If it's good or the goose ...

Is state sponsored assassination acceptable?

  • Of course not. All civilized nations should reject it outright.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • Of course. If a nation deems it necessary.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • American Exceptionalism! Duh.

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters
We all know Trump doesn't know what he's doing...

What are your middle-east policy differences with Trump?

Trump is a genius compared to the destruction and death that Obama wrought onto the middle-east. Did you ever complain about any of Obama's middle-east policies?
Unless, of course, you are Palestinian...LOL! Good and bad...in the Middle East..is indeed a matter of perspective. Like it or not..your view..is not the be all and the end all.

Yet no Arab-Israelis are leaving Israel. Their life is FAR better there than in Gaza or the West Bank. In fact, Arab-Israelis have a better standard of living and FAR more freedom than the majority of Arabs in any Arab nation.
Only an issue during republican administration? We won't even go into Bill Clinton's attack on Waco Texas with tanks and helicopters or his bombing campaign in Yugoslavia. Barry Hussein signed off on the assassination of an American citizen with the collateral damage of his son and a friend. How much resistance did feeble old Bin Ladin put up?

The flickering images from YouDupe don't play on this machine.
Browsing on a Babbage difference engine hooked to a dial-up modem?

Nice. But no, I blocked them.

If you have an argument to make, I am all ears. If you are too lazy, and let the blabbering images from YouDupe do the thinking for you, well, I am just informing you it's lost on me.
You're no fun.
It wasn't an assassination. That is illegal. Look it up. I've posted links for this many times.

It was termination of a terrorist threat. This has all been defined by congress and approved after 911.

I believe assassination isn't right and additionally it's illegal.

I'm not really interested in legal pronouncements, or attempts to redefine words to win an argument. I'm asking if you people can actually imagine the shoe on the other foot. I'm pretty sure you can't. How would the US react if another country did this to one of our generals?
Only an issue during republican administration? We won't even go into Bill Clinton's attack on Waco Texas with tanks and helicopters or his bombing campaign in Yugoslavia. Barry Hussein signed off on the assassination of an American citizen with the collateral damage of his son and a friend. How much resistance did feeble old Bin Ladin put up?
Everyone has blood on their hands. A somewhat plausible justification makes all the difference.
It wasn't an assassination. That is illegal. Look it up. I've posted links for this many times.

It was termination of a terrorist threat. This has all been defined by congress and approved after 911.

I believe assassination isn't right and additionally it's illegal.

I'm not really interested in legal pronouncements, or attempts to redefine words to win an argument. I'm asking if you people can actually imagine the shoe on the other foot. I'm pretty sure you can't. How would the US react if another country did this to one of our generals?

I'll answer for you, since it's clear none of you chickenshits will cop to the truth. Here's what would happen if another nation, that we weren't at war with, declared one of our leaders to be a criminal and unilaterally assassinated them. Regardless of whether said person was guilty, we'd condemn the attack as the desperate act of a rogue nation. We'd call on the rest of the world to condemn the act as a war crime. We'd, quite rightly, refuse to acknowledge such a nation as a legitimate state.

The most honest answer to this question came from BluesLegend in another thread. It really gets to the heart of the - let's call it what it is - evil world view embraced by Trump and his followers:

Depends, are they the worlds sole superpower with enough nukes to obliterate an entire country?

Might makes right. It's all you sick fuckers understand.
Was taking out Bin Laden state sponsored assassination?
Using extra-legal means to kill someone who uses said means as a way life..someone who was not a head of a recognized state--is not only fair game in my book..but doing a world service.
Killing someone who IS part of a nation-state--who is following orders from a govt.---is state-sponsored assassination--that being said...as long as we are willing to deal with the consequences...is a card that we should be able to play, as needed.

Remembering that when our guy guy gets capped..in reprisal...we opened the game. There is much to be said with the Putin way...kill someone..and don't take credit. Give a bland denial with a shit-eating grin---or blame it on the Saudi's.

Of course...if you did it that way--there would be no distraction from domestic matters that vex....

Feeble, Qasem Soleimani killed over 4,000 Americans, more than Osama bin Laden did. I grant you that he was the "dear, dear friend" of Barack Obama, but still he was a far more prolific terrorist that OBL.. A military strike on a military commander who has engaged in acts of war and terror against this nation is not 'extra-legal'. I understand the love Hezbollah-democrats have for terrorists, ALL terrorists, but Qasem Soleimani was killing American, lots of them. I know that gives democrats a stiffy, still we have the right to defend ourselves.
He was a bad guy, no question, but it was a tactical error to kill him assuming we really want to avoid another endless Mid-East conflict.

A "bad guy", eh? To me it seems, he helped neighbors, freedom fighters, in their efforts to defeat a brutal occupation following a criminal, mass-murderous invasion, not to mention he also helped to defeat the U.S.-caused take-over of much of the country by Daesh. That's the definition of a good guy - at least pretty close to it.

Is it required, in your neck of the woods, to swallow the empire's propaganda whole, no questions asked?

Of course it did. but then you're a fucking terrorist who desperately needs to be splattered by a Hellfire.
There is no such thing as "the good guys" anywhere in the middle east.

Israel is a democratic and GREAT nation and they are "good guys".
Unless, of course, you are Palestinian...LOL! Good and bad...in the Middle East..is indeed a matter of perspective. Like it or not..your view..is not the be all and the end all.

You mean an Arab?

Gee, the poor dears only have 99% of the region, how dastardly that they don't have that final 1%
[...Qasem Soleimani was killing American, lots of them. I know that gives democrats a stiffy, still we have the right to defend ourselves.

He should have been taken out years ago. I read that the Israelis were prepared to do so years back but Obama tipped off the Iranians.
[...Qasem Soleimani was killing American, lots of them. I know that gives democrats a stiffy, still we have the right to defend ourselves.

He should have been taken out years ago. I read that the Israelis were prepared to do so years back but Obama tipped off the Iranians.

Yep, and that's confirmed. Obama described Qasem Soleimani as his "dear, dear friend."

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