Ilhan Omar and the odious rise of indentity politics.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Ilhan Omar, a Somali-American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district, has become one of the darlings of the new militant leftist Democratic Party. She is regarded almost as a beatified deity of identity politics and she is as untouchable in that role as a sacred cow is in Hinduism.

Modern identity politics came to the fore in the 1930’s when the Nazis were experimenting with different ways to exterminate Jewish populations. The British, the French, the Czechoslovakians and many other countries used identity politics to search out Jews and send them to Ghettos to await their demise in appeasement to Germany that threatened invasion.

Anyone who thinks identity politics is a modern progressive idea should just picture dirty, parentless Jewish toddlers clutching meager belongings as they board trains or trucks on their way to be gassed by Zyklon B, a cyanide-based pesticide used by the Nazis in concentration camps like Auschwitz-Birkenau. The lucky ones just starved to death or succumbed to disease on their way there. Their real killer was identity politics.

The tiny Jewish victims had to go because they would grow into adult Jews who were blamed for Germany’s loss in WW2 as well as the decline of German culture. Jews were not regarded as human individuals; they were seen as components of a group like White Privilege or black criminals. It was identity politics and it’s loose again in our society; Ilhan Omar is one of its new faces.

Both the Left and the Right use identity politics to take steps to improve society just the like Nazis. The KKK and the Black Panthers were prevalent decades ago and they could rise again. Affirmative Action is one example of government intervention by political and educational leaders who apparently view themselves as “good” Nazis ostensibly doing good to make amends for other groups who did bad things. It’s still identity politics and it’s still evil because no affected individuals had any part in crimes against the controlling society; they were just members of a group like the Jews.

The failure of the Democratic Party to censure Omar is a dangerous red flag because her Jew-hating is still contagious. Her actions are condoned for political expediency because their eyes are on the prize of a regained presidency.

We are all human and we are all individuals; don’t forget that when you vote.
I'm enjoying the Omar mud slinging fest Ray..... ,especially by the rabid right racists foisting their own race as validation

Maybe the Dems will elect Satan ,and get the religmo's rattled too....

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