adults. I -especially- like interacting with people who like interacting with me, regardless of their age. That being said, our society has severely curtailed interacting with people in the physical world, especially when it comes to adult/minor interactions. The online world is frequently becoming the only place where such interactions can take place outside of a school setting.

For good reason.

What is that reason? Stranger danger? Are the dangers of strangers so much higher now then they were? I've never seen any studies showing this to be true. But the public certainly seems to -think- it's true, and that's probably why parents are now being arrested simply for leaving their children in public places like playgrounds unattended.
No. There is no reason why an adult man should be interacting with young teen girls or boys, unless it is a parent, teacher or other family member.

But it's ok if it's an adult woman doing the interacting -.-?

Nope. It is not.

In that case, ChrisL would also be "guilty". She has certainly interacted with the same minor I have, in the very same sub forums on here, no less.

I don't private message with minors online. Don't try to bring me into this. I simply answered some of her posts.

So it's fine if -I'm- dragged into these personal debates, but you're off limits -.-? The subject was interacting with minors. Like me, you interacted with a certain minor here. Disir made a blanket statement on all interactions, there was no differentiation. You seem to have an issue with 1 to 1 communications between an adult and a minor. I'm not sure why.

Did I try to befriend a minor? NO, I did not. Answering questions in this public setting is completely different.
I certainly wouldn't do it. I'm not interested in making friends with teenagers.

Alright. But it seems clear that you don't mind -interacting- with them. You have even seemed to be downright friendly while doing it. Who knows, if you do it enough, you might even develop a friendship with one :p.

However, most internet predators are MEN. most pedophiles are MEN.

Fine. That being said, I think there's way too much hype about them. Here's a quote I found to be interesting:
**Everyone is panicking about sexual predators online, ... that's why parents are freaking. But what they really need to freak about and pay a lot more attention about is cyberstalking, harassment and cyberbullying ...

I talk to 10,000 teens and pre-teens a month in person, 10,000. We have polled 50,000 of these kids and found that between 85 and now 100 percent ... of the kids told me that they had been cyberbullied at least once. ....

We've had six kids that I'm aware of commit suicide in the United States in the last few years because they've been cyberbullied, and just recently we've just lost the first kid who committed suicide because her best friend had been cyberbullied and committed suicide six months before. So we now have one level beyond the cyberbullying, where kids have decided they can't live with what's happening to them. ...

Source: Keeping Kids Safe - The Predator Fear | Growing Up Online | FRONTLINE | PBS

A woman would tend to have more in common with a teen girl than an adult male.

I suppose so, but males aren't -that- different then females. Furthermore, I think there is certainly some value in learning about how males are -different- then females as well. In schools, there seems to be a trend where there are less and less male teachers, perhaps in part due to the hysteria regarding male sexual predators. This can have a very negative effect, however, as both male and female minors are deprived of male role models.

Why is it important to you to interact with minors online?

Why must this always be about me -.-? I like interacting with lots of people, whether they are minors or adults. I -especially- like interacting with people who like interacting with me, regardless of their age. That being said, our society has severely curtailed interacting with people in the physical world, especially when it comes to adult/minor interactions. The online world is frequently becoming the only place where such interactions can take place outside of a school setting.

For good reason.

What is that reason? Stranger danger? Are the dangers of strangers so much higher now then they were? I've never seen any studies showing this to be true. But the public certainly seems to -think- it's true, and that's probably why parents are now being arrested simply for leaving their children in public places like playgrounds unattended.

Please do not change or omit parts of my posts. If you are going to quote me, be sure to include the entire quote without changing it. Thanks.
So if I was an adult woman, it would be ok?

I certainly wouldn't do it. I'm not interested in making friends with teenagers.

Alright. But it seems clear that you don't mind -interacting- with them. You have even seemed to be downright friendly while doing it. Who knows, if you do it enough, you might even develop a friendship with one :p.

However, most internet predators are MEN. most pedophiles are MEN.

Fine. That being said, I think there's way too much hype about them. Here's a quote I found to be interesting:
**Everyone is panicking about sexual predators online, ... that's why parents are freaking. But what they really need to freak about and pay a lot more attention about is cyberstalking, harassment and cyberbullying ...

I talk to 10,000 teens and pre-teens a month in person, 10,000. We have polled 50,000 of these kids and found that between 85 and now 100 percent ... of the kids told me that they had been cyberbullied at least once. ....

We've had six kids that I'm aware of commit suicide in the United States in the last few years because they've been cyberbullied, and just recently we've just lost the first kid who committed suicide because her best friend had been cyberbullied and committed suicide six months before. So we now have one level beyond the cyberbullying, where kids have decided they can't live with what's happening to them. ...

Source: Keeping Kids Safe - The Predator Fear | Growing Up Online | FRONTLINE | PBS

A woman would tend to have more in common with a teen girl than an adult male.

I suppose so, but males aren't -that- different then females. Furthermore, I think there is certainly some value in learning about how males are -different- then females as well. In schools, there seems to be a trend where there are less and less male teachers, perhaps in part due to the hysteria regarding male sexual predators. This can have a very negative effect, however, as both male and female minors are deprived of male role models.

Why is it important to you to interact with minors online?

Why must this always be about me -.-? I like interacting with lots of people, whether they are minors or adults. I -especially- like interacting with people who like interacting with me, regardless of their age. That being said, our society has severely curtailed interacting with people in the physical world, especially when it comes to adult/minor interactions. The online world is frequently becoming the only place where such interactions can take place outside of a school setting.

For good reason. Now, what do you think her parents would think about this situation?

We've gone over that one before. There are a range of possibilities. I think what we should focus on is whether the benefits outweigh the risks of such interactions.
No. There is no reason why an adult man should be interacting with young teen girls or boys, unless it is a parent, teacher or other family member.

But it's ok if it's an adult woman doing the interacting -.-?

Nope. It is not.

In that case, ChrisL would also be "guilty". She has certainly interacted with the same minor I have, in the very same sub forums on here, no less.

I don't private message with minors online. Don't try to bring me into this. I simply answered some of her posts.

So it's fine if -I'm- dragged into these personal debates, but you're off limits -.-? The subject was interacting with minors. Like me, you interacted with a certain minor here. Disir made a blanket statement on all interactions, there was no differentiation. You seem to have an issue with 1 to 1 communications between an adult and a minor. I'm not sure why.

Yes, I have an issue with adult men starting up relationships with teenage girls.
I certainly wouldn't do it. I'm not interested in making friends with teenagers.

Alright. But it seems clear that you don't mind -interacting- with them. You have even seemed to be downright friendly while doing it. Who knows, if you do it enough, you might even develop a friendship with one :p.

However, most internet predators are MEN. most pedophiles are MEN.

Fine. That being said, I think there's way too much hype about them. Here's a quote I found to be interesting:
**Everyone is panicking about sexual predators online, ... that's why parents are freaking. But what they really need to freak about and pay a lot more attention about is cyberstalking, harassment and cyberbullying ...

I talk to 10,000 teens and pre-teens a month in person, 10,000. We have polled 50,000 of these kids and found that between 85 and now 100 percent ... of the kids told me that they had been cyberbullied at least once. ....

We've had six kids that I'm aware of commit suicide in the United States in the last few years because they've been cyberbullied, and just recently we've just lost the first kid who committed suicide because her best friend had been cyberbullied and committed suicide six months before. So we now have one level beyond the cyberbullying, where kids have decided they can't live with what's happening to them. ...

Source: Keeping Kids Safe - The Predator Fear | Growing Up Online | FRONTLINE | PBS

A woman would tend to have more in common with a teen girl than an adult male.

I suppose so, but males aren't -that- different then females. Furthermore, I think there is certainly some value in learning about how males are -different- then females as well. In schools, there seems to be a trend where there are less and less male teachers, perhaps in part due to the hysteria regarding male sexual predators. This can have a very negative effect, however, as both male and female minors are deprived of male role models.

Why is it important to you to interact with minors online?

Why must this always be about me -.-? I like interacting with lots of people, whether they are minors or adults. I -especially- like interacting with people who like interacting with me, regardless of their age. That being said, our society has severely curtailed interacting with people in the physical world, especially when it comes to adult/minor interactions. The online world is frequently becoming the only place where such interactions can take place outside of a school setting.

For good reason. Now, what do you think her parents would think about this situation?

We've gone over that one before. There are a range of possibilities. I think what we should focus on is whether the benefits outweigh the risks of such interactions.

We've gone over what before? I am asking what do you think the parents of a 14-year-old child would say when they found out a 40-something-year-old strange man on the internet was chatting her up in private and trying to befriend her, perhaps accentuating the fact that they both like anime or other such things?
But it's ok if it's an adult woman doing the interacting -.-?

Nope. It is not.

In that case, ChrisL would also be "guilty". She has certainly interacted with the same minor I have, in the very same sub forums on here, no less.

I don't private message with minors online. Don't try to bring me into this. I simply answered some of her posts.

So it's fine if -I'm- dragged into these personal debates, but you're off limits -.-? The subject was interacting with minors. Like me, you interacted with a certain minor here. Disir made a blanket statement on all interactions, there was no differentiation. You seem to have an issue with 1 to 1 communications between an adult and a minor. I'm not sure why.

Did I try to befriend a minor? NO, I did not. Answering questions in this public setting is completely different.

You interacted with one, frequently in a friendly manner. I decided to look up the definition of friendship on google. This is what I came up with:
"a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations."

Sounds like a good thing to me, regardless of the ages involved. Sometimes, people of all ages don't want to interact with others in a public setting. There are many reasons for this, one of which being that some things are hard to talk about in a public setting. Adults certainly feel this way sometimes, why shouldn't minors?
But it's ok if it's an adult woman doing the interacting -.-?

Nope. It is not.

In that case, ChrisL would also be "guilty". She has certainly interacted with the same minor I have, in the very same sub forums on here, no less.

I don't private message with minors online. Don't try to bring me into this. I simply answered some of her posts.

So it's fine if -I'm- dragged into these personal debates, but you're off limits -.-? The subject was interacting with minors. Like me, you interacted with a certain minor here. Disir made a blanket statement on all interactions, there was no differentiation. You seem to have an issue with 1 to 1 communications between an adult and a minor. I'm not sure why.

Yes, I have an issue with adult men starting up relationships with teenage girls.

All I have with a very particular teenage girl is a friendship, nothing more. Considering the amount of energy you're expending to end it though, I wouldn't be surprised if that happens.
Nope. It is not.

In that case, ChrisL would also be "guilty". She has certainly interacted with the same minor I have, in the very same sub forums on here, no less.

I don't private message with minors online. Don't try to bring me into this. I simply answered some of her posts.

So it's fine if -I'm- dragged into these personal debates, but you're off limits -.-? The subject was interacting with minors. Like me, you interacted with a certain minor here. Disir made a blanket statement on all interactions, there was no differentiation. You seem to have an issue with 1 to 1 communications between an adult and a minor. I'm not sure why.

Did I try to befriend a minor? NO, I did not. Answering questions in this public setting is completely different.

You interacted with one, frequently in a friendly manner. I decided to look up the definition of friendship on google. This is what I came up with:
"a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations."

Sounds like a good thing to me, regardless of the ages involved. Sometimes, people of all ages don't want to interact with others in a public setting. There are many reasons for this, one of which being that some things are hard to talk about in a public setting. Adults certainly feel this way sometimes, why shouldn't minors?

I have not interacted with any minors frequently except my own children or their friends with their parents' knowledge and consent.
Alright. But it seems clear that you don't mind -interacting- with them. You have even seemed to be downright friendly while doing it. Who knows, if you do it enough, you might even develop a friendship with one :p.

Fine. That being said, I think there's way too much hype about them. Here's a quote I found to be interesting:
**Everyone is panicking about sexual predators online, ... that's why parents are freaking. But what they really need to freak about and pay a lot more attention about is cyberstalking, harassment and cyberbullying ...

I talk to 10,000 teens and pre-teens a month in person, 10,000. We have polled 50,000 of these kids and found that between 85 and now 100 percent ... of the kids told me that they had been cyberbullied at least once. ....

We've had six kids that I'm aware of commit suicide in the United States in the last few years because they've been cyberbullied, and just recently we've just lost the first kid who committed suicide because her best friend had been cyberbullied and committed suicide six months before. So we now have one level beyond the cyberbullying, where kids have decided they can't live with what's happening to them. ...

Source: Keeping Kids Safe - The Predator Fear | Growing Up Online | FRONTLINE | PBS

I suppose so, but males aren't -that- different then females. Furthermore, I think there is certainly some value in learning about how males are -different- then females as well. In schools, there seems to be a trend where there are less and less male teachers, perhaps in part due to the hysteria regarding male sexual predators. This can have a very negative effect, however, as both male and female minors are deprived of male role models.

Why is it important to you to interact with minors online?

Why must this always be about me -.-? I like interacting with lots of people, whether they are minors or adults. I -especially- like interacting with people who like interacting with me, regardless of their age. That being said, our society has severely curtailed interacting with people in the physical world, especially when it comes to adult/minor interactions. The online world is frequently becoming the only place where such interactions can take place outside of a school setting.

For good reason. Now, what do you think her parents would think about this situation?

We've gone over that one before. There are a range of possibilities. I think what we should focus on is whether the benefits outweigh the risks of such interactions.

We've gone over what before?

Yes, with you.

I am asking what do you think the parents of a 14-year-old child would say when they found out a 40-something-year-old strange man on the internet was chatting her up in private and trying to befriend her, perhaps accentuating the fact that they both like anime or other such things?

I've already told you, I don't know the answer to your question and I'm not interested in speculating. Frequently, in gaming environments, people don't mention their ages. I think this can protect everyone involved- they won't need to get into long discussions over what a minor's parents will think of the interaction, for instance. At the core, me and this minor are just 2 fellow human beings, Yes, we're separated by a few decades of having been on this earth, but in the end, we are much more similar then we are different.
Nope. It is not.

In that case, ChrisL would also be "guilty". She has certainly interacted with the same minor I have, in the very same sub forums on here, no less.

I don't private message with minors online. Don't try to bring me into this. I simply answered some of her posts.

So it's fine if -I'm- dragged into these personal debates, but you're off limits -.-? The subject was interacting with minors. Like me, you interacted with a certain minor here. Disir made a blanket statement on all interactions, there was no differentiation. You seem to have an issue with 1 to 1 communications between an adult and a minor. I'm not sure why.

Yes, I have an issue with adult men starting up relationships with teenage girls.

All I have with a very particular teenage girl is a friendship, nothing more. Considering the amount of energy you're expending to end it though, I wouldn't be surprised if that happens.

What do you think her parents' would say about a 40-something-year-old man (allegedly) befriending their 14-year-old child?
Why is it important to you to interact with minors online?

Why must this always be about me -.-? I like interacting with lots of people, whether they are minors or adults. I -especially- like interacting with people who like interacting with me, regardless of their age. That being said, our society has severely curtailed interacting with people in the physical world, especially when it comes to adult/minor interactions. The online world is frequently becoming the only place where such interactions can take place outside of a school setting.

For good reason. Now, what do you think her parents would think about this situation?

We've gone over that one before. There are a range of possibilities. I think what we should focus on is whether the benefits outweigh the risks of such interactions.

We've gone over what before?

Yes, with you.

I am asking what do you think the parents of a 14-year-old child would say when they found out a 40-something-year-old strange man on the internet was chatting her up in private and trying to befriend her, perhaps accentuating the fact that they both like anime or other such things?

I've already told you, I don't know the answer to your question and I'm not interested in speculating. Frequently, in gaming environments, people don't mention their ages. I think this can protect everyone involved- they won't need to get into long discussions over what a minor's parents will think of the interaction, for instance. At the core, me and this minor are just 2 fellow human beings, Yes, we're separated by a few decades of having been on this earth, but in the end, we are much more similar then we are different.

Yes with me, what? Again, you are being evasive. No, you stay away from minor children on the internet.
In that case, ChrisL would also be "guilty". She has certainly interacted with the same minor I have, in the very same sub forums on here, no less.

I don't private message with minors online. Don't try to bring me into this. I simply answered some of her posts.

So it's fine if -I'm- dragged into these personal debates, but you're off limits -.-? The subject was interacting with minors. Like me, you interacted with a certain minor here. Disir made a blanket statement on all interactions, there was no differentiation. You seem to have an issue with 1 to 1 communications between an adult and a minor. I'm not sure why.

Did I try to befriend a minor? NO, I did not. Answering questions in this public setting is completely different.

You interacted with one, frequently in a friendly manner. I decided to look up the definition of friendship on google. This is what I came up with:
"a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations."

Sounds like a good thing to me, regardless of the ages involved. Sometimes, people of all ages don't want to interact with others in a public setting. There are many reasons for this, one of which being that some things are hard to talk about in a public setting. Adults certainly feel this way sometimes, why shouldn't minors?

I have not interacted with any minors frequently except my own children or their friends with their parents' knowledge and consent.

How lucky you are to have your own children. Some of us are not so fortunate.

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