I'm Sure Trump's All Broken Up About This

Oh....he's a criminal


Everyone who questions the power structure is a "criminal", that's how inverted totalitarianism works.
Another nutter mad that Trump says he's going to enforce the law.

it'd funny if it wasn't so ridiculous. A congressman pledging to march to protest enforcement of the law.

Gee, I just can't figure out how that Trump guy won. lol.
If the right boycotted Obama's inauguration, the media would have labelled him racist!

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I think we've heard enough of your wisdom about race of late.

Little Luey gets me fired up. He is such a disgrace. Worse of than worst in Congress. Right there with Ellison, Sanders, Carson, Durbin, Sheila Jackson, Pelosi, Schakowsky, Maxine Waters and that took that thought Guam would tip over!

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