In 1970 the FDA totally screwed up the drug classification schedule.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Drug Classifications, Schedule I, II, III, IV, V

The Food and Drug Administration is a federal agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, one of the United States federal executive departments. The FDA has been overseeing drugs in the US since the beginning of the 20th century. In 1970 the FDA released the following drug classifications, or drug schedules, under the Controlled Substance Act (CSA). The drug classificaton schedules organize drugs into groups based on risk of abuse or harm. Those drugs with high risk and no counterbalancing benefit are banned from medical practice and are Schedule I drugs.

end excerpt

Nowhere in the classification schedule does the FDA address possibility of death from taking a drug. They infer a scale of increasing risk or 'harm' with 5 being the lowest and 1 being the highest. Well dying from the drug is about as much harm as is possible. And Fentanyl is schedule 2, and pot is schedule 1! This has got to be fixed. This poorly constructed schedule that is obviously wrong needs to be updated in light of nearly 50 years of data. I don't think it's an overstatement to say this schedule has indirectly led to the overdose deaths of many thousands of people taking Opioids and synthetics.

At a minimum Marijuana needs to be moved down to at least schedule 2 and Fentanyl up to schedule 1. And perhaps a side note such as "Oh by the way if you take too much heroin, Fentanyl or valium or ... you might die."

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