Illegal immigrants

should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
You bigots are in a tiny minority.

Thank God.
Nothing bigoted in protecting your country, Nancy!
You don't care about our country. You are only fooling yourselves.

How do you know what he believes?
Your idiocy is amazing. Put into perspective, the proper punishment for an Improper U Turn is that person has their license suspended permanently and never allowed to ride in a car ever again.

The proper punishment for illegal aliens is removal.

OMG. Are anti-immigrants stuck on stupid by any chance?

This back and forth never solves anything. You catch these so - called "illegals," and you're not even an American yourself - then they come back. So, you can do it again OR you can imprison them after they come in repeatedly.

We already have more people in prison than any nation on this planet. That should tell you that you need something else. Your bumper sticker slogans and acting like a clown are not solutions. They are distractions that will ultimately end in the anti-immigrant lobby losing.

You catch these so - called "illegals,"

No "so-called" about it.
Illegal aliens are here illegally.
They should go home.

then they come back.

That's why we need to secure the border. Build the wall.
And make it harder for them to work. Turn off the magnet.

So, you can do it again OR you can imprison them after they come in repeatedly.

Yes, some should be imprisoned.

We already have more people in prison than any nation on this planet. That should tell you that you need something else.

Yeah, fewer criminals.

I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security. Let's educate you:

1 - I say so - called because in this country we have a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty standard. If you were educated and / or an American, you would know that

2 - Someday it could be YOU that is accused of a crime and REALLY needing that presumption of innocence

3 - Just because a person is in this country without papers does not mean they are removable

4 - We have this thing called Due Process. You should Google it and familiarize yourself with it

5 - Anybody that thinks we should split families up and / or force American citizens out of the country over a civil misdemeanor has an emotional issue that is out of touch with reality

6 - There are just as many people who invite the foreigners here as there are people like yourself that think you should ship 'em all out. As a result, you don't have anything but an opinion in the grand scheme of things. BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear? Walmart? Well Walmart was convicted of hiring subcontractors that knowingly had undocumented foreigners on their payroll.

So, since you help feed the undocumented foreigners by frequenting Walmart and refusing to wear real clothes, how in the Hell can you criticize the left with a straight face?

7) The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States

8) Under our de jure / lawful / constitutional Constitution, the federal government has no authority to force states to enforce immigration laws. States can invite anyone in as a guest.

I advised on this board, many times, that the feds could withhold federal funds for states that did not enforce immigration law if the foreigners had any access to that money or benefited off it.

While your ilk was swearing at me, Trump took that advice and is threatening to do it

9) You confuse citizenship with Liberty. I promise you that even people without papers are entitled to Due Process and constitutional guarantees regardless of immigration status

10) You can pretend to be this all knowing sage in a clown suit all day long, but if you do not understand the concept of stare decisis and how your nonsensical approach to this could impact MY Freedom and Liberties ... or your own for that matter, you are not qualified to criticize me.

Go ahead and play the part of the clown wanting to be a sage. Intelligent people won't take you serious.

I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.


BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear?

You don't recognize Obama the clown?

The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States

That is awesome!

Now let's boot the illegal aliens.

I would vote to boot you. If Trump only wants to import the intelligent people into America, he needs to get rid of some of those who aren't so smart.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.
should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
The liberal compassion to the illegal horde crossing the border was shown in full force last night at the Presidents First SOTU speech. Liberals should be thankful I am not running for president.
1. I would close the borders by either building a wall or getting the military out of foreign nations, put them on the border and give orders to shoot to kill anyone trying to cross illegally.
2. Enact a 5 year Census, going house to house and if you cannot prove you have a legitimate birth certificate with Social Security you are immediately rounded up by ICE and taken to the emergency holding areas that Obama and Bush created for overzealous rioters.
3. Punish anyone or any company known for hiring illegals with $10,000 fine and 5 years in jail.
4. Arrest any politician who aids and abets a known illegal criminal by enacting sanctuary cities, counties or states, give them a trial for treason , if found guilty, send to a country of their choice or executed.
I no longer have compassion for those who come here illegally and demand the same rights that I have. Fuck em all.

You are mistaking common sense with compassion. Your post shows you have neither. Reagan pushed through the last amnesty over the objections of Democrats who said it would just encourage more illegal immigration.

Every time Democrats tried to increase fines for employers who hire illegals, Republicans have blocked the legislation. Both Obama and Clinton cracked down hard on illegals. Trump is a piker where it comes to deportations compared to Obama’s first year in office.

There are 11 million undocumented aliens in your country. Deporting them will serious affect your GDP, your food supply and several industries such as construction. Removal of these 11 million will cost billions to round them up, give them hearing and deport them.

There are no FEMA camps. Those are a conservative pipe dream.

Donald Trump and the crowd that believes in FEMA camps

So where do you propose to put all these people, and who is going to round them up? Your courts are already overwhelmed and anyone who has been in the country for more than 14 days is legally entitled to a hearing.

Illegals are coming in by plane with visasand overstaying their visas. They’re not sneaking across your borders in any large numbers. More people are going back to Mexico than are sneaking into the US.

There were fewer undocumented Mexicans in the US when Obama left office, than when he entered, in part because of the Recession. Building the wall is a waste of time and money.

“Sanctuary cities” are simply cities who don’t waste precious tax dollars and spaces in overcrowded local jails for federal immigration prisoners. They’re not paid to arrest or detain federal prisoners nor are they legally required to do so. You don’t like it? Change the law.

So stop blaming liberals for the mess that Reagan and the Republicans made with their amnesty and refusal to act and come up with some common sense solutions that address the economics of rounding up and deporting 11 million people and the effect that will have on your economy.
The proper punishment for illegal aliens is removal.

OMG. Are anti-immigrants stuck on stupid by any chance?

This back and forth never solves anything. You catch these so - called "illegals," and you're not even an American yourself - then they come back. So, you can do it again OR you can imprison them after they come in repeatedly.

We already have more people in prison than any nation on this planet. That should tell you that you need something else. Your bumper sticker slogans and acting like a clown are not solutions. They are distractions that will ultimately end in the anti-immigrant lobby losing.

You catch these so - called "illegals,"

No "so-called" about it.
Illegal aliens are here illegally.
They should go home.

then they come back.

That's why we need to secure the border. Build the wall.
And make it harder for them to work. Turn off the magnet.

So, you can do it again OR you can imprison them after they come in repeatedly.

Yes, some should be imprisoned.

We already have more people in prison than any nation on this planet. That should tell you that you need something else.

Yeah, fewer criminals.

I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security. Let's educate you:

1 - I say so - called because in this country we have a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty standard. If you were educated and / or an American, you would know that

2 - Someday it could be YOU that is accused of a crime and REALLY needing that presumption of innocence

3 - Just because a person is in this country without papers does not mean they are removable

4 - We have this thing called Due Process. You should Google it and familiarize yourself with it

5 - Anybody that thinks we should split families up and / or force American citizens out of the country over a civil misdemeanor has an emotional issue that is out of touch with reality

6 - There are just as many people who invite the foreigners here as there are people like yourself that think you should ship 'em all out. As a result, you don't have anything but an opinion in the grand scheme of things. BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear? Walmart? Well Walmart was convicted of hiring subcontractors that knowingly had undocumented foreigners on their payroll.

So, since you help feed the undocumented foreigners by frequenting Walmart and refusing to wear real clothes, how in the Hell can you criticize the left with a straight face?

7) The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States

8) Under our de jure / lawful / constitutional Constitution, the federal government has no authority to force states to enforce immigration laws. States can invite anyone in as a guest.

I advised on this board, many times, that the feds could withhold federal funds for states that did not enforce immigration law if the foreigners had any access to that money or benefited off it.

While your ilk was swearing at me, Trump took that advice and is threatening to do it

9) You confuse citizenship with Liberty. I promise you that even people without papers are entitled to Due Process and constitutional guarantees regardless of immigration status

10) You can pretend to be this all knowing sage in a clown suit all day long, but if you do not understand the concept of stare decisis and how your nonsensical approach to this could impact MY Freedom and Liberties ... or your own for that matter, you are not qualified to criticize me.

Go ahead and play the part of the clown wanting to be a sage. Intelligent people won't take you serious.

I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.


BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear?

You don't recognize Obama the clown?

The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States

That is awesome!

Now let's boot the illegal aliens.

I would vote to boot you. If Trump only wants to import the intelligent people into America, he needs to get rid of some of those who aren't so smart.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.

I would vote to boot you.

You should do that.

The Dems should run on higher taxes, gun confiscation and open borders.
Yell it from the rooftops!!!

Your comrades will sweep back into power.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.

It worked to defeat Hillary.......
should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
The liberal compassion to the illegal horde crossing the border was shown in full force last night at the Presidents First SOTU speech. Liberals should be thankful I am not running for president.
1. I would close the borders by either building a wall or getting the military out of foreign nations, put them on the border and give orders to shoot to kill anyone trying to cross illegally.
2. Enact a 5 year Census, going house to house and if you cannot prove you have a legitimate birth certificate with Social Security you are immediately rounded up by ICE and taken to the emergency holding areas that Obama and Bush created for overzealous rioters.
3. Punish anyone or any company known for hiring illegals with $10,000 fine and 5 years in jail.
4. Arrest any politician who aids and abets a known illegal criminal by enacting sanctuary cities, counties or states, give them a trial for treason , if found guilty, send to a country of their choice or executed.
I no longer have compassion for those who come here illegally and demand the same rights that I have. Fuck em all.

You are mistaking common sense with compassion. Your post shows you have neither. Reagan pushed through the last amnesty over the objections of Democrats who said it would just encourage more illegal immigration.

Every time Democrats tried to increase fines for employers who hire illegals, Republicans have blocked the legislation. Both Obama and Clinton cracked down hard on illegals. Trump is a piker where it comes to deportations compared to Obama’s first year in office.

There are 11 million undocumented aliens in your country. Deporting them will serious affect your GDP, your food supply and several industries such as construction. Removal of these 11 million will cost billions to round them up, give them hearing and deport them.

There are no FEMA camps. Those are a conservative pipe dream.

Donald Trump and the crowd that believes in FEMA camps

So where do you propose to put all these people, and who is going to round them up? Your courts are already overwhelmed and anyone who has been in the country for more than 14 days is legally entitled to a hearing.

Illegals are coming in by plane with visasand overstaying their visas. They’re not sneaking across your borders in any large numbers. More people are going back to Mexico than are sneaking into the US.

There were fewer undocumented Mexicans in the US when Obama left office, than when he entered, in part because of the Recession. Building the wall is a waste of time and money.

“Sanctuary cities” are simply cities who don’t waste precious tax dollars and spaces in overcrowded local jails for federal immigration prisoners. They’re not paid to arrest or detain federal prisoners nor are they legally required to do so. You don’t like it? Change the law.

So stop blaming liberals for the mess that Reagan and the Republicans made with their amnesty and refusal to act and come up with some common sense solutions that address the economics of rounding up and deporting 11 million people and the effect that will have on your economy.

Reagan pushed through the last amnesty over the objections of Democrats who said it would just encourage more illegal immigration. was the Dems who pushed it. It was the Republicans who warned.
It was the Dems who promised they would secure the border.
It was the Dems who lied.
OMG. Are anti-immigrants stuck on stupid by any chance?

This back and forth never solves anything. You catch these so - called "illegals," and you're not even an American yourself - then they come back. So, you can do it again OR you can imprison them after they come in repeatedly.

We already have more people in prison than any nation on this planet. That should tell you that you need something else. Your bumper sticker slogans and acting like a clown are not solutions. They are distractions that will ultimately end in the anti-immigrant lobby losing.
The only person stuck on stupid is you. Recidivism has been reduced, with a wall it will be even further. Obviously we don't have enough illegals in prison yet.
I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.
SMFH grow the fuck up.

Let's educate you:

1 - I say so - called because in this country we have a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty standard. If you were educated and / or an American, you would know that
Look at you, you obfuscate reality. Illegal presence refers to being found within the US via SCOTUS, they can still be charged with Improper Entry if they entered illegally, ie they have no entry stamp in their visa and no I-94 form. Illegal presence is not a violation but an infraction of Administration Law. Improper Entry is a violation of the Federal Law and is a Misdemeanor for the first offense and a felony for the second. YAWN

2 - Someday it could be YOU that is accused of a crime and REALLY needing that presumption of innocence
That's what courts are for. duh.

3 - Just because a person is in this country without papers does not mean they are removable
They are removable until they can prove/show otherwise. You really don't know much about basic immigration law at all. SHRUG

4 - We have this thing called Due Process. You should Google it and familiarize yourself with it
Please Explain Expedited Removal then. imjusayn

5 - Anybody that thinks we should split families up and / or force American citizens out of the country over a civil misdemeanor has an emotional issue that is out of touch with reality
Parents take their children when they move around the world. SHRUG

6 - There are just as many people who invite the foreigners here as there are people like yourself that think you should ship 'em all out. As a result, you don't have anything but an opinion in the grand scheme of things. BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear? Walmart? Well Walmart was convicted of hiring subcontractors that knowingly had undocumented foreigners on their payroll.
Economic refugees are not invited here, don't confuse their theft of documents to work here as being invited.

So, since you help feed the undocumented foreigners by frequenting Walmart and refusing to wear real clothes, how in the Hell can you criticize the left with a straight face?
SMFH Walmart hasn't been found guilty of anything. Shopping wherever has no bearing on feeding illegals. How can you sit here and exclaim such inane ignorance with a straight face?

7) The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States
That's right they have regarding illegals, yet they have found them guilty of Improper Entry whether they just crossed or they crossed 5 years ago. SHRUG

8) Under our de jure / lawful / constitutional Constitution, the federal government has no authority to force states to enforce immigration laws. States can invite anyone in as a guest.
States aren't enforcing any federal immigration law. States can implement their own immigration laws as long as they are within the powers of the state, Arizona v US

I advised on this board, many times, that the feds could withhold federal funds for states that did not enforce immigration law if the foreigners had any access to that money or benefited off it.
OK, so what, many others have stated the same thing, you're not special. SHRUG

While your ilk was swearing at me, Trump took that advice and is threatening to do it
Are you claiming to be the bug in the Don's ear? LMFAO

9) You confuse citizenship with Liberty. I promise you that even people without papers are entitled to Due Process and constitutional guarantees regardless of immigration status
Provided they are charged with an infamous crime.Now explain Expedited Removal where no due process is required.

10) You can pretend to be this all knowing sage in a clown suit all day long, but if you do not understand the concept of stare decisis and how your nonsensical approach to this could impact MY Freedom and Liberties ... or your own for that matter, you are not qualified to criticize me.
What impacts to your freedom and liberties have you encountered via immigration law?

Go ahead and play the part of the clown wanting to be a sage. Intelligent people won't take you serious.
Wow, just wow, childish insults are all you have. SMFH
Last edited:
The proper punishment for illegal aliens is removal.

OMG. Are anti-immigrants stuck on stupid by any chance?

This back and forth never solves anything. You catch these so - called "illegals," and you're not even an American yourself - then they come back. So, you can do it again OR you can imprison them after they come in repeatedly.

We already have more people in prison than any nation on this planet. That should tell you that you need something else. Your bumper sticker slogans and acting like a clown are not solutions. They are distractions that will ultimately end in the anti-immigrant lobby losing.

You catch these so - called "illegals,"

No "so-called" about it.
Illegal aliens are here illegally.
They should go home.

then they come back.

That's why we need to secure the border. Build the wall.
And make it harder for them to work. Turn off the magnet.

So, you can do it again OR you can imprison them after they come in repeatedly.

Yes, some should be imprisoned.

We already have more people in prison than any nation on this planet. That should tell you that you need something else.

Yeah, fewer criminals.

I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security. Let's educate you:

1 - I say so - called because in this country we have a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty standard. If you were educated and / or an American, you would know that

2 - Someday it could be YOU that is accused of a crime and REALLY needing that presumption of innocence

3 - Just because a person is in this country without papers does not mean they are removable

4 - We have this thing called Due Process. You should Google it and familiarize yourself with it

5 - Anybody that thinks we should split families up and / or force American citizens out of the country over a civil misdemeanor has an emotional issue that is out of touch with reality

6 - There are just as many people who invite the foreigners here as there are people like yourself that think you should ship 'em all out. As a result, you don't have anything but an opinion in the grand scheme of things. BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear? Walmart? Well Walmart was convicted of hiring subcontractors that knowingly had undocumented foreigners on their payroll.

So, since you help feed the undocumented foreigners by frequenting Walmart and refusing to wear real clothes, how in the Hell can you criticize the left with a straight face?

7) The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States

8) Under our de jure / lawful / constitutional Constitution, the federal government has no authority to force states to enforce immigration laws. States can invite anyone in as a guest.

I advised on this board, many times, that the feds could withhold federal funds for states that did not enforce immigration law if the foreigners had any access to that money or benefited off it.

While your ilk was swearing at me, Trump took that advice and is threatening to do it

9) You confuse citizenship with Liberty. I promise you that even people without papers are entitled to Due Process and constitutional guarantees regardless of immigration status

10) You can pretend to be this all knowing sage in a clown suit all day long, but if you do not understand the concept of stare decisis and how your nonsensical approach to this could impact MY Freedom and Liberties ... or your own for that matter, you are not qualified to criticize me.

Go ahead and play the part of the clown wanting to be a sage. Intelligent people won't take you serious.

I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.


BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear?

You don't recognize Obama the clown?

The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States

That is awesome!

Now let's boot the illegal aliens.

I would vote to boot you. If Trump only wants to import the intelligent people into America, he needs to get rid of some of those who aren't so smart.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.
So you are volunteering to be at the front of the removal from the US line, right dunce?
I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.
SMFH grow the fuck up.

Let's educate you:

1 - I say so - called because in this country we have a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty standard. If you were educated and / or an American, you would know that
Look at you, you obfuscate reality. Illegal presence refers to being found within the US via SCOTUS, they can still be charged with Improper Entry if they entered illegally, ie they have no entry stamp in their visa and no I-94 form. Illegal presence is not a violation but an infraction of Administration Law. Improper Entry is a violation of the Federal Law and is a Misdemeanor for the first offense and a felony for the second. YAWN

2 - Someday it could be YOU that is accused of a crime and REALLY needing that presumption of innocence
That's what courts are for. duh.

3 - Just because a person is in this country without papers does not mean they are removable
They are removable until they can prove/show otherwise. You really don't know much about basic immigration law at all. SHRUG

4 - We have this thing called Due Process. You should Google it and familiarize yourself with it
Please Explain Expedited Removal then. imjusayn

5 - Anybody that thinks we should split families up and / or force American citizens out of the country over a civil misdemeanor has an emotional issue that is out of touch with reality
Parents take their children when they move around the world. SHRUG

6 - There are just as many people who invite the foreigners here as there are people like yourself that think you should ship 'em all out. As a result, you don't have anything but an opinion in the grand scheme of things. BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear? Walmart? Well Walmart was convicted of hiring subcontractors that knowingly had undocumented foreigners on their payroll.
Economic refugees are not invited here, don't confuse their theft of documents to work here as being invited.

So, since you help feed the undocumented foreigners by frequenting Walmart and refusing to wear real clothes, how in the Hell can you criticize the left with a straight face?
SMFH Walmart hasn't been found guilty of anything. Shopping wherever has no bearing on feeding illegals. How can you sit here and exclaim such inane ignorance with a straight face?

7) The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States
That's right they have regarding illegals, yet they have found them guilty of Improper Entry whether they just crossed or they crossed 5 years ago. SHRUG

8) Under our de jure / lawful / constitutional Constitution, the federal government has no authority to force states to enforce immigration laws. States can invite anyone in as a guest.
States aren't enforcing any federal immigration law. States can implement their own immigration laws as long as they are within the powers of the state, Arizona v US

I advised on this board, many times, that the feds could withhold federal funds for states that did not enforce immigration law if the foreigners had any access to that money or benefited off it.
OK, so what, many others have stated the same thing, you're not special. SHRUG

While your ilk was swearing at me, Trump took that advice and is threatening to do it
Are you claiming to be the bug in the Don's ear? LMFAO

9) You confuse citizenship with Liberty. I promise you that even people without papers are entitled to Due Process and constitutional guarantees regardless of immigration status
Provided they are charged with an infamous crime.Now explain Expedited Removal where no due process is required.

10) You can pretend to be this all knowing sage in a clown suit all day long, but if you do not understand the concept of stare decisis and how your nonsensical approach to this could impact MY Freedom and Liberties ... or your own for that matter, you are not qualified to criticize me.
What impacts to your freedom and liberties have you encountered via immigration law?

Go ahead and play the part of the clown wanting to be a sage. Intelligent people won't take you serious.
Wow, just wow, childish insults are all you have. SMFH

Maybe it's an illegal alien?
I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.
SMFH grow the fuck up.

Let's educate you:

1 - I say so - called because in this country we have a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty standard. If you were educated and / or an American, you would know that
Look at you, you obfuscate reality. Illegal presence refers to being found within the US via SCOTUS, they can still be charged with Improper Entry if they entered illegally, ie they have no entry stamp in their visa and no I-94 form. Illegal presence is not a violation but an infraction of Administration Law. Improper Entry is a violation of the Federal Law and is a Misdemeanor for the first offense and a felony for the second. YAWN

2 - Someday it could be YOU that is accused of a crime and REALLY needing that presumption of innocence
That's what courts are for. duh.

3 - Just because a person is in this country without papers does not mean they are removable
They are removable until they can prove/show otherwise. You really don't know much about basic immigration law at all. SHRUG

4 - We have this thing called Due Process. You should Google it and familiarize yourself with it
Please Explain Expedited Removal then. imjusayn

5 - Anybody that thinks we should split families up and / or force American citizens out of the country over a civil misdemeanor has an emotional issue that is out of touch with reality
Parents take their children when they move around the world. SHRUG

6 - There are just as many people who invite the foreigners here as there are people like yourself that think you should ship 'em all out. As a result, you don't have anything but an opinion in the grand scheme of things. BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear? Walmart? Well Walmart was convicted of hiring subcontractors that knowingly had undocumented foreigners on their payroll.
Economic refugees are not invited here, don't confuse their theft of documents to work here as being invited.

So, since you help feed the undocumented foreigners by frequenting Walmart and refusing to wear real clothes, how in the Hell can you criticize the left with a straight face?
SMFH Walmart hasn't been found guilty of anything. Shopping wherever has no bearing on feeding illegals. How can you sit here and exclaim such inane ignorance with a straight face?

7) The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States
That's right they have regarding illegals, yet they have found them guilty of Improper Entry whether they just crossed or they crossed 5 years ago. SHRUG

8) Under our de jure / lawful / constitutional Constitution, the federal government has no authority to force states to enforce immigration laws. States can invite anyone in as a guest.
States aren't enforcing any federal immigration law. States can implement their own immigration laws as long as they are within the powers of the state, Arizona v US

I advised on this board, many times, that the feds could withhold federal funds for states that did not enforce immigration law if the foreigners had any access to that money or benefited off it.
OK, so what, many others have stated the same thing, you're not special. SHRUG

While your ilk was swearing at me, Trump took that advice and is threatening to do it
Are you claiming to be the bug in the Don's ear? LMFAO

9) You confuse citizenship with Liberty. I promise you that even people without papers are entitled to Due Process and constitutional guarantees regardless of immigration status
Provided they are charged with an infamous crime.Now explain Expedited Removal where no due process is required.

10) You can pretend to be this all knowing sage in a clown suit all day long, but if you do not understand the concept of stare decisis and how your nonsensical approach to this could impact MY Freedom and Liberties ... or your own for that matter, you are not qualified to criticize me.
What impacts to your freedom and liberties have you encountered via immigration law?

Go ahead and play the part of the clown wanting to be a sage. Intelligent people won't take you serious.
Wow, just wow, childish insults are all you have. SMFH

Maybe it's an illegal alien?
Naw, he's an avtivist who is a Pre-amble Citizen ( similar to the Sovereign Citizens), Tax Protest Movement wanna-be who claims to have immigration law experience with no legal training/education, and no legal credentials. He's a Libertarian Socialist.
I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.
SMFH grow the fuck up.

Let's educate you:

1 - I say so - called because in this country we have a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty standard. If you were educated and / or an American, you would know that
Look at you, you obfuscate reality. Illegal presence refers to being found within the US via SCOTUS, they can still be charged with Improper Entry if they entered illegally, ie they have no entry stamp in their visa and no I-94 form. Illegal presence is not a violation but an infraction of Administration Law. Improper Entry is a violation of the Federal Law and is a Misdemeanor for the first offense and a felony for the second. YAWN

2 - Someday it could be YOU that is accused of a crime and REALLY needing that presumption of innocence
That's what courts are for. duh.

3 - Just because a person is in this country without papers does not mean they are removable
They are removable until they can prove/show otherwise. You really don't know much about basic immigration law at all. SHRUG

4 - We have this thing called Due Process. You should Google it and familiarize yourself with it
Please Explain Expedited Removal then. imjusayn

5 - Anybody that thinks we should split families up and / or force American citizens out of the country over a civil misdemeanor has an emotional issue that is out of touch with reality
Parents take their children when they move around the world. SHRUG

6 - There are just as many people who invite the foreigners here as there are people like yourself that think you should ship 'em all out. As a result, you don't have anything but an opinion in the grand scheme of things. BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear? Walmart? Well Walmart was convicted of hiring subcontractors that knowingly had undocumented foreigners on their payroll.
Economic refugees are not invited here, don't confuse their theft of documents to work here as being invited.

So, since you help feed the undocumented foreigners by frequenting Walmart and refusing to wear real clothes, how in the Hell can you criticize the left with a straight face?
SMFH Walmart hasn't been found guilty of anything. Shopping wherever has no bearing on feeding illegals. How can you sit here and exclaim such inane ignorance with a straight face?

7) The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States
That's right they have regarding illegals, yet they have found them guilty of Improper Entry whether they just crossed or they crossed 5 years ago. SHRUG

8) Under our de jure / lawful / constitutional Constitution, the federal government has no authority to force states to enforce immigration laws. States can invite anyone in as a guest.
States aren't enforcing any federal immigration law. States can implement their own immigration laws as long as they are within the powers of the state, Arizona v US

I advised on this board, many times, that the feds could withhold federal funds for states that did not enforce immigration law if the foreigners had any access to that money or benefited off it.
OK, so what, many others have stated the same thing, you're not special. SHRUG

While your ilk was swearing at me, Trump took that advice and is threatening to do it
Are you claiming to be the bug in the Don's ear? LMFAO

9) You confuse citizenship with Liberty. I promise you that even people without papers are entitled to Due Process and constitutional guarantees regardless of immigration status
Provided they are charged with an infamous crime.Now explain Expedited Removal where no due process is required.

10) You can pretend to be this all knowing sage in a clown suit all day long, but if you do not understand the concept of stare decisis and how your nonsensical approach to this could impact MY Freedom and Liberties ... or your own for that matter, you are not qualified to criticize me.
What impacts to your freedom and liberties have you encountered via immigration law?

Go ahead and play the part of the clown wanting to be a sage. Intelligent people won't take you serious.
Wow, just wow, childish insults are all you have. SMFH

Maybe it's an illegal alien?

That’s no fun .
OMG. Are anti-immigrants stuck on stupid by any chance?

This back and forth never solves anything. You catch these so - called "illegals," and you're not even an American yourself - then they come back. So, you can do it again OR you can imprison them after they come in repeatedly.

We already have more people in prison than any nation on this planet. That should tell you that you need something else. Your bumper sticker slogans and acting like a clown are not solutions. They are distractions that will ultimately end in the anti-immigrant lobby losing.

You catch these so - called "illegals,"

No "so-called" about it.
Illegal aliens are here illegally.
They should go home.

then they come back.

That's why we need to secure the border. Build the wall.
And make it harder for them to work. Turn off the magnet.

So, you can do it again OR you can imprison them after they come in repeatedly.

Yes, some should be imprisoned.

We already have more people in prison than any nation on this planet. That should tell you that you need something else.

Yeah, fewer criminals.

I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security. Let's educate you:

1 - I say so - called because in this country we have a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty standard. If you were educated and / or an American, you would know that

2 - Someday it could be YOU that is accused of a crime and REALLY needing that presumption of innocence

3 - Just because a person is in this country without papers does not mean they are removable

4 - We have this thing called Due Process. You should Google it and familiarize yourself with it

5 - Anybody that thinks we should split families up and / or force American citizens out of the country over a civil misdemeanor has an emotional issue that is out of touch with reality

6 - There are just as many people who invite the foreigners here as there are people like yourself that think you should ship 'em all out. As a result, you don't have anything but an opinion in the grand scheme of things. BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear? Walmart? Well Walmart was convicted of hiring subcontractors that knowingly had undocumented foreigners on their payroll.

So, since you help feed the undocumented foreigners by frequenting Walmart and refusing to wear real clothes, how in the Hell can you criticize the left with a straight face?

7) The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States

8) Under our de jure / lawful / constitutional Constitution, the federal government has no authority to force states to enforce immigration laws. States can invite anyone in as a guest.

I advised on this board, many times, that the feds could withhold federal funds for states that did not enforce immigration law if the foreigners had any access to that money or benefited off it.

While your ilk was swearing at me, Trump took that advice and is threatening to do it

9) You confuse citizenship with Liberty. I promise you that even people without papers are entitled to Due Process and constitutional guarantees regardless of immigration status

10) You can pretend to be this all knowing sage in a clown suit all day long, but if you do not understand the concept of stare decisis and how your nonsensical approach to this could impact MY Freedom and Liberties ... or your own for that matter, you are not qualified to criticize me.

Go ahead and play the part of the clown wanting to be a sage. Intelligent people won't take you serious.

I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.


BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear?

You don't recognize Obama the clown?

The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States

That is awesome!

Now let's boot the illegal aliens.

I would vote to boot you. If Trump only wants to import the intelligent people into America, he needs to get rid of some of those who aren't so smart.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.

I would vote to boot you.

You should do that.

The Dems should run on higher taxes, gun confiscation and open borders.
Yell it from the rooftops!!!

Your comrades will sweep back into power.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.

It worked to defeat Hillary.......

Your worst problem is that you are your own worst enemy. You don't have the IQ to hold a good conversation.

You prove your lack of comprehension skills by thinking you're insulting me by chiding Democrats. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life; try confiscating my gun and it will ruin your day.

And you think Democrats are my "comrades?" You are too ignorant of history, political strategies, and the platforms of the major parties. Maybe if you weren't wearing a clown suit, trying to impress Obama with that impersonation, you could find the time to get yourself an education. You have over 37000 posts on this site. Do you even have a life?
I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.
SMFH grow the fuck up.

Let's educate you:

1 - I say so - called because in this country we have a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty standard. If you were educated and / or an American, you would know that
Look at you, you obfuscate reality. Illegal presence refers to being found within the US via SCOTUS, they can still be charged with Improper Entry if they entered illegally, ie they have no entry stamp in their visa and no I-94 form. Illegal presence is not a violation but an infraction of Administration Law. Improper Entry is a violation of the Federal Law and is a Misdemeanor for the first offense and a felony for the second. YAWN

2 - Someday it could be YOU that is accused of a crime and REALLY needing that presumption of innocence
That's what courts are for. duh.

3 - Just because a person is in this country without papers does not mean they are removable
They are removable until they can prove/show otherwise. You really don't know much about basic immigration law at all. SHRUG

4 - We have this thing called Due Process. You should Google it and familiarize yourself with it
Please Explain Expedited Removal then. imjusayn

5 - Anybody that thinks we should split families up and / or force American citizens out of the country over a civil misdemeanor has an emotional issue that is out of touch with reality
Parents take their children when they move around the world. SHRUG

6 - There are just as many people who invite the foreigners here as there are people like yourself that think you should ship 'em all out. As a result, you don't have anything but an opinion in the grand scheme of things. BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear? Walmart? Well Walmart was convicted of hiring subcontractors that knowingly had undocumented foreigners on their payroll.
Economic refugees are not invited here, don't confuse their theft of documents to work here as being invited.

So, since you help feed the undocumented foreigners by frequenting Walmart and refusing to wear real clothes, how in the Hell can you criticize the left with a straight face?
SMFH Walmart hasn't been found guilty of anything. Shopping wherever has no bearing on feeding illegals. How can you sit here and exclaim such inane ignorance with a straight face?

7) The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States
That's right they have regarding illegals, yet they have found them guilty of Improper Entry whether they just crossed or they crossed 5 years ago. SHRUG

8) Under our de jure / lawful / constitutional Constitution, the federal government has no authority to force states to enforce immigration laws. States can invite anyone in as a guest.
States aren't enforcing any federal immigration law. States can implement their own immigration laws as long as they are within the powers of the state, Arizona v US

I advised on this board, many times, that the feds could withhold federal funds for states that did not enforce immigration law if the foreigners had any access to that money or benefited off it.
OK, so what, many others have stated the same thing, you're not special. SHRUG

While your ilk was swearing at me, Trump took that advice and is threatening to do it
Are you claiming to be the bug in the Don's ear? LMFAO

9) You confuse citizenship with Liberty. I promise you that even people without papers are entitled to Due Process and constitutional guarantees regardless of immigration status
Provided they are charged with an infamous crime.Now explain Expedited Removal where no due process is required.

10) You can pretend to be this all knowing sage in a clown suit all day long, but if you do not understand the concept of stare decisis and how your nonsensical approach to this could impact MY Freedom and Liberties ... or your own for that matter, you are not qualified to criticize me.
What impacts to your freedom and liberties have you encountered via immigration law?

Go ahead and play the part of the clown wanting to be a sage. Intelligent people won't take you serious.
Wow, just wow, childish insults are all you have. SMFH

Maybe it's an illegal alien?

A big pile of horse manure must have arrived to get you to say something that ridiculous.
You catch these so - called "illegals,"

No "so-called" about it.
Illegal aliens are here illegally.
They should go home.

then they come back.

That's why we need to secure the border. Build the wall.
And make it harder for them to work. Turn off the magnet.

So, you can do it again OR you can imprison them after they come in repeatedly.

Yes, some should be imprisoned.

We already have more people in prison than any nation on this planet. That should tell you that you need something else.

Yeah, fewer criminals.

I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security. Let's educate you:

1 - I say so - called because in this country we have a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty standard. If you were educated and / or an American, you would know that

2 - Someday it could be YOU that is accused of a crime and REALLY needing that presumption of innocence

3 - Just because a person is in this country without papers does not mean they are removable

4 - We have this thing called Due Process. You should Google it and familiarize yourself with it

5 - Anybody that thinks we should split families up and / or force American citizens out of the country over a civil misdemeanor has an emotional issue that is out of touch with reality

6 - There are just as many people who invite the foreigners here as there are people like yourself that think you should ship 'em all out. As a result, you don't have anything but an opinion in the grand scheme of things. BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear? Walmart? Well Walmart was convicted of hiring subcontractors that knowingly had undocumented foreigners on their payroll.

So, since you help feed the undocumented foreigners by frequenting Walmart and refusing to wear real clothes, how in the Hell can you criticize the left with a straight face?

7) The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States

8) Under our de jure / lawful / constitutional Constitution, the federal government has no authority to force states to enforce immigration laws. States can invite anyone in as a guest.

I advised on this board, many times, that the feds could withhold federal funds for states that did not enforce immigration law if the foreigners had any access to that money or benefited off it.

While your ilk was swearing at me, Trump took that advice and is threatening to do it

9) You confuse citizenship with Liberty. I promise you that even people without papers are entitled to Due Process and constitutional guarantees regardless of immigration status

10) You can pretend to be this all knowing sage in a clown suit all day long, but if you do not understand the concept of stare decisis and how your nonsensical approach to this could impact MY Freedom and Liberties ... or your own for that matter, you are not qualified to criticize me.

Go ahead and play the part of the clown wanting to be a sage. Intelligent people won't take you serious.

I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.


BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear?

You don't recognize Obama the clown?

The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States

That is awesome!

Now let's boot the illegal aliens.

I would vote to boot you. If Trump only wants to import the intelligent people into America, he needs to get rid of some of those who aren't so smart.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.

I would vote to boot you.

You should do that.

The Dems should run on higher taxes, gun confiscation and open borders.
Yell it from the rooftops!!!

Your comrades will sweep back into power.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.

It worked to defeat Hillary.......

Your worst problem is that you are your own worst enemy. You don't have the IQ to hold a good conversation.

You prove your lack of comprehension skills by thinking you're insulting me by chiding Democrats. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life; try confiscating my gun and it will ruin your day.

And you think Democrats are my "comrades?" You are too ignorant of history, political strategies, and the platforms of the major parties. Maybe if you weren't wearing a clown suit, trying to impress Obama with that impersonation, you could find the time to get yourself an education. You have over 37000 posts on this site. Do you even have a life?

And you think Democrats are my "comrades?"

You're a Republican who thinks deporting illegal aliens is a bad idea?

Maybe if you weren't wearing a clown suit, trying to impress Obama with that impersonation

That's not me, that's Obama, moron.
I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.
SMFH grow the fuck up.

Let's educate you:

1 - I say so - called because in this country we have a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty standard. If you were educated and / or an American, you would know that
Look at you, you obfuscate reality. Illegal presence refers to being found within the US via SCOTUS, they can still be charged with Improper Entry if they entered illegally, ie they have no entry stamp in their visa and no I-94 form. Illegal presence is not a violation but an infraction of Administration Law. Improper Entry is a violation of the Federal Law and is a Misdemeanor for the first offense and a felony for the second. YAWN

2 - Someday it could be YOU that is accused of a crime and REALLY needing that presumption of innocence
That's what courts are for. duh.

3 - Just because a person is in this country without papers does not mean they are removable
They are removable until they can prove/show otherwise. You really don't know much about basic immigration law at all. SHRUG

4 - We have this thing called Due Process. You should Google it and familiarize yourself with it
Please Explain Expedited Removal then. imjusayn

5 - Anybody that thinks we should split families up and / or force American citizens out of the country over a civil misdemeanor has an emotional issue that is out of touch with reality
Parents take their children when they move around the world. SHRUG

6 - There are just as many people who invite the foreigners here as there are people like yourself that think you should ship 'em all out. As a result, you don't have anything but an opinion in the grand scheme of things. BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear? Walmart? Well Walmart was convicted of hiring subcontractors that knowingly had undocumented foreigners on their payroll.
Economic refugees are not invited here, don't confuse their theft of documents to work here as being invited.

So, since you help feed the undocumented foreigners by frequenting Walmart and refusing to wear real clothes, how in the Hell can you criticize the left with a straight face?
SMFH Walmart hasn't been found guilty of anything. Shopping wherever has no bearing on feeding illegals. How can you sit here and exclaim such inane ignorance with a straight face?

7) The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States
That's right they have regarding illegals, yet they have found them guilty of Improper Entry whether they just crossed or they crossed 5 years ago. SHRUG

8) Under our de jure / lawful / constitutional Constitution, the federal government has no authority to force states to enforce immigration laws. States can invite anyone in as a guest.
States aren't enforcing any federal immigration law. States can implement their own immigration laws as long as they are within the powers of the state, Arizona v US

I advised on this board, many times, that the feds could withhold federal funds for states that did not enforce immigration law if the foreigners had any access to that money or benefited off it.
OK, so what, many others have stated the same thing, you're not special. SHRUG

While your ilk was swearing at me, Trump took that advice and is threatening to do it
Are you claiming to be the bug in the Don's ear? LMFAO

9) You confuse citizenship with Liberty. I promise you that even people without papers are entitled to Due Process and constitutional guarantees regardless of immigration status
Provided they are charged with an infamous crime.Now explain Expedited Removal where no due process is required.

10) You can pretend to be this all knowing sage in a clown suit all day long, but if you do not understand the concept of stare decisis and how your nonsensical approach to this could impact MY Freedom and Liberties ... or your own for that matter, you are not qualified to criticize me.
What impacts to your freedom and liberties have you encountered via immigration law?

Go ahead and play the part of the clown wanting to be a sage. Intelligent people won't take you serious.
Wow, just wow, childish insults are all you have. SMFH

Maybe it's an illegal alien?

A big pile of horse manure must have arrived to get you to say something that ridiculous.

You're full of shit, but I wouldn't call you a big pile.......
I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security. Let's educate you:

1 - I say so - called because in this country we have a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty standard. If you were educated and / or an American, you would know that

2 - Someday it could be YOU that is accused of a crime and REALLY needing that presumption of innocence

3 - Just because a person is in this country without papers does not mean they are removable

4 - We have this thing called Due Process. You should Google it and familiarize yourself with it

5 - Anybody that thinks we should split families up and / or force American citizens out of the country over a civil misdemeanor has an emotional issue that is out of touch with reality

6 - There are just as many people who invite the foreigners here as there are people like yourself that think you should ship 'em all out. As a result, you don't have anything but an opinion in the grand scheme of things. BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear? Walmart? Well Walmart was convicted of hiring subcontractors that knowingly had undocumented foreigners on their payroll.

So, since you help feed the undocumented foreigners by frequenting Walmart and refusing to wear real clothes, how in the Hell can you criticize the left with a straight face?

7) The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States

8) Under our de jure / lawful / constitutional Constitution, the federal government has no authority to force states to enforce immigration laws. States can invite anyone in as a guest.

I advised on this board, many times, that the feds could withhold federal funds for states that did not enforce immigration law if the foreigners had any access to that money or benefited off it.

While your ilk was swearing at me, Trump took that advice and is threatening to do it

9) You confuse citizenship with Liberty. I promise you that even people without papers are entitled to Due Process and constitutional guarantees regardless of immigration status

10) You can pretend to be this all knowing sage in a clown suit all day long, but if you do not understand the concept of stare decisis and how your nonsensical approach to this could impact MY Freedom and Liberties ... or your own for that matter, you are not qualified to criticize me.

Go ahead and play the part of the clown wanting to be a sage. Intelligent people won't take you serious.

I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.


BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear?

You don't recognize Obama the clown?

The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States

That is awesome!

Now let's boot the illegal aliens.

I would vote to boot you. If Trump only wants to import the intelligent people into America, he needs to get rid of some of those who aren't so smart.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.

I would vote to boot you.

You should do that.

The Dems should run on higher taxes, gun confiscation and open borders.
Yell it from the rooftops!!!

Your comrades will sweep back into power.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.

It worked to defeat Hillary.......

Your worst problem is that you are your own worst enemy. You don't have the IQ to hold a good conversation.

You prove your lack of comprehension skills by thinking you're insulting me by chiding Democrats. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life; try confiscating my gun and it will ruin your day.

And you think Democrats are my "comrades?" You are too ignorant of history, political strategies, and the platforms of the major parties. Maybe if you weren't wearing a clown suit, trying to impress Obama with that impersonation, you could find the time to get yourself an education. You have over 37000 posts on this site. Do you even have a life?

And you think Democrats are my "comrades?"

You're a Republican who thinks deporting illegal aliens is a bad idea?

Maybe if you weren't wearing a clown suit, trying to impress Obama with that impersonation

That's not me, that's Obama, moron.

Just because I voted for Trump does not mean I like Republicans either.

What I am against, son, is building a government so big that we cannot resist it when you and I are deemed the bad guys. That day must be here because I've been watching my own brethren get their asses kicked while they do nothing but peck keyboards and try to make enemies among themselves.

You are in a fight with an enemy that is smarter than you. They use psychology to get you to expend your efforts making moves that are penny wise and dollar foolish.

You cannot understand that for everything you gain, there's something lost. If you could build a wall 50 feet tall for free, it would be used against you as long as Uncle Scam had control over it. And if Donald Trump is the only asset you have in this fight, the day he's gone, you're screwed.

You are seeing that backlash by the left over guns. When Trump is gone, you will see the backlash over immigration and people like you will be the target. If you want a problem fixed, you have to out think the opposition and do it yourself. If it involves increasing the size, power and / or scope of government, you will lose... every time.
I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.
SMFH grow the fuck up.

Let's educate you:

1 - I say so - called because in this country we have a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty standard. If you were educated and / or an American, you would know that
Look at you, you obfuscate reality. Illegal presence refers to being found within the US via SCOTUS, they can still be charged with Improper Entry if they entered illegally, ie they have no entry stamp in their visa and no I-94 form. Illegal presence is not a violation but an infraction of Administration Law. Improper Entry is a violation of the Federal Law and is a Misdemeanor for the first offense and a felony for the second. YAWN

2 - Someday it could be YOU that is accused of a crime and REALLY needing that presumption of innocence
That's what courts are for. duh.

3 - Just because a person is in this country without papers does not mean they are removable
They are removable until they can prove/show otherwise. You really don't know much about basic immigration law at all. SHRUG

4 - We have this thing called Due Process. You should Google it and familiarize yourself with it
Please Explain Expedited Removal then. imjusayn

5 - Anybody that thinks we should split families up and / or force American citizens out of the country over a civil misdemeanor has an emotional issue that is out of touch with reality
Parents take their children when they move around the world. SHRUG

6 - There are just as many people who invite the foreigners here as there are people like yourself that think you should ship 'em all out. As a result, you don't have anything but an opinion in the grand scheme of things. BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear? Walmart? Well Walmart was convicted of hiring subcontractors that knowingly had undocumented foreigners on their payroll.
Economic refugees are not invited here, don't confuse their theft of documents to work here as being invited.

So, since you help feed the undocumented foreigners by frequenting Walmart and refusing to wear real clothes, how in the Hell can you criticize the left with a straight face?
SMFH Walmart hasn't been found guilty of anything. Shopping wherever has no bearing on feeding illegals. How can you sit here and exclaim such inane ignorance with a straight face?

7) The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States
That's right they have regarding illegals, yet they have found them guilty of Improper Entry whether they just crossed or they crossed 5 years ago. SHRUG

8) Under our de jure / lawful / constitutional Constitution, the federal government has no authority to force states to enforce immigration laws. States can invite anyone in as a guest.
States aren't enforcing any federal immigration law. States can implement their own immigration laws as long as they are within the powers of the state, Arizona v US

I advised on this board, many times, that the feds could withhold federal funds for states that did not enforce immigration law if the foreigners had any access to that money or benefited off it.
OK, so what, many others have stated the same thing, you're not special. SHRUG

While your ilk was swearing at me, Trump took that advice and is threatening to do it
Are you claiming to be the bug in the Don's ear? LMFAO

9) You confuse citizenship with Liberty. I promise you that even people without papers are entitled to Due Process and constitutional guarantees regardless of immigration status
Provided they are charged with an infamous crime.Now explain Expedited Removal where no due process is required.

10) You can pretend to be this all knowing sage in a clown suit all day long, but if you do not understand the concept of stare decisis and how your nonsensical approach to this could impact MY Freedom and Liberties ... or your own for that matter, you are not qualified to criticize me.
What impacts to your freedom and liberties have you encountered via immigration law?

Go ahead and play the part of the clown wanting to be a sage. Intelligent people won't take you serious.
Wow, just wow, childish insults are all you have. SMFH

Maybe it's an illegal alien?

A big pile of horse manure must have arrived to get you to say something that ridiculous.

You're full of shit, but I wouldn't call you a big pile.......

Whatever inspired that one post I responded to has to be tied to a large pile manure.

Let me clue you in on something. I'm good enough to warrant my very own personal stalker. Disinformation artists line up to take a shot at taking me down. You have been here and have over 37000 posts... What have you done with YOUR life?
should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
You mean immigrants? Illegal aliens, a rose by any other name? My grandparents came here legally. They weren't brown. They were Europeans and legally immigrated in here. No other group I know of uses their kids as a hedge then presumes to call themselves "dreamers" and asks legislation to give them special status or forgiveness or whatever, NO other group in American history has ever done this before. Mexicans have gotten say: Special sanctuary status, without or contrary to popular sentiment. And then Mexicans use their children as human shields. Now, ONLY Mexicans can get away with this. My Immigrant great grand parents from Europe never did this, and nobody else has, either, just Mexicans. Um, why is noticing that xenophobia?
I'm sure if they enforced all the laws on the books, you're ass would be in maximum security.


BTW, where did you buy that ridiculous looking clown outfit you wear?

You don't recognize Obama the clown?

The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is NOT a crime for an undocumented foreigner to be present in the United States

That is awesome!

Now let's boot the illegal aliens.

I would vote to boot you. If Trump only wants to import the intelligent people into America, he needs to get rid of some of those who aren't so smart.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.

I would vote to boot you.

You should do that.

The Dems should run on higher taxes, gun confiscation and open borders.
Yell it from the rooftops!!!

Your comrades will sweep back into power.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.

It worked to defeat Hillary.......

Your worst problem is that you are your own worst enemy. You don't have the IQ to hold a good conversation.

You prove your lack of comprehension skills by thinking you're insulting me by chiding Democrats. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life; try confiscating my gun and it will ruin your day.

And you think Democrats are my "comrades?" You are too ignorant of history, political strategies, and the platforms of the major parties. Maybe if you weren't wearing a clown suit, trying to impress Obama with that impersonation, you could find the time to get yourself an education. You have over 37000 posts on this site. Do you even have a life?

And you think Democrats are my "comrades?"

You're a Republican who thinks deporting illegal aliens is a bad idea?

Maybe if you weren't wearing a clown suit, trying to impress Obama with that impersonation

That's not me, that's Obama, moron.

Just because I voted for Trump does not mean I like Republicans either.

What I am against, son, is building a government so big that we cannot resist it when you and I are deemed the bad guys. That day must be here because I've been watching my own brethren get their asses kicked while they do nothing but peck keyboards and try to make enemies among themselves.

You are in a fight with an enemy that is smarter than you. They use psychology to get you to expend your efforts making moves that are penny wise and dollar foolish.

You cannot understand that for everything you gain, there's something lost. If you could build a wall 50 feet tall for free, it would be used against you as long as Uncle Scam had control over it. And if Donald Trump is the only asset you have in this fight, the day he's gone, you're screwed.

You are seeing that backlash by the left over guns. When Trump is gone, you will see the backlash over immigration and people like you will be the target. If you want a problem fixed, you have to out think the opposition and do it yourself. If it involves increasing the size, power and / or scope of government, you will lose... every time.

You're right, our government should be so small that we can't even protect our borders. DERP!

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