Imagine how Hillary must feel...

Why did she lie about it so much? Did you watch the video? No, of course not. She got fired up in an interview with an NPR reporter saying it's not true that her opinion on gay marriage changed, when obviously it did. She lies about her views and the views she had in the past.
Yes I watched it. The only thing close to lie is is the Tuzla embellishment when she was first lady. They landed under sniper protocol and that was no greeting ceremony. Maybe for you, not the First Lady of the USA.

How about when she told Anderson Cooper she has always had the same principles? How about when she told the NPR reporter that her view on gay marriage has always been the same? Those weren't lies? There are a bunch of others. At best you skipped through the video, because even the most inept of fools cannot deny the lying shown.
Look up the difference between views and values d u h.
If you actually watched the video you are either delusional or you just don't care. Her lying is as clear as day.
If you think being against gay marriage in 2008 and being for it in 2016 is lying, you are hopeless.

You're intentionally avoiding reality so you don't have to have a conversation about it. Her opinion changed; that is not a lie. It became a lie when she started denying the fact that her opinions changed. She lied countless times during the primary about her past in efforts to defeat Bernie Sanders. She is not an honest candidate.
After 35 years of endless GOP lying propaganda, Americans don't seem to know what a lie is anymore.. sea Obama's lie of the year. That was a prediction that Congress blocked 2 years later. Not a lie.
Yes I watched it. The only thing close to lie is is the Tuzla embellishment when she was first lady. They landed under sniper protocol and that was no greeting ceremony. Maybe for you, not the First Lady of the USA.

How about when she told Anderson Cooper she has always had the same principles? How about when she told the NPR reporter that her view on gay marriage has always been the same? Those weren't lies? There are a bunch of others. At best you skipped through the video, because even the most inept of fools cannot deny the lying shown.
Look up the difference between views and values d u h.
If you actually watched the video you are either delusional or you just don't care. Her lying is as clear as day.

It's useless to try to put reason in a leftist mind :dunno:
Give me your best Hillary lie with w a link and I will prove it to be total b*******

You know, there are some more honest Hillary voters in the other Hillary thread that finally admitted she is a liar, and that they voted for her to stop Trump. They can do it; you can too. I know intellectual honesty is hard sometimes, but what is the point of the alternative?
Yes I watched it. The only thing close to lie is is the Tuzla embellishment when she was first lady. They landed under sniper protocol and that was no greeting ceremony. Maybe for you, not the First Lady of the USA.

How about when she told Anderson Cooper she has always had the same principles? How about when she told the NPR reporter that her view on gay marriage has always been the same? Those weren't lies? There are a bunch of others. At best you skipped through the video, because even the most inept of fools cannot deny the lying shown.
Look up the difference between views and values d u h.
If you actually watched the video you are either delusional or you just don't care. Her lying is as clear as day.
If you think being against gay marriage in 2008 and being for it in 2016 is lying, you are hopeless.

You're intentionally avoiding reality so you don't have to have a conversation about it. Her opinion changed; that is not a lie. It became a lie when she started denying the fact that her opinions changed. She lied countless times during the primary about her past in efforts to defeat Bernie Sanders. She is not an honest candidate.
Example with link, BS artist. Become a Republican then.... If you don't know what a lie is. I voted 4 berny in New York but she never attacked him. The GOP wood have attack him as a slacker and communist and God knows what endlessly...
How about when she told Anderson Cooper she has always had the same principles? How about when she told the NPR reporter that her view on gay marriage has always been the same? Those weren't lies? There are a bunch of others. At best you skipped through the video, because even the most inept of fools cannot deny the lying shown.
Look up the difference between views and values d u h.
If you actually watched the video you are either delusional or you just don't care. Her lying is as clear as day.
If you think being against gay marriage in 2008 and being for it in 2016 is lying, you are hopeless.

You're intentionally avoiding reality so you don't have to have a conversation about it. Her opinion changed; that is not a lie. It became a lie when she started denying the fact that her opinions changed. She lied countless times during the primary about her past in efforts to defeat Bernie Sanders. She is not an honest candidate.
Example with link, BS artist. Become a Republican then.... If you don't know what a lie is. I voted 4 berny in New York but she never attacked him. The GOP wood have attack him as a slacker and communist and God knows what endlessly...

Jesus dude, are you drunk? Anyway, the video you claim to have watched literally shows clips of her denying the fact that her opinions have changed over the years. She lied about it because one of the big sells with Bernie was he has been saying the same thing for decades. His message has always been consistent and on point. She lied and attempted to paint herself as the same.
How about when she told Anderson Cooper she has always had the same principles? How about when she told the NPR reporter that her view on gay marriage has always been the same? Those weren't lies? There are a bunch of others. At best you skipped through the video, because even the most inept of fools cannot deny the lying shown.
Look up the difference between views and values d u h.
If you actually watched the video you are either delusional or you just don't care. Her lying is as clear as day.

It's useless to try to put reason in a leftist mind :dunno:
Give me your best Hillary lie with w a link and I will prove it to be total b*******

You know, there are some more honest Hillary voters in the other Hillary thread that finally admitted she is a liar, and that they voted for her to stop Trump. They can do it; you can too. I know intellectual honesty is hard sometimes, but what is the point of the alternative?
Up your nose... Example with link of 1, 4shared artist? And not an innocent embellishment as a first lady or her family mythology.
Look up the difference between views and values d u h.
If you actually watched the video you are either delusional or you just don't care. Her lying is as clear as day.
If you think being against gay marriage in 2008 and being for it in 2016 is lying, you are hopeless.

You're intentionally avoiding reality so you don't have to have a conversation about it. Her opinion changed; that is not a lie. It became a lie when she started denying the fact that her opinions changed. She lied countless times during the primary about her past in efforts to defeat Bernie Sanders. She is not an honest candidate.
Example with link, BS artist. Become a Republican then.... If you don't know what a lie is. I voted 4 berny in New York but she never attacked him. The GOP wood have attack him as a slacker and communist and God knows what endlessly...

Jesus dude, are you drunk? Anyway, the video you claim to have watched literally shows clips of her denying the fact that her opinions have changed over the years. She lied about it because one of the big sells with Bernie was he has been saying the same thing for decades. His message has always been consistent and on point. She lied and attempted to paint herself as the same.
Thanks 4 electing Trump, super duper.
If you actually watched the video you are either delusional or you just don't care. Her lying is as clear as day.
If you think being against gay marriage in 2008 and being for it in 2016 is lying, you are hopeless.

You're intentionally avoiding reality so you don't have to have a conversation about it. Her opinion changed; that is not a lie. It became a lie when she started denying the fact that her opinions changed. She lied countless times during the primary about her past in efforts to defeat Bernie Sanders. She is not an honest candidate.
Example with link, BS artist. Become a Republican then.... If you don't know what a lie is. I voted 4 berny in New York but she never attacked him. The GOP wood have attack him as a slacker and communist and God knows what endlessly...

Jesus dude, are you drunk? Anyway, the video you claim to have watched literally shows clips of her denying the fact that her opinions have changed over the years. She lied about it because one of the big sells with Bernie was he has been saying the same thing for decades. His message has always been consistent and on point. She lied and attempted to paint herself as the same.
Thanks 4 electing Trump, super duper.

Right, so no acknowledgment of what I just said? The proof is right in the video you claim you watched.
If you actually watched the video you are either delusional or you just don't care. Her lying is as clear as day.
If you think being against gay marriage in 2008 and being for it in 2016 is lying, you are hopeless.

You're intentionally avoiding reality so you don't have to have a conversation about it. Her opinion changed; that is not a lie. It became a lie when she started denying the fact that her opinions changed. She lied countless times during the primary about her past in efforts to defeat Bernie Sanders. She is not an honest candidate.
Example with link, BS artist. Become a Republican then.... If you don't know what a lie is. I voted 4 berny in New York but she never attacked him. The GOP wood have attack him as a slacker and communist and God knows what endlessly...

Jesus dude, are you drunk? Anyway, the video you claim to have watched literally shows clips of her denying the fact that her opinions have changed over the years. She lied about it because one of the big sells with Bernie was he has been saying the same thing for decades. His message has always been consistent and on point. She lied and attempted to paint herself as the same.
Thanks 4 electing Trump, super duper.

Why are you blaming him and not your party leaders who stole the candidacy from Sanders? Whom all the polls showed as the stronger candidate.
Get over it she is a con job, she lost ,go light a candle .Democrats are losers and idiots.
Hey dumbass, in this NOT BANNANA REPUBLIC country guilt has to be proven in the court of law before you send people to jail.

What law did Steele break? Did you spend even half a second thinking about that, or is doing something dear leader Trump doesn't like grounds enough for incarceration?

Hey Dumbass....

It's your party that lies, and cheats....

Just ask crazy Bernie dip shit....

Nutter, you are barking up the wrong tree, the concepts I laid out are not partisan.

There is no indication Steele broke any laws, no indication he is in any criminal legal jeopardy, no indication that he should be locked up.

Hey Dip Shit….

The lefts Bull Shit campaign

To Frame Trump with this Russian

Bull Shit is blowing away like a Fart

In a tornado.

Now the truth is coming out about all

the lying and colluding on your side.

This will make Watergate look like a joke…

All your Bull Shit is coming back to bite you

In the ass, it has to suck to be you….

Thank you President Donald J. Trump………

Hilarious considering the record:


All these gates and NOTHING to show for it.

So tell you have a learning disorder? Because by now you should have learned SOMETHING about the reliability of the sources pumping out this bullshit.

Rave on you idiot….

The truth will come out.

Trump is sticking all your Russian

Bull Shit up your ass…..

Before it’s over many on your side will

be serving time for trying to subvert the election………….

The truth came out a long time ago Sherlock, you just didn’t happen to like it and elected to go with nutter fantasies that will never connect with reality instead.
Last edited:
if i could only delete my high school years as easily as crooked hillary deletes her emails" don’t know how to delete emails?

Wow. Even in the littlest of things, lefties have to be dishonest assholes.

Bullshit. Clinton requested emails deleted in 2014, the company handling her email fucked up:

March 4, 2015: The Benghazi committee issues a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over all emails from her private server related to the incident in Libya.

Between March 25-31, 2015: The Platte River Networks employee has what he calls an "oh s---" moment, realizing he did not delete Clinton’s email archive, per Mills’ December 2014 request. The employee deletes the email archive using a software called BleachBit.

March 27, 2015: Clinton’s lawyers send a letter to the Benghazi committee saying that the State Department already has the relevant emails, as they were included in the Dec. 5, 2014, turnover.

The FBI found no evidence that the emails were deleted deliberately to avoid the subpoena or other requests.

Trump: Clinton deleted 33,000 emails after getting subpoena
so let me be clear -

trump meets with russians in his offices like he has a thousand times before. suddenly it's enough to warrant 2 years and counting of investigations.

someone deletes 33k e-mails right after being subpoenaed and that doesn't raise your eyebrows.

yea - bullshit, son. pure bullshit.

Dumbass did you actually READ what you quoted?
Trump goes out at 3am to welcome 3 Americans home.
Hillary ignored a 3am call that could have saved 3 American lives because she was sleeping.

Democrats want us to think Trump is the bad person. smh

And let's not forget DumBama who went to bed because he had a fund raiser which was much more important than the fate of an Ambassador or our military men.
Everything you know about Benghazi is pure GOP crap propaganda, super duper.

That's not propaganda. Propaganda is going on television with your minions and telling everybody the attack had nothing to do with 911. The attack was because of some stupid Youtube video nobody ever seen.
If you think being against gay marriage in 2008 and being for it in 2016 is lying, you are hopeless.

You're intentionally avoiding reality so you don't have to have a conversation about it. Her opinion changed; that is not a lie. It became a lie when she started denying the fact that her opinions changed. She lied countless times during the primary about her past in efforts to defeat Bernie Sanders. She is not an honest candidate.
Example with link, BS artist. Become a Republican then.... If you don't know what a lie is. I voted 4 berny in New York but she never attacked him. The GOP wood have attack him as a slacker and communist and God knows what endlessly...

Jesus dude, are you drunk? Anyway, the video you claim to have watched literally shows clips of her denying the fact that her opinions have changed over the years. She lied about it because one of the big sells with Bernie was he has been saying the same thing for decades. His message has always been consistent and on point. She lied and attempted to paint herself as the same.
Thanks 4 electing Trump, super duper.

Why are you blaming him and not your party leaders who stole the candidacy from Sanders? Whom all the polls showed as the stronger candidate.
She won fair and square as Bernie said.
Trump goes out at 3am to welcome 3 Americans home.
Hillary ignored a 3am call that could have saved 3 American lives because she was sleeping.

Democrats want us to think Trump is the bad person. smh

And let's not forget DumBama who went to bed because he had a fund raiser which was much more important than the fate of an Ambassador or our military men.
Everything you know about Benghazi is pure GOP crap propaganda, super duper.

That's not propaganda. Propaganda is going on television with your minions and telling everybody the attack had nothing to do with 911. The attack was because of some stupid Youtube video nobody ever seen.
The Rush Limbaugh of Cairo saw it and told everyone to protest and attack American embassies. Everybody but Dupes know it.

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