If you lose the women, Hispanics,blacks and gays, Who do you have left?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Swing States Poll: A shift by women puts Obama in lead

New Republican mantra.......Demographics are for pussies

The biggest change came among women under 50. In mid-February, just under half of those voters supported Obama. Now more than six in 10 do while Romney's support among them has dropped by 14 points, to 30%. The president leads him 2-1 in this group.

Republicans' traditional strength among men "won't be good enough if we're losing women by nine points or 10 points," says Sara Taylor Fagen, a Republican strategist and former political adviser to President George W. Bush. "The focus on contraception has not been a good one for us … and Republicans have unfairly taken on water on this issue."
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Swing States Poll: A shift by women puts Obama in lead

New Republican mantra.......Demographics are for pussies

The biggest change came among women under 50. In mid-February, just under half of those voters supported Obama. Now more than six in 10 do while Romney's support among them has dropped by 14 points, to 30%. The president leads him 2-1 in this group.

Republicans' traditional strength among men "won't be good enough if we're losing women by nine points or 10 points," says Sara Taylor Fagen, a Republican strategist and former political adviser to President George W. Bush. "The focus on contraception has not been a good one for us … and Republicans have unfairly taken on water on this issue."

You wish you could divide and conquer, in such a way. Without that strategy, you are weaponless. Surely you know the truth is not on your side.
“…and Republicans have unfairly taken on water on this issue."


Nonsense. The right has only itself to blame for losing this November. It would seem conservatives need to learn to take personal responsibility rather than whining about being ‘unfairly’ treated.

So........they used a lie to prop up Sandra Flucke and they're using lies to cause racial strife.

Wow, you must be soooooo proud of your boy Obama!!!!!:clap2::clap2:
Swing States Poll: A shift by women puts Obama in lead

New Republican mantra.......Demographics are for pussies

The biggest change came among women under 50. In mid-February, just under half of those voters supported Obama. Now more than six in 10 do while Romney's support among them has dropped by 14 points, to 30%. The president leads him 2-1 in this group.

Republicans' traditional strength among men "won't be good enough if we're losing women by nine points or 10 points," says Sara Taylor Fagen, a Republican strategist and former political adviser to President George W. Bush. "The focus on contraception has not been a good one for us … and Republicans have unfairly taken on water on this issue."

New Democrat mantra... Polls are only for pussies when they don't reflect poorly on us. Otherwise, they matter.
Swing States Poll: A shift by women puts Obama in lead

New Republican mantra.......Demographics are for pussies

The biggest change came among women under 50. In mid-February, just under half of those voters supported Obama. Now more than six in 10 do while Romney's support among them has dropped by 14 points, to 30%. The president leads him 2-1 in this group.

Republicans' traditional strength among men "won't be good enough if we're losing women by nine points or 10 points," says Sara Taylor Fagen, a Republican strategist and former political adviser to President George W. Bush. "The focus on contraception has not been a good one for us … and Republicans have unfairly taken on water on this issue."

You wish you could divide and conquer, in such a way. Without that strategy, you are weaponless. Surely you know the truth is not on your side.

Concept of demographics went right over your head didn't it?
Swing States Poll: A shift by women puts Obama in lead

New Republican mantra.......Demographics are for pussies

The biggest change came among women under 50. In mid-February, just under half of those voters supported Obama. Now more than six in 10 do while Romney's support among them has dropped by 14 points, to 30%. The president leads him 2-1 in this group.

Republicans' traditional strength among men "won't be good enough if we're losing women by nine points or 10 points," says Sara Taylor Fagen, a Republican strategist and former political adviser to President George W. Bush. "The focus on contraception has not been a good one for us … and Republicans have unfairly taken on water on this issue."

You wish you could divide and conquer, in such a way. Without that strategy, you are weaponless. Surely you know the truth is not on your side.

Honor is the bane of the Statist. Truth and honor reside within one another.
This country will once again see that white male votes will not win the presidency. This is why obama kicked mccains ASS in 2008. It will happen again. There is nothing that can be done at this point and I thank god for this. Remember bush..:(
This country will once again see that white male votes will not win the presidency. This is why obama kicked mccains ASS in 2008. It will happen again. There is nothing that can be done at this point and I thank god for this. Remember bush..:(

Regardless, no president has been re-elected with approval ratings below 50 percent.

Obama is trying to get up in the 60s but all of this race-baiting and shit is just keeping him at around 45. It's pretty fucken pathetic.

Well, you can't fault him for not trying.
If you focus on black, hispanic, women, gay, Muslim, Jew, what do you lose?

The spirit of America.
“…and Republicans have unfairly taken on water on this issue."


Nonsense. The right has only itself to blame for losing this November. It would seem conservatives need to learn to take personal responsibility rather than whining about being ‘unfairly’ treated.

Absolutely, because of their unbridled hatred of the current POTUS, they started to find themselves going more and more to the right as Obama moved towards their direction. Things the GOP was ACTUALLY FOR became things they were against as soon as Obama endorsed it until they were way out on the fringe.

Nope, gonna be a slaughter this November for the GOP, and yes, Obama will gain a second term.

Especially in light of the way the current GOP candidates have torn each other apart during their selection process.

Combine that with the unpopularity of Governor Walker and his ilk? Lemmie tell ya what, if Walker is kicked out, the Dems are gonna be able to ride that all the way through November.
If you lose the women, Hispanics,blacks, scientists and gays, Who do you have left?

There, fixed for Rdean

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