If the Tea Party truly is Racist then why did they do this?

yes and you say your not racist.

You think black people ignorant.

Yes I think alot of them are ignorant of the history of the democratic party as are you and a lot of other white folk.

If you want to label me a racist then join the club. It seems that's the only weapon you idiots have and to tell you the truth, it's losing its effectiveness.
heres a clue, maybe it was all those racist signs and the support of things like IDs for people to vote when there is no fraud these bills are stopping yet they do result in Legal American voters being kept from voting.

Here's a clue.

Never saw me once claim that the Tea Party is racist. Do I think there are certain factions of the group that is? Yes. But the group as a whole aren't.. they're just a very misguided group of individuals.

At the same time.. I don't think Herman has a chance in hell at winning the Republican nomination. Does anyone really think he does?
Never saw me once claim that the Tea Party is racist. Do I think there are certain factions of the group that is? Yes. But the group as a whole aren't.. they're just a very misguided group of individuals.

At the same time.. I don't think Herman has a chance in hell at winning the Republican nomination. Does anyone really think he does?

I think he has just as good a shot as anyone else. I've liked what he's said so far.
Every prominent black Republican or conservative will face the gauntlet of Uncle Tom, house ******, etc. from a gaggle of black Dimocrats. Likewise, white Republicans or conservatives who express support for them are will be accused of doing so because they're simply tokens.

It never changes.

whats that? :)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOGASj9lcYM]YouTube - ‪Herman Cain Response to Racism‬‏[/ame]
Never saw me once claim that the Tea Party is racist. Do I think there are certain factions of the group that is? Yes. But the group as a whole aren't.. they're just a very misguided group of individuals.

At the same time.. I don't think Herman has a chance in hell at winning the Republican nomination. Does anyone really think he does?

He is doing pretty good now ;).

And yes, like you said, there may be some racists in the group but there are racists in the democrat party and the republican party too.....probably the same percent of racists in all 3, small enough to make the claim sound foolish.
yes and you say your not racist.

You think black people ignorant.

As an original member of the Oklahoma Tea Party I can tell you that there WERE some people who showed up to our first rallies with signs that smacked of racism. I can also tell you that I, along with a number of other people, contacted those with those signs and told them to LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. Since those initial meetings and rallys I can honestly say that I have not seen one person there with racist signs. Unless of course, you want to count those liberals who show up with signs intent on being photographed at a Tea Party rally holding up an inflammitory sign. Yep, that's right. Liberals trying to cause problems. They run in to the rally, hold up their sign, get photographed and they are out of there as quickly as they arrived.

I have NEVER spoke to anyone who think that black people ARE ignorant (Note the word in capitals that should have been inserted into your comment. English is so hard as a second language). The comment is of course a blanket statement which has no merit or is not based on fact. It, like the Maxine Waters rant, is based upon talking points that is intended to be inflammatory no matter how it is answered. Kind of like the "have you stopped beating your wife" question. Therefore, it does not deserve an answer.

Unfortunately, as J.C. Watts, the former Congressman from Oklahoma AND a member of the Tea Party has said, black's have for years been duped into believing that giveaways equal concern, when actually the reverse is the truth. You want to keep someone down? Give them entitlements and then show them that unless they vote for a certain group of people, those entitlements will be taken away.

The Tea Party stands for fiscal responsibility. You want to stand on the street corner all day and do nothing? Fine. You have that right. But you DO NOT deserve welfare, unemployment, food stamps and a host of other programs to subsidize your lack of desire. I con't care if you're black, white, brown, or red. You get a job and you work your way to prosperity. Stop stealing from me so that you can subsidize YOUR lack of desire. It's that simple. If that is racism... then you are very ignorant.
The thing that scares Libs the most about Herman Caine is not the fact that he is the most ideologically conservative Republican contender.

It's also not the fact that if he gets the nomination, which I hope he does, he will wipe the floor with Obama in any debate.

What really scares them is the prospect of a conservative politician holding office who they would not be able to bully into compromising his values by accusing him of being a racist! :eek:
The thing that scares Libs the most about Herman Caine is not the fact that he is the most ideologically conservative Republican contender.

It's also not the fact that if he gets the nomination, which I hope he does, he will wipe the floor with Obama in any debate.

What really scares them is the prospect of a conservative politician holding office who they would not be able to bully into compromising his values by accusing him of being a racist! :eek:

I think your first sentance was the most accurate ;)
To liberals, treating blacks as your equal is racist.

The lack of explaination of how the tea party picking a black man as one of their top potential presidential hopefuls is actually racist is starting to make me think you are right.

Let me get this straight; it as ok for the Dems to nominate a black man but not ok for the repubs to attempt the same?:cuckoo:
To liberals, treating blacks as your equal is racist.

The lack of explaination of how the tea party picking a black man as one of their top potential presidential hopefuls is actually racist is starting to make me think you are right.

Let me get this straight; it as ok for the Dems to nominate a black man but not ok for the repubs to attempt the same?:cuckoo:

Its ok for any party, dem, rep, independant, rainbow, tea (hi cain), or whatever other party is out there to nominate a black man/woman or any other race.

I think you misunderstood my response. My response was saying "How does the Tea Party picking a black conservative man as their top canidate make them a racist group?"

The question arose because a lot of people call the tea partiers racists yet they picked a black man as their favorite.....its makes the claims of tea party racism ring false.
Ron Paul, Herman Cain win Tea Party poll to run against Obama - Yahoo! News

PHOENIX (Reuters) – Rep. Ron Paul and Georgia businessman Herman Cain were conservative Tea Party activists' top picks to run against Barack Obama for president in 2012, leaving former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in third place.

In a 'presidential straw poll' of nearly 1,600 conservative members of the Tea Party Patriots released on Sunday, 581 voted for U.S. Representative Ron Paul, a Texas Republican, to run against Obama next year

Herman Cain, a Georgia businessman and talk-radio host, came in second with 256 votes.

Palin, a favorite of the conservative movement who was Senator John McCain's running mate against Obama in 2008, trailed in a distant third place with 149 votes.

"Mr. Cain and Rep. Paul's positions resonated with Tea Party Patriots this weekend," said Mark Meckler, the Tea Party Patriots' national coordinator, of the poll taken at the group's policy summit in Phoenix over the weekend and online.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N3-j3HM7-A]Herman Cain: "Stupid People Are Ruining America" - YouTube[/ame]
welllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.....according to Hermie, he's suspending his campaign because he doesn't have many supporters left.


Ron Paul, Herman Cain win Tea Party poll to run against Obama - Yahoo! News

PHOENIX (Reuters) – Rep. Ron Paul and Georgia businessman Herman Cain were conservative Tea Party activists' top picks to run against Barack Obama for president in 2012, leaving former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in third place.

In a 'presidential straw poll' of nearly 1,600 conservative members of the Tea Party Patriots released on Sunday, 581 voted for U.S. Representative Ron Paul, a Texas Republican, to run against Obama next year

Herman Cain, a Georgia businessman and talk-radio host, came in second with 256 votes.

Palin, a favorite of the conservative movement who was Senator John McCain's running mate against Obama in 2008, trailed in a distant third place with 149 votes.

"Mr. Cain and Rep. Paul's positions resonated with Tea Party Patriots this weekend," said Mark Meckler, the Tea Party Patriots' national coordinator, of the poll taken at the group's policy summit in Phoenix over the weekend and online.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N3-j3HM7-A]Herman Cain: "Stupid People Are Ruining America" - YouTube[/ame]

Because they thought he was one of the good ones.

it seems they ahve changed their minds
Ron Paul, Herman Cain win Tea Party poll to run against Obama - Yahoo! News

PHOENIX (Reuters) – Rep. Ron Paul and Georgia businessman Herman Cain were conservative Tea Party activists' top picks to run against Barack Obama for president in 2012, leaving former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in third place.

In a 'presidential straw poll' of nearly 1,600 conservative members of the Tea Party Patriots released on Sunday, 581 voted for U.S. Representative Ron Paul, a Texas Republican, to run against Obama next year

Herman Cain, a Georgia businessman and talk-radio host, came in second with 256 votes.

Palin, a favorite of the conservative movement who was Senator John McCain's running mate against Obama in 2008, trailed in a distant third place with 149 votes.

"Mr. Cain and Rep. Paul's positions resonated with Tea Party Patriots this weekend," said Mark Meckler, the Tea Party Patriots' national coordinator, of the poll taken at the group's policy summit in Phoenix over the weekend and online.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N3-j3HM7-A]Herman Cain: "Stupid People Are Ruining America" - YouTube[/ame]
welllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.....according to Hermie, he's suspending his campaign because he doesn't have many supporters left.



Poor handling of mutliple allegations of harassment and an allegation of infidelity. I think those issue transcend race.
Why is it, that every time you guys appoint or like someone who is black, you have to point it out?
To counteract the specious claims of racism from the left.
It is kind of like saying, " I am not a racist, I have black friends".
Odd. Whenever I point out leftists using homosexuality as an insult, they invariably say, "I'm not a homophobe. I have gay friends!"
Calm down PP. I know you love your tea party, and I never said they're racist. You're barking up the wrong tree. It's the way he is being used here that makes him a token blackie. Skin color is self apparent.

He isn't being used at all. I support the man for president in 2012, he is using me if anything ;).

There was a poll done of tea party people to see who they liked best for president. Herman came in 2nd place to Ron Paul and beat out Palin (thank god).

And calling him a token blackie offends me but its your right to be offensive if thats how you want to conduct yourself.

That is the term when a black person is being used by white people to show how said white people are not racist. Like when someone says, "I have this friend who's black, and he said..."
Or when they say, "I'm a liberal!"

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