Impeachment Testimony Proves Existence of Deep State


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
In the United States, the "deep state" is a conspiracy theory[1][2][3][4][5] which suggests that collusion and cronyism exist within the US political system and constitute a hidden government within the legitimately elected government.[6][7][8][9][10] Conspiracy theorists believe that there is "a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process",[11] or consider the deep state to encompass corruption prevalent among career politicians and civil servants.[12]

After hearing the testimony of these unelected bureaucrats, does anyone still believe the Deep State is just a theory?
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ILMAO @ "no deep state". Idiots have the mental capacities of 10 year olds.
The deep state is alive and nervous. The only thing they have going for them is a lot of crooked company. This cancer will end up being much bigger than anyone can imagine. The rule of thumb is, the harder they testify against Trump, the more they personally have to hide.
The deep state is alive and nervous. The only thing they have going for them is a lot of crooked company. This cancer will end up being much bigger than anyone can imagine. The rule of thumb is, the harder they testify against Trump, the more they personally have to hide.

That whole damn town is corrupt, this stuff is the tip of the iceberg and its been going on for decades. That's why Washington is freaked out that Trump won.
This mornings testimony was definitely proof!

The yutz said "this was not the time to back away from our relationship with Ukraine".

I thought to that YOUR decision or the presidents?

Thank you. President Trump is his boss and the president sets foreign policy, the U.S. Constitution says so. This is specifically to avoid some corrupt group of government employee hacks deciding what foreign policy is. The American people decide, by electing a president to represent us.
The Dem impeachment hearings isn't an attack on president Trump, its an attack on the American people who voted for Trump to represent them. Its an attack on rule of the people vs rule by an elite government employee class.
The deep state is alive and nervous. The only thing they have going for them is a lot of crooked company. This cancer will end up being much bigger than anyone can imagine. The rule of thumb is, the harder they testify against Trump, the more they personally have to hide.

That whole damn town is corrupt, this stuff is the tip of the iceberg and its been going on for decades. That's why Washington is freaked out that Trump won.

And they are sending the clear message that they will destroy anyone like Trump who dares to have the audacity to be elected without being pre-selected or try to disrupt the way they do things, and in Trumps case actually expose their very own corruption.
The deep state is alive and nervous. The only thing they have going for them is a lot of crooked company. This cancer will end up being much bigger than anyone can imagine. The rule of thumb is, the harder they testify against Trump, the more they personally have to hide.

That whole damn town is corrupt, this stuff is the tip of the iceberg and its been going on for decades. That's why Washington is freaked out that Trump won.

And they are sending the clear message that they will destroy anyone like Trump who dares to have the audacity to be elected without being pre-selected or try to disrupt the way they do things, and in Trumps case actually expose their very own corruption.

The deep state is warning the American people and future presidential candidates that if you elect someone who is not a bought and paid for deep state asset this is what they will do to that president. How many promising presidential candidates have witnessed the attacks on Trump and decided there's no chance in hell they will ever run. Now you now what the deep state is up to.
No offense, but VDH says it better than you...

'Coup' Concerns Suddenly Don't Seem So Far-fetched

As one of our points is how the low-IQ Trump cultists will instantly fall for any conspiracy theory that their cult pushes, no matter how stupid and deranged it is, we thank you for proving that point so conclusively.

The phrase "Deep State" does have one good use. Whenever you see someone use it non-ironically, you instantly know you're speaking to someone who snarfed down too many lead paint chips as a child, and so you should quickly smile and back away before they drool on you.
Meanwhile other countries who thought America was the shining example to follow have learned America's government is corrupt to the core.
No offense, but VDH says it better than you...

'Coup' Concerns Suddenly Don't Seem So Far-fetched

As one of our points is how the low-IQ Trump cultists will instantly fall for any conspiracy theory that their cult pushes, no matter how stupid and deranged it is, we thank you for proving that point so conclusively.

The phrase "Deep State" does have one good use. Whenever you see someone use it non-ironically, you instantly know you're speaking to someone who snarfed down too many lead paint chips as a child, and so you should quickly smile and back away before they drool on you.

Pot, meet kettle.
No offense, but VDH says it better than you...

'Coup' Concerns Suddenly Don't Seem So Far-fetched

As one of our points is how the low-IQ Trump cultists will instantly fall for any conspiracy theory that their cult pushes, no matter how stupid and deranged it is, we thank you for proving that point so conclusively.

The phrase "Deep State" does have one good use. Whenever you see someone use it non-ironically, you instantly know you're speaking to someone who snarfed down too many lead paint chips as a child, and so you should quickly smile and back away before they drool on you.

One word..... Term Limits. End the deep state. And you, for all we know are a DNC staffer because your head seems to be stuck deep in the sand.
At first I saw the "deep state" as merely political, but now believe the Pentagon is the power behind it.

The deep state extends beyond the Pentagon: The State Department is knee-deep in Obama-era holdouts, as well as other departments.

Apparently President Trump has quite a job ahead of him. It's definitely going to require another term.
Sondland isn't Deep State. He's the Trump bagman who paid $1million to become an inexperienced Ambassador. You'll need something else to smear him.
Sondland isn't Deep State. He's the Trump bagman who paid $1million to become an inexperienced Ambassador. You'll need something else to smear him.

trumpdrone deep state myth stems from lack of trumpdrone deep thinkers.

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