Illegal immigrants take jobs from americans.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

A native-born New Mexico Hispanic points out that opposition to immigration is not necessarily racist, and says that immigration problems must be dealt with.
by Corine Flores, Oct 09, 2000

I am a native-born New Mexico Hispanic. I often write letters to newspapers on a subject which those without an Hispanic last name dare not write: the urgent need for immigration reform.

This nation's immigration policy, begun in 1965, is a disaster. It hurts minorities, the poor, the environment - as we see dramatically here in the West on an almost daily basis - and immigrants themselves.
Illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans — High Country News

Best essay on illegal immigration in a long time.:

A native-born New Mexico Hispanic points out that opposition to immigration is not necessarily racist, and says that immigration problems must be dealt with.
by Corine Flores, Oct 09, 2000

I am a native-born New Mexico Hispanic. I often write letters to newspapers on a subject which those without an Hispanic last name dare not write: the urgent need for immigration reform.

This nation's immigration policy, begun in 1965, is a disaster. It hurts minorities, the poor, the environment - as we see dramatically here in the West on an almost daily basis - and immigrants themselves.
Illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans — High Country News

Best essay on illegal immigration in a long time.:

The undocumented only take jobs from Americans because employers profit immensely from their lack of knowledge of rights of workers in the US and the less pay they readily accept. And if you have paid close attention, then you would know that most companies profiting most from cheap labor are owned by republicans; thus making the protest on "illegals" nothing but put-on shows.
Can't you find something original to bitch about?

I am the most "original" on this board. Is that phrase your best "original.?"
Why are you even posting on the illegal immigration board? :eusa_hand:
Am I getting my point across or not?:eusa_whistle:

A native-born New Mexico Hispanic points out that opposition to immigration is not necessarily racist, and says that immigration problems must be dealt with.
by Corine Flores, Oct 09, 2000

I am a native-born New Mexico Hispanic. I often write letters to newspapers on a subject which those without an Hispanic last name dare not write: the urgent need for immigration reform.

This nation's immigration policy, begun in 1965, is a disaster. It hurts minorities, the poor, the environment - as we see dramatically here in the West on an almost daily basis - and immigrants themselves.
Illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans — High Country News

Best essay on illegal immigration in a long time.:

reform is a good idea. but the right won't do what needs to be done. funny how when rick perry said the only thing i agreed with him about, the radical rabid right dropped him like a hot potato.
Can't you find something original to bitch about?

I am the most "original" on this board. Is that phrase your best "original.?"
Why are you even posting on the illegal immigration board? :eusa_hand:
Am I getting my point across or not?:eusa_whistle:
You're the least original poster.....anywhere.

Even Waste Management doesn't recycle as much of the same old crap as you do.
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Can't you find something original to bitch about?

I am the most "original" on this board. Is that phrase your best "original.?"
Why are you even posting on the illegal immigration board? :eusa_hand:
Am I getting my point across or not?:eusa_whistle:
You're the least original poster.....anywhere.

Even Waste Management doesn't recycle as much of the same old crap as you do.

If you think illegal immigration is "crap' then you are on the wrong board. I must be getting the point accross to you and that means I have done my job.
I am not shoving it down you and you can leave any time you want to. No one will miss you.:eusa_hand:
Can't you find something original to bitch about?

With U3 unemployment at more than 9% and U6 nearing 20% SHE GOT A DAMNED RIGHT TO BITCH.

Dont get pissed at her cause she wants the laws enforced against black market labor.
I am the most "original" on this board. Is that phrase your best "original.?"
Why are you even posting on the illegal immigration board? :eusa_hand:
Am I getting my point across or not?:eusa_whistle:
You're the least original poster.....anywhere.

Even Waste Management doesn't recycle as much of the same old crap as you do.

If you think illegal immigration is "crap' then you are on the wrong board. I must be getting the point accross to you and that means I have done my job.
I am not shoving it down you and you can leave any time you want to. No one will miss you.:eusa_hand:

Hang in there. The message is getting through, slowly but surely.
Stuff like this makes me want to do politics, run for Governor, etc.

The issue is that I'll show no mercy to illegals and take other strong moves in office.
And I'm sure someone will disagree with me, right? ;)
What are you worried about? almost all illegals do job that Americans won’t do anyway.....

Only because americans do the educated jobs. They went to college. Those doing the menial jobs did not. Most of those are illegals who don't even have a third grade education in their country of birth. Trust me, there are some americans who would do those jobs while working themselves through COLLEGE!!! I know many who waitressed, washed dishes, cleaned motels, etc. Stop lying to yourselves. It only serves to help destroy this country.

A native-born New Mexico Hispanic points out that opposition to immigration is not necessarily racist, and says that immigration problems must be dealt with.
by Corine Flores, Oct 09, 2000

I am a native-born New Mexico Hispanic. I often write letters to newspapers on a subject which those without an Hispanic last name dare not write: the urgent need for immigration reform.

This nation's immigration policy, begun in 1965, is a disaster. It hurts minorities, the poor, the environment - as we see dramatically here in the West on an almost daily basis - and immigrants themselves.
Illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans — High Country News

Best essay on illegal immigration in a long time.:

The undocumented only take jobs from Americans because employers profit immensely from their lack of knowledge of rights of workers in the US and the less pay they readily accept. And if you have paid close attention, then you would know that most companies profiting most from cheap labor are owned by republicans; thus making the protest on "illegals" nothing but put-on shows.

"Owned by republicans? :cuckoo:

A native-born New Mexico Hispanic points out that opposition to immigration is not necessarily racist, and says that immigration problems must be dealt with.
by Corine Flores, Oct 09, 2000

I am a native-born New Mexico Hispanic. I often write letters to newspapers on a subject which those without an Hispanic last name dare not write: the urgent need for immigration reform.

This nation's immigration policy, begun in 1965, is a disaster. It hurts minorities, the poor, the environment - as we see dramatically here in the West on an almost daily basis - and immigrants themselves.
Illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans — High Country News

Best essay on illegal immigration in a long time.:

The undocumented only take jobs from Americans because employers profit immensely from their lack of knowledge of rights of workers in the US and the less pay they readily accept. And if you have paid close attention, then you would know that most companies profiting most from cheap labor are owned by republicans; thus making the protest on "illegals" nothing but put-on shows.

"Owned by republicans? :cuckoo:

These illegals almost have their own private hispanic bleeding heart lawyers! They know more about their rights than you will ever know having been born here! They also have Hilda Solis, Secretary of Labor, watching after them. Don't kid yourselves. It's time many of you opened your eyes.
What are you worried about? almost all illegals do job that Americans won’t do anyway.....

Only because americans do the educated jobs. They went to college. Those doing the menial jobs did not. Most of those are illegals who don't even have a third grade education in their country of birth. Trust me, there are some americans who would do those jobs while working themselves through COLLEGE!!! I know many who waitressed, washed dishes, cleaned motels, etc. Stop lying to yourselves. It only serves to help destroy this country.

Most American don't even go to college or get a high school diploma. We have millions of American that do unskilled jobs. To get a job at McDonalds you have to speak Spanish to accomodate non english speaking patrons.
WTF are those jobs Americans will not do? That is the worse pile of dung I have ever heard. Americans are doing farm labor.

Because U.S. citizens don't want to pick fruits and vegetables in the fields has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that illegal immigrants are taking jobs that many of the 15 million currently unemployed U.S. citizens and legal residents need, and would do. So, let's try to set the record straight.

According to the official figures of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 377,000 people in the farming industry, 233,000 of which are "farmworkers/laborers."
Is my math wrong, or does that mean that there are 4 million employed illegal immigrants who are working in jobs outside of farming? Could it be that those jobs exist in almost every area of employment that doesn't require English? For example, jobs in areas such as hotels, motels, restaurants, maintenance, light manufacturing, meatpacking and construction, to name a few.

It's an inescapable fact that U.S. citizens were doing just fine, while they were doing all of these jobs, long before the relatively recent, and massive, surge of illegal immigration.
Farm labor, America's unemployed and the illegal immigration myth -
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FAIR Testifies Before Senate Committee Regarding Farm Labor
October 5, 2011 By Eric Ruark

Yesterday, I testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration, and Refugees. Here is my written testimony, and the video of the testimony is here. While I am appreciative of the opportunity to present my case to the Senators, it was disheartening to hear all the other witnesses declare without equivocation that Americans, all Americans, are unwilling to work as farm laborers, in spite of the fact that government data shows that around 30 percent of hired farm laborers are U.S. citizens.
FAIR Testifies Before Senate Committee Regarding Farm Labor

FAIR Testifies Before Senate Committee Regarding Farm Labor


Programs Throughout the Country are Working with Veterans to Help them Develop the Skills they Need to Become Successful Farmers:
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Obama's Jobs Bill should include the deportation of illegal aliens in American jobs. Then he should help American families relocate to the the jobs that the illegal aliens left. Most of the illegal aliens are working factory jobs.
Obama's Jobs Bill should include the deportation of illegal aliens in American jobs. Then he should help American families relocate to the the jobs that the illegal aliens left. Most of the illegal aliens are working factory jobs.

Factories that have not left the country are spead out across this country. Also most cities have warehouses that hire illegal aliens and many Americans will go those jobs. Reno has lots of warehouses and illegal aliens are now working them instead of low skilled Americans.
Farmworkers in the United States
Who are Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers?

The farm worker population varies regionally. Generally, over 89 percent of farm workers are from minority groups, and three out of every four are of Mexican descent. Puerto Ricans, Cubans and Central and South Americans as well as African Americans, Native Americans, Jamaicans, Haitians, Laotians, Thais and others also work in agriculture.
More than 50 percent of farm workers are citizens or legal residents of the United States. Over 30 percent are new to the United States, and the number of recent immigrants employed in the agricultural workforce is increasing.
Farmworkers in the United States

Who's Picking Your Berries?
Feds Find Young Children on Strawberry Farms

Aug. 11, 2011

Nearly two years after ABC News cameras uncovered young children toiling away in Michigan's blueberry fields, federal investigators have found yet another disturbing example of illegal use of child labor in the berry industry.

Three southwest Washington strawberry growers were fined $73,000 last week after the U.S. Department of Labor found children between the ages of six and 11 working in their strawberries fields in June.

Feds Find Young Children Working Strawberry Farms - ABC News

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