If more guns makes a country safer

No. You just have to make shotguns that only hold 5 rounds. Meet us in the middle.
There;'s no rational reason to "meet you" anywhere as you'll eventually demand more.
There's also no rational reason to limit shotguns to 5 rounds.
Not true. For example, machine guns are classified differently than AR15's. I want to re classify the AR15 but not the shotgun. There is a difference.

Easier to take out a guy with a shotgun than it is a guy with an AR15. This is Alien Vs. Predator. I take Alien every time.

And you have no idea what you are talking about. The only reason you want the AR-15 banned is because you asshats know it operates just like all the other semi-auto, rifles, pistols and shotguns.....not one difference between them. So if you can get the AR-15, that gives you the gateway to ban every other semi-automatic weapon.

And again...

Gilroy, rifle with magazine....3 killed

Dayton, rifle with magazine... 9 killed.

Navy Yard shooter, pump action shotgun...12 killed

Russian Polytechnic shooter, 5 shot, tube fed, pump action shotgun....20 killed 40 injured.

It isn't the gun, you doofus, it is the choice of target and how soon you get someone shooting back at the shooter.
No. You just have to make shotguns that only hold 5 rounds. Meet us in the middle.
There;'s no rational reason to "meet you" anywhere as you'll eventually demand more.
There's also no rational reason to limit shotguns to 5 rounds.
Not true. For example, machine guns are classified differently than AR15's. I want to re classify the AR15 but not the shotgun. There is a difference.
This is a lie - you want to -ban- AR15s.
Still looking for your rational, reasoned argument for limiting shotguns to 5 rounds.
Still waiting for you to soundly explain why, by YOUR standard, you don't want pump-actions shotguns banned.
Because I don't think the masses should have access to this weapon.
And you cannot present a sound argument to this effect, nor can you demonstrate the necessity for or efficacy of banning said weapons.
Given that, why should a rational, reasoned person care about what you want?
No. You just have to make shotguns that only hold 5 rounds. Meet us in the middle.
There;'s no rational reason to "meet you" anywhere as you'll eventually demand more.
There's also no rational reason to limit shotguns to 5 rounds.
Not true. For example, machine guns are classified differently than AR15's. I want to re classify the AR15 but not the shotgun. There is a difference.
This is a lie - you want to -ban- AR15s.
Still looking for your rational, reasoned argument for limiting shotguns to 5 rounds.
Still waiting for you to soundly explain why, by YOUR standard, you don't want pump-actions shotguns banned.

Because I don't think the masses should have access to this weapon.

You see us people in the middle on this subject don't want to ban shotguns or handguns that can shoot 10 at a time. When my side tries to do that, that's when I join your side. Right now I'm on the side of regulating more the AR15. You can own one but like a machine gun

The National Firearms Act (NFA), requires a tax to be paid to own, possess or transferguns such as machine guns, short barreled rifles and shotguns, silencers or sound suppressors, and AOWs. They are referred to as Title 2 firearms because they are regulated under Title 2 of the 1968 Gun Control Act.

What did your gun nut ancestors do about it in 1967? Nothing!

What did your gun nut ancestors do about it in 1967? Nothing

And now you are back, 52 years later to get semi-automatic rifles......you guys never give up, you never stop, and you don't get one more rifle...because years from now you will post the same thing...then say you want pump action shotguns..not banned, just put under the Firearms act...since they too are weapons of war...actual weapons of war...

We see you coming a mile away, you dumb asshat..
No. You just have to make shotguns that only hold 5 rounds. Meet us in the middle.
There;'s no rational reason to "meet you" anywhere as you'll eventually demand more.
There's also no rational reason to limit shotguns to 5 rounds.
Not true. For example, machine guns are classified differently than AR15's. I want to re classify the AR15 but not the shotgun. There is a difference.
This is a lie - you want to -ban- AR15s.
Still looking for your rational, reasoned argument for limiting shotguns to 5 rounds.
Still waiting for you to soundly explain why, by YOUR standard, you don't want pump-actions shotguns banned.
Not ban just put them in this category
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for or the efficacy of placing pump-actions shotguns under the NFA 1934.
No. You just have to make shotguns that only hold 5 rounds. Meet us in the middle.
There;'s no rational reason to "meet you" anywhere as you'll eventually demand more.
There's also no rational reason to limit shotguns to 5 rounds.
Not true. For example, machine guns are classified differently than AR15's. I want to re classify the AR15 but not the shotgun. There is a difference.
This is a lie - you want to -ban- AR15s.
Still looking for your rational, reasoned argument for limiting shotguns to 5 rounds.
Still waiting for you to soundly explain why, by YOUR standard, you don't want pump-actions shotguns banned.
Not ban just put them in this category
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for or the efficacy of placing pump-actions shotguns under the NFA 1934.

They will one day say they need to be under the NFA because....unlike the AR-15 ( and they will say this without one bit of irony ) the pump action shotgun is an actual weapon of war.........so if the AR-15 can go in the registry....the pump action shotgu...and by the way the bolt action rifle......need to be in that registry too......and they will say you can still own them...you just have to register and pay the extreme taxes and fees...
There;'s no rational reason to "meet you" anywhere as you'll eventually demand more.
There's also no rational reason to limit shotguns to 5 rounds.
Not true. For example, machine guns are classified differently than AR15's. I want to re classify the AR15 but not the shotgun. There is a difference.
This is a lie - you want to -ban- AR15s.
Still looking for your rational, reasoned argument for limiting shotguns to 5 rounds.
Still waiting for you to soundly explain why, by YOUR standard, you don't want pump-actions shotguns banned.
Not ban just put them in this category
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for or the efficacy of placing pump-actions shotguns under the NFA 1934.
They will one day say they need to be under the NFA because....unlike the AR-15 ( and they will say this without one bit of irony ) the pump action shotgun is an actual weapon of war.........so if the AR-15 can go in the registry....the pump action shotgu...and by the way the bolt action rifle......need to be in that registry too......and they will say you can still own them...you just have to register and pay the extreme taxes and fees...
And bolt-action rifles.
And revolvers.
The people at the world series showered their" love" upon Trump last night letting the scum know what MOST of America thinks of him
Thank you for demonstrating your ignorance and hyperpartisan bigotry.
Trump deserved every single bit of that and then more.

Trump will go down in history as one of our greatest Presidents.....you guys have no idea the truth behind what Trump is doing.....you belong to the racist democrat party, the political party that started the Civil War and now just tried to conduct a Coup against the President....History is not going to look at your party favorably.
In modern times, you don't see many democrats carrying the confederate flag.

Nowadays, it's poorly educated red state GOP nutters who carry that banner. Try to keep up.
In modern times, you don't see many democrats carrying the confederate flag.
Nowadays, it's poorly educated red state GOP nutters who carry that banner. Try to keep up.
Why do you hate black people?

The people at the world series showered their" love" upon Trump last night letting the scum know what MOST of America thinks of him
Thank you for demonstrating your ignorance and hyperpartisan bigotry.
Trump deserved every single bit of that and then more.

Trump will go down in history as one of our greatest Presidents.....you guys have no idea the truth behind what Trump is doing.....you belong to the racist democrat party, the political party that started the Civil War and now just tried to conduct a Coup against the President....History is not going to look at your party favorably.
In modern times, you don't see many democrats carrying the confederate flag.

Nowadays, it's poorly educated red state GOP nutters who carry that banner. Try to keep up.

Dipshit......the democrat party has been and always will be the party of racism....their leaders and their core groups are openly and proudly racist.....
No. You just have to make shotguns that only hold 5 rounds. Meet us in the middle.
There;'s no rational reason to "meet you" anywhere as you'll eventually demand more.
There's also no rational reason to limit shotguns to 5 rounds.
Not true. For example, machine guns are classified differently than AR15's. I want to re classify the AR15 but not the shotgun. There is a difference.
This is a lie - you want to -ban- AR15s.
Still looking for your rational, reasoned argument for limiting shotguns to 5 rounds.
Still waiting for you to soundly explain why, by YOUR standard, you don't want pump-actions shotguns banned.
Because I don't think the masses should have access to this weapon.
And you cannot present a sound argument to this effect, nor can you demonstrate the necessity for or efficacy of banning said weapons.
Given that, why should a rational, reasoned person care about what you want?
Are you ok with machine guns being heavily regulated? How are you dealing with it?
There;'s no rational reason to "meet you" anywhere as you'll eventually demand more.
There's also no rational reason to limit shotguns to 5 rounds.
Not true. For example, machine guns are classified differently than AR15's. I want to re classify the AR15 but not the shotgun. There is a difference.
This is a lie - you want to -ban- AR15s.
Still looking for your rational, reasoned argument for limiting shotguns to 5 rounds.
Still waiting for you to soundly explain why, by YOUR standard, you don't want pump-actions shotguns banned.
Because I don't think the masses should have access to this weapon.
And you cannot present a sound argument to this effect, nor can you demonstrate the necessity for or efficacy of banning said weapons.
Given that, why should a rational, reasoned person care about what you want?
Are you ok with machine guns being heavily regulated? How are you dealing with it?
Thank you for demonstrating that you know you cannot present a sound argument to this effect, nor can you demonstrate the necessity for or efficacy of banning said weapons.
I'll ask again:
Given that, why should a rational, reasoned person care about what you want?
Okayyyyy.......and that's relevant to my reply, how????
You said he didn't know the judges I'm trying to tell you with all those leaving his employ ,he can't pick his nose Like I said before ,,he's lucky his father was born first

Sorry, I still can't see the relationship between picking judges and what some Generals think of Trump. Maybe it's your lack of punctuation or something, but I simply don't understand.
Trump picked the generals trump picked the SC judges trump picked Barr

Yes, he chose them, but what did he really know about any of these people? He's never been in politics before. Barr? The best in the business. An honorable man doing honorable work even today.

When the Democrats are deathly afraid of somebody, you know they are good people.
NO AG should be in the pocket of a president This pos made a mockery of the Meuller report for Trumps benefit He is supposed to represent the people NOT be the presidents lawyer

The Mueller investigation was a "mockery" and Barr is not "in the pocket" of the President. He is doing what he's being paid to do, which includes ferreting out and prosecuting those criminals you like so much.
Not true. For example, machine guns are classified differently than AR15's. I want to re classify the AR15 but not the shotgun. There is a difference.
This is a lie - you want to -ban- AR15s.
Still looking for your rational, reasoned argument for limiting shotguns to 5 rounds.
Still waiting for you to soundly explain why, by YOUR standard, you don't want pump-actions shotguns banned.
Because I don't think the masses should have access to this weapon.
And you cannot present a sound argument to this effect, nor can you demonstrate the necessity for or efficacy of banning said weapons.
Given that, why should a rational, reasoned person care about what you want?
Are you ok with machine guns being heavily regulated? How are you dealing with it?
Thank you for demonstrating that you know you cannot present a sound argument to this effect, nor can you demonstrate the necessity for or efficacy of banning said weapons.
I'll ask again:
Given that, why should a rational, reasoned person care about what you want?
Because I vote

Poll: Most Americans Want To See Congress Pass Gun Restrictions

There is widespread support among Americans — Democrats, Republicans and gun owners alike — for a number of initiatives to curb gun violence they would like to see Congress pass, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll.

Laws that would screen for the types of people who could use a gun are broadly popular, but when it comes to bans on certain types of weapons and ammunition, a divide emerges.

Increasing funding for mental health screenings and treatment, universal background checks, red flag laws and requiring gun licenses all get broad bipartisan support as well as the support of a majority of gun owners. (Red flag laws, also known as extreme-risk protection orders, allow police or family members to request that a judge temporarily remove guns from people who may be a danger to themselves or others.)

"You'd be hard-pressed to find something where the gap between public sentiment and legislative action or inaction is wider because you've got a clear consensus across party lines," The gap is huge, and the congressional crowd is very much out of step with where public opinion is on this. And therein lies the frustration [of many Americans], as the frequency of these shootings increases."

Democrats have made implementing gun restrictions a top priority, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has declined to bring anything to the Senate floor until he is certain of what Trump will support.

Bans and overall sentiment on guns prove more divisive

Majorities of Americans support bans on high-capacity ammunition magazines and assault-style weapons, but there are gaps between the parties, men and women, where people live and whether they own a gun.

While Democrats and independents want Congress to pass them, Republicans do not.

Men and women also divide here: 72% of women are in favor of banning assault-style weapons, while 55% of men are against it.

Gun owners — majorities of whom support Congress passing legislation to increase mental health funding (88%), require background checks (77%), institute a national red flag law (62%) and require licensing before purchase of a gun (57%) — are split on a high-capacity magazine ammunition ban (47% for, 50% against) and against a ban on assault-style weapons (57%).

This is a lie - you want to -ban- AR15s.
Still looking for your rational, reasoned argument for limiting shotguns to 5 rounds.
Still waiting for you to soundly explain why, by YOUR standard, you don't want pump-actions shotguns banned.
Because I don't think the masses should have access to this weapon.
And you cannot present a sound argument to this effect, nor can you demonstrate the necessity for or efficacy of banning said weapons.
Given that, why should a rational, reasoned person care about what you want?
Are you ok with machine guns being heavily regulated? How are you dealing with it?
Thank you for demonstrating that you know you cannot present a sound argument to this effect, nor can you demonstrate the necessity for or efficacy of banning said weapons.
I'll ask again:
Given that, why should a rational, reasoned person care about what you want?
Because I vote
And thus, you cannot tell us why a rational, reasoned person should care about what you want.
Let us know when you can demonstrate the necessity for and efficacy of banning pump-action shotguns with larger than a 5rd magazine, and placing pump-action shotguns under the NFA of 1934.
Because I don't think the masses should have access to this weapon.
And you cannot present a sound argument to this effect, nor can you demonstrate the necessity for or efficacy of banning said weapons.
Given that, why should a rational, reasoned person care about what you want?
Are you ok with machine guns being heavily regulated? How are you dealing with it?
Thank you for demonstrating that you know you cannot present a sound argument to this effect, nor can you demonstrate the necessity for or efficacy of banning said weapons.
I'll ask again:
Given that, why should a rational, reasoned person care about what you want?
Because I vote
And thus, you cannot tell us why a rational, reasoned person should care about what you want.
Let us know when you can demonstrate the necessity for and efficacy of banning pump-action shotguns with larger than a 5rd magazine, and placing pump-action shotguns under the NFA of 1934.

It doesn't have to make sense to you. Same way your tax breaks to the rich didn't make sense to us. When you had the seats needed you passed what you wanted despite our objections.

The majority of voters support common sense gun regulations.

Can you name one current gun regulation on the books right now you agree with? Any of them make sense to you?
And thus, you cannot tell us why a rational, reasoned person should care about what you want.
Let us know when you can demonstrate the necessity for and efficacy of banning pump-action shotguns with larger than a 5rd magazine, and placing pump-action shotguns under the NFA of 1934.
It doesn't have to make sense to you.
But it does have to make send to rational, reasoned, people, if you want them to care what you think..
For that to happen, you have to demonstrate the necessity for and the efficacy of the restrictions you seek.
It's clear that you cannot, and you know you cannot, do this.

It IS good to see you admit you want to ban pump-action shotguns.

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