Information and comments on Trump's Vice President picks

...and this all happened after we elected an outsider willing to fight.

If we'd had a President Jeb! nothing would have changed.

What the Establishment wants is as little rocking the boat as possible, maintain the status quo and keep cushy jobs in the Capitol.
imo Trump was/is against illegal aliens (unless they work for him) and against foreign entanglements (unless they're good for his biz) And that's essentially why I didn't vote for him .. ever, and then there's the Big Lie. I realize he has to go there because his image is bad if he lost, and he lost .... closely.

Still, imo, I'm more interested in 28, assuming I'm still alive then. lol I'm concerned he'll pick a toady for his VP, like Paxson or Ramaswamy. JD Vance looks best suited to take up the mantle for the working class. I thought maybe Pompeo had something, but he's put up a fence between himself and Trump for some reason.
During the debates I heard something that In didn't like. I think one was pushing the age to vote to 25. If there is a war I know that 18-24 year olds should be able to vote. That's how it went from 21 to 18.

Do you honestly think that was serious, knowing it would take a Constitutional Amendment to do so? I think you are just gullible!
Byron Donalds would be a great VP

he is young, and he is articulate and likely a solid R

Cotton cheering on the traitors storming the Capitol.

I don't recall that, but I do remember Cotton asking some good questions to the FBI about plainclothes officers participating in Jan 6th, important for the American people to know. The senior FBI offical answered he didn't know, which is not credible and indicates a coverup...

Gym lying to the American public on a daily basis.

He does not. Jim Jordan has exceptional integrity.

Cruz one of 8 senators rejecting the election results based on lies.

Cruz objected to certifying Arizona without conducting an audit. He explicitly stated, "Let me be clear, I am not arguing for setting aside the result of this election."

It takes guts and morals to stand up when you see something potentially unjust. name any of the the many culture war laws he's put in place in florida.

I think the media started those fake wars. Parents don't want sexual perversion taught to their kids by the government.

They are all liars duping you dummies.

Nah, it works the other way around. They are doing what their constituents request.

I don't recall that, but I do remember Cotton asking some good questions to the FBI about plainclothes officers participating in Jan 6th, important for the American people to know. The senior FBI offical answered he didn't know, which is not credible and indicates a coverup...

He does not. Jim Jordan has exceptional integrity.

Cruz objected to certifying Arizona without conducting an audit. He explicitly stated, "Let me be clear, I am not arguing for setting aside the result of this election."

It takes guts and morals to stand up when you see something potentially unjust.

I think the media started those fake wars. Parents don't want sexual perversion taught to their kids by the government.

Nah, it works the other way around. They are doing what their constituents request.


Of course you dont remember one of the most iconic photos of 1/6 you fucking piece of shit. You belong in a mental institution.
Of course you dont remember one of the most iconic photos of 1/6 you fucking piece of shit. You belong in a mental institution.
You are deranged have a foul mouth, and hurl insults like you are in 3rd grade.

I have no idea what "iconic photo" you are referring to. Go ahead show me.

This is iconic...

Dude went to jail and is mentally ill, shithead.
Apparently, not only can you not produce an iconic photo you think you saw, but you also can't recognize a real one.

You may wish to get checked for mental illness yourself; you seem to get incredibly upset from participating in polite and civil exchanges (which is the intent of USMB).
Apparently, not only can you not produce an iconic photo you think you saw, but you also can't recognize a real one.

You may wish to get checked for mental illness yourself; you seem to get incredibly upset from participating in polite and civil exchanges (which is the intent of USMB).
Sorry....Josh Holley another missouri piece of shit.

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