Immigration reform sends the wrong message


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

To illegal aliens, to those waiting legally and to our children.
Left wing nuts a left wing village idiots advocating legalization and a path to citizenship for 20 million illegal aliens is sending the message that if you can sneak in, you can stay. That is so unfair to those who are playing by the rule and waiting to enter legally. What is the benefit of playing by the rules?

Those advocating for Immigration Reform is telling their children if they sneak into a movie and sit down should be able to stay just because they are there and have seen half the movie.
If they go into a store, steal a candy bar, it is ok as long as they eat it in the store.

Hi Lady:

Thank you very much for all of your efforts to expose Open Border Lobby trickery and deception.


... To illegal aliens, to those waiting legally and to our children.

The USA needs 'no' Immigration Reform! We The People need everyone in 'law enforcement' to ENFORCE the "Rule of Law." Our corrupt Congress and the Fascist Obama Regime have no credibility, because they refuse to 'enforce' the perfectly good Immigration, Employment and Documentation Fraud Laws already on the books! We have been through ALL of this Comprehensive Amnesty Bullony already, which gave us the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Wiki). The Federal Govt already gave Comprehensive Amnesty to more than a million Illegal Aliens, under the condition that we NEVER do this again!

Okay, so who is enforcing the Immigration and Employment Laws? Nobody! That is why we now have between 20 and 30 Million Illegal Aliens running around stealing Jobs from Americans!

The Govt MUST enforce our current laws, before we allow them to create a new set of laws that nobody is going to enforce ...



To illegal aliens, to those waiting legally and to our children.
Left wing nuts a left wing village idiots advocating legalization and a path to citizenship for 20 million illegal aliens is sending the message that if you can sneak in, you can stay. That is so unfair to those who are playing by the rule and waiting to enter legally. What is the benefit of playing by the rules?

Those advocating for Immigration Reform is telling their children if they sneak into a movie and sit down should be able to stay just because they are there and have seen half the movie.
If they go into a store, steal a candy bar, it is ok as long as they eat it in the store.


Ever heard the term, "water under the bridge"? Well in this case it is water over the dam. You can modify the dam to keep any more water from spilling over. But trying to get all the water that has already gone over back behind the dam is a damn near impossible task. The common sense thing to do is get the border closed, then deal with the water that got thru. Is it feasable to round them all up and deport them? No. Is it possible to weed out the bad ones and send them back? Yes. Until you close the border, you can't address any other issue.
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you guys know of course all this bullshit "comprehensive immigration law" they are talking about was already promised to us when Reagan granted amnesty to those 3 million? Close the borders......never happened,,,,,,, fine them,,,,,,never happened,,,,,,,
if you believe them this time you are dumb as you look. the three million has swelled to 30 million and ten years from now it will be 90 million..
you guys know of course all this bullshit "comprehensive immigration law" they are talking about was already promised to us when Reagan granted amnesty to those 3 million? Close the borders......never happened,,,,,,, fine them,,,,,,never happened,,,,,,,
if you believe them this time you are dumb as you look. the three million has swelled to 30 million and ten years from now it will be 90 million..

That is why you have to close the border first and address those that are currently here second. Any plan other than that is just more of the same. Plug the damn hole.
Hi kwc:

Ever heard the term, "water under the bridge"? Well in this case it is water over the dam. You can modify the dam to keep any more water from spilling over. But trying to get all the water that has already gone over back behind the dam is a damn near impossible task.

We disagree and your analogy is terrible. "Immigration Reform" most definitely sends the WRONG MESSAGE to the Illegal Aliens, the unscrupulous American Companies 'hiring' them, and our posterity that sees LAWLESSNESS everywhere. The answer to this problem has always been to ENFORCE our perfectly good immigration, employment and forged documentation laws ALREADY ON THE BOOKS!!!! If the Govt refuses to enforce the laws against robbing banks, then expect the number of bank robbers to increase exponentially!

The common sense thing to do is get the border closed, then deal with the water that got thru.

No sir. This is the sorry kind of Disinformation Propaganda pushed by the Open Border Lobby Idiots bribing our corrupt politicians! Nobody needs to 'deal' with any Illegal Aliens! These citizens of other countries will find their own way back home in the day that the Govt begins ENFORCING the perfectly good Laws already on the books! Focus all attention on those 'hiring' the Illegal Aliens and take away business licenses and put those 'hiring' Illegal Aliens into jail! Those 'hiring' the Illegal Aliens will then drop their cheap illegal help like hot potatoes to hire real Americans now standing in the unemployment line!

Is it feasable to round them all up and deport them? No.

This is more Open Border Lobby STUPIDITY!!!! These citizens of other countries came here in the middle of the night to steal JOBS from Americans. They will find their own way back home when the JOBS go away and are returned to 'legal' U.S. Citizens now on food stamps! The mass exodus of Illegal Aliens will begin heading SOUTH in the day that the U.S. Govt begins 'enforcing' the employment laws AT ... THE ... WORKPLACE!

Is it possible to weed out the bad ones and send them back? Yes.

The job and duty of 'law enforcement' officers all over the USA is to ENFORCE the Rule of Law. Period.

Until you close the border, you can't address any other issue.

Bullony! Again, this is more Open Border Lobby Disinformation Propaganda on the half shell! Every law enforcement officer simply enforces OUR LAWS and those 'hiring' the goddamned Illegal Aliens will get the message really fast! Forging documentation to illegally get a job in America IS A CRIME right now! Giving JOBS to Illegal Aliens is a felony RIGHT NOW in every State of the Union, which means everyone 'hiring' the Illegal Aliens has already broken the Law. Enforcing the Rule of Law means holding every American Employer responsible for picking around 'legal' U.S. Workers and hiring from the Illegal Alien Labor Pool!!

Enforce THE LAW and the Illegal Aliens will find their own way back home where they 'are' citizens ...


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