Illegal Immigrants Do Take Jobs That Americans Want


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Illegal Immigrants Do Take Jobs That Americans Want

This video shows illegal immigrants doing a job that many Americans would love to have. This is a Whiting Turner Job Site

[ame=]Illegal Immigrants Do Take Jobs That Americans Want - YouTube[/ame]

Native American tells off Racist Whites + KKK

FInd a job bitch. This fool make me ashamed to be Native American. Native Americans never made claim on the land and the white man came and he did. Tough shit and Native Amerians lost.
I am Chickasaw and have no respect for the Chickasaw nation. Anyone who would give citizenship to a group of people and take it away so they would not have to share wealth from Casino, are worthless pieces of shit. Before that they got money from the government and refused to share. Atleast the whites thorugh the 14th Amendment gave ciztisnehip to them. Some of my ancestor were Chickasaw Freedman. They had not problem fucking that black slave women and creating a class of mixed races of Chickasaws and Blacks.
Carter County Oklahoma Black Cememtery
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Actually I find this to be an interesting post. I work as a firefighter/paramedic and started working concrete for a guy that goes to my church about a month ago. I'm only available to him part time since my job at the fire dept. takes most of my time. We had a long talk about a week ago about this subject.

The truth is a lot of people would not LOVE to have this job. I personally enjoy it but I know after doing it for a few weeks it isn't easy work. In fact my friend was telling me he thought it was ironic how motivated I was and I'm just part time help. He explained to me that he's gone through so many people in the last 7 years he's had his business. The guys he gets just don't want to do the work and put in the long hours it requires. And he told me that's usually their reason for quitting.

This guy I work for is just a small business, but he stays busy. He needs all the help he can get but the problem is no one wants to do the work. I imagine larger contractors like these guys put in longer hours and the pace is much more intense.

So, in my opinion, no I don't think their stealing jobs like these.
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Every foreign student who obtains an advanced degree in math, science, or engineering at a U.S. university should be granted permanent residency.

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

I have a brilliant idea. Why not educate some of those white guys without degrees that make up the bulk of Romney's base? Guess that costs too much. Yea, he's right. His base would never accept the support. They believe in every man for himself.
They believe in every man for himself.

Whereas you lefties believe in every man, every woman, and everything they have for the state.

Republicans really do believe in every man for himself. It was Jesus who said we should help each other.

Why is it OK for Mitt to help immigrants but not Americans?

Mitt Romney will ask Congress to raise the caps on visas for highly skilled immigrants.

Every foreign student who obtains an advanced degree in math, science, or engineering at a U.S. university should be granted permanent residency.

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

For those white men without college, the guys who make up the bulk of Romney's "base", I hope they don't mind "bosses with accents". Clearly you don't.
They believe in every man for himself.

Whereas you lefties believe in every man, every woman, and everything they have for the state.

Republicans really do believe in every man for himself. It was Jesus who said we should help each other.

Why is it OK for Mitt to help immigrants but not Americans?

Mitt Romney will ask Congress to raise the caps on visas for highly skilled immigrants.

Every foreign student who obtains an advanced degree in math, science, or engineering at a U.S. university should be granted permanent residency.

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

For those white men without college, the guys who make up the bulk of Romney's "base", I hope they don't mind "bosses with accents". Clearly you don't.

How many Republicans here got new bosses with accents?

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