If You Like Your School Lunch, You Can Keep It

They were trending down before ACA. The democrats freaked out when they found out that HSA insurance was the answer and it put power in the consumer's hands... They had to KILL the best solution to insurance costs to ensure the government takeover of health care.

Strange that they've doubled since the law passed then.

It doubled because it's the solution. But ACA kills HSAs when all of the rules are in place... Course the rules won't be in total effect until after the elections.

What rules killing HSAs are pending? I'll save you the suspense: none.

The ACA is the best friend HSAs and consumer-directed plans ever had.
They were trending down before ACA. The democrats freaked out when they found out that HSA insurance was the answer and it put power in the consumer's hands... They had to KILL the best solution to insurance costs to ensure the government takeover of health care.

Strange that they've doubled since the law passed then.

It doubled because it's the solution. But ACA kills HSAs when all of the rules are in place... Course the rules won't be in total effect until after the elections.

What rules killing HSAs are pending? I'll save you the suspense: none.

The ACA is the best friend HSAs and consumer-directed plans ever had.
Your wrong. The ACA effectively bans HSAs because it eliminates, over time, all high deductible plans.
So....this is an admission on your part that you have no knowledge about the views of Wilson?


Start here, "American Progressivism," Pestritto
. Wilson wrote in “The State,” 1889, that "Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand." His writings attack the Constitution, and the ideas of natural and individual rights. Along with Frank J. Goodnow, they pioneered the concept of the ‘administrative state,’ which separated the administration of government from the limitations of constitutional government. American Progressivism A Reader - Google Books
here's where you admit that you know nothing, since you are not able to produce passages that back up your assertions.

give me the words of wilson himself, and we shall talk.
I see you have fallen into the contortion of putting both of your feet into your mouth.
The circus has a spot for you!
you need to understand that just because someone was published it does not make every word they wrote true and factual.
It has been obvious for some time that she cannot differentiate between opinions and facts.

Your proctologist called. They've found your head.
You embarrass yourself with the feeble attempts at humor when you have no intelligent reply.

I work hard to dumb a reply down to the level of the one to whom I'm responding.

You's was particularly difficult.
You do not appear capable of anything except dumbed down replies. And you have to work hard at it? Poor girl.
Your wrong. The ACA effectively bans HSAs because it eliminates, over time, all high deductible plans.

This is an oddly persistent myth in some quarters, given 1) it doesn't have any basis in fact, and 2) the ACA is already nudging more employers in the direction of offering consumer-directed plans (high deductible plans, generally coupled with an HSA) and the exchanges themselves have lots of high deductible options.
You are so enthralled with yourself.
What a pity you don't have any sense of understanding of what message you are trying to convey.
But you do provide some laughable moments with your attempt to sound reasonable, but then it becomes a miserable failure.

You , think.
Seriously, nice try.
Another knee slapper.

Another knee slapper

Today......the degree of control demanded by the Left.

1. The 'founding' Progressives, e.g., Woodrow Wilson had the view that there was a class of individuals who were not only omniscient, and so quintessentially ethical that any oversight was unnecessary.
A spit in the eye to James Madison, who stated in the ‘Federalist,’ the greatest of all reflections on human nature…that "human beings are not angels.”

Wilson wrote of an 'administrative state' run by technocrats, experts, bureaucrats, who would make decisions for the rest of us, and these decisions need be followed to the letter!

To the letter!

2. And therein we find the impetus for Progressive/Liberal government....it always knows what is best for the rest of us!
Of course, that is why we find terms like 'banned,' or 'mandated,' prominent in their pronouncements.

3. Now, the extent to which those bannings and mandates are enforced, depends on
factors such as where they take place....different nations and peoples allow for different levels of compulsion.

a. Take the former Soviet Union.... gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads.
b. One need not go into the methods of Hitler's Germany.
c. Although one can think of an example of rounding up people based on their race, America does not have a culture that sanctions that level of compulsion.

But don't think that Liberals/Progressive elites don't yearn for some of that....
"[Obama] said in a radio interview the U.S. has suffered from a fundamentally flawed Constitution that does not mandate or allow for redistribution of wealth."
Obama rips U.S. Constitution

4. Now, while the several versions of Progressive governing have much in common....there are times when hiding the relationship might be....advisable.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II.

After the war,those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism.“Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectualsredefined fascism as
'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives,
even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ...."

The inspiration for that banning and mandating thing, can be seen here:

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

Get that? Every single aspect of life.....fodder for their canons.

I'm gonna get to school lunches.....

I'm not that worried about what you think because I can see you don't do that too often.

Wait....let me find my SEM/EDX microscope electron` in hope of finding any hint of 'errors' that you listed .....


You don't seem to have included any.....

An oversight on your part?

Oh...I see....just one more permutation of a 'I can't find any errors but I still hate you' post.

Seems to be quite a few of 'em from the Leftist swine.....

Take a seat with the rest of them.
You are so enthralled with yourself.
What a pity you don't have any sense of understanding of what message you are trying to convey.
But you do provide some laughable moments with your attempt to sound reasonable, but then it becomes a miserable failure.

You , think.
Seriously, nice try.
Another knee slapper.

Another knee slapper

Today......the degree of control demanded by the Left.

1. The 'founding' Progressives, e.g., Woodrow Wilson had the view that there was a class of individuals who were not only omniscient, and so quintessentially ethical that any oversight was unnecessary.
A spit in the eye to James Madison, who stated in the ‘Federalist,’ the greatest of all reflections on human nature…that "human beings are not angels.”

Wilson wrote of an 'administrative state' run by technocrats, experts, bureaucrats, who would make decisions for the rest of us, and these decisions need be followed to the letter!

To the letter!

2. And therein we find the impetus for Progressive/Liberal government....it always knows what is best for the rest of us!
Of course, that is why we find terms like 'banned,' or 'mandated,' prominent in their pronouncements.

3. Now, the extent to which those bannings and mandates are enforced, depends on
factors such as where they take place....different nations and peoples allow for different levels of compulsion.

a. Take the former Soviet Union.... gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads.
b. One need not go into the methods of Hitler's Germany.
c. Although one can think of an example of rounding up people based on their race, America does not have a culture that sanctions that level of compulsion.

But don't think that Liberals/Progressive elites don't yearn for some of that....
"[Obama] said in a radio interview the U.S. has suffered from a fundamentally flawed Constitution that does not mandate or allow for redistribution of wealth."
Obama rips U.S. Constitution

4. Now, while the several versions of Progressive governing have much in common....there are times when hiding the relationship might be....advisable.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II.

After the war,those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism.“Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectualsredefined fascism as
'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives,
even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ...."

The inspiration for that banning and mandating thing, can be seen here:

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

Get that? Every single aspect of life.....fodder for their canons.

I'm gonna get to school lunches.....

I'm not that worried about what you think because I can see you don't do that too often.

Wait....let me find my SEM/EDX microscope electron` in hope of finding any hint of 'errors' that you listed .....


You don't seem to have included any.....

An oversight on your part?

Oh...I see....just one more permutation of a 'I can't find any errors but I still hate you' post.

Seems to be quite a few of 'em from the Leftist swine.....

Take a seat with the rest of them.

"....but then it becomes a miserable failure."


Still not one example of that supposed failure?
Must mean that every single thing I've posted is true and accurate.

Seems that you are the failure, huh?
You are so enthralled with yourself.
What a pity you don't have any sense of understanding of what message you are trying to convey.
But you do provide some laughable moments with your attempt to sound reasonable, but then it becomes a miserable failure.

You , think.
Seriously, nice try.
Another knee slapper.

Another knee slapper


I'm not that worried about what you think because I can see you don't do that too often.

Wait....let me find my SEM/EDX microscope electron` in hope of finding any hint of 'errors' that you listed .....


You don't seem to have included any.....

An oversight on your part?

Oh...I see....just one more permutation of a 'I can't find any errors but I still hate you' post.

Seems to be quite a few of 'em from the Leftist swine.....

Take a seat with the rest of them.

"....but then it becomes a miserable failure."


Still not one example of that supposed failure?
Must mean that every single thing I've posted is true and accurate.

Seems that you are the failure, huh?

Your ability to ignore the proof that your thread was crap does not de-crap it.
Hey PC, how do you not know that government employees set the guidelines for government meals?

She does, but she started this thread without recalling that.

She's ranted ad nauseum about food stamp recipients using their food stamps for unauthorized purchases.
Your wrong. The ACA effectively bans HSAs because it eliminates, over time, all high deductible plans.

This is an oddly persistent myth in some quarters, given 1) it doesn't have any basis in fact, and 2) the ACA is already nudging more employers in the direction of offering consumer-directed plans (high deductible plans, generally coupled with an HSA) and the exchanges themselves have lots of high deductible options.
Oddly? The people that wrote it clearly set the bronze bar with the intent of excluding HSAs. They stated such many times. The fact that HSAs "barely" made the cut at the moment for bronze has nothing to do with the democrats favoring HSAs. Employers were heading to HSAs before ACA. HSAs were the effing answer before ACA. ACA can tweek bronze up 5-10% at which point HSAs no longer make sense because you've already put the 10% into lowering the deductible to the point where the HSA accounts loose their advantage. Even higher deductibles with even higher HSA account limits would be better for younger people and you know it. However that can't be done when the bronze limit forces the HSAs to have ever smaller deductibles... and you know it.
Would conservatives be happy if the federal school lunch program only provided Doritos and a 44 oz Coke?

...and an after-lunch Marlboro?

...might as well get all the pet rightwing causes in there...
Hey PC, how do you not know that government employees set the guidelines for government meals?

She does, but she started this thread without recalling that.

She's ranted ad nauseum about food stamp recipients using their food stamps for unauthorized purchases.

Back when I lived the life of a Liberal deadbeat (1979/1980) I used to use my food stamps to buy beer. I would go to the store and buy $1.01 worth of food. I'd get the $.99 back. I would go to another store and do the same thing. When I got enough change I would buy a couple of 40oz bottles of Black Label Beer:

its no shock you didn't understand, you're a retard

. So....you decided to take a few minutes away from 'Game Stop' and drop on over here?

What a brilliant, insightful, well documented post....

....well, for one of your recognized limitations, it is.

Gold star!
OK......sand box time! See ya.'

GT and Moonblow are birdbrains of a feather. A collective IQ hovering around 6.
its no shock you didn't understand, you're a retard

. So....you decided to take a few minutes away from 'Game Stop' and drop on over here?

What a brilliant, insightful, well documented post....

....well, for one of your recognized limitations, it is.

Gold star!
OK......sand box time! See ya.'

GT and Moonblow are birdbrains of a feather. A collective IQ hovering around 6.
funny, thats what i think of you.

its no shock you didn't understand, you're a retard

. So....you decided to take a few minutes away from 'Game Stop' and drop on over here?

What a brilliant, insightful, well documented post....

....well, for one of your recognized limitations, it is.

Gold star!
OK......sand box time! See ya.'

GT and Moonblow are birdbrains of a feather. A collective IQ hovering around 6.
funny, thats what i think of you.


"So are you"????

Amazing reposte!!

Clearly you've studied Dante Alighieri.

You probably have to lie down and rest now.
Hey PC, how do you not know that government employees set the guidelines for government meals?

She does, but she started this thread without recalling that.

She's ranted ad nauseum about food stamp recipients using their food stamps for unauthorized purchases.

Back when I lived the life of a Liberal deadbeat (1979/1980) I used to use my food stamps to buy beer. I would go to the store and buy $1.01 worth of food. I'd get the $.99 back. I would go to another store and do the same thing. When I got enough change I would buy a couple of 40oz bottles of Black Label Beer:


Fuckinay, I did that a few times during the Reagan depression when I was unemployed for 2 years.
its no shock you didn't understand, you're a retard

. So....you decided to take a few minutes away from 'Game Stop' and drop on over here?

What a brilliant, insightful, well documented post....

....well, for one of your recognized limitations, it is.

Gold star!
OK......sand box time! See ya.'

GT and Moonblow are birdbrains of a feather. A collective IQ hovering around 6.
funny, thats what i think of you.


"So are you"????

Amazing reposte!!

Clearly you've studied Dante Alighieri.

You probably have to lie down and rest now.
It was soo0o far above what he said, I knoww...i know

its no shock you didn't understand, you're a retard

. So....you decided to take a few minutes away from 'Game Stop' and drop on over here?

What a brilliant, insightful, well documented post....

....well, for one of your recognized limitations, it is.

Gold star!
OK......sand box time! See ya.'

GT and Moonblow are birdbrains of a feather. A collective IQ hovering around 6.
funny, thats what i think of you.


"So are you"????

Amazing reposte!!

Clearly you've studied Dante Alighieri.

You probably have to lie down and rest now.
It was soo0o far above what he said, I knoww...i know


How kind of you to sign your name to the post.
. So....you decided to take a few minutes away from 'Game Stop' and drop on over here?

What a brilliant, insightful, well documented post....

....well, for one of your recognized limitations, it is.

Gold star!
OK......sand box time! See ya.'

GT and Moonblow are birdbrains of a feather. A collective IQ hovering around 6.
funny, thats what i think of you.


"So are you"????

Amazing reposte!!

Clearly you've studied Dante Alighieri.

You probably have to lie down and rest now.
It was soo0o far above what he said, I knoww...i know


How kind of you to sign your name to the post.
you're 12 going on 10

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