If Obama Is So Unbeatable ,Then Why Does He Need A Billion Dollars In Campaign Funds?

George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from a Great Depression, all the TARP money was paid back, GM was rebuilt and is making a profit, healthcare was reformed, Wall Street was reformed, the economy is recovering, we have had 13 straight months of job growth, and Bin Laden is dead.

It helps to have a smart president, my friends.
Still trying to sell that used beater of a car, are we?

Are there untruths there? You may not like how he went about it, and I don't like some parts either, but to deny that were finally getting back on track is delusional.

Frankly, my biggest fear today is Mother Nature's wrath, which is causing record devastation across the country, including entire towns and crops and the federal government will need to spend exhorbitant amounts of money to prop up the economy again because of it.
To claim we're getting back on track IS delusional. I do agree.

As for the untruths? The whole post.

The Dot Com bubble popped in 2000. So the economy was not booming.

The nation was not 'at peace', for we still were in engagements in Kosovo among other places.

The surplus was a paper surplus, not actual and based on defunding, mostly the military and creative accounting.

Obama did not save us from a depression, we're still in it but it's being lied about very effectively by his useful idiots in the mainstream media.

GM is not profiting, it's still hemorraging money. TARP cannot be shown to be repaid because that money went overseas to foreign banks to pay off our foreign lenders.

13 months of job growth? Really? then why the 9% unemployment which is really around 20% when you include all factors.

Do you not see the untruths? No of course you don't... otherwise you'd not have asked where they are.

And obviously you don't remember the flood of 1993. Or the winters of 1996-1998. We've had super outbreaks of tornadoes many times in the past, and will have them again.

Fornicate the penguin, Maggie! There is nothing new about any of this. There is nothing unprecedented this year as compared to any other, save our ability to panic quicker over nothing!
The original question was a very good one. Has anyone really answered yet?

If Obama Is So Unbeatable ,Then Why Does He Need A Billion Dollars In Campaign Funds?

Because the opposition would use unlimited money on television ads saying anything they want, whether true or not, and there would be no contradiction because there would be no money to do so. It's a no-brainer, and a stupid question to begin with. Campaigns these days aren't about who can do the better job; they're all about who can slander the opposition best and convince potential voters that it's all true.
So god still needs his starship.

So much for that massive 3 point bump for giving OBL the Luca Brazzi treatment.
14.7 trillion in debt
Inherited from the Shrub, who kept two wars off the books and put forth a national perscription plan without a way to pay for it.
3 wars and unlimited drone attacks throughout the Middle East
Two wars (one based on lies) inherited from the Shrub, and the "third war" in concert with UN and NATO.
Unemployment at a Perpetual 9%
See first response above, then add on corporations outsourcing, downsizing and refusing to change (with help from Party of No GOP) until they are secure in Bush Tax Cuts.
Started by the Shrub, but only slightly modified
Tax cuts for billionaires
Started by the Shrub, maintained by filibuster crazy GOP
Gitmo got Bin Laden
No stupid....standard interrogation of KSM followed by painstaking field intelligence work got Bin Laden
Gitmo open
And it should be closed, but GOP and Blue dog Dems won't let it.
Military tribunuals continue
No one said they should be eliminated....just NOT the ONLY avenue of prosecution for all detainees.
Patriot act now the Obama Act
True enough, and it should be stopped.
Poverty Up up up
Actually, it's at the same level for the last 6
Forclosures up.
Another Shrub legacy.
1/3 of US wealth lost
Really? What's your proof? Because CEO bailout salaries and corporate profits are up.

Bailouts for Wall St and Goldman Sachs
A Shrub Legacy
Stimulus 1 a Failure
You mean the two "stimulus checks" the Shrub gave you?
Stimulus 2 A failure
Really? Because since Obama came in and took over, they say GM was saved and paid back the loan....just saying.
Qe2 a failure :confused:
Libya is a illegal war for European oil interests (George Soros Wanted criminal )
You may be onto something there...but how in the hell is it Soros fault?

Not one President has LOST more jobs than President Oprah
Well, since there has NEVER been a "President Oprah", no one knows WTF you're talking about. But I would think the President during the Great Depression, and the Great Recession under Reagan would beat out the Shrub & Obama combined...and remember, Obama INHERITED the Shrub's economic nightmare.


Untouchable like Jimmy Peanuts Carter
Hmmm, are you saying that there's a "October Surprise" in store for Obama?
Both noble prize winners BTW. The Shrub will NEVER have to worry about that title.

Democrats are not bright:cuckoo:

That's your opinion....which as I've demonstrated, is not worth much concern.

Nice concise retorts. I would only add that Ed Schultz isn't any fatter than Rush Limbaugh.
Good to see you're nuttier than Jimmeh's back 40.

Good to see another willfully ignorant neocon asshole trying desperately to save the blatherings of his ideology....and failing miserably. Now he'll make another Big Fitz-ing noise of little worthy content.
Well, when your static to content ratio is almost completely static... there's not much to work with.

Reality must be so much nicer with the ability to edit to fit your dogma. Unpleasant reality? SNIP! Crop that bad boy right out of there and insert convenient (all be it incorrect) patsy.

Yes indeedy! Reality can be so much nicer when you trim out the hard parts.

So god still needs his starship eh?

So how exactly would you define Eddie's litany of headline grabbers? He certainly didn't include any content to his own "static." What a hypocrite.
Obama has never earned his way in his life, we has always had a sugar daddy to pay the way, why should he change now. You libs need to move to a country that is run like he is trying to run America and see how it goes. The reason people want to come here will change if we don't get rid of him. I hope for change.
He's unbeatable cuz he can get that amount or close to it.

I don't like it either, but he ain't losin'

It would be nice to get the white house, but it wont matter if we get the senate and hold on to the congress, at that point, obamas agenda is toast. Then we can sit for 4 more years shutting him down. He was done for on November 2nd 2010, he just does not know it yet. In 2012, we will boot the Republicans out that do not represent us and replace them with more Tea party members that will. And I can only imagine how many Democrats will fall in 2012 as well for bowing to Usama Obamas demands. He is leading the democrats off a cliff, and it's their own fault for following him. I smell another Reagan revolution coming.

The mood of voters can change on a dime. Remember just a few weeks ago when all the Republicans across the country were hailing Paul Ryan's "budget plan" as being the breakthrough that would guarantee a Republican sweep forevah? The bold move was based on their giddiness at having taken the House, won seats in the Senate, and a few governorships.

Hmmm, once folks started taking it apart, the whole Ryan plan came crashing to the ground and is all but dead. Just because Republicans gained in midterms is absolutely no guarantee they will be able to maintain that momentum. Why? Because people on Main Street are still hurting NOW and they don't want to see their lifestyles reduced further by cutting programs that are helping to ease the pain. Republicans are historically frugal, but conservatives are downright stingy. They continue to believe that propping up corporations and the wealthy, economic happiness will soon trickle down to those who are hurting. Soon, very soon. How long have we been hearing that?
All hail King Brackets the First! He's so awesome if you can't see his clothes you're a moron! All hail!

Seig HEIL!
Seig HEIL!

Liberal 'you godwinned yourself and we don't worship him' meltdown for making fun of those praising the inWINCEbillity of Brackets in 3...2...1...

She didn't Godwin; you did. Do you honestly think the issues she listed haven't been front/center for the right to slobber all over for over two years?

Please. Don't get it. You'll pull something and have to go on SSI.

You seem to be talking gibberish lately. I have no idea what your first comment meant, nor this one.
Hey, I'd be fine with reversing citizens united if you included all unions, 527s and other political action groups as well. No PAC money, only hard money from individuals directly to the candidates with full track record of who paid what.

Are YOU willing to lose your unfair advantage you've enjoyed for 70 years?

You can already find out who donated what, both individual soft money and the hard money groups you mention. Navigate around this site for a while, and you'll have all the answers EXCEPT those store-front organizations that are now abundant due to Citizens.

OpenSecrets.org: Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting
mmmmm... cooked books... my favorite!

:confused: I do believe you're losing your mind. Better get checked out.
Still trying to sell that used beater of a car, are we?

Are there untruths there? You may not like how he went about it, and I don't like some parts either, but to deny that were finally getting back on track is delusional.

Frankly, my biggest fear today is Mother Nature's wrath, which is causing record devastation across the country, including entire towns and crops and the federal government will need to spend exhorbitant amounts of money to prop up the economy again because of it.
To claim we're getting back on track IS delusional. I do agree.

As for the untruths? The whole post.

The Dot Com bubble popped in 2000. So the economy was not booming.

The nation was not 'at peace', for we still were in engagements in Kosovo among other places.

The surplus was a paper surplus, not actual and based on defunding, mostly the military and creative accounting.

Obama did not save us from a depression, we're still in it but it's being lied about very effectively by his useful idiots in the mainstream media.

GM is not profiting, it's still hemorraging money. TARP cannot be shown to be repaid because that money went overseas to foreign banks to pay off our foreign lenders.

13 months of job growth? Really? then why the 9% unemployment which is really around 20% when you include all factors.

Do you not see the untruths? No of course you don't... otherwise you'd not have asked where they are.

And obviously you don't remember the flood of 1993. Or the winters of 1996-1998. We've had super outbreaks of tornadoes many times in the past, and will have them again.

Fornicate the penguin, Maggie! There is nothing new about any of this. There is nothing unprecedented this year as compared to any other, save our ability to panic quicker over nothing!

Believe what you want. I'd still like to see some links that define your opinions, because every single one of them has a counter-argument which apparently you've never bothered to entertain.

As for the current weather patterns that have been creating havoc across the country, I never claimed they were never other disasters; my point was that we're already badly in need of revenue and will now need to find a way to help pay for losses that are no one's fault.

Finally, I'm not the one in panic mode. It seems you and your ilk are the ones screaming THE SKY IS FALLING all the time, when it isn't.

Added link, sure to piss off Fitz.
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The original question was a very good one. Has anyone really answered yet?

If Obama Is So Unbeatable ,Then Why Does He Need A Billion Dollars In Campaign Funds?

Because the opposition would use unlimited money on television ads saying anything they want, whether true or not, and there would be no contradiction because there would be no money to do so. It's a no-brainer, and a stupid question to begin with. Campaigns these days aren't about who can do the better job; they're all about who can slander the opposition best and convince potential voters that it's all true.
So god still needs his starship.

So much for that massive 3 point bump for giving OBL the Luca Brazzi treatment.
:cuckoo: Once again, get help. You make no sense.
Because the opposition would use unlimited money on television ads saying anything they want, whether true or not, and there would be no contradiction because there would be no money to do so. It's a no-brainer, and a stupid question to begin with. Campaigns these days aren't about who can do the better job; they're all about who can slander the opposition best and convince potential voters that it's all true.
So god still needs his starship.

So much for that massive 3 point bump for giving OBL the Luca Brazzi treatment.
:cuckoo: Once again, get help. You make no sense.
From you, I'll take that as a compliment. means I haven't become totally deluded
Obama has never earned his way in his life, we has always had a sugar daddy to pay the way, why should he change now. You libs need to move to a country that is run like he is trying to run America and see how it goes. The reason people want to come here will change if we don't get rid of him. I hope for change.

A sugar daddy? Who would that be? Did you ever check his bio, fool?
So god still needs his starship.

So much for that massive 3 point bump for giving OBL the Luca Brazzi treatment.
:cuckoo: Once again, get help. You make no sense.
From you, I'll take that as a compliment. means I haven't become totally deluded

The only thing I can figure out is you're comparing a bump in Obama's polling number since bin Laden was taken out and you imply it was a mob-style hit.

Oh :clap2:
:cuckoo: Once again, get help. You make no sense.
From you, I'll take that as a compliment. means I haven't become totally deluded

The only thing I can figure out is you're comparing a bump in Obama's polling number since bin Laden was taken out and you imply it was a mob-style hit.

Oh :clap2:
I would have given him more credit, but since Leon Panetta stood up and pulled the trigger while he dithered for another 16 hours... But hey! At least he was in office when it happened. Good job for being 'present'!

And really... get the point about Luca Brazzi. If you haven't seen it, watch at least the first hour of The Godfather to understand the reference. OBL was dumped at sea.... see the movie and do the math.
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So does anyone out there have any idea on what Bambi is going to run on? The DOW has been stagnant for weeks,gas is 4.00 a gallon,15 Million people can't find jobs,,,AND JOE BIDEN KEEPS FALLING ASLEEP !!!!

This would be a great question for Hannity and O'Reilly to ask of Juan Williams and Alan Colmes. Every Democrat Spokesperson/News Anchor has been gloating that "No One Can Beat Obama" in 2012. Right? Ok,then if Obama is a shoe in come 2012, then why does he need to campaign? If Obama is as electable as Ronald Reagan,he may as well just stay in D.C. and do his job. Hmm, Maybe Obama Is Aware Of his 40% Approval Rating? And needs to find a way to rig the election again? It does cost a lot of money to create 20 to 30 million Democrats? Maybe Obama will need the assistance of George Soros and Corrupt Union Thugs in Swing States to Pull another "Harry Reid Nevada" Stunt ? Oh, and don't forget the costs of filling up Air-Force one for every campaign trip(what is it,around $400,000 in jet fuel ?) So what are your views regarding the One Billion Dollar goal to re-elecet the "Non-Beatable" Obama? :confused:

From you, I'll take that as a compliment. means I haven't become totally deluded

The only thing I can figure out is you're comparing a bump in Obama's polling number since bin Laden was taken out and you imply it was a mob-style hit.

Oh :clap2:
I would have given him more credit, but since Leon Panetta stood up and pulled the trigger while he dithered for another 16 hours... But hey! At least he was in office when it happened. Good job for being 'present'!

And really... get the point about Luca Brazzi. If you haven't seen it, watch at least the first hour of The Godfather to understand the reference. OBL was dumped at sea.... see the movie and do the math.

1. Neither Leon Panetta nor Barack Obama "pulled the trigger." Nice of you to ignore the heroes who actually did.

2. The reasons OBL was dumped at sea are explicitly clear to intelligent grownups.

3. I reiterate: Get help. Maybe rehab? I hear the free ones show old reruns of The Godfather series.
remember when democrats blamed bush for high oil prices?

but baby obama........so cute!!

Liitle baby obama is doing goood!!

Did he do a poopy???

The only thing I can figure out is you're comparing a bump in Obama's polling number since bin Laden was taken out and you imply it was a mob-style hit.

Oh :clap2:
I would have given him more credit, but since Leon Panetta stood up and pulled the trigger while he dithered for another 16 hours... But hey! At least he was in office when it happened. Good job for being 'present'!

And really... get the point about Luca Brazzi. If you haven't seen it, watch at least the first hour of The Godfather to understand the reference. OBL was dumped at sea.... see the movie and do the math.

1. Neither Leon Panetta nor Barack Obama "pulled the trigger." Nice of you to ignore the heroes who actually did.

2. The reasons OBL was dumped at sea are explicitly clear to intelligent grownups.

3. I reiterate: Get help. Maybe rehab? I hear the free ones show old reruns of The Godfather series.
1. I see you pulled your flag out the closet. How... provincial. Is the handle stamped "for political rhetorical cover only? I know who pulled the real trigger. Jebus! Do you need to retake 'Remedial Figures of Expression 101'? I swear you must have flunked it the first 2 times you took it.

2. :wtf: Are you so daft... no wait. Answered my own question. You are so daft to think that I get the geopolitical stunt pulled? It was brilliant! I get this. I like this. It was a great move! Not only did it satisfy islamic law for burial (depending on who you listen to this week) it denied the enemy of a shrine AND access to his body! Fucking awesome.

Does that change my colorful turn of phrase, that just like Luca Brazzi, OBL now sleeps with the fishes? Nope. It makes you like an unmitigated dumbass for complaining that I used such phraseology. But as we know from point 1, you don't get 'colorful turns of phrases'.

3. If 'seeing help' means getting lobotomized so I can comprehend your nattering innanity... I think I'll pass and stick with retaining my 'sentient being' card.

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