Insurer says child told Paterno in '76 Sandusky molested him


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Aug 10, 2008
A judge said that insurers in litigation with Penn State claim a boy told football coach Joe Paterno in 1976 that he had been molested by Jerry Sandusky, reported Thursday.

The order by Philadelphia Judge Gary Glazer also cited reports by unnamed assistant coaches they witnessed inappropriate contact between Sandusky and children, said.

Glazer wrote in a decision on insurance coverage for Sandusky-related claims there was ''no evidence that reports of these incidents ever went further up the chain of command at PSU.''

Sandusky is serving decades in prison for sexual abuse of 10 boys, for incidents that went back to the 1990s. Concrete evidence of earlier allegations had not previously come to light, even though Sandusky was convicted of abusing children he met through the children's charity he founded in 1977.

Paterno went to university higher-ups with an assistant's 2001 report of Sandusky abusing a child in a team shower, and told a grand jury in 2011 he did not know of any other incidents involving Sandusky.

Paterno aware of Sandusky abuse in 1976?

What a disgusting, sad, and sorted affair this all was/is.
A judge said that insurers in litigation with Penn State claim a boy told football coach Joe Paterno in 1976 that he had been molested by Jerry Sandusky, reported Thursday.

The order by Philadelphia Judge Gary Glazer also cited reports by unnamed assistant coaches they witnessed inappropriate contact between Sandusky and children, said.

Glazer wrote in a decision on insurance coverage for Sandusky-related claims there was ''no evidence that reports of these incidents ever went further up the chain of command at PSU.''

Sandusky is serving decades in prison for sexual abuse of 10 boys, for incidents that went back to the 1990s. Concrete evidence of earlier allegations had not previously come to light, even though Sandusky was convicted of abusing children he met through the children's charity he founded in 1977.

Paterno went to university higher-ups with an assistant's 2001 report of Sandusky abusing a child in a team shower, and told a grand jury in 2011 he did not know of any other incidents involving Sandusky.

Paterno aware of Sandusky abuse in 1976?

What a disgusting, sad, and sorted affair this all was/is.

Joe Paterno knew, and what he allowed was beyond sick to me. He did not partake in the sexual assaults but knowing and doing nothing until later is even worse to me than the rapist himself ( Sandusky ).

Joe Paterno is lucky he has passed because he would have to answer why he allowed it to go on for so long and I hope someone get to Sandusky one day in Prison to end that miserable bastard life...
Agreed. I thought this ''story'' was all over, but I guess not.
Him knowing has absolutely NOTHING to do with his political leanings. And btw I already posted this in Sports....the part about Paterno knowing that is.
Pretty darn twisted to take the suffering those boys went through and try and make it political. It is not political. You look foolish. Plus it has already been posted in Sports where it belongs.
Pretty darn twisted to take the suffering those boys went through and try and make it political. It is not political. You look foolish. Plus it has already been posted in Sports where it belongs.

What is twisted is the fact that the GOP is rife with pedophiles but more twisted than that is that Americans who call themselves Christians vote for Republicans knowing that the GOP is rife with pedophiles and pedophile enablers.

One could argue that a pedophile can't control their evil urges but people who are not sick in the head who turn a blind eye to it like Republican Paterno are far more evil than the pedophile himself.

Joe Paterno is in Lucifer's inferno and that is where most Republicans are headed.
Pretty darn twisted to take the suffering those boys went through and try and make it political. It is not political. You look foolish. Plus it has already been posted in Sports where it belongs.

What is twisted is the fact that the GOP is rife with pedophiles but more twisted than that is that Americans who call themselves Christians vote for Republicans knowing that the GOP is rife with pedophiles and pedophile enablers.

One could argue that a pedophile can't control their evil urges but people who are not sick in the head who turn a blind eye to it like Republican Paterno are far more evil than the pedophile himself.

Joe Paterno is in Lucifer's inferno and that is where most Republicans are headed.

No proof, huh? ;)
(1) It's not for nothing that this action is being played out in a court in Philadelphia. Philly is the national capital for bullshit lawsuits. Septa bus drivers are cautioned never to leave their bus in the event of a minor accident because people will jump on and claim to have been injured. It literally happens all the time.

(2) The very idea that Joe Paterno knew Sandusky was a pedophile and did nothing about it is one of the most ridiculous, scandalous, and unfounded claims ever made against a public figure. It is ENTIRELY a scam to extort money from Penn State and its insurance companies. You wanna punish someone, go after Sandusky; once he's broke and in prison, tough luck.

(3) Paterno and Sandusky were close friends, and I have no doubt that Paterno believed Sandusky to be an altruistic guy who raised a lot of money and did a lot of work to help kids who ran into trouble in their lives. THE ONLY LOGICAL CONCLUSION to be derived from this whole history is that Paterno believed Sandusky was simply a physically demonstrative person (like an aunt or uncle who is a "hugger"), and wrote off the occasional rumor as someone simply misinterpreting Sandusky's physical displays of affection toward his boys as something inappropriate.

Until the person allegedly referred to in these filings comes forward and credibly states that he definitively told Paterno that he was sexually abused, everyone needs to STFU about this garbage.

I am no Paterno fan, and never was, but this is bullshit.
Republican Joe Paterno Knew Of Sandusky's Pedophila in 1976

Only a pedophile would defend a pedophile. Both Paterno and Sandusky were/are big shot Republicans so it comes as no surprise that they would cover for each others evil deeds. Paterno was well aware that his assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was a big time child predator in need of prison but Republican Joe Paterno kept his mouth shut and let it go on for decades. What kind of a person would do that? I'll tell you what kind.... A REPUBLICAN!

Republicans love pedophiles so much that they not only often become pedophiles they defend and enable pedophiles to rape kids. Evil is as evil does.

The Republican party is rife with child molesters.

Mike Huckabee defends them.


The Republican Congress is full of them.


And Republicans love hanging around with them.


Mike Huckabee even pals around with one and plays music with them.

Republican voters have no problem with the fact that their party is rife with pedophiles, liars, hypocrites and other false Christians. Will the Republican voter ever develop a moral center and reject their sicko leaders?

Joe Pa was a leader of the Republican Party?

Voters are now leaders?

Here's one thing I've noticed, many of these child molesters do so with same sex, which is homosexual or bisexual activity.

So are you not also claiming that LGBTQ participate in child molestation at a far higher rate then hetros?

Please explain this!
  • Thanks
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Republican Joe Paterno Knew Of Sandusky's Pedophila in 1976

Only a pedophile would defend a pedophile. Both Paterno and Sandusky were/are big shot Republicans so it comes as no surprise that they would cover for each others evil deeds. Paterno was well aware that his assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was a big time child predator in need of prison but Republican Joe Paterno kept his mouth shut and let it go on for decades. What kind of a person would do that? I'll tell you what kind.... A REPUBLICAN!

Republicans love pedophiles so much that they not only often become pedophiles they defend and enable pedophiles to rape kids. Evil is as evil does.

The Republican party is rife with child molesters.

Mike Huckabee defends them.


The Republican Congress is full of them.


And Republicans love hanging around with them.


Mike Huckabee even pals around with one and plays music with them.

Republican voters have no problem with the fact that their party is rife with pedophiles, liars, hypocrites and other false Christians. Will the Republican voter ever develop a moral center and reject their sicko leaders?

Joe Pa was a leader of the Republican Party?

Voters are now leaders?

Here's one thing I've noticed, many of these child molesters do so with same sex, which is homosexual or bisexual activity.

So are you not also claiming that LGBTQ participate in child molestation at a far higher rate then hetros?

Please explain this!

First off please smoke more and please eat more saturated fats.

Paterno was a big shot Republican and so is his low life son.

Joe Paterno - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJoe_PaternoWikipedia
Joseph Vincent "Joe" Paterno sometimes referred to as "JoePa", was an American college ...... In 2004, his son Scott Paterno, an attorney, won the Republican primary for Pennsylvania's 17th congressional district but lost in the November ...

His pedophile buddy Jerry Sandusky was also a hard core Republican pervert.

What makes you Republicans so evil is that you know that your party is infested with pedophiles, false Christians and pathological liars yet you support and defend these scumbags. The fact is, you Republicans are bigger scumbags than your leaders. Please die ASAP.
Republican Joe Paterno Knew Of Sandusky's Pedophila in 1976

Only a pedophile would defend a pedophile. Both Paterno and Sandusky were/are big shot Republicans so it comes as no surprise that they would cover for each others evil deeds. Paterno was well aware that his assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was a big time child predator in need of prison but Republican Joe Paterno kept his mouth shut and let it go on for decades. What kind of a person would do that? I'll tell you what kind.... A REPUBLICAN!

Republicans love pedophiles so much that they not only often become pedophiles they defend and enable pedophiles to rape kids. Evil is as evil does.

The Republican party is rife with child molesters.

Mike Huckabee defends them.


The Republican Congress is full of them.


And Republicans love hanging around with them.


Mike Huckabee even pals around with one and plays music with them.

Republican voters have no problem with the fact that their party is rife with pedophiles, liars, hypocrites and other false Christians. Will the Republican voter ever develop a moral center and reject their sicko leaders?

Joe Pa was a leader of the Republican Party?

Voters are now leaders?

Here's one thing I've noticed, many of these child molesters do so with same sex, which is homosexual or bisexual activity.

So are you not also claiming that LGBTQ participate in child molestation at a far higher rate then hetros?

Please explain this!

First off please smoke more and please eat more saturated fats.

Paterno was a big shot Republican and so is his low life son.

Joe Paterno - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJoe_PaternoWikipedia
Joseph Vincent "Joe" Paterno sometimes referred to as "JoePa", was an American college ...... In 2004, his son Scott Paterno, an attorney, won the Republican primary for Pennsylvania's 17th congressional district but lost in the November ...

His pedophile buddy Jerry Sandusky was also a hard core Republican pervert.

What makes you Republicans so evil is that you know that your party is infested with pedophiles, false Christians and pathological liars yet you support and defend these scumbags. The fact is, you Republicans are bigger scumbags than your leaders. Please die ASAP.

So JOE Pa had friends, which is something you don't

But you neglected to answer, why you implied that a disproportionate share of the LBGT Molest children?

Do you have that answer?

Thanks in advance.
(1) It's not for nothing that this action is being played out in a court in Philadelphia. Philly is the national capital for bullshit lawsuits. Septa bus drivers are cautioned never to leave their bus in the event of a minor accident because people will jump on and claim to have been injured. It literally happens all the time.

(2) The very idea that Joe Paterno knew Sandusky was a pedophile and did nothing about it is one of the most ridiculous, scandalous, and unfounded claims ever made against a public figure. It is ENTIRELY a scam to extort money from Penn State and its insurance companies. You wanna punish someone, go after Sandusky; once he's broke and in prison, tough luck.

(3) Paterno and Sandusky were close friends, and I have no doubt that Paterno believed Sandusky to be an altruistic guy who raised a lot of money and did a lot of work to help kids who ran into trouble in their lives. THE ONLY LOGICAL CONCLUSION to be derived from this whole history is that Paterno believed Sandusky was simply a physically demonstrative person (like an aunt or uncle who is a "hugger"), and wrote off the occasional rumor as someone simply misinterpreting Sandusky's physical displays of affection toward his boys as something inappropriate.

Until the person allegedly referred to in these filings comes forward and credibly states that he definitively told Paterno that he was sexually abused, everyone needs to STFU about this garbage.

I am no Paterno fan, and never was, but this is bullshit.

"It's bullshit? The ONLY logical conclusion?" Based on what?

So the university should do the minimum and be advised to do the least it is required by the authorities to root out this/these heinous incident/s.

God for bid they go an inch too far in punishing the university.

Well it sounds like you have proof that the molestation did not actually start in 1976 and go on for years and years.

This activity didn't happen across town or out in the mountains at some retreat for christ's sakes. It happened in the athletic building right under Paterno's nose. And WHY was this guy allowed to continue to hang out there with children after he was relieved of any official association with the sports/football program?

If Paterno or his assistants didn't know some disgusting things were going on then they should have. Red flags should have been flying all over the place. Child molestation isn't something that people are just now finding out about. What you are saying is that Paterno and his staff were a bunch of idiots. Oh ya...It's normal to have young kids in a college athletic building in the locker rooms and using the showers.

Wrong answer. If there is some overkill that happens here then so much the better. That's what they mean by PUNITIVE damages. Is Penn State being made an example of? I certainly HOPE SO!
The good part was mine. The hack garbage was not!! (merged threads)
Blue state Pennsylvania protecting him.

Republican infested football factory Penn State and Republican politicians protected him.

BTW, liar Pennsylvania has had mostly Republican governors. Click the link liar and get educated.
It's a goddamn college, you idiot!

Where did I say it wasn't you pathetic lying butt plug?
When you suggested it was a repub thing, fudgepacker.

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