If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

Blaming this shit on the NRA is absurd.
The NRA is to blame. They lead the fight in allowing the mentally disturbed have guns. That unless they are adjudicated, as in after a judicial hearing to determine he's crazy, he retains his right to buy firearms.

So somebody whose psychiatrist thinks is an imminent danger, has to go to a judge to keep his patient from buying a gun.
Every teacher I know is against having guns in school. I remember having metal detectors at the gates to our school. That would be a start.

Well it looks like that is what it's coming too. Fucking Republicans won't do anything about it, except hold prayer vigils--and offer a minute of silence.

But they're fierce about protecting the NRA--(their campaign cash cow.)

The gun rights organization (NRA) spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's $265 dollars.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

Trump & Republicans even repealed Obama's order for mental health background checks after he initiated them after Sandy Hook.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions


If you want to keep your kids safe in school, and are tired of the weekly carnage of these semi-automatic weapons and want common sense gun control in this country, you'll have to vote for DEMOCRATS this coming November in the midterm election cycle. Republicans won't do Jack Shit.

Blaming this shit on the NRA is absurd.
Not really. They are the main ones fighting to keep weapons available for any nut case that wants one.
Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.
There is no need to arm teachers. Just deploy a few well armed, well trained, well provisioned military personnel to each school that really wants to be protected. Just think how many jobs could be created.
Hold on. Are you joking with this idea or are you serious? I can’t tell.
I have difficulty imagining that I could be more serious. We need armed, trained, well equipped sharpshooters in every venue where assholes like school shooters might be expected. Kill the bastards...and don't mention their names or show their likeness on TV.
Every teacher I know is against having guns in school. I remember having metal detectors at the gates to our school. That would be a start.

Well it looks like that is what it's coming too. Fucking Republicans won't do anything about it, except hold prayer vigils--and offer a minute of silence.

But they're fierce about protecting the NRA--(their campaign cash cow.)

The gun rights organization (NRA) spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's $265 dollars.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

Trump & Republicans even repealed Obama's order for mental health background checks after he initiated them after Sandy Hook.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions


If you want to keep your kids safe in school, and are tired of the weekly carnage of these semi-automatic weapons and want common sense gun control in this country, you'll have to vote for DEMOCRATS this coming November in the midterm election cycle. Republicans won't do Jack Shit.

Blaming this shit on the NRA is absurd.
Not really. They are the main ones fighting to keep weapons available for any nut case that wants one.
...and you are among the idiots that blame the weapon rather than the user.
Every teacher I know is against having guns in school. I remember having metal detectors at the gates to our school. That would be a start.

Well it looks like that is what it's coming too. Fucking Republicans won't do anything about it, except hold prayer vigils--and offer a minute of silence.

But they're fierce about protecting the NRA--(their campaign cash cow.)

The gun rights organization (NRA) spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's $265 dollars.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

Trump & Republicans even repealed Obama's order for mental health background checks after he initiated them after Sandy Hook.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions


If you want to keep your kids safe in school, and are tired of the weekly carnage of these semi-automatic weapons and want common sense gun control in this country, you'll have to vote for DEMOCRATS this coming November in the midterm election cycle. Republicans won't do Jack Shit.

Blaming this shit on the NRA is absurd.
Not really. They are the main ones fighting to keep weapons available for any nut case that wants one.
...and you are among the idiots that blame the weapon rather than the user.
no idiot. cant you read? I blame the NRA for fighting to make the weapons available to nut cases like you.
Blaming this shit on the NRA is absurd.
The NRA is to blame. They lead the fight in allowing the mentally disturbed have guns. That unless they are adjudicated, as in after a judicial hearing to determine he's crazy, he retains his right to buy firearms.

So somebody whose psychiatrist thinks is an imminent danger, has to go to a judge to keep his patient from buying a gun.

It's Republicans who are responsible for this. It's congress that writes the gun regulations in this country, not the NRA. Republicans won't do JACK SHIT because the NRA is their campaign cash cow.

The gun rights organization (NRA) spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's $265 dollars.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


You want to get something done with common sense gun regulations. Get to the polls this coming November and vote for DEMOCRATS. Otherwise expect more of the same.
Every teacher I know is against having guns in school. I remember having metal detectors at the gates to our school. That would be a start.

Well it looks like that is what it's coming too. Fucking Republicans won't do anything about it, except hold prayer vigils--and offer a minute of silence.

But they're fierce about protecting the NRA--(their campaign cash cow.)

The gun rights organization (NRA) spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's $265 dollars.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

Trump & Republicans even repealed Obama's order for mental health background checks after he initiated them after Sandy Hook.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions


If you want to keep your kids safe in school, and are tired of the weekly carnage of these semi-automatic weapons and want common sense gun control in this country, you'll have to vote for DEMOCRATS this coming November in the midterm election cycle. Republicans won't do Jack Shit.

Blaming this shit on the NRA is absurd.
Not really. They are the main ones fighting to keep weapons available for any nut case that wants one.
...and you are among the idiots that blame the weapon rather than the user.
no idiot. cant you read? I blame the NRA for fighting to make the weapons available to nut cases like you.
I am far from being a nutcase. I have several weapons at my disposal. Included among them are firearms, loaded and ready to use in case of need. Should you have occasion to invade my home, if you get beyond my dogs, I will shoot you dead and then call the gendarmes.
Blaming this shit on the NRA is absurd.
The NRA is to blame. They lead the fight in allowing the mentally disturbed have guns. That unless they are adjudicated, as in after a judicial hearing to determine he's crazy, he retains his right to buy firearms.

So somebody whose psychiatrist thinks is an imminent danger, has to go to a judge to keep his patient from buying a gun.

It's Republicans who are responsible for this. It's congress that writes the gun regulations in this country, not the NRA. Republicans won't do JACK SHIT because the NRA is their campaign cash cow.

The gun rights organization (NRA) spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's $265 dollars.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


You want to get something done with common sense gun regulations. Get to the polls this coming November and vote for DEMOCRATS. Otherwise expect more of the same.
...and it's the stupid fucking liberals that blame the weapon rather than the user of it! You are fucking BRAIN DEAD!
Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.
There is no need to arm teachers. Just deploy a few well armed, well trained, well provisioned military personnel to each school that really wants to be protected. Just think how many jobs could be created.
Hold on. Are you joking with this idea or are you serious? I can’t tell.
I have difficulty imagining that I could be more serious. We need armed, trained, well equipped sharpshooters in every venue where assholes like school shooters might be expected. Kill the bastards...and don't mention their names or show their likeness on TV.
Wow posts like this really throw me. I’m just in disbelief that people say this kind of stuff. I don’t even know where to begin in telling you how insane this idea of yours is.
The Parkland schools shootings can be linked directly back to Mueller and Rosenstein. They are both complacent in distracting the FBI with nonsense Russia collusion investigations and illegal searches into private, irrelevant personal information, derelict in their duties and directly responsible for not processing information routinely provided to them that could have saved childrens lives.

Both should now face special counsel investigations.

Democrats and the Left must ask itself......how many more children are they willing to sacrifice for their endeavor to dig up dirt on Trump?
No, but she should be forced to take a competency test consisting of both a written test AND a "field test", like for a driver's license. If she can't land 3 out of 5 in the target circle, then no gun for grandma. if she doesn't understand which places are off limits to guns, then no gun for grandma.

Where does the 2nd Amendment require that?

Nope, but Heller v DC says they can make it so.
No it doesn't. Furthermore, that is just the opinion of some poltical hacks.
No, but she should be forced to take a competency test consisting of both a written test AND a "field test", like for a driver's license. If she can't land 3 out of 5 in the target circle, then no gun for grandma. if she doesn't understand which places are off limits to guns, then no gun for grandma.

Where does the 2nd Amendment require that?

Nope, but Heller v DC says they can make it so.
No it doesn't. Furthermore, that is just the opinion of some poltical hacks.

Licensing and other restrictions on firearm ownership have been ruled constitutional.

"it is not commonplace for teachers in Israel to carry weapons. A 2013 article in Campus Safety also noted that schools would likely hire soldiers from the Israel Defense Forces, police officers, or security guards to escort field trips"

"When this photograph first went viral in 2012, Israeli Today took issue with the claim that all teachers in Israel carry guns. In fact, the Israeli web site wrote that it would be very uncommon for a teacher to be carrying a gun in the country, and surmised that the woman in the photograph was actually a security guard."

"Israel’s successful gun ownership laws both serve to make sure upstanding, brave and mentally sound citizens have access to guns, and that those who present even a minor threat are prevented from possessing one. It would be a mistake to use Israel as the poster child for more weapons in the US, as our success here is much more connected to limiting weapons and enabling strategies such as gates, fences and armed guards (not armed teachers), to protect our children."
FACT CHECK: Is This an Armed Teacher Protecting Students at an Israeli School?

Did you read the link? They don't know if she's a teacher or simply a security guard. What is clear is the kids are on a field trip, and it could be a mom acting as chaperone, or a paid guard, or a teacher. What is NOT arguable is the kids are protected by someone WITH A GUN!
LOL You obviously didn't read the entire link carefully. It is not suggested it is a teacher, parent or chaperone but only a security guard.
No, but she should be forced to take a competency test consisting of both a written test AND a "field test", like for a driver's license. If she can't land 3 out of 5 in the target circle, then no gun for grandma. if she doesn't understand which places are off limits to guns, then no gun for grandma.

Where does the 2nd Amendment require that?

Nope, but Heller v DC says they can make it so.
No it doesn't. Furthermore, that is just the opinion of some poltical hacks.

Licensing and other restrictions on firearm ownership have been ruled constitutional.
Wrong. Licensing has never been ruled constitutional.

Did you read the link? They don't know if she's a teacher or simply a security guard. What is clear is the kids are on a field trip, and it could be a mom acting as chaperone, or a paid guard, or a teacher. What is NOT arguable is the kids are protected by someone WITH A GUN!
LOL You obviously didn't read the entire link carefully. It is not suggested it is a teacher, parent or chaperone but only a security guard.

To quote a bitch that the demented stupid Moon Bats actually thought should be President:


The valid point is that the way to stop a bad buy with a gun is to have a good guy with a gun. However, the stupid Moon Bats demand that schools be "gun free zones". What could possibly go wrong? That is like a herd of deer all painting targets on their sides.
It's Republicans who are responsible for this. It's congress that writes the gun regulations in this country, not the NRA. Republicans won't do JACK SHIT because the NRA is their campaign cash cow.

WTF do you want them to do?

You know something.......I wish we on the pro-gun side could make a bet with you anti-gun people. The bet would be this: make whatever regulation you like, and we live under that for three years. If we don't have another mass shooting, you can write more legislation. If we do, you never bring up more gun laws again.

Who on the left would be willing to make such a bet? None of you. Because even you know you can't legislate kooks. You can never stop them from getting a gun no matter how illegal we make them.

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