If zimmerman did not have a gun.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

If Zimmerman did not have a gun Trayvon would be alive because Trayvon could not have beaten Zimmerman to death and because Zimmerman would have fought back. He probably would not have stalked and confronted Trayvon with “what are you doing around here” at all. Zimmerman had the right to posses a gun but did not have the right to carry a gun while on neighbor watch. If he was following Trayvon, he should have left he gun in the car. Beside he was a “self appointed neighborhood watchmen.” Because he did have a gun he knew he could use it if he provoked Trayvon into reacting and attacking him and he did. Shooting appears to be premeditated and racially profiled by Zimmerman’s own words. “They always get away” and “Shit he’s’ running.” Like he’s getting away and I cannot let that happen.
Justice Scalia said Constitution “outdated” and more gun control laws are needed. This is not the wild, wild west anymore. Lack conservative gun control laws allow guns to walk across the border and into Chicago and Oakland in the hands of gang bangers and in the homes of careless gun owners that allow guns in the home that kill 500 innocent children each year. It way past time to revisit gun control laws.

If Zimmerman did not have a gun, Trayvon would be alive because Trayvon could not have beaten Zimmerman to death and because Zimmerman would have fought back. He probably would not have stalked and confronted Trayvon with “what are you doing around here” at all. Zimmerman had the right to possess a gun, but did not have the right to carry a gun while on neighborhood watch. If he was following Trayvon, he should have left the gun in the car. Besides, he was a “self-appointed neighborhood watchman.” Because he did have a gun, he knew he could use it if he provoked Trayvon into reacting and attacking him, and he did.

Shooting appears to be premeditated and racially profiled by Zimmerman’s own words. “They always get away” and “Shit he’s’ running.” Like he’s getting away and I cannot let that happen.

Justice Scalia said Constitution “outdated” and more gun control laws are needed. This is not the wild, wild west anymore. Lack conservative gun control laws allow guns to walk across the border and into Chicago and Oakland in the hands of gang bangers and in the homes of careless gun owners that allow guns in the home that kill 500 innocent children each year. It is way past time to revisit gun control laws.

Agreed. On the other hand however, I think the mindset of people is the real big problem with guns. Because of the ethical and moral deterioration in society where some people have no respect for other people and/or their properties, people are forced to own guns for self-defense.

The problem with gun ownership is with political movements, especially political conservatives, who strongly advocate gun ownership and fail to emphasis to their mindless followers that not every situation calls for shooting a person who has wronged you (or whom you think have wronged you). I believe in self-defense, but will never shoot a retreating person or shoot to kill a person running away with my stolen goods.
IF Zimmerman did not have a gun, he would be dead like any other white guy who didn't have a gun.
IF Zimmerman did not have a gun, he would be dead like any other white guy who didn't have a gun.

If George Zimmerman had not stalked Trayvon Martin and did not have a gun, then Trayvon Martin would be alive today and nothing would have happened to simpleton George Zimmerman.
He didn't stalk Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman had already returned to his car. Had Martin not been a thug, he'd be alive today. Both of them would be alive today.

If Zimmerman did not have a gun Trayvon would be alive * * * *

But Zimmerman would likely be dead.

George Zimmerman would only be dead for instigating situation. I find it very funny that most political coservatives fail to understand that an instigator has no right to Stand Your Ground. Because an individual you attempted to intimidate gave you the very short end of stick does not give you grounds to claim self-defense.

School Bully Slammed By Chubby School Mate - [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sccaTPPFCk]Skinny bully gets dropped by fat boy - YouTube[/ame]

I bet most political conservatives think school bully who almost got killed by his wrong victim could have filed assault charges. Right?
He didn't stalk Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman had already returned to his car. Had Martin not been a thug, he'd be alive today. Both of them would be alive today.

Katzndogz, 911 record is there to show George Zimmerman stalked Trayvon Martin:

George Zimmerman's words:

"Suspicious looking ...; He looks like he is up to no good ...; He looks like ...; These (a)holes always get away ...;"

And 911 agent told George Zimmerman "we don't need you to do that ..." and urged Zimmerman to stop stalking Trayvon Martin.

If Zimmerman did not have a gun Trayvon would be alive because Trayvon could not have beaten Zimmerman to death and because Zimmerman would have fought back. He probably would not have stalked and confronted Trayvon with “what are you doing around here” at all. Zimmerman had the right to posses a gun but did not have the right to carry a gun while on neighbor watch. If he was following Trayvon, he should have left he gun in the car. Beside he was a “self appointed neighborhood watchmen.” Because he did have a gun he knew he could use it if he provoked Trayvon into reacting and attacking him and he did. Shooting appears to be premeditated and racially profiled by Zimmerman’s own words. “They always get away” and “Shit he’s’ running.” Like he’s getting away and I cannot let that happen.
Justice Scalia said Constitution “outdated” and more gun control laws are needed. This is not the wild, wild west anymore. Lack conservative gun control laws allow guns to walk across the border and into Chicago and Oakland in the hands of gang bangers and in the homes of careless gun owners that allow guns in the home that kill 500 innocent children each year. It way past time to revisit gun control laws.

It's WAY PAST TIME for you to shut the hell up about this.
Were you there? Neither was i! So lets wait and see what happens. You're just plain scared to death that Zimmerman is going to be set free and prove you wrong. All you care about is some black kid was killed. Would you be this pissed if it had been another black person that had killed him? I doubt it! YOU have a problem being a racist.

And more gun laws are NOT going to keep guns away from the criminals....all it would do is make sure more innocent people are killed. You're a moron!
And 911 agent told George Zimmerman "we don't need you to do that ..." and urged Zimmerman to stop stalking Trayvon Martin.[/B]

According to Zimmerman, he did stop following Martin and headed to meet the police only to have Martin follow him. Now, I'm not saying that is what happened because I wasn't there but you seem so sure. Why is that? You have proof otherwise?
George Zimmerman would only be dead for instigating situation. I find it very funny that most political coservatives fail to understand that an instigator has no right to Stand Your Ground. Because an individual you attempted to intimidate gave you the very short end of stick does not give you grounds to claim self-defense.

Racist shithead, Trayvon was the investigator. He's the one who confronted Zimmerman. He's the one who assaulted Zimmerman.

School Bully Slammed By Chubby School Mate - Skinny bully gets dropped by fat boy - YouTube

I bet most political conservatives think school bully who almost got killed by his wrong victim could have filed assault charges. Right?

Thanks for the video. It was sweet watching that big kid throw down that piece of shit. Zimmerman didn't have the size to do it, but he had the gun to do it.... Oh, and Zimmerman was faced with a hooded thug at night, not a schoolyard bully.
Oh for God's sake. Hey liberals we get it. You don't want anyone to have guns.

Nope, you don't get it. Liberals want the government to have guns and they don't mind the criminals having guns. They just don't want white people to have strong means of self-defense.

In the hypothetical situation that Zimmerman was an Afro and Trayvon was a Person, this would never have been national news. It would have contributed nothing to the national gun debate or to the debate on Stand Your Ground Laws (even though Zimmerman acted in regular self-defense).

When a cop shoots someone, even a piece of shit Afro, Liberals don't call for cops to be disarmed.

Do you get it now? Liberals hate white people.

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