If Trump Gets The Nomination...

It won't be Condi, she has 0.00% interest.

Any of the former Generals would be a good pick.

Jindahl, might be ok.

Giuliani isn't good, b/c if he can't carry NY on his own, Rudy won't help.

Cristi would be to much, all that noise.

I'd seriously consider any rep from a normally blue state.

or do the smart thing and pick an establishment douchebag so they stfu and support him.
Rudy has nationwide appeal, a lot of people don't tie him strictly to N.Y. and he's likable and would give Trump more gravitas. But two New Yorkers might not be a good idea.
Christie has toned down his aggressive tactics a lot but he wouldn't be my pick.
Somebody from California would be a good idea but I can't think of anybody off hand.

Rudy is too old
Christie will be AG
Fiorina blew it hooking up with Cruz
Alan West would be good.
So would Rubio
Martinez of NM is a possibility
Christie wants to be close enough to Donnie to blow him on demand without having to burn too many calories in the process.

Fat Boy has some political baggage to unload ....

does Hair Club President get an AG ? ... otherwise, both of them are finished ...
Sorry, I don't get it. You guys avidly support Trump for his anti-establishment creds, I think? And then for V.P. you start listing a bunch of establishment, corporatist stand-ins. Newt? Rudy? Christie? Really?
The purpose of the VP pick is to help you win the election. Not much more.

Kasich would have been good, but he shit in his own hat, so he's out.

I think Rubio is at the top of the list at the moment.
Yeah, Kasich blew it but I think Rubio did too. I don't see Trump picking him after his meltdown, plus Donald easily won Florida so he doesn't really need Rubio.
...I think Rubio is at the top of the list at the moment.
Which "list" would that be, the shit list?

Trump on Rubio: "...looking at guys like Marco Rubio, who has the worst voting record in the United States Senate, and a young guy, although he sweats more than any young person I've ever seen in my life; I've never seen a guy down water like he downs water—they bring it in in buckets for this guy—but you know, I have various people that I have to knock out..." -- (From Trump's call-in appearance on The Joe Scarborough (radio) Show, Sep. 15, 2015)

I could post some of the negative things Rubio's said about Trump, but the point is probably moot.

If Trump doesn't name Christie as his running mate, his scorched earth approach to campaigning might leave him with no other option but to name an unknown commodity.
Paraphrasing Trump, "Fiorina looks like a pig, Rubio sweats like a pig, Cruz lies like a pig, and Kasich eats like a pig."

Who better to run with than a guy with the stomach capacity to eat all those pigs? :dunno:

Trump/Christie 2016!
sooner or later Donnie is going to name someone to partner with ...

$1 will get you $100 its an establishment Republican .. who the hell else does he have ?

sorry all you anti-establishment girlie-men, but unless Trump has a clone you're fucked. Trump is fucked.
sooner or later Donnie is going to name someone to partner with ...

$1 will get you $100 its an establishment Republican .. who the hell else does he have ?

sorry all you anti-establishment girlie-men, but unless Trump has a clone you're fucked. Trump is fucked.

enjoy your fantasy, it won't last long. Hilary is going down, and I don't mean on Uma.
He should have one ready. We usually go into a contested convention with potential running mates on the table
Btw he needs someone who counterbalances him. A conservative from west of the Mississippi
SJ thinks he is the smartest person in the room.

This thread should be in the humor forum. :lol:
You should be in school.

Ya ...at 67 that would probably go over well. Prob ably not.

At this stage of the game I only want and need to explore specific information and facts. I use spell check so I don't need to waste any time learning how to spell. When I write I hire writers and fact checkers as editors to correct grammar. When I program a CNC machine with G Code There is little else to do to manufacture parts for my inventions.

I learned all I needed to know to get my pilots licence so now all I have to do is rent a plane to go anywhere that has an air strip.. In a pinch I can and do use roads as runways. I really know more than I need to know. Most people such as you are liars anyway so what is the point in taking them seriously. Christians are self deluding fools and that covers well over half the population.

For me a place like this is just some light entertainment as I spend most of my puter time watching the you tube studying how other people do specific skills in repair and manufacturing. I don't take this place as seriously as some like yourself. It is entertaining seeing a self absorbed dweeb like yourself try to tell someone like me how smart you are. :lol:
SJ thinks he is the smartest person in the room.

This thread should be in the humor forum. :lol:
You should be in school.

Ya ...at 67 that would probably go over well. Prob ably not.

At this stage of the game I only want and need to explore specific information and facts. I use spell check so I don't need to waste any time learning how to spell. When I write I hire writers and fact checkers as editors to correct grammar. When I program a CNC machine with G Code There is little else to do to manufacture parts for my inventions.

I learned all I needed to know to get my pilots licence so now all I have to do is rent a plane to go anywhere that has an air strip.. In a pinch I can and do use roads as runways. I really know more than I need to know. Most people such as you are liars anyway so what is the point in taking them seriously. Christians are self deluding fools and that covers well over half the population.

For me a place like this is just some light entertainment as I spend most of my puter time watching the you tube studying how other people do specific skills in repair and manufacturing. I don't take this place as seriously as some like yourself. It is entertaining seeing a self absorbed dweeb like yourself try to tell someone like me how smart you are. :lol:
Nobody is impressed with your delusions of grandeur, loser. We all know you're a career welfare recipient. :lol:
There I fixed your Trump sign...

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