If some deranged ANTIFA member shot up a Trump rally and killed a bunch of MAGA people...

There are assholes in all political parties and movements but they are the minority sadly people on both sides try and portray them as the norm.

I agree, that's probably true. However on this board there is an over representation of right wing asshats who seem to want violence.
And if you look at board that has more left wingers you would likely see more extreme assholes there pushing it.

Which board is that? I mean, this is the one I know.
They no longer have message boards but back when AOL did and people actually used AOL there were more liberal posters on there and there was a lot of hate and ugliness being posted. You seem to get that when a board has more from one political ideology posting there than the other.

If you say so. I've been a member of liberal boards in the past and I don't remember cheering a terrorist attack. However, this is where we are today. It's wrong, it should be called out. I've never been apart of any board that wished so much violence.
Maybe you haven’t but there is no doubt in my mind if you had an attack at Trump rally you would see some liberals cheering it likely some who post here it’s a sad commentary but as you say this is where we are today.
In 1790 leaches were a popular form of cleansing blood, we don't do that anymore. Just like we let people whether they be of Asian, Hispanic or African decent be citizens and vote. This isn't 1790, we're way better than that now.
WTH? There is a process for immigration to be adhered to according to law......right?

Yes and of course it should be. Also, our immigration quotas are too low, we need more immigration into this country, not less.
Perhaps, you're right, but first we have to stop the illegal immigration to move forward with a known quota on legal immigration.

It's a win-win.

We need to update our entire immigration process. Increase quotas, maybe improve our guest worker program and of course take a look at how we determine what a refugee is. That alone would do wonders to reduce our already historically low illegal immigration numbers.

You’re hilarious Gustavo… So what part of that filthy cock roach infested brown shit hole are you from anyway?

Is that what you call the creases in your brain where fear manifests itself?
How many on the left would show the same lack of compassion that is being shown to the slaughtered Muslims in NZ by some members of the right?

Define "some members" and "right"

Another attempted group smear, using the old tactic of broad brush painting.

We reserve our lack of compassion for useless troll twats such as yourself.

Not all, but some right wingers on this forum have expressed that they give zero fucks about the shooting. I saw one person say they wish he had killed more of them.

And not one person on the “right” has condemned these comments from their party members

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Isn't it awesome....the nutless "Right" is finally becoming extreme, fed up and pissed the fuck off. I love it!

Of course you do. No doubt you were cheering every dead person.

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WTH? There is a process for immigration to be adhered to according to law......right?

Yes and of course it should be. Also, our immigration quotas are too low, we need more immigration into this country, not less.
Perhaps, you're right, but first we have to stop the illegal immigration to move forward with a known quota on legal immigration.

It's a win-win.

We need to update our entire immigration process. Increase quotas, maybe improve our guest worker program and of course take a look at how we determine what a refugee is. That alone would do wonders to reduce our already historically low illegal immigration numbers.

You're being intentionally deceptive when you use the phrase "historically low". Half a million is not a low number.

I'm not, we've been doing just fine. We have a problem to fix but by no means is the world ending because of it.

The problem is even more severe in European nations. The desecration of ancient heritage and traditions is tragic and the draconian measures European lawmakers inflict on anyone who speaks out against it is a preview of where the US is headed if we don't do something now.
WTH? There is a process for immigration to be adhered to according to law......right?

Yes and of course it should be. Also, our immigration quotas are too low, we need more immigration into this country, not less.
Perhaps, you're right, but first we have to stop the illegal immigration to move forward with a known quota on legal immigration.

It's a win-win.

We need to update our entire immigration process. Increase quotas, maybe improve our guest worker program and of course take a look at how we determine what a refugee is. That alone would do wonders to reduce our already historically low illegal immigration numbers.

You’re hilarious Gustavo… So what part of that filthy cock roach infested brown shit hole are you from anyway?

Is that what you call the creases in your brain where fear manifests itself?

And how long has your family of 40 been fucking good real Americans over?
Yes and of course it should be. Also, our immigration quotas are too low, we need more immigration into this country, not less.
Perhaps, you're right, but first we have to stop the illegal immigration to move forward with a known quota on legal immigration.

It's a win-win.

We need to update our entire immigration process. Increase quotas, maybe improve our guest worker program and of course take a look at how we determine what a refugee is. That alone would do wonders to reduce our already historically low illegal immigration numbers.

You're being intentionally deceptive when you use the phrase "historically low". Half a million is not a low number.

I'm not, we've been doing just fine. We have a problem to fix but by no means is the world ending because of it.

The problem is even more severe in European nations. The desecration of ancient heritage and traditions is tragic and the draconian measures European lawmakers inflict on anyone who speaks out against it is a preview of where the US is headed if we don't do something now.

My fiance is a Swede and we've been to visit her family a couple of times. You won't find many Swedes that aren't regretful of their immigration mistakes. They are far more conservative about immigration now.
Yes and of course it should be. Also, our immigration quotas are too low, we need more immigration into this country, not less.
Perhaps, you're right, but first we have to stop the illegal immigration to move forward with a known quota on legal immigration.

It's a win-win.

We need to update our entire immigration process. Increase quotas, maybe improve our guest worker program and of course take a look at how we determine what a refugee is. That alone would do wonders to reduce our already historically low illegal immigration numbers.

You're being intentionally deceptive when you use the phrase "historically low". Half a million is not a low number.

I'm not, we've been doing just fine. We have a problem to fix but by no means is the world ending because of it.

The problem is even more severe in European nations. The desecration of ancient heritage and traditions is tragic and the draconian measures European lawmakers inflict on anyone who speaks out against it is a preview of where the US is headed if we don't do something now.

So, no traction gained here for you so we'ere now moving on to Europe?
Yes and of course it should be. Also, our immigration quotas are too low, we need more immigration into this country, not less.
Perhaps, you're right, but first we have to stop the illegal immigration to move forward with a known quota on legal immigration.

It's a win-win.

We need to update our entire immigration process. Increase quotas, maybe improve our guest worker program and of course take a look at how we determine what a refugee is. That alone would do wonders to reduce our already historically low illegal immigration numbers.

You’re hilarious Gustavo… So what part of that filthy cock roach infested brown shit hole are you from anyway?

Is that what you call the creases in your brain where fear manifests itself?

And how long has your family of 40 been fucking good real Americans over?

Have you read the board rules?
Perhaps, you're right, but first we have to stop the illegal immigration to move forward with a known quota on legal immigration.

It's a win-win.

We need to update our entire immigration process. Increase quotas, maybe improve our guest worker program and of course take a look at how we determine what a refugee is. That alone would do wonders to reduce our already historically low illegal immigration numbers.

You're being intentionally deceptive when you use the phrase "historically low". Half a million is not a low number.

I'm not, we've been doing just fine. We have a problem to fix but by no means is the world ending because of it.

The problem is even more severe in European nations. The desecration of ancient heritage and traditions is tragic and the draconian measures European lawmakers inflict on anyone who speaks out against it is a preview of where the US is headed if we don't do something now.

So, no traction gained here for you so we'ere now moving on to Europe?

I'm stating the obvious.
We need to update our entire immigration process. Increase quotas, maybe improve our guest worker program and of course take a look at how we determine what a refugee is. That alone would do wonders to reduce our already historically low illegal immigration numbers.

You're being intentionally deceptive when you use the phrase "historically low". Half a million is not a low number.

I'm not, we've been doing just fine. We have a problem to fix but by no means is the world ending because of it.

The problem is even more severe in European nations. The desecration of ancient heritage and traditions is tragic and the draconian measures European lawmakers inflict on anyone who speaks out against it is a preview of where the US is headed if we don't do something now.

So, no traction gained here for you so we'ere now moving on to Europe?

I'm stating the obvious.

Of course you are, whatever you say.
You're being intentionally deceptive when you use the phrase "historically low". Half a million is not a low number.

I'm not, we've been doing just fine. We have a problem to fix but by no means is the world ending because of it.

The problem is even more severe in European nations. The desecration of ancient heritage and traditions is tragic and the draconian measures European lawmakers inflict on anyone who speaks out against it is a preview of where the US is headed if we don't do something now.

So, no traction gained here for you so we'ere now moving on to Europe?

I'm stating the obvious.

Of course you are, whatever you say.

You might be surprised at how receptive your political adversaries are to your ideas if you'd start listening to us on immigration. Especially the younger generation of "right wingers" who don't have their heels dug in on the ol' "muh free market capitalism" like their parents did.
I'm not, we've been doing just fine. We have a problem to fix but by no means is the world ending because of it.

The problem is even more severe in European nations. The desecration of ancient heritage and traditions is tragic and the draconian measures European lawmakers inflict on anyone who speaks out against it is a preview of where the US is headed if we don't do something now.

So, no traction gained here for you so we'ere now moving on to Europe?

I'm stating the obvious.

Of course you are, whatever you say.

You might be surprised at how receptive your political adversaries are to your ideas if you'd start listening to us on immigration. Especially the younger generation of "right wingers" who don't have their heels dug in on the ol' "muh free market capitalism" like their parents did.

How are you on climate change, institutional racism and healthcare?
The problem is even more severe in European nations. The desecration of ancient heritage and traditions is tragic and the draconian measures European lawmakers inflict on anyone who speaks out against it is a preview of where the US is headed if we don't do something now.

So, no traction gained here for you so we'ere now moving on to Europe?

I'm stating the obvious.

Of course you are, whatever you say.

You might be surprised at how receptive your political adversaries are to your ideas if you'd start listening to us on immigration. Especially the younger generation of "right wingers" who don't have their heels dug in on the ol' "muh free market capitalism" like their parents did.

How are you on climate change, institutional racism and healthcare?

1. real
2. exaggerated
3. very important
So, no traction gained here for you so we'ere now moving on to Europe?

I'm stating the obvious.

Of course you are, whatever you say.

You might be surprised at how receptive your political adversaries are to your ideas if you'd start listening to us on immigration. Especially the younger generation of "right wingers" who don't have their heels dug in on the ol' "muh free market capitalism" like their parents did.

How are you on climate change, institutional racism and healthcare?

1. real
2. exaggerated
3. very important

I'd say climate change is the biggest on the list, as you know the forecasts are getting worse and worse. Used to be and probably a major reasons enough hasn't been done is that the effects would be after our lifetimes, now if you're 50 or younger you're going to see it, if your 20 or younger you're going to see the ugly side of humanity as civil wars, droughts, loss of food plague the world. If you haven't been more yet then I don't even want to think about it.

You don't think black kids who face harsher sentences than whites do creates issues? Or for years redlining black neighborhoods so that they could not get loans and help enrich their own lives makes a difference today? Lack of educational standards/funding in black neighborhoods creates issues down the road? Or even hiring practices where people who just have black sounding names are hired less often even though they have the same qualifications? I tend to think there is a lot of there, there.

Well, where is Trump's healthcare plan? So far he's only taken it away and now wants to pull even more money out of medicare and medicaid in his latest budget.

I personally would put those three issues above immigration, especially climate change, there is no issue more important.
I'm sorry the far right isn't popular in many democracies. It's not reason to go shoot the place up though.

I'm not talking about the "far right", I'm talking about what was only a few years ago, bland, mainstream conservatism. The rapid shift to the left especially on social issues is creating tension, pushing people into a corner and any animal will lash out when it's back is to the wall.

Yeah....dig that awesome personal responsibility! Those libs wanting gay marriage, legal pot, safe abortions and health care FORCED conservatives to become radicalized!

I love how you neglected to mention the issue at hand, mass immigration and the ensuing loss of culture and social cohesion. I wish we could go back to the days when health care and legal weed was a big topic of debate.

Immigration CREATES the American culture. Always has....always will.

The numbers of immigrants is at a generational low. Find another excuse for your RW freaks.

And herein lies the problem folks...We have unAmerican pieces of shits here who honestly believe that American culture derives from low iQ, illegal, thirdworld wetbacks.
As opposed to CRCs believing that American culture just derives from low IQ?

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