Illegal Immigration....Slave Labor?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
If you support illegal immigration you are supporting slave labor. Go ahead and try to deny it.
You want to liken Mexicans who willingly leave their homes and illegally cross a border in an effort to make a better life for themselves, to black men women and children rounded up, shackled in the belly of a ship for weeks, brought to a place they probably didn’t know existed where they are treated like livestock? That is one twisted brain taking up space between your ears.
You want to liken Mexicans who willingly leave their homes and illegally cross a border in an effort to make a better life for themselves, to black men women and children rounded up, shackled in the belly of a ship for weeks, brought to a place they probably didn’t know existed where they are treated like livestock? That is one twisted brain taking up space between your ears.

Yes.....Illegals make slave wages for stooping over and picking our vegetables, etc. They brave insecticides, Round-Up and who knows what other chemical on a regular basis only to get paid shit so YOU can buy lettuce on the cheap. Also, because you want cheap produce, the Corporate Farm Companies can make obscene profits. Those companies should be forced to look to American laborers and have to PAY American wages for that hard labor. Grow your own vegetables or shut up.
You want to liken Mexicans who willingly leave their homes and illegally cross a border in an effort to make a better life for themselves, to black men women and children rounded up, shackled in the belly of a ship for weeks, brought to a place they probably didn’t know existed where they are treated like livestock? That is one twisted brain taking up space between your ears.

Yes.....Illegals make slave wages for stooping over and picking our vegetables, etc. They brave insecticides, Round-Up and who knows what other chemical on a regular basis only to get paid shit so YOU can buy lettuce on the cheap. Also, because you want cheap produce, the Corporate Farm Companies can make obscene profits. Those companies should be forced to look to American laborers and have to PAY American wages for that hard labor. Grow your own vegetables or shut up.

You’re wrong and your thread failed because you’re wrong.
Please tell us more. I don't understand why you liken illegal immigrants as slave. They chose that life.
So you support illegals and slave wages? Why?
You want to liken Mexicans who willingly leave their homes and illegally cross a border in an effort to make a better life for themselves, to black men women and children rounded up, shackled in the belly of a ship for weeks, brought to a place they probably didn’t know existed where they are treated like livestock? That is one twisted brain taking up space between your ears.

Yes.....Illegals make slave wages for stooping over and picking our vegetables, etc. They brave insecticides, Round-Up and who knows what other chemical on a regular basis only to get paid shit so YOU can buy lettuce on the cheap. Also, because you want cheap produce, the Corporate Farm Companies can make obscene profits. Those companies should be forced to look to American laborers and have to PAY American wages for that hard labor. Grow your own vegetables or shut up.

You’re wrong and your thread failed because you’re wrong.

'You're wrong' is a moronic reply. The thread is still up so it has not 'failed' you nutter.
Ok, your thread was a raging success. It’s been up over 2 days and you got nearly 10 post from 3 different people besides yourself. Way to go!
Ok, your thread was a raging success. It’s been up over 2 days and you got nearly 10 post from 3 different people besides yourself. Way to go!

Well, it successfully exposed your stupidity 'Bucky.' I'd say exposing morons is a win.
If you support illegal immigration you are supporting slave labor. Go ahead and try to deny it.
Are you talking about migrant farm workers, or illegals who get hired as cleaners, cooks, etc? In either case, the reason they are here is they get paid better than if they stayed in Mexico. Otherwise, why would they be here? Your assertion does not make sense.
If you support illegal immigration you are supporting slave labor. Go ahead and try to deny it.
Are you talking about migrant farm workers, or illegals who get hired as cleaners, cooks, etc? In either case, the reason they are here is they get paid better than if they stayed in Mexico. Otherwise, why would they be here? Your assertion does not make sense.

My 'assertion' is that corporate farms have been using Mexicans for decades, whether they be illegal or legal, to pick our crops at slave wages so YOU and I can buy cheap lettuce (for example). Americans could do these jobs at living wages and should be PAID as such. The economy will correct. Capitalism is the best economic system IF not given loopholes by political manipulation. Democrats want illegals because it expands their base which are self described victims. Republicans want illegals because their slave wages enhance the 'bottom line.' which feeds their political coffers. Trump sees this and is promoting 'the wall' which is the first step to correct this situation. Frankly YOUR assertion is moronic. I don't really give a fuck about a Mexican who works for slave wages, send them back.
There is a need for migrant farm workers here on work visas to support the American produce industry. I have made several posts over the years on this board to that effect.
If we tried your solution and forced all 'corporate' or mom and pop farms to use only American workers, the results would be disastrous. You would have massive crop loss and for the crops that were properly picked, you would be paying multiple times the price we pay now. The produce industry and migrant farm workers is a unique mutually beneficial situation. Don't confuse it with illegals working for cleaning, fast food or construction companies etc. where there is direct competition for American labor.

Aside from that, neither migrant farm workers or illegals working for small businesses can be described as "slave labor" because they are not here against their will. That is the definition of the word "slave". You are using it for emotional value.
You want to liken Mexicans who willingly leave their homes and illegally cross a border in an effort to make a better life for themselves, to black men women and children rounded up, shackled in the belly of a ship for weeks, brought to a place they probably didn’t know existed where they are treated like livestock? That is one twisted brain taking up space between your ears.

Yes.....Illegals make slave wages for stooping over and picking our vegetables, etc. They brave insecticides, Round-Up and who knows what other chemical on a regular basis only to get paid shit so YOU can buy lettuce on the cheap. Also, because you want cheap produce, the Corporate Farm Companies can make obscene profits. Those companies should be forced to look to American laborers and have to PAY American wages for that hard labor. Grow your own vegetables or shut up.
Though the term 'slave labor is not, I believe the term 'slave wage' is an oxymoron.
Migrant and illegal farm labor is a form of slavery. It doesn’t matter how one tries to soften it. The truth is that foreign workers work for less because rhey come from places where wages are drastically below what the most meager stipend in th U.S. would net.
Migrant and illegal farm labor is a form of slavery. .....

That is absurd.

Your reply is absurd and moronic.

The word “slavery” means something, and to play games with the concept demeans and diminishes the very real suffering of real people who have and still do experience that great evil.

It doesn’t mean making less than someone else, working under the table, or any fantasy about some theoretical ‘living wage.’ Such hyperbole is dishonest and irresponsible.

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