Interesting. Trump said we must fight like Hell


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
which you know, incited an insurrection that didn't occur narrated for dramatics and tweeted by all things left. Which you know, they control nearly all information, not limited to miseducation and fake news. Apparently left thinks in simple terms, to suggest a fight is to suggest a physical battle.

So how come the same doesn't hold true for Obama and Clinton?

Barack Obama is warning supporters that the general election fight between him and John McCain may get ugly, but the Illinois senator is vowing not to back down.
If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said at a fundraiser in Philadelphia Friday, according to pool reports.

“We don’t have a choice but to win,” Obama said, joking that he has heard “folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles games.”

Hillary Clinton tried to incite violence following the 2016 election:
“But to the young people who got into politics for the first time, and may be disappointed by the results, I just want you to know, you have to stay encouraged. Don’t get cynical. Don’t ever think you can’t make a difference. As Secretary Clinton said this morning, fighting for what is right is worth it.”

Obama criticizing Bush:
So for those of us who seek a more just and secure world for our children, let us send a clear message to the president today. You want a fight, President Bush? Let's finish the fight with bin Laden and al-Qaida, through effective, coordinated intelligence, and a shutting down of the financial networks that support terrorism, and a homeland security program that involves more than color-coded warnings. You want a fight, President Bush?

Let's fight to make sure that the U.N. inspectors can do their work, and that we vigorously enforce a non-proliferation treaty, and that former enemies and current allies like Russia safeguard and ultimately eliminate their stores of nuclear material, and that nations like Pakistan and India never use the terrible weapons already in their possession, and that the arms merchants in our own country stop feeding the countless wars that rage across the globe. You want a fight, President Bush?

Let's fight to make sure our so-called allies in the Middle East, the Saudis and the Egyptians, stop oppressing their own people, and suppressing dissent, and tolerating corruption and inequality, and mismanaging their economies so that their youth grow up without education, without prospects, without hope, the ready recruits of terrorist cells. You want a fight, President Bush? Let's fight to wean ourselves off Middle East oil, through an energy policy that doesn't simply serve the interests of Exxon and Mobil.
The difference is obvious. Trump was the first president not to accept his loss and vigorously claim the election was stolen. This apparently made it acceptable to steal it back.
The difference is obvious. Trump was the first president not to accept his loss and vigorously claim the election was stolen. This apparently made it acceptable to steal it back.
But not the first candidate to not accept the results... a vice president got this all going named Al Gore.... and then a presidents wife Hillary....
And I still believe the election was stolen... there is no way in hell Biden got 82 million votes... its laughable.... Trump got more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016 and still lost?... no way.... covid rules alone should have been enough for a deep investigation of every ballot cast...
Lets be real here... if Trump did lose in 2020 and the election was clean... then why are so many people trying to keep Trump from running again?..... they know he won in 2020 and they know he can win again in 24....
And it scares the fuck out of the crooks in DC....
The difference is that he told them specifically where to go

I like when he says that we will walk there and he not with them as they head out.
The difference is obvious. Trump was the first president not to accept his loss and vigorously claim the election was stolen. This apparently made it acceptable to steal it back.
Lets be real here... if Trump did lose in 2020 and the election was clean... then why are so many people trying to keep Trump from running again?..... they know he won in 2020 and they know he can win again in 24....
And it scares the fuck out of the crooks in DC....

Installing Biden took a perfect confluence of-

Covid pandemic
Lock downs
Unverifiable mail in ballots
The Democrat Media Bubble Cult

The left knows that President Trump is much more than formidable.
The difference is obvious. Trump was the first president not to accept his loss and vigorously claim the election was stolen. This apparently made it acceptable to steal it back.

It was stolen, Democracks simply played the game to suit. For instance they solicited tarded & lazy people for support, AKA ballot harvesting under Democrack's covid tactics. Fuck they shut down the country isolating everyone, while entertaining riots to swing votes, how low can you go?

That and the left's actions before, during and after the election left people suspicious of WTF they were up to, from incompetence to locked-door to clear corruption, including govt. controlled censorship to change minds, as if 24-7 left propaganda wasn't enough. If it smells like a rat it's a rat. The Demonicrats are dirty as fuck.

Jan 6th is a false flag.

If the Democruds didn't control information, our school systems and corruption then they'd cease to exist.
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