I'm a Good Person

well, I tend to think of Barron as being.. maybe a CINO.. Catholic in name only or something.. but that's not to say I know a lot about him... I am pretty sure he is novus ordo

and I am not... so there's that.. Anyway, maybe what he says about the rosary is kosher... God knows..
Isn't "novus ordo" the post Vatican II? Isn't the most basic difference, at least in terms of the Mass, that novus ordo is in English?

My fallen away Catholic hubby was an altar boy and choir boy when the Mass was always in Latin and he learned to sing all of the music in Latin. I'd catch him with a twinkle in his eye when I'd ask him to sing the Schubert "Ave Maria".

I'm enjoying hearing Mass in both the Latin and English, because some things translate more easily or more meaningfully for me in Latin.

Thanks for educating me. Everyone else, please excuse me for going a little off topic. There's a lot to learn.
The twelve tennis courts in our municipal park have a memorial metal bench in the middle of the cluster. One morning a bum was sleeping on this bench. Ninety minutes later, I finished my tennis and went to offer him a wonderful breakfast but he had left. Expecting him to be cleaning up in the public bathroom, I went in and saw his bicycle and backpack inside the handicapped enclosure. I offered up, "If you want I'll buy you a nice breakfast at Stacks."

I had expected him to graciously accept as Rashid did two months earlier. "What is your problem!" he screamed.

"I don't have the problem. You're the one sleeping on the bench."

He continued with expletives, profanities and insults, perhaps hoping to get more with that than kindness.

Let me take you back decades earlier, when I saw the very first fellow pretending to be a bum. He held up a sign on a busy street, "Will work for food." Hop in. I bought us lunch at McDonalds and took him to apartments I owned and managed a mile away.

He said "I need $50 to get back to Phoenix."

"Sweep out these 20 carports and when I return, I will take you to the bus terminal and buy you a non-refundable one-way ticket to Phoenix."

An hour later, I returned to find the broom right where I left him.

You give them money, they may take it back to their personal car which is better than what you are driving. They may buy drugs with it, as one of my relatives does who is homeless and steals from anyone who tries to help him out. That is exactly why he is on the streets. He is worthless - a dredge on society.
In reality none of us are "Good". Just ask Jesus. He paid a hefty price on our behalf because of this. The great thing, I don't have to be good, but am still forgiven. But I do my best as commanded, but admit I fall short at times.

Once {you are } pregnant it isn't okay for you to kill your kid,

{ 00020 tshrmp #20 } Don't want kids, then don't get pregnant. Once {you are } pregnant it isn't okay for you to kill your kid, or on me to give you "free stuff".

{ tshrmp #47 } In reality none of us are "Good". Just ask Jesus ••••• I don't have to be good, but am still forgiven. But I do my best as commanded, but admit I fall short at times.

{ ckvgn #7,823 } Every life is our business.

{ NFBW #64 to tshrmp #47 } Many Christian voters in Kansas rejected protecting unborn life. The heavily pro-Trump/ religious right “value of protecting unborn life” has been rejected at the voting booth in a politically conservative, and highly religious rural red state.
Do you think Kansas Christians who voted that it is ok to allow women “to kill their kid” are doing their best to be commanded by JESUS as you claim superior Christian morality on the matter of abortion.

As a Christian based on “doing your best as commanded by Jesus” How do you explain the following *see suppsn #1 Ksnsvs

{ suppsn #1 } Excerpted from:
What Kansas Abortion Vote Means for Democrats, Republicans in the Midterms (newsweek.com)

… In the first electoral test since the Supreme Court overturned the 1973 ruling giving women a federal right to an abortion in June, more than 59 percent of people in Kansas backed upholding the state's constitutional right for women to access the procedure. … In May, electoral analysis firm Split Ticket said banning abortion "is extremely unpopular among voters" and that “Republicans have far more pro-choice voters than Democrats have pro-life ones." . ///// Republicans far outnumbered Democrats in the Kansas primary and 59% of all those Kansas voters voted against amending Kansas's laws which currently uphold a woman's' right to seek an abortion, This indicates Even in the reddest of states, Democrats would be foolish not to make “a woman's right to choose" to be among their major election issues. Respectfully, Supposn
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