If you've ever thought.... "There aught to be a law..." Post it here.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
There aught to be a law designating that cash-register machine receipts be standardized at the width of a dollar, so you don't have to fold them lengthwise to fit in your wallet while holding 7 more sacks of brand new stuff.

There ought to be a law that Congress should refrain from passing laws. Especially 60,000 pages a year. I say that when 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints (fed, state and muni) that there quite are enough laws. Take that you fascist pig.
There ought to be a law that Congress should refrain from passing laws. Especially 60,000 pages a year. I say that when 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints (fed, state and muni) that there quite are enough laws. Take that you fascist pig.

Fascist pig?!?


What the hell... are you a corporate fat-cat that sells cash register machines with extra wide tape, or just an angry, angry person?

Either way, you have my pity....​
There ought to be a law that reciepts required for lifetime warranties not be printed with thermal or otherwise fading ink.
There ought to be a law that Congress should refrain from passing laws. Especially 60,000 pages a year. I say that when 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints (fed, state and muni) that there quite are enough laws. Take that you fascist pig.

Fascist pig?!?


What the hell... are you a corporate fat-cat that sells cash register machines with extra wide tape, or just an angry, angry person?

Either way, you have my pity....​

Joe quit being so average. Congress spews out 60K pages of ambiguous law a year, most are ill thought, vague laws. There new family units that make their living by suing people. Heathcare is virtually unsustainable due over diagnosing, over testing and over medicating due to law suit fears. The US puts 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints. The US imprisons 4 times more people, per capita, the the next country (Russia). The US needs to borrow 42 cents of ever dollar to pay the $62 billion/year to keep people in prison (mostly for victimless crimes). The DOJ is described as the world's largest extortion entity ("either take the plea or spend thousands on an attorney"). Congress continually illegally "sneaks" draconian legislation into comprehensive bills. Lists and labels continually plague those (that have paid their debt to society) creating people that will always be a burden on society (no job, no taxes paid). It is said that the average "working professional", commits three federal felonies a day. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE LAWS!

Almost everyone I know is either being sued or is in Jail. My friends wife was arrested for an old "not wearing seat belt" ticket. She paid the ticket, apparently the state couldn't read the ticket number that she wrote on her check. The arresting officer stayed with her, at her car, until her husband arrived to pickup their children. Nice display!

Dude WE ARE A FASCIST SOCIETY, a police state, a prison nation... a broke prison nation. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE F**KING LAWS!
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There ought to be less laws. I propose that before Congress can pass a law, it has to remove 3 laws from the books.
Just about everything we might need in the way of laws can be found in Exodus 20:1-17
There ought to be a law that Congress should refrain from passing laws. Especially 60,000 pages a year. I say that when 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints (fed, state and muni) that there quite are enough laws. Take that you fascist pig.

Fascist pig?!?


What the hell... are you a corporate fat-cat that sells cash register machines with extra wide tape, or just an angry, angry person?

Either way, you have my pity....​

Joe quit being so average. Congress spews out 60K pages of ambiguous law a year, most are ill thought, vague laws. There new family units that make their living by suing people. Heathcare is virtually unsustainable due over diagnosing, over testing and over medicating due to law suit fears. The US puts 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints. The US imprisons 4 times more people, per capita, the the next country (Russia). The US needs to borrow 42 cents of ever dollar to pay the $62 billion/year to keep people in prison (mostly for victimless crimes). The DOJ is described as the world's largest extortion entity ("either take the plea or spend thousands on an attorney"). Congress continually illegally "sneaks" draconian legislation into comprehensive bills. Lists and labels continually plague those (that have paid their debt to society) creating people that will always be a burden on society (no job, no taxes paid). It is said that the average "working professional", commits three federal felonies a day. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE LAWS!

Almost everyone I know is either being sued or is in Jail. My friends wife was arrested for an old "not wearing seat belt" ticket. She paid the ticket, apparently the state couldn't read the ticket number that she wrote on her check. The arresting officer stayed with her, at her car, until her husband arrived to pickup their children. Nice display!

Dude WE ARE A FASCIST SOCIETY, a police state, a prison nation... a broke prison nation. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE LAWS!

Oh gaaaaaaaawwwwwwdddd... Not another idiot.......:cuckoo:
Fascist pig?!?


What the hell... are you a corporate fat-cat that sells cash register machines with extra wide tape, or just an angry, angry person?

Either way, you have my pity....​

Joe quit being so average. Congress spews out 60K pages of ambiguous law a year, most are ill thought, vague laws. There new family units that make their living by suing people. Heathcare is virtually unsustainable due over diagnosing, over testing and over medicating due to law suit fears. The US puts 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints. The US imprisons 4 times more people, per capita, the the next country (Russia). The US needs to borrow 42 cents of ever dollar to pay the $62 billion/year to keep people in prison (mostly for victimless crimes). The DOJ is described as the world's largest extortion entity ("either take the plea or spend thousands on an attorney"). Congress continually illegally "sneaks" draconian legislation into comprehensive bills. Lists and labels continually plague those (that have paid their debt to society) creating people that will always be a burden on society (no job, no taxes paid). It is said that the average "working professional", commits three federal felonies a day. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE LAWS!

Almost everyone I know is either being sued or is in Jail. My friends wife was arrested for an old "not wearing seat belt" ticket. She paid the ticket, apparently the state couldn't read the ticket number that she wrote on her check. The arresting officer stayed with her, at her car, until her husband arrived to pickup their children. Nice display!

Dude WE ARE A FASCIST SOCIETY, a police state, a prison nation... a broke prison nation. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE LAWS!

Oh gaaaaaaaawwwwwwdddd... Not another idiot.......:cuckoo:

Would be so kind as to tell the idiot where he is wrong. Don't tell me, let me guess: you a liberal. Right
Joe quit being so average. Congress spews out 60K pages of ambiguous law a year, most are ill thought, vague laws. There new family units that make their living by suing people. Heathcare is virtually unsustainable due over diagnosing, over testing and over medicating due to law suit fears. The US puts 1 in 14 people are either in prison, jail or judicial constraints. The US imprisons 4 times more people, per capita, the the next country (Russia). The US needs to borrow 42 cents of ever dollar to pay the $62 billion/year to keep people in prison (mostly for victimless crimes). The DOJ is described as the world's largest extortion entity ("either take the plea or spend thousands on an attorney"). Congress continually illegally "sneaks" draconian legislation into comprehensive bills. Lists and labels continually plague those (that have paid their debt to society) creating people that will always be a burden on society (no job, no taxes paid). It is said that the average "working professional", commits three federal felonies a day. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE LAWS!

Almost everyone I know is either being sued or is in Jail. My friends wife was arrested for an old "not wearing seat belt" ticket. She paid the ticket, apparently the state couldn't read the ticket number that she wrote on her check. The arresting officer stayed with her, at her car, until her husband arrived to pickup their children. Nice display!

Dude WE ARE A FASCIST SOCIETY, a police state, a prison nation... a broke prison nation. WE DON"T NEED ANY MORE LAWS!

Oh gaaaaaaaawwwwwwdddd... Not another idiot.......:cuckoo:

Would be so kind as to tell the idiot where he is wrong. Don't tell me, let me guess: you a liberal. Right

You're correct, I'm a liberal. And I'm correct, you're an idiot.

So if we agree, then why are we arguing?
Cuyo, can you intelligently defend your fascist mindset? Do you even know what "liberal" means?

God help us, I think you're gonna tell me. I will cue the eye rolling. Just give me a few minutes to mentally prepare myself.

Not yet.
This could be a fun thread -- I like Avg-Joe's idea.

Here's mine:

You should be allowed to take someone to court, prove they've been an asshole to you and collect damages. That's it, no assault, no trespass....just "he's been an asshole to me".

Imagine the impact on the workplace!
Is rolling your eyes your best defense of your mindset? I have a 11 daughter that consistently has that same defense when confronted.
This could be a fun thread -- I like Avg-Joe's idea.

Here's mine:

You should be allowed to take someone to court, prove they've been an asshole to you and collect damages. That's it, no assault, no trespass....just "he's been an asshole to me".

Imagine the impact on the workplace!

Kind of like what I call felony stupid. I like it!

Gotta spread some rep before I can hit you again.
Remember, I'm the idiot. So you tell me. Tell me how more government, more vague laws, more security/policing, more prisons/lists, more oppression, more spying, more breeches in privacy, less protection of our civil liberties are going help our society. Inquiring idiots need to know.
Remember, I'm the idiot. So you tell me. Tell me how more government, more vague laws, more security/policing, more prisons/lists, more oppression, more spying, more breeches in privacy, less protection of our civil liberties are going help our society. Inquiring idiots need to know.

Well I dunno... I'm a liberal, remember?.... Or am I?

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