*If You Had Chance To Ask On Question Obama What Would It Be?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm heading to San Antonio today, and so is Obama, and it came to mind, what if I were to meet him there and he asked me to ask him any question, and if so, what would it be?
2. I thought about it just now, coming out of th shower, and my question would be,...."If Israel were attacked, before you leave office, which side of your split personality would you listen to, the *White Christian* side, of the *Black Muslim* side in response to defending Israel, or attacking with the aggressors against Israel?"
3. Thats really the *only question* left now......:clap2:

Do you think treason is the proper charge for Holder running guns for your gun control plan? And the same charge should apply to your leaker who sold the Pakistani doctor down the river? Finally Mister President Holder met with you frequently right before fast n furious was implemented was it your plan?
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What is Michelle's favorite sexual position? She looks like she'd dig the piledriver.
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Mr. Soetoro, why do you think successful people with good work ethics, need to be punished and share their wealth with lazy people with no ambition to succeed in their own lives?
What is in the Fast & Furious documents that would be necessary for you to invoke Executive Privilege.

your ignorance is showing. It's about separation of powers. Presidents do it all the time. Cheney was a huge fan of a stronger executive ever since his early days as an aide in the Executive branch.

It's one area I agreed with Cheney in.

so, please, stop embarrassing the knowledgeable people @ USMB. People like you make everyone else look bad.


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