If Republicans are going to call you a liar, shouldn't they at least have to prove it?

Ah the liberal projection and irony thread. Prove it you say, okay "If you like your plan and doctor you can keep them, period" what prolific lowlife scum liberal told that whopper lie repeatedly? :laugh:
Not period. As long as it meets minimum standards and requirements. Why do Republicans always seem to want crap? They want dirty air and dirty water and low paying jobs without benefits.

The real question is why do you lie about Republicans? Lying is what got the lowlife scum Democrats booted out of congress, lies like the one above told by Obama repeatedly.
Examples? Links?
Remember when I said the GOP blocked the BP investigation into the Gulf Oil Spill and they cried liar? Even when I presented video from congress of Republicans blocking the investigation?

Remember when I said Republicans threatened to not pay unemployment benefits to millions of Americans unless the rich got enormous tax cuts? I proved that.

Remember when I said a Senate Republican apologized to BP because Obama was making them pay?

Remember when I said the military made the worlds fastest supercomputer out of game chips and USMB Republicans laughed and laughed. Turns out I was right.

Instead of actually proving anything, they will say "everybody knows" and then make some unproven accusation.
Then, they whine about Republicans always being attacked. Could you imagine Democrats apologizing to BP? Or sending soldiers into the wrong country? Or any of the awful things Republicans have done? There may be a few who vote Republican because this is a coalition party. There are conservatives in the Democratic Party. Besides they give cover to Republican policies.

I think If Republicans are going to scream liar, they should at least have the decency to prove it. Not that I'm calling them decent. Anyone who cuts benefits disabled veterans and school lunches for children is hardly decent. Even many of them agree with that.

What benefits have they cut from disabled vets?
This from the right wing US News and World Report:

Republicans Thank Veterans for Their Service By Cutting Food Stamps - US News

How come you never bothered to use Google?

Oh right, that's the same bill you posted about earlier that the republicans didn't pass. BTW the article didn't mention a word about disabled vets, but hey let's not let facts get in the way of a good lie, RIGHT?
Remember when I said the GOP blocked the BP investigation into the Gulf Oil Spill and they cried liar? Even when I presented video from congress of Republicans blocking the investigation?

Remember when I said Republicans threatened to not pay unemployment benefits to millions of Americans unless the rich got enormous tax cuts? I proved that.

Remember when I said a Senate Republican apologized to BP because Obama was making them pay?

Remember when I said the military made the worlds fastest supercomputer out of game chips and USMB Republicans laughed and laughed. Turns out I was right.

Instead of actually proving anything, they will say "everybody knows" and then make some unproven accusation.
Then, they whine about Republicans always being attacked. Could you imagine Democrats apologizing to BP? Or sending soldiers into the wrong country? Or any of the awful things Republicans have done? There may be a few who vote Republican because this is a coalition party. There are conservatives in the Democratic Party. Besides they give cover to Republican policies.

I think If Republicans are going to scream liar, they should at least have the decency to prove it. Not that I'm calling them decent. Anyone who cuts benefits disabled veterans and school lunches for children is hardly decent. Even many of them agree with that.

What benefits have they cut from disabled vets?
This from the right wing US News and World Report:

Republicans Thank Veterans for Their Service By Cutting Food Stamps - US News

How come you never bothered to use Google?

US News and World Report is right wing?
Now that's news!
I think when a magazine spends so much of their time promoting religion, faith and spiritualism, they are usually considered to be leaning to the right.
Gee... this from the party of that lying POS Harry Reid who lied and said he had information that Romney doesn't pay his taxes? This from the party that talks about wars on women and binders of women?

So you have information about how much Mittens paid in taxes?

What difference does it make on how much he paid, Reid lied, he admitted he lied and seemed proud of it. One of your leftist heroes?
He admitted he lied? Do you have a link? I'd like to see that.

Sure try the USMB there were several threads on it, is your google broke?
Shouldn't this standard apply to democrats, too?
Democrats lie far less then republicans..

Speaking of lies ^^^
Yeah, ok, show me all of these lies and I'll throw back multiple lies from the GOP. Then again, partisan games aren't worth my time right now. None the less, one party has quite a few members that deny evolution, many that deny climate change//

Leftists always throw out the 'both sides lie' excuse but never back it up. Its no excuse in any case. As for Democratic party liars we are not talking about some low level party members, no you people elect your biggest liars President, Senate Majority Leader, and Speaker of the House.
Ah the liberal projection and irony thread. Prove it you say, okay "If you like your plan and doctor you can keep them, period" what prolific lowlife scum liberal told that whopper lie repeatedly? :laugh:
Not period. As long as it meets minimum standards and requirements. Why do Republicans always seem to want crap? They want dirty air and dirty water and low paying jobs without benefits.

The real question is why do you lie about Republicans? Lying is what got the lowlife scum Democrats booted out of congress, lies like the one above told by Obama repeatedly.

It's simple, actually. Joseph Goebbels had it correct (and liberals live by it) - "tell the lie often enough and it becomes the truth".

The left's non-stop lying tells you a LOT about them as human beings, the description creepy comes to mind.
Can you give us some examples?

Ahahaha, sure for example the person who wrote this is a liar, "Why do Republicans always seem to want crap? They want dirty air and dirty water and low paying jobs without benefits."
Remember when I said the GOP blocked the BP investigation into the Gulf Oil Spill and they cried liar? Even when I presented video from congress of Republicans blocking the investigation?

Remember when I said Republicans threatened to not pay unemployment benefits to millions of Americans unless the rich got enormous tax cuts? I proved that.

Remember when I said a Senate Republican apologized to BP because Obama was making them pay?

Remember when I said the military made the worlds fastest supercomputer out of game chips and USMB Republicans laughed and laughed. Turns out I was right.

Instead of actually proving anything, they will say "everybody knows" and then make some unproven accusation.
Then, they whine about Republicans always being attacked. Could you imagine Democrats apologizing to BP? Or sending soldiers into the wrong country? Or any of the awful things Republicans have done? There may be a few who vote Republican because this is a coalition party. There are conservatives in the Democratic Party. Besides they give cover to Republican policies.

I think If Republicans are going to scream liar, they should at least have the decency to prove it. Not that I'm calling them decent. Anyone who cuts benefits disabled veterans and school lunches for children is hardly decent. Even many of them agree with that.

What benefits have they cut from disabled vets?
This from the right wing US News and World Report:

Republicans Thank Veterans for Their Service By Cutting Food Stamps - US News

How come you never bothered to use Google?

Oh right, that's the same bill you posted about earlier that the republicans didn't pass. BTW the article didn't mention a word about disabled vets, but hey let's not let facts get in the way of a good lie, RIGHT?
You still refused to learn to use Google?

Many veterans returning from service face challenges in finding work. While the overall unemployment rate for veterans is lower than the national average, the unemployment rate for recent veterans (serving in September 2001 to the present) remains high, at 10.1 percent in September 2013. About one-quarter of recent veterans reported service-connected disabilities in 2011,[4] which can impact their ability to provide for their families: households with a veteran with a disability that prevents them from working are about twice as likely to lack access to adequate food than households without a disabled member.[5]

The cuts that go into effect today are nothing compared to the $39 billion cut to SNAP over the next 10 years approved by the House in September.

Oh SNAP veterans get dissed by the GOP - The Washington Post


So you are saying that Republicans are OK because their proposed bills didn't pass? Are you nuts?

LEARN TO USE GOOGLE YOU MORON! You don't even know what you are talking about and clearly, you don't want to know.
Not period. As long as it meets minimum standards and requirements. Why do Republicans always seem to want crap? They want dirty air and dirty water and low paying jobs without benefits.

The real question is why do you lie about Republicans? Lying is what got the lowlife scum Democrats booted out of congress, lies like the one above told by Obama repeatedly.

It's simple, actually. Joseph Goebbels had it correct (and liberals live by it) - "tell the lie often enough and it becomes the truth".

The left's non-stop lying tells you a LOT about them as human beings, the description creepy comes to mind.
Can you give us some examples?

Ahahaha, sure for example the person who wrote this is a liar, "Why do Republicans always seem to want crap? They want dirty air and dirty water and low paying jobs without benefits."
Senate Republicans Introduce Bill to Abolish the EPA

Senate Republicans have introduced legislation to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, established 40 years ago by President Richard Nixon to give Americans clean air and water.


Clean air and clean water costs business money. That's why Republicans don't give a flying fart about clean air and clean water. And that's no lie.

What Would It Be Like if the GOP Abolished the EPA As Dirty As It Used to Be Peter Lehner s Blog Switchboard from NRDC

Shouldn't this standard apply to democrats, too?
Democrats lie far less then republicans..

Speaking of lies ^^^
Yeah, ok, show me all of these lies and I'll throw back multiple lies from the GOP. Then again, partisan games aren't worth my time right now. None the less, one party has quite a few members that deny evolution, many that deny climate change//

Leftists always throw out the 'both sides lie' excuse but never back it up. Its no excuse in any case. As for Democratic party liars we are not talking about some low level party members, no you people elect your biggest liars President, Senate Majority Leader, and Speaker of the House.
Both sides do lie.. it's not hard to backup at all. Uh.. the speaker of the house and senate majority leader? Yeah, tell me more about them LOL. Tell me more about these lies, instead of throwing out partisan hackery.

You claim the right lies in post after post yet you don't back it up with a single example. Here's another whopper lie from the left, then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid claimed presidential candidate Mitt Romney had paid no taxes in 10 years. After the lie had done its intended damage, after Romney had lost the election, Reid was called out on this lie yet offered no apology for lying. In fact he seemed proud the lie had damaged Romney's campaign.

I don't know why the left are such gutless cowards, they obviously think its perfectly okay to lie through their teeth why not come out and say so?
Remember when I said the GOP blocked the BP investigation into the Gulf Oil Spill and they cried liar? Even when I presented video from congress of Republicans blocking the investigation?

Remember when I said Republicans threatened to not pay unemployment benefits to millions of Americans unless the rich got enormous tax cuts? I proved that.

Remember when I said a Senate Republican apologized to BP because Obama was making them pay?

Remember when I said the military made the worlds fastest supercomputer out of game chips and USMB Republicans laughed and laughed. Turns out I was right.

Instead of actually proving anything, they will say "everybody knows" and then make some unproven accusation.
Then, they whine about Republicans always being attacked. Could you imagine Democrats apologizing to BP? Or sending soldiers into the wrong country? Or any of the awful things Republicans have done? There may be a few who vote Republican because this is a coalition party. There are conservatives in the Democratic Party. Besides they give cover to Republican policies.

I think If Republicans are going to scream liar, they should at least have the decency to prove it. Not that I'm calling them decent. Anyone who cuts benefits disabled veterans and school lunches for children is hardly decent. Even many of them agree with that.

What benefits have they cut from disabled vets?
This from the right wing US News and World Report:

Republicans Thank Veterans for Their Service By Cutting Food Stamps - US News

How come you never bothered to use Google?

And just think...if that asshole that you call "president" had worked with US corporations (rather than demonize them) perhaps these Vets would have JOBS to come home to - without the need for food stamps (your answer to everything).

Geeezzzz....what a thought.
There's no thought there. All it takes are some kind words from Obama and companies will create charity jobs? You're a fool.
Democrats lie far less then republicans..

Speaking of lies ^^^
Yeah, ok, show me all of these lies and I'll throw back multiple lies from the GOP. Then again, partisan games aren't worth my time right now. None the less, one party has quite a few members that deny evolution, many that deny climate change//

Leftists always throw out the 'both sides lie' excuse but never back it up. Its no excuse in any case. As for Democratic party liars we are not talking about some low level party members, no you people elect your biggest liars President, Senate Majority Leader, and Speaker of the House.
Both sides do lie.. it's not hard to backup at all. Uh.. the speaker of the house and senate majority leader? Yeah, tell me more about them LOL. Tell me more about these lies, instead of throwing out partisan hackery.

You claim the right lies in post after post yet you don't back it up with a single example. Here's another whopper lie from the left, then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid claimed presidential candidate Mitt Romney had paid no taxes in 10 years. After the lie had done its intended damage, after Romney had lost the election, Reid was called out on this lie yet offered no apology for lying. In fact he seemed proud the lie had damaged Romney's campaign.

I don't know why the left are such gutless cowards, they obviously think its perfectly okay to lie through their teeth why not come out and say so?
Give me a link and give me a link Romney paid his taxes.
The real question is why do you lie about Republicans? Lying is what got the lowlife scum Democrats booted out of congress, lies like the one above told by Obama repeatedly.

It's simple, actually. Joseph Goebbels had it correct (and liberals live by it) - "tell the lie often enough and it becomes the truth".

The left's non-stop lying tells you a LOT about them as human beings, the description creepy comes to mind.
Can you give us some examples?

Ahahaha, sure for example the person who wrote this is a liar, "Why do Republicans always seem to want crap? They want dirty air and dirty water and low paying jobs without benefits."
Senate Republicans Introduce Bill to Abolish the EPA

Senate Republicans have introduced legislation to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, established 40 years ago by President Richard Nixon to give Americans clean air and water.


Clean air and clean water costs business money. That's why Republicans don't give a flying fart about clean air and clean water. And that's no lie.

What Would It Be Like if the GOP Abolished the EPA As Dirty As It Used to Be Peter Lehner s Blog Switchboard from NRDC

You are simply repeating liberal lies and false talking points like some mindless liberal drone. I would try to talk some sense into you but its clear it would be pointless. For example yes Nixon created the EPA, then lowlife scum liberals corrupted it.
Remember when I said the GOP blocked the BP investigation into the Gulf Oil Spill and they cried liar? Even when I presented video from congress of Republicans blocking the investigation?

Remember when I said Republicans threatened to not pay unemployment benefits to millions of Americans unless the rich got enormous tax cuts? I proved that.

Remember when I said a Senate Republican apologized to BP because Obama was making them pay?

Remember when I said the military made the worlds fastest supercomputer out of game chips and USMB Republicans laughed and laughed. Turns out I was right.

Instead of actually proving anything, they will say "everybody knows" and then make some unproven accusation.
Then, they whine about Republicans always being attacked. Could you imagine Democrats apologizing to BP? Or sending soldiers into the wrong country? Or any of the awful things Republicans have done? There may be a few who vote Republican because this is a coalition party. There are conservatives in the Democratic Party. Besides they give cover to Republican policies.

I think If Republicans are going to scream liar, they should at least have the decency to prove it. Not that I'm calling them decent. Anyone who cuts benefits disabled veterans and school lunches for children is hardly decent. Even many of them agree with that.

What benefits have they cut from disabled vets?
This from the right wing US News and World Report:

Republicans Thank Veterans for Their Service By Cutting Food Stamps - US News

How come you never bothered to use Google?

Oh right, that's the same bill you posted about earlier that the republicans didn't pass. BTW the article didn't mention a word about disabled vets, but hey let's not let facts get in the way of a good lie, RIGHT?
You still refused to learn to use Google?

Many veterans returning from service face challenges in finding work. While the overall unemployment rate for veterans is lower than the national average, the unemployment rate for recent veterans (serving in September 2001 to the present) remains high, at 10.1 percent in September 2013. About one-quarter of recent veterans reported service-connected disabilities in 2011,[4] which can impact their ability to provide for their families: households with a veteran with a disability that prevents them from working are about twice as likely to lack access to adequate food than households without a disabled member.[5]

The cuts that go into effect today are nothing compared to the $39 billion cut to SNAP over the next 10 years approved by the House in September.

Oh SNAP veterans get dissed by the GOP - The Washington Post


So you are saying that Republicans are OK because their proposed bills didn't pass? Are you nuts?

LEARN TO USE GOOGLE YOU MORON! You don't even know what you are talking about and clearly, you don't want to know.

Actually I do, vets who can't work because of service connected disabilities get big checks from VA that would disqualify them for SNAP. I worked for 12 years with a 90% service connected disability rating before I retired. Vets with families who can't work because of service connected disabilities get about 40K+ a year plus free health care and meds. And if they aren't qualified for Tricare their families can use ChampVA which is the VA equivalent of Tricare.

BTW the republicans were in the majority in the House in 2013, if they wanted the bill to pass, it would have. So keep telling those lies, you seem to be unable to stop yourself.
Shouldn't this standard apply to democrats, too?
Democrats lie far less then republicans..
Sure... Have any more tall tales to tell?
You go through and show me lies put forth by democrats, I'll show you ten by republicans, although partisan games are boring..
If partisan games are so boring, why do you play them? You are doing what you accuse others of doing.
Shouldn't this standard apply to democrats, too?
Democrats lie far less then republicans..
Sure... Have any more tall tales to tell?
You go through and show me lies put forth by democrats, I'll show you ten by republicans, although partisan games are boring..
If partisan games are so boring, why do you play them? You are doing what you accuse others of doing.
I don't think we're playing an official game yet :)
You're as partisan as they come around here.

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