“Immigrant” rights rallies around the nation today.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Don’t they really mean...”Illegal alien rights”?
Was the U.S. Constitution written for foreigners?
Should the Bill Of Rights been titled “We The Foreign People”?
I’m pretty sure the founders framed the Constitution for real Americans ONLY and not for foreigners standing on American soil ILLEGALLY.
I'd like to see anyplace else in the world this kind of nonsense takes place. Yes, they are supposedly having one here in downtown, but it's going to be in the mid 90's today with a heat index well over 100 degrees with the humidity factored in.
I'd like to see anyplace else in the world this kind of nonsense takes place. Yes, they are supposedly having one here in downtown, but it's going to be in the mid 90's today with a heat index well over 100 degrees with the humidity factored in.

It’s super fascinating to watch all the ignorant Caucasian wackos out there begging for Mexico to take their nation from them...haha
The ‘noble’ dumbasses refuse to look past their nose.
Could you imagine the Japanese begging foreigners to invade them to displace and dilute their culture?
Plain fucking bizarre!
The immigration protesters are just more dumb racist Democrats.
They are racist who want to change the U.S. into a Latino country.

immigrationrracist la_raza-protest.jpg

aztlan racisttt_8089.JPG

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Don’t they really mean...”Illegal alien rights”?
Was the U.S. Constitution written for foreigners?
Should the Bill Of Rights been titled “We The Foreign People”?
I’m pretty sure the founders framed the Constitution for real Americans ONLY and not for foreigners standing on American soil ILLEGALLY.

What worries me is the potential for widespread violence resulting from these rallies. Of course the rallies are about what's going down on the southern border. How much potential for violent spillage into the communities they're being held in? More evidence of the disregard for American civility and safety in the Left's preference of illegal immigrant rights over that of their own fellow citizens. Once again the Left embraces an age of trashing American unity and birthright. Best thing any supporter of our POTUS or America herself can do is stay far away from this madness.
What happens "today" or this month or this year is not as important as the "trends".

Without a doubt, this nation is creeping towards Socialism first then on to Marxism.

What happened to Americans is perhaps a more pressing question.
What worries me is the potential for widespread violence resulting from these rallies. Of course the rallies are about what's going down on the southern border. How much potential for violent spillage into the communities they're being held in? More evidence of the disregard for American civility and safety in the Left's preference of illegal immigrant rights over that of their own fellow citizens. Once again the Left embraces an age of trashing American unity and birthright. Best thing any supporter of our POTUS or America herself can do is stay far away from this madness.

This is nothing new.
Socialists use the same playbook wherever they set up shop. And their goal is Marxism/Communism.....not simple socialism.
Venezuela is their latest victory (and they DO consider it that btw)

The crazy thing is that most ignorant Leftists here are more than likely entirely unaware they are being used for that purpose because they buy into the race card or bigotry BS lock stock and barrel and will not question. White bigots telling ignorant people to "hate whitey"....and they can't see through it. Fools.

Their victory depends on ignorance and for good men to keep their mouths shut and remain timid and infinitely tolerant of anything they do.

Sadly, the vast majority of Americans who call themselves patriots or don't like what the Socialists are doing will remain silent to the end.
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I'd like to see anyplace else in the world this kind of nonsense takes place. Yes, they are supposedly having one here in downtown, but it's going to be in the mid 90's today with a heat index well over 100 degrees with the humidity factored in.

It’s super fascinating to watch all the ignorant Caucasian wackos out there begging for Mexico to take their nation from them...haha
The ‘noble’ dumbasses refuse to look past their nose.
Could you imagine the Japanese begging foreigners to invade them to displace and dilute their culture?
Plain fucking bizarre!

You know the Democrat bag of tricks, they are using "children" as the reason for their rallies.

However I don't see much success for them today. Our local station reported "hundreds" turned out for the rally. Keep in mind that when the Cav's won the championship, over a million people showed up downtown.

And then there is this from our local Fox station:

Saturday’s rallies are getting funding and support from the American Civil Liberties Union, MoveOn.org, the National Domestic Workers Alliance and The Leadership Conference. But local organizers are shouldering on-the-ground planning, many of them women relying on informal networks established during worldwide women’s marches on Trump’s inauguration and its anniversary.

Hundreds attend Public Square rally to protest Trump immigration policy

So it begs the question as to how many of these hundreds are actually getting paid to attend this event.
I'd like to see anyplace else in the world this kind of nonsense takes place. Yes, they are supposedly having one here in downtown, but it's going to be in the mid 90's today with a heat index well over 100 degrees with the humidity factored in.

It’s super fascinating to watch all the ignorant Caucasian wackos out there begging for Mexico to take their nation from them...haha
The ‘noble’ dumbasses refuse to look past their nose.
Could you imagine the Japanese begging foreigners to invade them to displace and dilute their culture?
Plain fucking bizarre!

You know the Democrat bag of tricks, they are using "children" as the reason for their rallies.

However I don't see much success for them today. Our local station reported "hundreds" turned out for the rally. Keep in mind that when the Cav's won the championship, over a million people showed up downtown.

And then there is this from our local Fox station:

Saturday’s rallies are getting funding and support from the American Civil Liberties Union, MoveOn.org, the National Domestic Workers Alliance and The Leadership Conference. But local organizers are shouldering on-the-ground planning, many of them women relying on informal networks established during worldwide women’s marches on Trump’s inauguration and its anniversary.

Hundreds attend Public Square rally to protest Trump immigration policy

So it begs the question as to how many of these hundreds are actually getting paid to attend this event.

Oh we know for fact they’re getting paid...desperate, ignorant, filthy Democrats will sell their asses for a few bucks.
What’s rights do illegal aliens have that are being denied?

I think they’re pissed that this POTUS isn’t rolling out the red carpet for filthy thirdworlders and treating them as royalty and the paramount concern for REAL Americans.
I think they’re pissed that this POTUS isn’t rolling out the red carpet for filthy thirdworlders and treating them as royalty and the paramount concern for REAL Americans.

There are some legitimate immigrants.

The "Filthy" ones IMO are the ones who come where for the explicit reason to pop off as many anchor babies as their uteruses can handle for the SOLE purpose of invading America. or the one who come here crying they're persecuted when the truth is more like they want American freebies the left is so willing to "give" them at taxpayer expense in exchange for votes. Or the violent criminals.

The Left started this entire mess back in the 80's when they began to make it clear they wanted open borders (for votes)
The 3rd world took note and has been racing to our borders ever since.
Creeping? The democrats are rushing to Marxism at a pace that resulted in a nation wide sonic boom.

But instead of throwing our hands up and accepting it......here's what we CAN DO ABOUT IT TODAY.......

1). VOTE - in the Primaries, mid terms and General Elections
2). Get others like minded to VOTE
3). Refuse to do business with companies that push Progressive agendas....
------ Cancel Netflix & cable TV
------ Stop supporting Hollywood by going to the movies
------ Dump Pro Progressive companies like Progressive Insurance, Starbucks
------ Don't go to Disney or to their movies
------ Avoid Amazon
------ Avoid Dick's Sporting Goods
------ GOOGLE - Learn to use Search engines OTHER THAN Google. Support conservative Search engines. Apathy benefits the Left agenda.
------ Don't shop at Target, Costco or CVS
------ Use and encourage your work place to use Open Office instead of being a slave to Microsoft's expensive products which support progressive agendas
4). Find out what the candidates for Governor and other offices in your state stand for
5). Speak up. Silence is the number one tool used by tyrants. They WANT you to be too afraid to speak up.

But most importantly, take the initiative. Don't wait for others to tell you what needs to be done.
Don’t they really mean...”Illegal alien rights”?
Was the U.S. Constitution written for foreigners?
Should the Bill Of Rights been titled “We The Foreign People”?
I’m pretty sure the founders framed the Constitution for real Americans ONLY and not for foreigners standing on American soil ILLEGALLY.

Goddamn you are such a cry baby. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Don’t they really mean...”Illegal alien rights”?
Was the U.S. Constitution written for foreigners?
Should the Bill Of Rights been titled “We The Foreign People”?
I’m pretty sure the founders framed the Constitution for real Americans ONLY and not for foreigners standing on American soil ILLEGALLY.

Goddamn you are such a cry baby. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

It’s bothers you that I speak and act like good Americans do...doesn’t it?
Don’t worry...it bothers all bottom feeding filth the same way.
Your silence is the same thing as giving them approval by acquiescence.
Tyrants depend on shaming their victims into silence.
Speak up. Speak out. Failure to do so gradually reinforces their POV and diminishes yours.

The Left has already taken FULL advantage of this

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