*Ignorance, and Willful Ignorance*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

  1. So if ignorance isn't going to be rewarded by God when you stand in front of the pearly gates how well do you think willful ignorance will be looked upon?
  2. This is one of the most important question of ALL TIME.
  3. I will elaborate after I get a few crazys to pipe in.
  4. So then GO!
  5. I love these confrontations with simple minds!
  6. And yes this applies to politics too, so don't get you panties wedged up your crack!,...lol!
Sorry bout that,

  1. So if ignorance isn't going to be rewarded by God when you stand in front of the pearly gates how well do you think willful ignorance will be looked upon?
  2. This is one of the most important question of ALL TIME.
  3. I will elaborate after I get a few crazys to pipe in.
  4. So then GO!
  5. I love these confrontations with simple minds!
  6. And yes this applies to politics too, so don't get you panties wedged up your crack!,...lol!
tenor (1).gif
Sorry bout that,

  1. So if ignorance isn't going to be rewarded by God when you stand in front of the pearly gates how well do you think willful ignorance will be looked upon?
  2. This is one of the most important question of ALL TIME.
  3. I will elaborate after I get a few crazys to pipe in.
  4. So then GO!
  5. I love these confrontations with simple minds!
  6. And yes this applies to politics too, so don't get you panties wedged up your crack!,...lol!
View attachment 262469

You have no idea...
Sorry bout that,

  1. So if ignorance isn't going to be rewarded by God when you stand in front of the pearly gates how well do you think willful ignorance will be looked upon?
  2. This is one of the most important question of ALL TIME.
  3. I will elaborate after I get a few crazys to pipe in.
  4. So then GO!
  5. I love these confrontations with simple minds!
  6. And yes this applies to politics too, so don't get you panties wedged up your crack!,...lol!
View attachment 262469

You have no idea...
Yeah I do, I've seen these bait threads before.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So if ignorance isn't going to be rewarded by God when you stand in front of the pearly gates how well do you think willful ignorance will be looked upon?
  2. This is one of the most important question of ALL TIME.
  3. I will elaborate after I get a few crazys to pipe in.
  4. So then GO!
  5. I love these confrontations with simple minds!
  6. And yes this applies to politics too, so don't get you panties wedged up your crack!,...lol!
Lefty liberals excuse religious extremism by Muslims. Not Catholics or Jews though, and condemn religious zealotry. Because they are agnostic? Islam is THE religion of Saudi Arabians, and they hold the petrochemical nutsack of the global economy. Liberal Democrats or the Republicans are just shills of their overlords. Ever wonder why we just sort of ignored the 9/11 attackers even though we KNEW they were MUSLIM Arabs sponsored by Saudi Arabia?
Sorry bout that,

  1. So if ignorance isn't going to be rewarded by God when you stand in front of the pearly gates how well do you think willful ignorance will be looked upon?
  2. This is one of the most important question of ALL TIME.
  3. I will elaborate after I get a few crazys to pipe in.
  4. So then GO!
  5. I love these confrontations with simple minds!
  6. And yes this applies to politics too, so don't get you panties wedged up your crack!,...lol!
View attachment 262469

You have no idea...
Yeah I do, I've seen these bait threads before.
Shitstains make most of them.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So if ignorance isn't going to be rewarded by God when you stand in front of the pearly gates how well do you think willful ignorance will be looked upon?
  2. This is one of the most important question of ALL TIME.
  3. I will elaborate after I get a few crazys to pipe in.
  4. So then GO!
  5. I love these confrontations with simple minds!
  6. And yes this applies to politics too, so don't get you panties wedged up your crack!,...lol!
View attachment 262469

You have no idea...
Yeah I do, I've seen these bait threads before.
Shitstains make most of them.

When can we expect your next one?
There is this intellectual thing called...Pascal's wager. Which religion would GOD want you to believe? Islam? Judaism? Christanity? Which flavor? Which made up religion is the REAL religion?
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

  1. So is this a religious thread or a political thread?
  2. To some it religious.
  3. To some its political.
  4. I see lots of tap dancing.
  5. This is the most important question that you have ever ran your eyes across.
  6. This is likely the most important question you will ever ponder.
  7. Think about it, its something you should look at seriously.

Which religion taxes non believers..still condones slavery. Which one condemns apostates, feminists or homosexuals to death? Which one that liberals seem to think needs to be protected? I am a liberal, and I am not going to give Islam a free pass because of the shills for the petrochemical house of Saud says so. Real Liberals would reject Islam, not protect it.
Islamawahtzits, brought to you by the big oil conglomerates that don't mind 3000 people killed on 9/11 because of big Saudi oil profit. Imagine say, December 7th, 1941. Back then America was BIG oil and America was attacked by the Japanese because we held back from their imperialist war machine. Big head twist. By that same logic, Saudi Arabia would have been turned into atomic dust...
Sorry bout that,

  1. So if ignorance isn't going to be rewarded by God when you stand in front of the pearly gates how well do you think willful ignorance will be looked upon?
  2. This is one of the most important question of ALL TIME.
  3. I will elaborate after I get a few crazys to pipe in.
  4. So then GO!
  5. I love these confrontations with simple minds!
  6. And yes this applies to politics too, so don't get you panties wedged up your crack!,...lol!
Lefty liberals excuse religious extremism by Muslims. Not Catholics or Jews though, and condemn religious zealotry. Because they are agnostic? Islam is THE religion of Saudi Arabians, and they hold the petrochemical nutsack of the global economy. Liberal Democrats or the Republicans are just shills of their overlords. Ever wonder why we just sort of ignored the 9/11 attackers even though we KNEW they were MUSLIM Arabs sponsored by Saudi Arabia?
They were not sponsored by Saudi Arabia.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So this is weird we have a women here who is saying whats on her mind, and claims she is of the Democratic Party.
  2. And understand me, God gets really pissed at those who sacrifice babies, and yet that appears to be the corner stone of Democrats as far as I can tell, not much else matters to them as far as I can see, The person who was running in the last race for President is known to have broken many many laws, and yet she still was supported by over half the voting public, which doesn't bode well for them collectively either as far as laws being broken and then overlooked for the party's betterment.
  3. I just don't see how even one single Democrat can ever get past the pearly gates.
  4. I'm just being honest, I take no joy in that fact.
  5. You think this wisdom comes from me,no you would be mistaken, its all Gods.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So if ignorance isn't going to be rewarded by God when you stand in front of the pearly gates how well do you think willful ignorance will be looked upon?
  2. This is one of the most important question of ALL TIME.
  3. I will elaborate after I get a few crazys to pipe in.
  4. So then GO!
  5. I love these confrontations with simple minds!
  6. And yes this applies to politics too, so don't get you panties wedged up your crack!,...lol!
Lefty liberals excuse religious extremism by Muslims. Not Catholics or Jews though, and condemn religious zealotry. Because they are agnostic? Islam is THE religion of Saudi Arabians, and they hold the petrochemical nutsack of the global economy. Liberal Democrats or the Republicans are just shills of their overlords. Ever wonder why we just sort of ignored the 9/11 attackers even though we KNEW they were MUSLIM Arabs sponsored by Saudi Arabia?
They were not sponsored by Saudi Arabia.
Whahabii Saudis were funded by big oil or is it the other way round. really? When Japan attacked us, we didn't differ to minority groups within Japan and then obfuscate. It's clear Saudi Arabia attacked us. And our response? Attack Iraq? Yeah, that's the ticket! Come on now. The Saudis got away with the biggest mass murder in history.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So if ignorance isn't going to be rewarded by God when you stand in front of the pearly gates how well do you think willful ignorance will be looked upon?
  2. This is one of the most important question of ALL TIME.
  3. I will elaborate after I get a few crazys to pipe in.
  4. So then GO!
  5. I love these confrontations with simple minds!
  6. And yes this applies to politics too, so don't get you panties wedged up your crack!,...lol!
Lefty liberals excuse religious extremism by Muslims. Not Catholics or Jews though, and condemn religious zealotry. Because they are agnostic? Islam is THE religion of Saudi Arabians, and they hold the petrochemical nutsack of the global economy. Liberal Democrats or the Republicans are just shills of their overlords. Ever wonder why we just sort of ignored the 9/11 attackers even though we KNEW they were MUSLIM Arabs sponsored by Saudi Arabia?
They were not sponsored by Saudi Arabia.
Whahabii Saudis were funded by big oil or is it the other way round. really? When Japan attacked us, we didn't differ to minority groups within Japan and then obfuscate. It's clear Saudi Arabia attacked us. And our response? Attack Iraq. Yeah, that's the ticket! Come on now.
Saudi Arabia did NOT attack us you retard. Just because people from that Country were terrorists does not mean the Country supported them, god you are pathetically STUPID.
Sorry bout that,

  1. On the other hand she is correct, islam and ALL other religions that are not based on Christ will never, ever see past the pearly gates.
  2. I know thats a hard one to swallow, but again thats not my wisdom, thats Gods.
  3. That simple fact will irritate a whole bunch of you, you know why it does that, because its true.
  4. If it weren't true it wouldn't irritate you so much now would it, you would have a sound reason to defend yourself, as to why you don't know who Jesus is, and how he and he alone fixed it so you can indeed get past the pearly gates.
  5. Its a religious question and its a political question.
  6. Most here will never be able to understand that.

Sorry bout that,

  1. So if ignorance isn't going to be rewarded by God when you stand in front of the pearly gates how well do you think willful ignorance will be looked upon?
  2. This is one of the most important question of ALL TIME.
  3. I will elaborate after I get a few crazys to pipe in.
  4. So then GO!
  5. I love these confrontations with simple minds!
  6. And yes this applies to politics too, so don't get you panties wedged up your crack!,...lol!
Lefty liberals excuse religious extremism by Muslims. Not Catholics or Jews though, and condemn religious zealotry. Because they are agnostic? Islam is THE religion of Saudi Arabians, and they hold the petrochemical nutsack of the global economy. Liberal Democrats or the Republicans are just shills of their overlords. Ever wonder why we just sort of ignored the 9/11 attackers even though we KNEW they were MUSLIM Arabs sponsored by Saudi Arabia?
They were not sponsored by Saudi Arabia.
Whahabii Saudis were funded by big oil or is it the other way round. really? When Japan attacked us, we didn't differ to minority groups within Japan and then obfuscate. It's clear Saudi Arabia attacked us. And our response? Attack Iraq. Yeah, that's the ticket! Come on now.
Saudi Arabia did NOT attack us you retard. Just because people from that Country were terrorists does not mean the Country supported them, god you are pathetically STUPID.
Retard? Really? Just because Japanese pilots sponsored and driven by Japanese politics didn't mean the country supported them...Really? Insert Saudi Arabia here...Why are you defending THAT?
Sorry bout that,

  1. So if ignorance isn't going to be rewarded by God when you stand in front of the pearly gates how well do you think willful ignorance will be looked upon?
  2. This is one of the most important question of ALL TIME.
  3. I will elaborate after I get a few crazys to pipe in.
  4. So then GO!
  5. I love these confrontations with simple minds!
  6. And yes this applies to politics too, so don't get you panties wedged up your crack!,...lol!

Maybe it's because I just got up after a nap, but your question doesn't even make any sense.

What is the difference between ignorance and willful ignorance? Isn't all ignorance willful? And ignorant on what subject? After all, we are all ignorant of something. I'm ignorant of sports. I'm ignorant of auto mechanics. And what does ignorance have to do with God's rewards when we die?

If this is some back alley way of starting yet another abortion topic, please tell me now as I find abortion one of the most boring topics to discuss.

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