If Jesus were God, who did he pray to?

1st post
I look at it as a "species" or a family name.
There is one God, but it can have more than one member.

"Come. Let US make Man in OUR image; after OUR likeness"
The image that man reflects from God is a spiritual image. Man has a physical existence (just like an animal that flesh dies, but the spirit of an animal goes back to the earth)....God animated that flesh (man) with His Spirit, "God breathed life into an empty shell". When man dies, that spirit goes back to God from which it comes.

God is a SPIRIT. (John 4:24), and ".........those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and Truth........."
I wash my own feet, but don't pretend to be god.

Is there justice in the world? No. Jesus failed.
1. Because the way mankind runs the world, where people compete for self interests, that is why Justice fails.
2. This is the very argument Christians make by acknowledging all humans are biased toward self interests, and they call this "sin" or imperfect judgment.
Thus we all fall short.

3. You can believe there is no such thing in real life as Justice or Jesus.
There is no proof, any concept of this is faith based.

4. The point still stands: that Jesus represents Universal Justive that is perfectly equal and all inclusive.

If you do not believe in Justice, this is consistent with not believing in Jesus.
Why does your hand tell your brain a stove is hot? Jesus was sent to teach and minister; why would he not set an example for his audience?
Jesus was the Son of God that was birthed by a mortal woman named Mary…

Now I do not believe Jesus was the Son of God and was made into a deity because of a Roman Emperor that could not have a mere mortal being higher than him, so he ( the Emperor ) made Jesus a deity just like Hercules was half-human and half-God.

I believe what Jesus meant when he said he was the Son of God is that he was a Child of God which if you follow the Abrahamic belief then we are all the Children of God and Jesus would be a Son of God.

I never believed in the whole deity thought and consider Jesus a prophet and not a messiah…
5th post
1. Because the way mankind runs the world, where people compete for self interests, that is why Justice fails.
2. This is the very argument Christians make by acknowledging all humans are biased toward self interests, and they call this "sin" or imperfect judgment.
Thus we all fall short.

3. You can believe there is no such thing in real life as Justice or Jesus.
There is no proof, any concept of this is faith based.

4. The point still stands: that Jesus represents Universal Justive that is perfectly equal and all inclusive.

If you do not believe in Justice, this is consistent with not believing in Jesus.
I believe in re-incarnation, anything else is simply speculation.
Sorry, did this note make sense to you at all or you only wanted to post it?
My last name is Smith (not really)

My Father is Smith.

My father, who is Smith, said of me to a large crowd, "this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased."

Jesus is God
He has a Father, who is God
His Father (God) said of His Son (God), "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
There is ONE God, currently consisting of 2 members.
And spirit beings have a form.
Isnt it interesting that we look like God (even if we rarely act like Him) and the angels have earthly counterparts in the animal kingdom.
What does a "spirit" look like? No one has seen God, nor can they look upon Him. Angels have made themselves visible to man when they have taken different forms, but spirits are invisible. As stated, the "image" of God that is reflected in man is His eternal spirit. "He (God) has put eternity in their (men) hearts, except that no one can find out the work of that God does from beginning to end." -- Eccl. 3:11

In their hearts? As referenced by the Christ when asked about the kingdom of God. "The kingdom of God is located within you........" -- Luke 17:20-21 The spirit of man is that eternal force that came from God......its not visible to man.

Only "man" is in possession of an eternal God like spirit.........the spirit of animals have no eternal spirit as do angels that preexisted men at the creation/beginning........God created the angels before He created man. The scriptures do not declare when angels were created but the scriptures recorded that they "jumped for with joy" when the foundations of the world was laid. (Job 38:1-7)

"Who knows the spirit of the sons of men, which goes upwards (Heaven), and the spirit of the animal, which goes down to earth? The scriptures state there are 2 different fates for men and animals as demonstrated in the form of a question by Solomon. Animal spirits go back to the earth (Eccl. 3:18-21), the spirit of man upon physical death goes back to the creator God, the body simply turns back to dust (Eccl. 12:7)

Men in the past have attempted to place an "image" upon God....but in doing so they merely demonstrated their own foolishness. One can see the works of God in this physical universe and witness His attributes via the things that He has made in a demonstration of the eternal power of the "Godhead".........thus, no man has an excuse in not knowing and worshiping the God of Creation. Professing to be wise they attempted to capture the image of God in paganistic images and changed the "glory" of God into corruptible images like man himself.....where they worshiped the image of animals, birds, four footed creatures and creeping things. (Romans 1:20-23)

The being known as angels? What do the scriptures reveal? Their numbers are beyond counting (Heb. 12:2) Yet of all that uncountable numbers..........we are told of only 2 (Michael -- Jude 9), and.........(Gabriel -- Luke 1:19) and the evil one Satan and his angels.

Angels are spirit beings (Heb. 1:14). They were created in the beginning by God....with the rest of the world (Col. 1:16-17, Ps. 148:2-5)

They are of a higher order than man (Ps. 8:4-5). Angels do not marry (Matt. 22:30). Just like men, angels have free will and can choose to sin. (2 Peter 2:4). Angels are not to be worshiped (Rev. 19:10). Some angels are associated with Satan (Matt. 25:41).

What do angels look like? Some can appear as men (Daniel 8:15) They can move with great speed (Rev. 8:13) symbolized as having wings.

What is the mission of angels? They are messengers as demonstrated in scripture (Genesis 16:7) An angel told Paul that he would survive a shipwreck (Acts 17:33-34). Righteous angels work at the request of God in protecting the redeemed of God (Heb 1:14) Examples: Thy feed Elijah in the wilderness (1 Kings 19:5-6). They protected Daniel from the lions (Daniel 6:22) An angel freed Peter from prison (Acts 12:7-10).
Perhaps his human half wasn't always aware of his god half? Could his god half have been in the closet most of his human life?
I think of it more as a scuba diver who knows he has a limited amount of air. Every so often he has to go to where there is plenty of air to take more in. Or, think of the human body as a bubble...air within air...
10th post
his human half prayed to his godly part?......
Dear Harry Dresden
Jesus as God's perfect Will Laws and Justice embodied in humanity
was using his human conscience to
Pray to align with God's will.
Like God's Word is being transmitted through a stereo system, and the knobs
And tuning need to be adjusted to calibrate to receive and convey the message being broadcast.

Praying is the way we agree to fine tune our hearts/minds to receive both the spirit and the letter of God's/Universal Truth and Will. Love of humanity, justice, peace and truth is the spirit. How we express this Universal Love to others takes using words and actions, so that is like using the LETTER of the law to establish truth and understanding between us and other people.

Humans are so emotional, we get divided between our hearts and minds. Jesus was getting impulses and negative temptation messages from dark spirits, so Jesus was praying to align with God's truth which is based on perfect love that overcomes and casts out the negative impulses which attempt to corrupt the real message.

Jesus represents perfect Justice that overcomes any false bias or obstruction.

We as humans still carry biases and are not perfect in our judgment and perception as Jesus represents.

Some people have "perfect pitch" and automatically tune themselves, while others cannot and rely on listening to the Concert Master to help tune everyone else in the orchestra. Jesus is like the Tuner with perfect pitch, and everyone else uses that to tune or align with Universal Truth and Justice.

The Concert Master still has to be and stay in tune. Believing in Jesus as perfect Justice means everything He said, did or thought was perfectly in tune with God's justice plans and will. For Him to be God's will or Word/Law perfectly embodied is what is meant by Jesus being God.
I think of it more as a scuba diver who knows he has a limited amount of air. Every so often he has to go to where there is plenty of air to take more in. Or, think of the human body as a bubble...air within air...

Nah, according to some of my teachers he spent most of his life as a human with all the emotions, insecurities and everything that come with being human.
Dear Harry Dresden
Jesus as God's perfect Will Laws and Justice embodied in humanity
was using his human conscience to
Pray to align with God's will.
Like God's Word is being transmitted through a stereo system, and the knobs
And tuning need to be adjusted to calibrate to receive and convey the message being broadcast.

Praying is the way we agree to fine tune our hearts/minds to receive both the spirit and the letter of God's/Universal Truth and Will. Love of humanity, justice, peace and truth is the spirit. How we express this Universal Love to others takes using words and actions, so that is like using the LETTER of the law to establish truth and understanding between us and other people.

Humans are so emotional, we get divided between our hearts and minds. Jesus was getting impulses and negative temptation messages from dark spirits, so Jesus was praying to align with God's truth which is based on perfect love that overcomes and casts out the negative impulses which attempt to corrupt the real message.

Jesus represents perfect Justice that overcomes any false bias or obstruction.

We as humans still carry biases and are not perfect in our judgment and perception as Jesus represents.

Some people have "perfect pitch" and automatically tune themselves, while others cannot and rely on listening to the Concert Master to help tune everyone else in the orchestra. Jesus is like the Tuner with perfect pitch, and everyone else uses that to tune or align with Universal Truth and Justice.

The Concert Master still has to be and stay in tune. Believing in Jesus as perfect Justice means everything He said, did or thought was perfectly in tune with God's justice plans and will. For Him to be God's will or Word/Law perfectly embodied is what is meant by Jesus being God.
Sorry, did this note make sense to you at all or you only wanted to post it?
Dear BrotherOppa
Both Father and Son are SMITH.
Both Father and Son are GOD.

But they are distinct persons.

Would it help to explain this way:
the Judiciary is GOVT
the Executive is GOVT
both are GOVT
but Judiciary is distinct from Executive

Yet both are GOVT.

When Obama who was EXECUTIVE GOVT sent
reps to appeal to the JUDICIARY, yes, this was
one branch of govt petitioning to another branch of govt.
BOTH ARE GOVT. but the two branches are DISTINCT.
one appealed to the other to establish a common decision on LAW.

[another way I have heard it explained:
VAPOR in the air is WATER
both ICE and VAPOR are WATER
but ICE and VAPOR are not the same as each other.]
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Dear BrotherOppa
Both Father and Son are SMITH.
Both Father and Son are GOD.

But they are distinct persons.

Would it help to explain this way:
the Judiciary is GOVT
the Executive is GOVT
both are GOVT
but Judiciary is distinct from Executive

Yet both are GOVT.

When Obama who was EXECUTIVE GOVT sent
reps to appeal to the JUDICIARY, yes, this was
one branch of govt petitioning to another branch of govt.
BOTH ARE GOVT. but the two branches are DISTINCT.
one appealed to the other to establish a common decision on LAW.

[another way I have heard it explained:
VAPOR in the air is WATER
both ICE and VAPOR are WATER
but ICE and VAPOR are not the same as each other.]
That's modalism...not going to work either.

Nor is pantheism...
Jesus is literally the only person who can get away with talking to Himself and having Himself talking back to Himself. Lol JK :p I don't even know the answer, but God's a spirit and Jesus was God in the flesh so it could be the right answer. :)

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