IG Report: Obammy lied about Hilly's email server

The "people in the loop" was never supposed to be a private club. You still need an electronic trail....even HILLARY needs a electronic trail
She after all is a public servant of the people. I kinda think after the Sandy Berglar debacle with her husbands administration she tried to be decpetive.
Try and be somewhat bipartisan, Doc

Of course it's a "private club" - it's people with national security clearance.

There was no classified information on Hillary's server that was in any way kept secret from others with the clearance and need to see it.
First of all, yes, there was classified information on the server. The private club did not include all the people with national security clearance. Just those who SHE wanted to see the emails. I don't think there was any republicans privy to her server. Come on, Doc, I know and respect you on this board and know that you're smarter than this.
At one time you were more open and not so biased.

What makes you think that the classified information on her server wasn't available to anyone else with the need to know?

You seem to be assuming that the information in Clinton's emails was not available by normal security clearance channels. What evidence do you have to support that claim?

You are the only person I've ever heard make this particular argument.
This is simple, Doc. The SERVER WAS ILLEGAL, any republican with all the clearance in the world would have exposed the fact.
This wasn't some obscure technicality, it was blatant and willful what she had done......and she knew it. Like I said earlier, she wasn't stupid. If she had
been stupid, she would never of had it scrubbed, and you know that.

No, the server was not "illegal". There was no law against using private email at the time Clinton was SoS.

The theoretical charges of "mishandling classified information" have nothing to do with her private server - those same laws would apply had she sent classified information over her official state.gov email address.

I understand that these issues have often been conflated by the press.

Yeah, I'm not seeing "didn't intend" in there. I see "improperly", but that whole thing looks like political BS, similar to Hillary.

Well, for that reference, you'd have to look at the IG report of last week, p. vi-vii

The Midyear team concluded that such proof was lacking. We found that this interpretation of Section793(f)(1) was consistent with the Department’s historical approach in prior cases under different leadership, including in the 2008 decision not to prosecute former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for mishandling classified documents.

Yup, sounding like political BS in both cases.

It's not "political BS", it's the way things work.

As I said before, feel free to give an example of someone who was charged under the Espionage Act through unintentional conduct.

You won't be able to, because it's never happened.

Slow that camel down. First it started with "intentional", now we're moving to "intentional under the Espionage Act",...maybe you ought to find someone else to play your game.

The Espionage Act is the law that makes mishandling classified information a crime. That's the law we're talking about, isn't it?

Nope, like I said: First it started with "intentional", now we're moving to "intentional under the Espionage Act".
There was no mention of Espionage Act, there was no mention of classified information....you only referred to "intent", as did I. Now piss off.
First of all, yes, there was classified information on the server. The private club did not include all the people with national security clearance. Just those who SHE wanted to see the emails. I don't think there was any republicans privy to her server. Come on, Doc, I know and respect you on this board and know that you're smarter than this.
At one time you were more open and not so biased.

What makes you think that the classified information on her server wasn't available to anyone else with the need to know?

You seem to be assuming that the information in Clinton's emails was not available by normal security clearance channels. What evidence do you have to support that claim?

You are the only person I've ever heard make this particular argument.
This is simple, Doc. The SERVER WAS ILLEGAL, any republican with all the clearance in the world would have exposed the fact.
This wasn't some obscure technicality, it was blatant and willful what she had done......and she knew it. Like I said earlier, she wasn't stupid. If she had
been stupid, she would never of had it scrubbed, and you know that.

No, the server was not "illegal". There was no law against using private email at the time Clinton was SoS.

The theoretical charges of "mishandling classified information" have nothing to do with her private server - those same laws would apply had she sent classified information over her official state.gov email address.

I understand that these issues have often been conflated by the press.

No. You are simply confused or lying out of your ass.

I'm not confused. You're welcome to look at the actual laws.

Actual laws? You are hilarious! Hillary should be locked up for the rest of her miserable existence on this earth. There hasn't been this big of a threat to national security since the Rosenbergs. God know how many intelligence assets were compromised by her actions.
What makes you think that the classified information on her server wasn't available to anyone else with the need to know?

You seem to be assuming that the information in Clinton's emails was not available by normal security clearance channels. What evidence do you have to support that claim?

You are the only person I've ever heard make this particular argument.
This is simple, Doc. The SERVER WAS ILLEGAL, any republican with all the clearance in the world would have exposed the fact.
This wasn't some obscure technicality, it was blatant and willful what she had done......and she knew it. Like I said earlier, she wasn't stupid. If she had
been stupid, she would never of had it scrubbed, and you know that.

No, the server was not "illegal". There was no law against using private email at the time Clinton was SoS.

The theoretical charges of "mishandling classified information" have nothing to do with her private server - those same laws would apply had she sent classified information over her official state.gov email address.

I understand that these issues have often been conflated by the press.
No, the server was not "illegal". There was no law against using private email at the time Clinton was SoS.

The theoretical charges of "mishandling classified information" have nothing to do with her private server - those same laws would apply had she sent classified information over her official state.gov email address.

I understand that these issues have often been conflated by the press.
Classified emails on her private server WAS illegal, Doc, and yes there WAS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION on her server.
I understand that she was your gal, as corrupt as she was, YOU will still back her. (I just don't understand that)
It the political circle this type of behavior from our politicians is known as "Shenanigans". Pure and simple, go ahead and
tie yourself to someone like that. It just shows that you throw your integrity out the window for love of party. embrace it.


I don't like Hillary Clinton, I never have. I've never voted for her, for any office. You are trying to project emotional reasons onto me that don't apply.

I am looking at this from the position of someone who has put the effort in to read the actual laws, and has enough time in law school to understand what they mean. The "private server" part is not relevant to the Espionage Act. Intention, on the other hand, is.

Intentionally disseminating classified information through email is against the law. Whether that is through a private server, or the official state.gov email address is irrelevant.
Having classified emails on a private server is illegal....no matter what YOU say, Doc. It's why they argued that there was no markings of it being classified.
But, knowing that they had to remove the classified markers to get it to go to a private server shows the intent. So argue away Doc. You must be so much smarter than me, but along the way you lost all common sense.

Having classified emails on a government server is illegal, too. There's no way to "get" classified information to private server - or a government email server, either.

I don't think you understand what actually happened here - this is called "spillage". It happens when someone who has access to classified information allows some of it to spill into non-controlled networks - not through cutting and pasting, or emailing secret documents - but by mentioning something that happens to be classified in the context of a conversation, or in an email. It happens every day, throughout the government.

Clinton read some classified briefings - and then sent an email to an aide, or a colleague, or the President, mentioning some fact that she learned in the briefing. That's spillage. It's classified information on her server.

Yet, there was no intent to mishandle that information. It happens.

That's why she wasn't charged.
Who told you that? Sounds like a typical CYA Clinton style. It's not what I was reading a few years ago. It was removing the classified marker to forward it to her server, Doc.

It is not possible to "forward" classified material to a private server. Classified information is not allowed to be disseminated via email, period. Classified information is only allowed to exist on closed, secure networks - air-gapped from the public internet.
What makes you think that the classified information on her server wasn't available to anyone else with the need to know?

You seem to be assuming that the information in Clinton's emails was not available by normal security clearance channels. What evidence do you have to support that claim?

You are the only person I've ever heard make this particular argument.
This is simple, Doc. The SERVER WAS ILLEGAL, any republican with all the clearance in the world would have exposed the fact.
This wasn't some obscure technicality, it was blatant and willful what she had done......and she knew it. Like I said earlier, she wasn't stupid. If she had
been stupid, she would never of had it scrubbed, and you know that.

No, the server was not "illegal". There was no law against using private email at the time Clinton was SoS.

The theoretical charges of "mishandling classified information" have nothing to do with her private server - those same laws would apply had she sent classified information over her official state.gov email address.

I understand that these issues have often been conflated by the press.

No. You are simply confused or lying out of your ass.

I'm not confused. You're welcome to look at the actual laws.

Actual laws? You are hilarious! Hillary should be locked up for the rest of her miserable existence on this earth. There hasn't been this big of a threat to national security since the Rosenbergs. God know how many intelligence assets were compromised by her actions.


That's very dramatic. But fortunately, our legal system doesn't work based on your emotions.
This is simple, Doc. The SERVER WAS ILLEGAL, any republican with all the clearance in the world would have exposed the fact.
This wasn't some obscure technicality, it was blatant and willful what she had done......and she knew it. Like I said earlier, she wasn't stupid. If she had
been stupid, she would never of had it scrubbed, and you know that.

No, the server was not "illegal". There was no law against using private email at the time Clinton was SoS.

The theoretical charges of "mishandling classified information" have nothing to do with her private server - those same laws would apply had she sent classified information over her official state.gov email address.

I understand that these issues have often been conflated by the press.
Classified emails on her private server WAS illegal, Doc, and yes there WAS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION on her server.
I understand that she was your gal, as corrupt as she was, YOU will still back her. (I just don't understand that)
It the political circle this type of behavior from our politicians is known as "Shenanigans". Pure and simple, go ahead and
tie yourself to someone like that. It just shows that you throw your integrity out the window for love of party. embrace it.


I don't like Hillary Clinton, I never have. I've never voted for her, for any office. You are trying to project emotional reasons onto me that don't apply.

I am looking at this from the position of someone who has put the effort in to read the actual laws, and has enough time in law school to understand what they mean. The "private server" part is not relevant to the Espionage Act. Intention, on the other hand, is.

Intentionally disseminating classified information through email is against the law. Whether that is through a private server, or the official state.gov email address is irrelevant.
Having classified emails on a private server is illegal....no matter what YOU say, Doc. It's why they argued that there was no markings of it being classified.
But, knowing that they had to remove the classified markers to get it to go to a private server shows the intent. So argue away Doc. You must be so much smarter than me, but along the way you lost all common sense.

Having classified emails on a government server is illegal, too. There's no way to "get" classified information to private server - or a government email server, either.

I don't think you understand what actually happened here - this is called "spillage". It happens when someone who has access to classified information allows some of it to spill into non-controlled networks - not through cutting and pasting, or emailing secret documents - but by mentioning something that happens to be classified in the context of a conversation, or in an email. It happens every day, throughout the government.

Clinton read some classified briefings - and then sent an email to an aide, or a colleague, or the President, mentioning some fact that she learned in the briefing. That's spillage. It's classified information on her server.

Yet, there was no intent to mishandle that information. It happens.

That's why she wasn't charged.
Who told you that? Sounds like a typical CYA Clinton style. It's not what I was reading a few years ago. It was removing the classified marker to forward it to her server, Doc.

It is not possible to "forward" classified material to a private server. Classified information is not allowed to be disseminated via email, period. Classified information is only allowed to exist on closed, secure networks - air-gapped from the public internet.
Oh please...."not possible"? Really? Not buying in, Doc. In this day and age it's all possible. I remember clearly how they said it was done with the "classified markers" being removed. I may be old, but I'm not that old.
This is simple, Doc. The SERVER WAS ILLEGAL, any republican with all the clearance in the world would have exposed the fact.
This wasn't some obscure technicality, it was blatant and willful what she had done......and she knew it. Like I said earlier, she wasn't stupid. If she had
been stupid, she would never of had it scrubbed, and you know that.

No, the server was not "illegal". There was no law against using private email at the time Clinton was SoS.

The theoretical charges of "mishandling classified information" have nothing to do with her private server - those same laws would apply had she sent classified information over her official state.gov email address.

I understand that these issues have often been conflated by the press.
Classified emails on her private server WAS illegal, Doc, and yes there WAS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION on her server.
I understand that she was your gal, as corrupt as she was, YOU will still back her. (I just don't understand that)
It the political circle this type of behavior from our politicians is known as "Shenanigans". Pure and simple, go ahead and
tie yourself to someone like that. It just shows that you throw your integrity out the window for love of party. embrace it.


I don't like Hillary Clinton, I never have. I've never voted for her, for any office. You are trying to project emotional reasons onto me that don't apply.

I am looking at this from the position of someone who has put the effort in to read the actual laws, and has enough time in law school to understand what they mean. The "private server" part is not relevant to the Espionage Act. Intention, on the other hand, is.

Intentionally disseminating classified information through email is against the law. Whether that is through a private server, or the official state.gov email address is irrelevant.
Having classified emails on a private server is illegal....no matter what YOU say, Doc. It's why they argued that there was no markings of it being classified.
But, knowing that they had to remove the classified markers to get it to go to a private server shows the intent. So argue away Doc. You must be so much smarter than me, but along the way you lost all common sense.

Having classified emails on a government server is illegal, too. There's no way to "get" classified information to private server - or a government email server, either.

I don't think you understand what actually happened here - this is called "spillage". It happens when someone who has access to classified information allows some of it to spill into non-controlled networks - not through cutting and pasting, or emailing secret documents - but by mentioning something that happens to be classified in the context of a conversation, or in an email. It happens every day, throughout the government.

Clinton read some classified briefings - and then sent an email to an aide, or a colleague, or the President, mentioning some fact that she learned in the briefing. That's spillage. It's classified information on her server.

Yet, there was no intent to mishandle that information. It happens.

That's why she wasn't charged.
Who told you that? Sounds like a typical CYA Clinton style. It's not what I was reading a few years ago. It was removing the classified marker to forward it to her server, Doc.

It is not possible to "forward" classified material to a private server. Classified information is not allowed to be disseminated via email, period. Classified information is only allowed to exist on closed, secure networks - air-gapped from the public internet.

Ha ha ha! What a dumbass! You are so ignorant you cannot even realize when you make such a stupid statement!
The Espionage Act is the law that makes mishandling classified information a crime. That's the law we're talking about, isn't it?
How do you or Comey the clown know for sure Hillary wasn't putting classified information on her server so it could be hacked and stolen????? That is what the FBI would accuse you of in this scenario....
The IG report shows her emails were hacked and stolen by multiple nations and who knows who else...

You are arguing for a separate justice system..... two teared one set of rules for wealthy dems like the Clinton's and hell to pay for the rest of us....

No thanks Doc....not here....not in America....
Of course it's a "private club" - it's people with national security clearance.

There was no classified information on Hillary's server that was in any way kept secret from others with the clearance and need to see it.
First of all, yes, there was classified information on the server. The private club did not include all the people with national security clearance. Just those who SHE wanted to see the emails. I don't think there was any republicans privy to her server. Come on, Doc, I know and respect you on this board and know that you're smarter than this.
At one time you were more open and not so biased.

What makes you think that the classified information on her server wasn't available to anyone else with the need to know?

You seem to be assuming that the information in Clinton's emails was not available by normal security clearance channels. What evidence do you have to support that claim?

You are the only person I've ever heard make this particular argument.
This is simple, Doc. The SERVER WAS ILLEGAL, any republican with all the clearance in the world would have exposed the fact.
This wasn't some obscure technicality, it was blatant and willful what she had done......and she knew it. Like I said earlier, she wasn't stupid. If she had
been stupid, she would never of had it scrubbed, and you know that.

No, the server was not "illegal". There was no law against using private email at the time Clinton was SoS.

The theoretical charges of "mishandling classified information" have nothing to do with her private server - those same laws would apply had she sent classified information over her official state.gov email address.

I understand that these issues have often been conflated by the press.

Well, for that reference, you'd have to look at the IG report of last week, p. vi-vii

The Midyear team concluded that such proof was lacking. We found that this interpretation of Section793(f)(1) was consistent with the Department’s historical approach in prior cases under different leadership, including in the 2008 decision not to prosecute former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for mishandling classified documents.

Yup, sounding like political BS in both cases.

It's not "political BS", it's the way things work.

As I said before, feel free to give an example of someone who was charged under the Espionage Act through unintentional conduct.

You won't be able to, because it's never happened.

Slow that camel down. First it started with "intentional", now we're moving to "intentional under the Espionage Act",...maybe you ought to find someone else to play your game.

The Espionage Act is the law that makes mishandling classified information a crime. That's the law we're talking about, isn't it?

Nope, like I said: First it started with "intentional", now we're moving to "intentional under the Espionage Act".
There was no mention of Espionage Act, there was no mention of classified information....you only referred to "intent", as did I. Now piss off.


There's no need to whine, just because you lost track of the conversation.

What did you think we were talking about, if not Hillary Clinton and classified information?
The Espionage Act is the law that makes mishandling classified information a crime. That's the law we're talking about, isn't it?
How do you or Comey the clown know for sure Hillary wasn't putting classified information on her server so it could be hacked and stolen????? That is what the FBI would accuse you of in this scenario....
The IG report shows her emails were hacked and stolen by multiple nations and who knows who else...

You are arguing for a separate justice system..... two teared one set of rules for wealthy dems like the Clinton's and hell to pay for the rest of us....

No thanks Doc....not here....not in America....

There is no evidence whatsoever that Clinton's server was hacked. You're misreading the IG report.
No, the server was not "illegal". There was no law against using private email at the time Clinton was SoS.

The theoretical charges of "mishandling classified information" have nothing to do with her private server - those same laws would apply had she sent classified information over her official state.gov email address.

I understand that these issues have often been conflated by the press.

I don't like Hillary Clinton, I never have. I've never voted for her, for any office. You are trying to project emotional reasons onto me that don't apply.

I am looking at this from the position of someone who has put the effort in to read the actual laws, and has enough time in law school to understand what they mean. The "private server" part is not relevant to the Espionage Act. Intention, on the other hand, is.

Intentionally disseminating classified information through email is against the law. Whether that is through a private server, or the official state.gov email address is irrelevant.
Having classified emails on a private server is illegal....no matter what YOU say, Doc. It's why they argued that there was no markings of it being classified.
But, knowing that they had to remove the classified markers to get it to go to a private server shows the intent. So argue away Doc. You must be so much smarter than me, but along the way you lost all common sense.

Having classified emails on a government server is illegal, too. There's no way to "get" classified information to private server - or a government email server, either.

I don't think you understand what actually happened here - this is called "spillage". It happens when someone who has access to classified information allows some of it to spill into non-controlled networks - not through cutting and pasting, or emailing secret documents - but by mentioning something that happens to be classified in the context of a conversation, or in an email. It happens every day, throughout the government.

Clinton read some classified briefings - and then sent an email to an aide, or a colleague, or the President, mentioning some fact that she learned in the briefing. That's spillage. It's classified information on her server.

Yet, there was no intent to mishandle that information. It happens.

That's why she wasn't charged.
Who told you that? Sounds like a typical CYA Clinton style. It's not what I was reading a few years ago. It was removing the classified marker to forward it to her server, Doc.

It is not possible to "forward" classified material to a private server. Classified information is not allowed to be disseminated via email, period. Classified information is only allowed to exist on closed, secure networks - air-gapped from the public internet.

Ha ha ha! What a dumbass! You are so ignorant you cannot even realize when you make such a stupid statement!


That statement is entirely factual.

But it's fun watching you embarrass yourself. As you were.
The Espionage Act is the law that makes mishandling classified information a crime. That's the law we're talking about, isn't it?
How do you or Comey the clown know for sure Hillary wasn't putting classified information on her server so it could be hacked and stolen????? That is what the FBI would accuse you of in this scenario....
The IG report shows her emails were hacked and stolen by multiple nations and who knows who else...

You are arguing for a separate justice system..... two teared one set of rules for wealthy dems like the Clinton's and hell to pay for the rest of us....

No thanks Doc....not here....not in America....

There is no evidence whatsoever that Clinton's server was hacked. You're misreading the IG report.
I'm pretty sure I heard just this last week that indeed it was hacked, Doc.
IG Report: Obammy lied about knowledge of Hillary’s illegal e-mail server.
The Democrats demanded that Scooter Libby be sent to prison for less.

IG Report confirms Obama lied about Hillary’s emails

Dumbass, people go to prison for comitting crimes. Scooter Libby lied to FBI. That is a crime.

If simply lying to public about something is a crime, then Trump would be hanged the slow way with a rusy barb wire, just to match the extent of the crime.

Obama probably knew Hillary had another email service (so did Powell and Rice well before Clinton). It's is also possible he didn't give much ponderance to Clinton's email arrangements. Either way, whats the difference? Was Obama supposed to intervene and tell DoS how to run their IT? :rolleyes:

Phony-baloney...…..your messiah wouldn't know a truthful statement if it bit him in the a**! He lied, and while he was doing it...……..he pointed at YOUR picture and laughed, while calling you dumbsh**, which is the only truth he ever told, describing you accurately-)
The Espionage Act is the law that makes mishandling classified information a crime. That's the law we're talking about, isn't it?
How do you or Comey the clown know for sure Hillary wasn't putting classified information on her server so it could be hacked and stolen????? That is what the FBI would accuse you of in this scenario....
The IG report shows her emails were hacked and stolen by multiple nations and who knows who else...

You are arguing for a separate justice system..... two teared one set of rules for wealthy dems like the Clinton's and hell to pay for the rest of us....

No thanks Doc....not here....not in America....

There is no evidence whatsoever that Clinton's server was hacked. You're misreading the IG report.

:dunno: sad ....you cant see

Having classified emails on a private server is illegal....no matter what YOU say, Doc. It's why they argued that there was no markings of it being classified.
But, knowing that they had to remove the classified markers to get it to go to a private server shows the intent. So argue away Doc. You must be so much smarter than me, but along the way you lost all common sense.

Having classified emails on a government server is illegal, too. There's no way to "get" classified information to private server - or a government email server, either.

I don't think you understand what actually happened here - this is called "spillage". It happens when someone who has access to classified information allows some of it to spill into non-controlled networks - not through cutting and pasting, or emailing secret documents - but by mentioning something that happens to be classified in the context of a conversation, or in an email. It happens every day, throughout the government.

Clinton read some classified briefings - and then sent an email to an aide, or a colleague, or the President, mentioning some fact that she learned in the briefing. That's spillage. It's classified information on her server.

Yet, there was no intent to mishandle that information. It happens.

That's why she wasn't charged.
Who told you that? Sounds like a typical CYA Clinton style. It's not what I was reading a few years ago. It was removing the classified marker to forward it to her server, Doc.

It is not possible to "forward" classified material to a private server. Classified information is not allowed to be disseminated via email, period. Classified information is only allowed to exist on closed, secure networks - air-gapped from the public internet.

Ha ha ha! What a dumbass! You are so ignorant you cannot even realize when you make such a stupid statement!


That statement is entirely factual.

But it's fun watching you embarrass yourself. As you were.

Factual? Do you work for the US government? Do you have a security clearance? Have you completed the required security training for classified materials? I don't think so.

Your Google skills may be strong but has failed you miserably.

Try that shit on your girlfriend, boy friend, or whatever plows your garden. Maybe they will be in impressed. I'm not!
There is no evidence whatsoever that Clinton's server was hacked. You're misreading the IG report
The evidence that the FBI withheld from congress and is in the report was the
FBI had proof that her emails were compromised multiple times...
Stop lying....
No, the server was not "illegal". There was no law against using private email at the time Clinton was SoS.

The theoretical charges of "mishandling classified information" have nothing to do with her private server - those same laws would apply had she sent classified information over her official state.gov email address.

I understand that these issues have often been conflated by the press.

I don't like Hillary Clinton, I never have. I've never voted for her, for any office. You are trying to project emotional reasons onto me that don't apply.

I am looking at this from the position of someone who has put the effort in to read the actual laws, and has enough time in law school to understand what they mean. The "private server" part is not relevant to the Espionage Act. Intention, on the other hand, is.

Intentionally disseminating classified information through email is against the law. Whether that is through a private server, or the official state.gov email address is irrelevant.
Having classified emails on a private server is illegal....no matter what YOU say, Doc. It's why they argued that there was no markings of it being classified.
But, knowing that they had to remove the classified markers to get it to go to a private server shows the intent. So argue away Doc. You must be so much smarter than me, but along the way you lost all common sense.

Having classified emails on a government server is illegal, too. There's no way to "get" classified information to private server - or a government email server, either.

I don't think you understand what actually happened here - this is called "spillage". It happens when someone who has access to classified information allows some of it to spill into non-controlled networks - not through cutting and pasting, or emailing secret documents - but by mentioning something that happens to be classified in the context of a conversation, or in an email. It happens every day, throughout the government.

Clinton read some classified briefings - and then sent an email to an aide, or a colleague, or the President, mentioning some fact that she learned in the briefing. That's spillage. It's classified information on her server.

Yet, there was no intent to mishandle that information. It happens.

That's why she wasn't charged.
Who told you that? Sounds like a typical CYA Clinton style. It's not what I was reading a few years ago. It was removing the classified marker to forward it to her server, Doc.

It is not possible to "forward" classified material to a private server. Classified information is not allowed to be disseminated via email, period. Classified information is only allowed to exist on closed, secure networks - air-gapped from the public internet.
Oh please...."not possible"? Really? Not buying in, Doc. In this day and age it's all possible. I remember clearly how they said it was done with the "classified markers" being removed. I may be old, but I'm not that old.

It is not possible. I don't know what story you're referring to, but either you misread it, misunderstood it, or were intentionally misinformed.

You are imagining that she had a classified document on her computer, somehow removed its "classified markers", and then emailed it to someone. That is not possible - because documents with "classified markers" do not exist in digital form, other than within secure, air-gapped internal networks. According to the rules, any computer that has classified information on it is not connected to the public internet - which means it cannot send email.
There is no evidence whatsoever that Clinton's server was hacked. You're misreading the IG report
The evidence that the FBI withheld from congress and is in the report was the
FBI had proof that her emails were compromised multiple times...
Stop lying....


I'm not. The headline you read on whatever shitty right-wing blog was.

I've read the report. It does not say that Clinton's server was hacked. In fact, it says that no evidence exists to suggest that it was.
Having classified emails on a private server is illegal....no matter what YOU say, Doc. It's why they argued that there was no markings of it being classified.
But, knowing that they had to remove the classified markers to get it to go to a private server shows the intent. So argue away Doc. You must be so much smarter than me, but along the way you lost all common sense.

Having classified emails on a government server is illegal, too. There's no way to "get" classified information to private server - or a government email server, either.

I don't think you understand what actually happened here - this is called "spillage". It happens when someone who has access to classified information allows some of it to spill into non-controlled networks - not through cutting and pasting, or emailing secret documents - but by mentioning something that happens to be classified in the context of a conversation, or in an email. It happens every day, throughout the government.

Clinton read some classified briefings - and then sent an email to an aide, or a colleague, or the President, mentioning some fact that she learned in the briefing. That's spillage. It's classified information on her server.

Yet, there was no intent to mishandle that information. It happens.

That's why she wasn't charged.
Who told you that? Sounds like a typical CYA Clinton style. It's not what I was reading a few years ago. It was removing the classified marker to forward it to her server, Doc.

It is not possible to "forward" classified material to a private server. Classified information is not allowed to be disseminated via email, period. Classified information is only allowed to exist on closed, secure networks - air-gapped from the public internet.
Oh please...."not possible"? Really? Not buying in, Doc. In this day and age it's all possible. I remember clearly how they said it was done with the "classified markers" being removed. I may be old, but I'm not that old.

It is not possible. I don't know what story you're referring to, but either you misread it, misunderstood it, or were intentionally misinformed.

You are imagining that she had a classified document on her computer, somehow removed its "classified markers", and then emailed it to someone. That is not possible - because documents with "classified markers" do not exist in digital form, other than within secure, air-gapped internal networks. According to the rules, any computer that has classified information on it is not connected to the public internet - which means it cannot send email.
Or, your wrong, Doc.
Good night, its been fun.
Having classified emails on a government server is illegal, too. There's no way to "get" classified information to private server - or a government email server, either.

I don't think you understand what actually happened here - this is called "spillage". It happens when someone who has access to classified information allows some of it to spill into non-controlled networks - not through cutting and pasting, or emailing secret documents - but by mentioning something that happens to be classified in the context of a conversation, or in an email. It happens every day, throughout the government.

Clinton read some classified briefings - and then sent an email to an aide, or a colleague, or the President, mentioning some fact that she learned in the briefing. That's spillage. It's classified information on her server.

Yet, there was no intent to mishandle that information. It happens.

That's why she wasn't charged.
Who told you that? Sounds like a typical CYA Clinton style. It's not what I was reading a few years ago. It was removing the classified marker to forward it to her server, Doc.

It is not possible to "forward" classified material to a private server. Classified information is not allowed to be disseminated via email, period. Classified information is only allowed to exist on closed, secure networks - air-gapped from the public internet.

Ha ha ha! What a dumbass! You are so ignorant you cannot even realize when you make such a stupid statement!


That statement is entirely factual.

But it's fun watching you embarrass yourself. As you were.

Factual? Do you work for the US government? Do you have a security clearance? Have you completed the required security training for classified materials? I don't think so.

Your Google skills may be strong but has failed you miserably.

Try that shit on your girlfriend, boy friend, or whatever plows your garden. Maybe they will be in impressed. I'm not!


I don't work for the government, and at the moment I don't have any security clearance. But I have completed the required training.

You're wrong on this - and I think that you know it, at least on some level. But by all means, continue to bluster and embarrass yourself.
Having classified emails on a government server is illegal, too. There's no way to "get" classified information to private server - or a government email server, either.

I don't think you understand what actually happened here - this is called "spillage". It happens when someone who has access to classified information allows some of it to spill into non-controlled networks - not through cutting and pasting, or emailing secret documents - but by mentioning something that happens to be classified in the context of a conversation, or in an email. It happens every day, throughout the government.

Clinton read some classified briefings - and then sent an email to an aide, or a colleague, or the President, mentioning some fact that she learned in the briefing. That's spillage. It's classified information on her server.

Yet, there was no intent to mishandle that information. It happens.

That's why she wasn't charged.
Who told you that? Sounds like a typical CYA Clinton style. It's not what I was reading a few years ago. It was removing the classified marker to forward it to her server, Doc.

It is not possible to "forward" classified material to a private server. Classified information is not allowed to be disseminated via email, period. Classified information is only allowed to exist on closed, secure networks - air-gapped from the public internet.
Oh please...."not possible"? Really? Not buying in, Doc. In this day and age it's all possible. I remember clearly how they said it was done with the "classified markers" being removed. I may be old, but I'm not that old.

It is not possible. I don't know what story you're referring to, but either you misread it, misunderstood it, or were intentionally misinformed.

You are imagining that she had a classified document on her computer, somehow removed its "classified markers", and then emailed it to someone. That is not possible - because documents with "classified markers" do not exist in digital form, other than within secure, air-gapped internal networks. According to the rules, any computer that has classified information on it is not connected to the public internet - which means it cannot send email.
Or, your wrong, Doc.
Good night, its been fun.

Good night, man. It's good to see you.

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