‘I’m Sorry I Wished Violent Death to Children Just Because They Wore MAGA Hats’

MAGA Hat = KKK Hood
Lol intelligent people know better but keep it up

Retarded racists don't have to wear pointy hoods anymore. Thanks to Trump - they now feel empowered to unmask themselves.


You're as full of shit as that lying drunk Indian who made an ass out of himself with the Catholic kids.
Why is everyone blaming the white kids, Seems nobody want to blame the black "Israelites" who started the whole incident.

Yeah! Nobody! Zero people blame the black Israelites. You nailed it!

It took a couple of days - and the conservative media - to even get the presence of the Black Israelites MENTIONED. And there might be somebody in the MSM mildly blaming the BI for what happened, but I personally haven't seen it yet.
Black Israelites started it all. The started with the Indians and then redirected to the boys. Then, strangely, the Indians joined sides with the blacks.

Yes, there really is no point in trying to figure out the criminally insane.
the MSM/leftists/blacks have NO room to talk about crap after all this stupid shit
Your picture shows people in black clothes not black faces with white shit on their lips Al Jolson style.

Try to fucking keep up, 'kay? Already provided more pics of blackout sports events that showed fans with paint. And anyway, are you REALLY trying to pretend you're unaware of the phenomenon of sports fans painting themselves to show team spirit? Or did you just somehow imagine that black was never one of the team colors? You're either a moron, or a liar.

Since you really, REALLY want to double down on stupid and pretend that the idea of sports fans painting their faces is unheard of and outrageous - or possibly that you just are so damned ignorant it never occurred to you that they might do it with black paint - here you go.


I also included two stories about SPECIFICALLY how the black face paint had nothing to do with racism, but yet another fragile leftist snowflake like yourself just HAD to get her panties in a ruffle nevertheless, requiring that a tradition of school spirit be stopped because everything is about her and her personal problems with her own race:

Black-painted faces at ASU game stir concerns

ASU asks fans to not paint faces before 'blackout' game

You're welcome.

Yep. That’s the way it is.

A blackout with black clothes is fine. Once you do the face and keep the eyes and mouth white, you enter the racism arena.

Only a moron doesn’t understand this.

Yep, that's the way it is. Leftists are so racist and nasty that they can't allow anyone to enjoy anything without injecting their poison into it to get attention.

Only a moron wants to be this.
Film producer Jack Morrissey apologized Monday for joking about “MAGA kids” going “screaming, hats first into the woodchipper.” The tweet was accompanied by an iconic scene from “Fargo” in which a dead person’s blood flies from a woodchipper.

Morrisey, whose credits include “Beauty and the Beast” and films in the “Twilight” franchise, quickly deleted the tweet and apologized, but Sarah Palin and other critics slammed him on social media.

Jack Morrissey Apologizes for Deleted Covington 'Woodchipper' Tweet

Remember, these people think they are our moral and intellectual superiors.
Who isn't morally superior to Donald Trump?

Well, you, for example.
There' a whole lot of people out there that need to make some apologies.
Including about a dozen on this site who condoned violence against the kids.
Only against one. Biff the guy who was making fun of that old Amer Indian. I want him air dropped in Tegucigalpa at 3 AM wearing his hat and a Go Pro.
The fraud who lied to the media and isn’t even a Vietnam vet? That Old American Indian?

Did he ever say that he was a Vietnam Vet?

You don’t know?

How odd! You’d never call someone a liar without knowing that he lied, would you?
He repaired refrigerators and went AWOL 3 times. That was his claim to fame in the military. He is a fraud.
oh really..
This is why the left just cannot meme right.

Hogg and his Ilk pushed themselves into the media and milked it for all they could.

The Catholic kid just stood there queitly while hysterical leftists dragged him into the media light.

Massive failure for you

Look up false equivelancy
Notice that the liberal wack job didn’t wish death on the black protesters that actually were taunting and mocking Native American’s at the protest for worshipping totem poles or calling them demon’s. But they want to throw a kid wearing a hat they don’t like in a wood chipper. Fucking deranged douchbags.
oh really..
This is why the left just cannot meme right.

Hogg and his Ilk pushed themselves into the media and milked it for all they could.

The Catholic kid just stood there queitly while hysterical leftists dragged him into the media light.

Massive failure for you

Look up false equivelancy
actually its rich white private school students versus public school students. Surviving a school shooting is the worst sin, aint it.

"The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.”
—Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
oh really..
This is why the left just cannot meme right.

Hogg and his Ilk pushed themselves into the media and milked it for all they could.

The Catholic kid just stood there queitly while hysterical leftists dragged him into the media light.

Massive failure for you

Look up false equivelancy
actually its rich white private school students versus public school students. Surviving a school shooting is the worst sin, aint it.

"The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.”
—Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
Private catholic schools does not automatically equal rich

The parkland kids were as wealthy and privileged if not more so than some boys from kentucky

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