Illegal immigrants


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
The liberal compassion to the illegal horde crossing the border was shown in full force last night at the Presidents First SOTU speech. Liberals should be thankful I am not running for president.
1. I would close the borders by either building a wall or getting the military out of foreign nations, put them on the border and give orders to shoot to kill anyone trying to cross illegally.
2. Enact a 5 year Census, going house to house and if you cannot prove you have a legitimate birth certificate with Social Security you are immediately rounded up by ICE and taken to the emergency holding areas that Obama and Bush created for overzealous rioters.
3. Punish anyone or any company known for hiring illegals with $10,000 fine and 5 years in jail.
4. Arrest any politician who aids and abets a known illegal criminal by enacting sanctuary cities, counties or states, give them a trial for treason , if found guilty, send to a country of their choice or executed.
I no longer have compassion for those who come here illegally and demand the same rights that I have. Fuck em all.
should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
You bigots are in a tiny minority.

Thank God.
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should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
You bigots are in a tiny minority.

Thank God.
Nothing bigoted in protecting your country, Nancy!
You don't care about our country. You are only fooling yourselves.

How is rewarding people who break our laws good for our nation?
should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
I think the President had it right, even allowing them to stay sends the wrong message to the hundreds of millions of others who might want to enter the US illegally, so they should not be allowed to stay unless other measures are put in place to prevent anyone else from entering the country illegally from Mexico. That's exactly what his proposed legislation says.
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I’m of a dividend opinion on dreamers. I had friends in the 60s that had been brought hear as babys and grew up here. I went to school with them and they never acted or were treated and differnt than anyone else. They spoke english as well as any of us. They have never known any other home than America. These people are now in their 70s and I could never support sending them to a country they have never known. These are the people I call dreamers, not the hoards of people flooding into our country in the last 10 yrs. What do we do about these people?
should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
You bigots are in a tiny minority.

Thank God.
g5000,We aren't talking about bigotry. We are talking about welcoming people from other nations (and different from us...) LEGALLY.

And for those illegals that don't think laws apply to them, the may need to go back. Trump is working with those of a different opinion to compromise about who goes back.

Why should we allow foreign people to come into our country without being vetted? Why should we allow opur resources to go to people who are not citizens and ignore our laws? Get use to it... Finally, America first! Just as any other nation believe in their citizens first.
should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
there is no such thing as an illegal immigrant. they are illegal aliens.

Our country was formed by legal immigrants. Not illegal aliens and I take offense each and every time one of our fked up politicians says they are like my ancestors, No, our ancestors came into the country legally. Their narrative is all fked up!!!
should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
Unless they want to go back from whence they came and apply to come back legally through our immigration process.
We are talking about dreamers. Who are kids that were brought over . The kids didn’t commit a crime .

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