Immigrants Grow American GDP


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"

Truly stupid post, created by TDS.

What you have then is only the most important jobs getting filled, with a higher pay to benefit Americans, not Mexicans. Why in the hell would we want more people in the country that vote anti-American? More Omars and AOCs? No thanks...

If you feel like there are not enough people in America, go make a baby.
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"

Truly stupid post, created by TDS.

What you have then is only the most important jobs getting filled, with a higher pay to benefit Americans, not Mexicans. Why in the hell would we want more people in the country that vote anti-American? More Omars and AOCs? No thanks...

If you feel like there are not enough people in America, go make a baby.
What you have then is only the most important jobs getting filled, with a higher pay to benefit Americans, not Mexicans. Why in the hell would we want more people in the country that vote anti-American? More Omars and AOCs? No thanks...
Not enough white skins among today's migrant population for your taste?

Try putting aside delusions of political and racial superiority and look at other numbers:

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"And the numbers, most economists say, indicate that there is plenty of room.

"Immigrants make the country richer, they argue.

"'Without immigration, we shrink as a nation,' said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former director of the Congressional Budget Office who has advised Republican presidential candidates and now leads the conservative American Action Forum.

"That’s because growth is driven by two ingredients: the size of the work force and how efficiently those workers produce things. And both are creeping well behind the postwar average."
The OP is a cut and paste because the OP nerd is apparently an illiterate, Europobic idiot who cannot write a paragraph in English. Folks, illegal aliens are not immigrants. Saying illegal aliens are legal immigrants is like saying a ghetto rapist who attacked your daughter last week is the same as your daughter's husband. They are both after the same thing and therefore law, order, ethics, truth, reality, good and evil does not matter.
A "free market" is not supposed to distribute wealth to everyone you ridiculous, commie moron!
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"

Truly stupid post, created by TDS.

What you have then is only the most important jobs getting filled, with a higher pay to benefit Americans, not Mexicans. Why in the hell would we want more people in the country that vote anti-American? More Omars and AOCs? No thanks...

If you feel like there are not enough people in America, go make a baby.
What you have then is only the most important jobs getting filled, with a higher pay to benefit Americans, not Mexicans. Why in the hell would we want more people in the country that vote anti-American? More Omars and AOCs? No thanks...
Not enough white skins among today's migrant population for your taste?

Try putting aside delusions of political and racial superiority and look at other numbers:

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"And the numbers, most economists say, indicate that there is plenty of room.

"Immigrants make the country richer, they argue.

"'Without immigration, we shrink as a nation,' said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former director of the Congressional Budget Office who has advised Republican presidential candidates and now leads the conservative American Action Forum.

"That’s because growth is driven by two ingredients: the size of the work force and how efficiently those workers produce things. And both are creeping well behind the postwar average."
If 50 million Bangladeshis flood into the country tomorrow, yes the "country's" GDP would grow because there would be more people here. But the wages for most Americans would drop, while the very few at the top would be able to get even richer by squeezing even more out of their workers. So, tell us how this growing GDP is such a good thing again?

And your cheap shot at Norman is even worse than your economic ignorance. 50 million Bangladeshis would radically alter the nation politically with unpredictable results, WHITE OR NOT. But then, you knew that, didn't you?
Weird, a guy who constantly moans about capitalists taking advantage of workers wants to flood America with cheap labor.
I'm not sure how a "free market" is supposed to distribute wealth equitably if capital is free to cross national borders and labor is not?

I'm not sure how an anti-capitialist and racial justice warrior such as yourself can justify exploiting foreigners for cheap labor. Maybe an ulterior motive...?
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"
Didn’t know drugs, murder, rape, and terrorism contributed positively to our nation in any way shape or form. :321:
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"

Truly stupid post, created by TDS.

What you have then is only the most important jobs getting filled, with a higher pay to benefit Americans, not Mexicans. Why in the hell would we want more people in the country that vote anti-American? More Omars and AOCs? No thanks...

If you feel like there are not enough people in America, go make a baby.
What you have then is only the most important jobs getting filled, with a higher pay to benefit Americans, not Mexicans. Why in the hell would we want more people in the country that vote anti-American? More Omars and AOCs? No thanks...
Not enough white skins among today's migrant population for your taste?

Try putting aside delusions of political and racial superiority and look at other numbers:

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"And the numbers, most economists say, indicate that there is plenty of room.

"Immigrants make the country richer, they argue.

"'Without immigration, we shrink as a nation,' said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former director of the Congressional Budget Office who has advised Republican presidential candidates and now leads the conservative American Action Forum.

"That’s because growth is driven by two ingredients: the size of the work force and how efficiently those workers produce things. And both are creeping well behind the postwar average."

Way too many anti-Americans such as this piece of shit in the migrant populations.

Racial superiority? Did you mean the interest of the Americans? Nah... actually I will put that first. Call me an American supremacists all you want...
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"

Truly stupid post, created by TDS.

What you have then is only the most important jobs getting filled, with a higher pay to benefit Americans, not Mexicans. Why in the hell would we want more people in the country that vote anti-American? More Omars and AOCs? No thanks...

If you feel like there are not enough people in America, go make a baby.
What you have then is only the most important jobs getting filled, with a higher pay to benefit Americans, not Mexicans. Why in the hell would we want more people in the country that vote anti-American? More Omars and AOCs? No thanks...
Not enough white skins among today's migrant population for your taste?

Try putting aside delusions of political and racial superiority and look at other numbers:

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"And the numbers, most economists say, indicate that there is plenty of room.

"Immigrants make the country richer, they argue.

"'Without immigration, we shrink as a nation,' said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former director of the Congressional Budget Office who has advised Republican presidential candidates and now leads the conservative American Action Forum.

"That’s because growth is driven by two ingredients: the size of the work force and how efficiently those workers produce things. And both are creeping well behind the postwar average."
If 50 million Bangladeshis flood into the country tomorrow, yes the "country's" GDP would grow because there would be more people here. But the wages for most Americans would drop, while the very few at the top would be able to get even richer by squeezing even more out of their workers. So, tell us how this growing GDP is such a good thing again?

And your cheap shot at Norman is even worse than your economic ignorance. 50 million Bangladeshis would radically alter the nation politically with unpredictable results, WHITE OR NOT. But then, you knew that, didn't you?
Pol Pot the Tiger Boy is a retarded cocksucker who doesn’t know shit about any fucking thing, period.
The OP is a cut and paste because the OP nerd is apparently an illiterate, Europobic idiot who cannot write a paragraph in English. Folks, illegal aliens are not immigrants. Saying illegal aliens are legal immigrants is like saying a ghetto rapist who attacked your daughter last week is the same as your daughter's husband. They are both after the same thing and therefore law, order, ethics, truth, reality, good and evil does not matter.
What evidence do you have that "illegal aliens" are more likely to be rapists than native born Americans? Try thinking (if you can) about the situation like this: how does the US turn "illegal aliens" into legal immigrants, or are you sufficiently ignorant to believe the US is "full"?
Weird, a guy who constantly moans about capitalists taking advantage of workers wants to flood America with cheap labor.
I'm not sure how a "free market" is supposed to distribute wealth equitably if capital is free to cross national borders and labor is not?
So what’s your contribution to economic growth? Guy throws a fiver on the ground and you follow it down?
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"

Truly stupid post, created by TDS.

What you have then is only the most important jobs getting filled, with a higher pay to benefit Americans, not Mexicans. Why in the hell would we want more people in the country that vote anti-American? More Omars and AOCs? No thanks...

If you feel like there are not enough people in America, go make a baby.
What you have then is only the most important jobs getting filled, with a higher pay to benefit Americans, not Mexicans. Why in the hell would we want more people in the country that vote anti-American? More Omars and AOCs? No thanks...
Not enough white skins among today's migrant population for your taste?

Try putting aside delusions of political and racial superiority and look at other numbers:

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"And the numbers, most economists say, indicate that there is plenty of room.

"Immigrants make the country richer, they argue.

"'Without immigration, we shrink as a nation,' said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former director of the Congressional Budget Office who has advised Republican presidential candidates and now leads the conservative American Action Forum.

"That’s because growth is driven by two ingredients: the size of the work force and how efficiently those workers produce things. And both are creeping well behind the postwar average."
The Bill Gates and Ted Turners of the world disagree with your assumption that there is plenty of room in the world for more people. Plus they have implemented many programs to insure that their ideals would be fulfilled. They have been perfecting that gene technology so they can meet their targets. Us so called conspiracy theorist who see what they have done with vaccines and what they are doing with their forced vaccinations are just a few flies in their ointment to them.
Not for anything, but if all these jobs are available, why aren’t Americans who are out of work applying for them?
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"
illegals are a burden on the system
Weird, a guy who constantly moans about capitalists taking advantage of workers wants to flood America with cheap labor.
I'm not sure how a "free market" is supposed to distribute wealth equitably if capital is free to cross national borders and labor is not?

I'm not sure how an anti-capitialist and racial justice warrior such as yourself can justify exploiting foreigners for cheap labor. Maybe an ulterior motive...?
I'm not sure how an anti-capitialist and racial justice warrior such as yourself can justify exploiting foreigners for cheap labor. Maybe an ulterior motive...?
Like GDP growth maybe?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"That’s because growth is driven by two ingredients: the size of the work force and how efficiently those workers produce things. And both are creeping well behind the postwar average.

"One reason is that Americans are having fewer babies.

"Birthrates fell last year to a three-decade low, ensuring that the next generation of native-born Americans will be smaller than the current one."

"The result is fewer workers and consumers; fewer houses to build, phones to sell and cars to buy; fewer gains all around. Turn away new immigrants, and the picture darkens considerably."

10,000 baby boomers retire daily.

Where will you find their replacements, Denmark?
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"
illegals are a burden on the system
illegals are a burden on the system
There's evidence supporting that for first generation migrants primarily because of the costs of educating their children; however, those children grow to become among the strongest economic and fiscal contributors in the US population.

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