Improving Capitalism

At any time before about the 1920s. Children worked all through recorded history until then. They worked, or they starved. It wasn't until the early 20th Century when capitalism made society wealthy enough that parents didn't have to put their children to work.
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I do.
The General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony decrees that every town of fifty families should have an elementary school and that every town of 100 families should have a Latin school. The goal is to ensure that Puritan children learn to read the Bible and receive basic information about their Calvinist religion."
Historical Timeline of Public Education in the US Race Forward
Improving Capitalism through automation working for people instead of profits.
"'The demand would be a 10- or 12-hour working week, a guaranteed social wage, universally guaranteed housing, education, healthcare and so on...'

“'There may be some work that will still need to be done by humans, like quality control, but it would be minimal.'"

Read more here.
The real problem of capitalism is that it requires increasing production and consumption of goods to ensure continuous economic growth. That can't go on in a world with physical limitations.

That's why we are now facing financial crises, peak oil, and environmental damage coupled with global warming.

peak oil???? with prices lower than ever and new discoveries all over the world??? Ever heard of shale and fracking???

Why do you think production costs are still high? Why did the world end up relying on shale and fracking? Why are rig counts dropping?
The real problem of capitalism is definetly that it denies the moral in the competition between economic agents. .

of course thats very very stupid. Capitalism causes you to be wholly concerned with the needs of others. If you doubt it start a business at which point you will live and die based on whether you can please people more than anyone else on earth.

Is thinking fun?

Actually, it doesn't. It's concerned with profit as markets are driven by price mechanisms.
The real problem of capitalism is that it requires increasing production and consumption of goods to ensure continuous economic growth. That can't go on in a world with physical limitations.

That's why we are now facing financial crises, peak oil, and environmental damage coupled with global warming.

The meddling government is what holds back capitalism.

Actually, it's the other way round.
The real problem of capitalism is that it requires increasing production and consumption of goods to ensure continuous economic growth. That can't go on in a world with physical limitations.

That's why we are now facing financial crises, peak oil, and environmental damage coupled with global warming.

peak oil???? with prices lower than ever and new discoveries all over the world??? Ever heard of shale and fracking???

Which OPEC and Iran are trying their damnedest to fuck up.

The catch is that both have high production costs, just like the U.S.
You don't need to produce something that pleases somebody's interests more but to make an effort for causing him buy it and nothing more. Advertising,

dear, lets make this as simple as possible for you.If one guy sells pet rocks an another sells innovative new smartphones who is going to please billions of people and who is going bankrupt? Do you get it? Everyone can advertise but not everyone can please people with products that raise their standard of living.

And then something will replace smartphones together with similar claims.
Improving Capitalism through automation working for people instead of profits.
"'The demand would be a 10- or 12-hour working week, a guaranteed social wage, universally guaranteed housing, education, healthcare and so on...'

“'There may be some work that will still need to be done by humans, like quality control, but it would be minimal.'"

Read more here.

The catch is a limited biosphere:

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we re nearing collapse Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner Comment is free The Guardian
The Consumerism Relic War

A nice way to approach this problem could be to coordinate the modern 'archaeological' value of consumerism tokens/totems/treasures.

While there are many items that can quality as such goods such as Micro Machines, Pizza Hut boxes, McDonald's Monopoly game pieces, Lucky Charms cereal boxes, etc., two items really stand out:

1. the audio compact cassette (a media playback 'toy' that followed the LP and preceded the CD)

2. the transparent Swatch watch (a wrist-watch which enabled customers to see the inner-working gears)

The cassette (or tape) represented a consumerism demand for handheld media storage devices, and the see-through Swatch wrist-watch represented a consumerism demand for novel designs that characterized a new age voyeurism (i.e., Facebook).

To understand which item best captures the profitability of modern mercantilism, as it is catalyzed by consumerism capitalism (i.e., eTrade), can help sociologists better analyze the philosophical history of economic decision-making.


The Wealth of Nations


The catch is a limited biosphere:
We only have one.
"The 1972 book Limits to Growth, which predicted our civilisation would probably collapse some time this century, has been criticised as doomsday fantasy since it was published. Back in 2002, self-styled environmental expert Bjorn Lomborg consigned it to the “dustbin of history”.

"It doesn’t belong there.

"Research from the University of Melbourne has found the book’s forecasts are accurate, 40 years on. If we continue to track in line with the book’s scenario, expect the early stages of global collapse to start appearing soon.

"Limits to Growth was commissioned by a think tank called the Club of Rome. Researchers working out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, including husband-and-wife team Donella and Dennis Meadows, built a computer model to track the world’s economy and environment. Called World3, this computer model was cutting edge..."

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we re nearing collapse Cathy Alexander and Graham Turner Comment is free The Guardian
The real problem of capitalism is that it requires increasing production and consumption of goods to ensure continuous economic growth. That can't go on in a world with physical limitations.

That's why we are now facing financial crises, peak oil, and environmental damage coupled with global warming.

The meddling government is what holds back capitalism.

Actually, it's the other way round.

Sure thing comrade..:cuckoo:
The real problem of capitalism is that it requires increasing production and consumption of goods to ensure continuous economic growth. That can't go on in a world with physical limitations.

That's why we are now facing financial crises, peak oil, and environmental damage coupled with global warming.

peak oil???? with prices lower than ever and new discoveries all over the world??? Ever heard of shale and fracking???

Which OPEC and Iran are trying their damnedest to fuck up.

The catch is that both have high production costs, just like the U.S.

You dont know what your talking about.
This is coming from someone who was in the oil industry for 25 years.

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