In God We Trust

This thread title is the official motto of the United States of America.
Rep.'s Tlaib and Omar were sworn into Congress using the Quran.
Does this mean that they were not duly sworn in as Congressional members?

Our official motto DOES NOT state that 'In Allah We Trust'.

Can someone please clear up this confusion?

Which god does the oath refer to?

Aphrodite – Goddess of beauty; one of the twelve Olympians
Apollo – God of poetry, music, and the sun and the prophecy; an Olympian , I
Ares – God of war; an Olympian
Artemis – Goddess of the hunt and of of the moon; an Olympian
Athena – Goddess of wisdom, defensive war, and Athens; an Olympian
Demeter – Goddess of the harvest and of nature, often considered an Olympian
Dionysus – God of wine, he took Hestia's place as an Olympian
Eris – Goddess of discord
Eos – Goddess of the dawn
Gaia – Primordial Goddess of earth, and mother of the Titans
Hades – God of the underworld, often considered an Olympian
Hecate – Goddess of Witchcraft and crossroads
Helios – God who drives of the sun: a primordial
Hephaestus – God of smiths and fire; an Olympian
Hera – Chief Goddess of the pantheon and Goddess of marriage; an Olympian
Hermes – The messenger of the Greek Gods; an Olympian
Hestia – Goddess of the hearth who gave up seat at Olympus to Dionysus
Pan – God of shepherds
Poseidon – God of the sea and the Father of horses; an Olympian
Selene – Goddess who drives the moon;a Primordial
Thanatos- The god of death
Uranus – Primordial god of the heavens, and father of the Titans
Zeus – God of sky and air; chief Olympian
Morpheus – God of dreams
Eostre- Goddess of April.
Frigg - Goddess of the Earth.
Hretha- Goddess of March.
Saxnot- God of the English.
Shef- God of the corn harvest.
Thunor - God of Thunder.
Tir - God of war
Weyland- God of smiths.
Woden - God of royalty, healing and magick
Balder – God of beauty, innocence, joy, peace and purity; Son of Odin.
Beyla (f) - Goddess of bees or cattle.
Bil (f) - Goddess of the moon.
Bragi – God of poetry.
Byggvir (m) - God of Barley.
Dagr (m) - God of the day.
Disir - local female goddesses or female ancestors.
Eir (f) - Goddess of healing.
Fenrir - Wolf God of Destruction, and Ragnorak (Norse Armageddon)
Forseti (m) - God of justice.
Freyja / Freya (f) - Goddess of love domestic skills and magic.
Freyr – God of fertility and love.
Frigga (f) - Goddess of women domestic skills and wisdom.
Heimdall – The guardian of the Norse deities.
Hel – Queen of Helheim, the Norse underworld.
Hoenir (m) - God of reason.
Idunn (f) - Goddess of apples and immortality.
Jord (f) - Earth Goddess.
Lofn (f) - Goddess of thwarted lovers.
Loki – The Norse trickster god.
Mani (m) - God of the moon.
Njord (m) - God of the coast and wealth.
Norns (f) - The three goddesses of fate Verdandi Urd and Skuld.
Nott (f) - Goddess of night.
Odin – God of the hunt, of magic, poetry, victory war, and wisdom.
Ran (f) - Goddess of the drowned.
Saga (f) - Goddess of wisdom.
Sif (f) - Goddess of kinship.
Siofn (f) - Goddess of love.
Skadi (f) - Goddess of skiing and mountains.
Snotra (f) - Goddess of wisdom.
Sol (f) - Goddess of the sun.
Syn (f) - Goddess of protection.
Thor – God of thunder.
Tyr – God of battle and warfare.
Ull (m) - God of skiing, hunting and combat.
Vali (m) - God of vengeance.
Var (f) - Goddess of Oaths.
Vidar (m) - God of Strength.
Vor (f) - Goddess of hidden knowledge.
Black Shuck East Anglian dog spirit.
Herne (m) - Hunter spirit of Windsor.
Holda (f) - Goddess of winter, weather, textiles and fertility
Nehalennia (f) - Goddess of Seafaring & Fertility (German/Dutch).
Nerthus (f) - Goddess of the Earth (German/Danish).
Endovelicus (m) - A Solar God with many faces, the supreme head God, god of dreams/visions and health.
Ataegina (f) - The goddess of health, the moon, and rebirth (a significant theme in their religion).
Runesocesius (m) - A god of mystery and martial skills, the god of the javelin.
God is Good in Norse, just do the translation. So, the motto is actually In Good We Trust, and that's a fine motto, but God is usually only seen as being a male deity... so if you wanted to, I think a fine substitute would be In Love We Trust, which would probably please atheists also.
The word 'God' is not the same as the Name of God/the Creator. God is an old Germanic word that basically meant powerful spirit or a being that can be invoked or appealed to and is very similar to the Sanskrit word 'hu'.

Another theory is that 'God' came from the Persian word 'Khoda' which was used for a ruler, heavenly master, etc:

The term derives from Middle Iranian xvatay, xwadag meaning “lord”, “ruler”, “master” (written as Parthian kwdy, Middle Persian kwdy, Sogdian kwdy, etc.). It is the Middle Iranian reflex of Avestan xva-dhata- “self-defined; autocrat”, an epithet of Ahura Mazda. The Pashto term Xwdāi (خدای) is a New Iranian cognate.

So the word 'God' does not come from Judaism or Christianity at all, that word is YAHWEH or Jehovah, not a generic 'God'.

But the word 'God' has since Aquinas anyway, in the West, been used to designate the Creator of the universe.

The meaning of the word Allah in Arabic is the same, 'the Creator'.

When Muslims make an oath to Allah, they are making an oath at the same time to Jehovay or Yaweh but byut a different language, that is all the difference there is.

Islam denies Christ, and not only that, most of their so called scriptures conflict with The Bible.

Islam also denies The Abrahamic Covenant, and denies all The Words of Jesus, calling him a mere prophet subservient to Muhammad who is a false prophet.

When you deny Christ, you are a liar. That is scriptural, so Allah is a Liar and Muhammad is a Liar, The Koran is a Lie, and Muslims are Liars, some knowingly and some unknowingly.

Many Muslims when they do get exposed to the actual gospel and despite the threat of death accept Christ and accept Christianity secretly.

Allah is actually Satan if you study The Koran. He is called The Great Trickster and the Greatest Deceiver of all. "Who can decieve like allah?

God cannot lie, but allah lies, lies, and lies and lies.

Allah is The Father of Lies and was a murderer and liar from the beginning since the very day sin was found in him in heaven when pride and vanity overtook him despite the fact Yaweh had elevated him to being The Covering Cherub, and most beautiful angels of all when his name long ago was Lucifer.
The issue with Muslim Islam is that Muslims are not representing Allah, which would be Alle or Alles in Austrian, Southern Teutonic. They have 99 names for Alle, but Muslim isn't one of them. Muslim in Arabic actually translates to darkness, obscurity, blackness, gloominess; the opposite of many faiths of the Light and Truth; including Christianity.

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