In honor of Black History month

Not angry. If they don't want to be Americans then fuck 'em, each and every one. Simple as that. We have no need for any of them.

Your posts about celebrities leaving the states are dripping with contempt for those celebrities.

Contempt comes from anger.

u angry

I can exacerbate to eleventy. ;)


Is it just me, or does Obama's face look like it's been caved in by a horse hoof?
"Is it just me, or does Obama's face look like it's been caved in by a horse hoof?"

yeah its just you

racists cant see reality
Thread cleaned. Infractions issued...Next measure is vacation time.

The Administration and the Moderation Team are serious in their efforts to have a civil discourse as it pertains to the OP and any further posts which violate Zone 2 rules will be viewed in a more serious manner where infractions will be administered on a case by case basis.
Milton L. Olive, III


Medal of Honor citation

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Pfc. Olive was a member of the 3d Platoon of Company B, as it moved through the jungle to find the Viet Cong operating in the area. Although the platoon was subjected to a heavy volume of enemy gunfire and pinned down temporarily, it retaliated by assaulting the Viet Cong positions, causing the enemy to flee. As the platoon pursued the insurgents, Pfc. Olive and 4 other soldiers were moving through the jungle together when a grenade was thrown into their midst. Pfc. Olive saw the grenade, and then saved the lives of his fellow soldiers at the sacrifice of his own by grabbing the grenade in his hand and falling on it to absorb the blast with his body. Through his bravery, unhesitating actions, and complete disregard for his safety, he prevented additional loss of life or injury to the members of his platoon. Pfc. Olive's extraordinary heroism, at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty, are in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army and reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of his country.

I don't participate in any of the 'Heritage' months at work

There are still a couple months available for additional groups.


She's in great company.

Tina Turner - Switzerland
Madonna - England
Johnny Depp - France
Gwen Stefani - England
Gwyneth Paltrow - England
Kevin Spacey - England
George Clooney - Italy
Brangelina - England (Ok, so maybe they're not such great company)
Michael Douglas - England (and he's starting to look like Christopher Lloyd!)
Tim Burton - England
Diddy - England

They are all welcome to stay the fuck out of my country for good.

What, the whole country belongs exclusively to you, or what?

She's in great company.

Tina Turner - Switzerland
Madonna - England
Johnny Depp - France
Gwen Stefani - England
Gwyneth Paltrow - England
Kevin Spacey - England
George Clooney - Italy
Brangelina - England (Ok, so maybe they're not such great company)
Michael Douglas - England (and he's starting to look like Christopher Lloyd!)
Tim Burton - England
Diddy - England

They are all welcome to stay the fuck out of my country for good.

What, the whole country belongs exclusively to you, or what?


Careful, the mods have gone all nazi mode up in hyur.

On-topic: Still think BHM is one of this country's (many) problems.
BHM is racist. Just like Black awards. If blacks don't want to be discriminated against, they shouldn't act like racists themselves.
BHM is racist. Just like Black awards.

That's actually true. How much shit would be stirred up if there was a "Who's Who in White [Insert City]", or "American Caucasian College Fund", or "White Entertainment Channel"?

I'm completely in support of emphasizing the role the black community has had in history, but holing it up in a single month lends people the notion that the other 11 they can continue their bigoted separatist slant.
BHM is racist. Just like Black awards.

That's actually true. How much shit would be stirred up if there was a "Who's Who in White [Insert City]", or "American Caucasian College Fund", or "White Entertainment Channel"?

I'm completely in support of emphasizing the role the black community has had in history, but holing it up in a single month lends people the notion that the other 11 they can continue their bigoted separatist slant.

That's not the point. The remaining months are not bigoted. But it is important for all of us and mostly black children to learn of the contributions that the black population has brought to our nation and under such difficult conditions.

All Americans can bring greatness to this country. A needed lesson for all of us.
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BHM is racist. Just like Black awards.

That's actually true. How much shit would be stirred up if there was a "Who's Who in White [Insert City]", or "American Caucasian College Fund", or "White Entertainment Channel"?

I'm completely in support of emphasizing the role the black community has had in history, but holing it up in a single month lends people the notion that the other 11 they can continue their bigoted separatist slant.

You can claim BHM being racist once they start saying Black people are better than any other ethnicity. Until then its just a month dedicated to honoring Black people that have achieved things even in the racist climate America has provided.

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