If you have children or grandchildren in school....you need to be concerned.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
I have grandchildren in school and I am very concerned that the belief that ANYONE is entitled to owning a gun espoused by the NRA and pushed by the GOP is endangering the lives of my grandchildren. The cycle has GOT TO STOP.

This is not a political issue. It is a common sense issue. To those that believe in the Second Amendment, I too am a gun owner and a hunter. I see no reason in the world to own an assault rifle, other than to take other people's lives.

I urge you to think about this. No one, especially those of us who respect and own guns, wants to take away guns. It is not, nor will it ever be something that should be done. But, we do want to see common sense laws enacted that stop this deadly cycle of mass shootings.

The NRA is blocking the CDC from even studying mental health and gun violence. Why....why should the lives of your children and grandchildren be held hostage by a bullying organization that is more interested with profit from gun sales than with the lives of our children. Think about that....before it is your child or grandchild whose picture we see on the evening news.

I have grandchildren in school and I am very concerned that the belief that ANYONE is entitled to owning a gun espoused by the NRA and pushed by the GOP is endangering the lives of my grandchildren. The cycle has GOT TO STOP.

This is not a political issue. It is a common sense issue. To those that believe in the Second Amendment, I too am a gun owner and a hunter. I see no reason in the world to own an assault rifle, other than to take other people's lives.

I urge you to think about this. No one, especially those of us who respect and own guns, wants to take away guns. It is not, nor will it ever be something that should be done. But, we do want to see common sense laws enacted that stop this deadly cycle of mass shootings.

The NRA is blocking the CDC from even studying mental health and gun violence. Why....why should the lives of your children and grandchildren be held hostage by a bullying organization that is more interested with profit from gun sales than with the lives of our children. Think about that....before it is your child or grandchild whose picture we see on the evening news.


Explain how the Nazicrats are going to ban guns?
State mental hospitals need to make a comeback. Just no more insulin shock therapy and experimenting on them.

There's people out in the streets and in jails that should be in an institution. Perhaps they could have some kind of work merit?

They're not criminals.
I have grandchildren in school and I am very concerned that the belief that ANYONE is entitled to owning a gun espoused by the NRA and pushed by the GOP is endangering the lives of my grandchildren. The cycle has GOT TO STOP.

This is not a political issue. It is a common sense issue. To those that believe in the Second Amendment, I too am a gun owner and a hunter. I see no reason in the world to own an assault rifle, other than to take other people's lives.

I urge you to think about this. No one, especially those of us who respect and own guns, wants to take away guns. It is not, nor will it ever be something that should be done. But, we do want to see common sense laws enacted that stop this deadly cycle of mass shootings.

The NRA is blocking the CDC from even studying mental health and gun violence. Why....why should the lives of your children and grandchildren be held hostage by a bullying organization that is more interested with profit from gun sales than with the lives of our children. Think about that....before it is your child or grandchild whose picture we see on the evening news.

Stop the madness of libtard moron blabbering all day long on the INTERNET about shit they don't have a clue about.
Dear JimH52 Why not support Trump and NRA in medical
studies on the CURE for mental and criminal illness?

Templeton FDN funded a study on RA using team methods
of diagnosis and healing by Dr. Francis MacNutt ministry
and nonprofit in Florida. the results were clearly successful.
Many of the healed patients could only attribute the effects
to the healing process of identifying root causes and praying
to remove these blockages so that natural healing was restored.'that's
how the healing process works, consistent with science and medicine.

this same process has been used naturally, effecti vely and voluntarily
to identify and cure the root causes of just about any diseased condition
where patients didn't heal until after their minds were healed first of
whatever negative conditions were blocking the natural healing process.
so once they received the therapy, these patients are able to restore their
natural ability to heal cancer, schizophrenia, and other types of physical and mental illnesses.

Francis MacNutt's book HEALING has been used as standard text in seminaries to
teach the natural healing and prayer process, and to distinguish cases that require different methods.

this is the best method I have found for catching and curing mental and even criminal illness
thaqt doctors cannot cure with medication that only suppresses symptoms.
spiritual healing gets to the root cause so total and permanent cure is possible
in cases where this works. like cancer there are always some cases that don't work.but
most can be cured with greater chances of recovery if these are diagnosed early on.

see also Scott Peck's book Glimpses of the Devil where
he turned from skeptic to advocate of medical research into these methods
after he saw the effects on two schizophrenic patients suffering from demonic obsession and destructive addictions
previously deemed incureable. the methods worked to restore their normal minds and will so they could
comply with doctors where before they were beyond help or control.

this needs to be researched further.
the cure has been here, and medical studies have shown it works,
but hasn't been established publicly.

Dr. Phillip Goldfedder is a neurosurgeon who discovered these methods work
better than surgery or other treatments that only address symptoms but don't cure the cause.

Look up David Berkowitz who was cured spiritually and discovered he could have
been helped sooner and prevented the murders had he gotten help in time.

this is where we need to focus medical research
on effective diagnosis and cure so that people
with criminal illness can be required toget testing and treatment
instead of posing danger to public health and safety.

Sources for further medical research and development:
www.christianhealingmin.org Dr. Francis MacNutt in FL
www.healingisyours.com Dr. Goldfedder in NC
No child of mine would ever be I side ANY school which did not have proper Security. Which means we'd likely be homeschooling.
Send them to school with guns to defend themselves with, problem solved. Next!
I sent my children to private schools because I had amassed a small fortune while in Saudi Arabia. I am like the liberal politicians who also send their children to private schools with armed security to keep white latino's like Cruz from shooting them up.

Same Old: Liberals Then and Now
Liberals who send their children to private schools while advocating busing are particularly distasteful. The liberals who plead for integration of someone else’s children are particularly blind to their hypocrisy.
Send them to school with guns to defend themselves with, problem solved. Next!
I sent my children to private schools because I had amassed a small fortune while in Saudi Arabia. I am like the liberal politicians who also send their children to private schools with armed security to keep white latino's like Cruz from shooting them up.

Same Old: Liberals Then and Now
Liberals who send their children to private schools while advocating busing are particularly distasteful. The liberals who plead for integration of someone else’s children are particularly blind to their hypocrisy.

Private schools are an investment in children's futures
I would be far more concerned about them being taught progressive bullshit and half truths about history than being shot or stabbed or killed in any other fashion.

These schools try to treat everyone as equals with equal outcomes and that is part of our problem. The above theory is COMPLETE BULLSHIT and by the time a child actually figures that out its likely too late for them.

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