If It's Bad.....Jews Did It

Under the circumstances yes as the evidence points to shoddy design, cut corners and islamonazi terrorism. Not to Mossad or US government mining the WTC with H.E. that no one saw getting placed on the central core.
so you don't support the findings of NIST

How should I know, I don't know anyone from that group. But I do know steel and at what temperature various changes take place. What happens to the steel during those changes and how to read a clock on a recording showing fires 15 minutes after impact.

The problem is deciphering what exactly these lunatics are claiming. Most of them are mentally ill and don't even know what it is they think may have happened on 9-11.
don't blame others for your lack of comprehension
Architects and Engineers 911 truth and its signatories
have made their findings very clear

So you can't tell us if the planes did or didn't crash into those buildings?

You think the planes were holographs? Or the hundreds of thousands of news film and personal cell phone footage taken by individuals was also faked. Ha ha ha.

Sorry I even entertained the idea of what a lunatic like you thinks. I almost feel like a psychologist trying to see how delusional you truly are.
The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version ..
I have posted plenty of evidence just that you ignore it

such as ?

Scientific evidence of valence bonds breaking, inferno in the impact site 15 minutes or more after impact. Beams with evidence of fractured valence bonds. And all you provide is third party videos from conspiracy theorists and scientists who are not even good in their own fields. And then you LIE about the flames and the heat as if you where there
the firemen where there made it to the 79th floor and reported small fires..victim stood in the impact hole

The impact hole caused by you being dropped on your head as a child?

Lunatics like you keep switching what they think happened. First you claim that Arabs were involved, now you're claiming that the the buildings came down as a result of a controlled demolition and not because jet airliners crashed into them. :cuckoo:
why would the use of explosives exclude Arab involvement ?

If you need to ask then you don't know anything.

If it was arabs mining the wtc then they would have been very obvious, Are there any stories of gangs of men entering the WTC late at night and leaving early morning ?
I have posted plenty of evidence just that you ignore it

such as ?

Scientific evidence of valence bonds breaking, inferno in the impact site 15 minutes or more after impact. Beams with evidence of fractured valence bonds. And all you provide is third party videos from conspiracy theorists and scientists who are not even good in their own fields. And then you LIE about the flames and the heat as if you where there
the firemen where there made it to the 79th floor and reported small fires..victim stood in the impact hole

yes,unlike you I do

And no sign of explosives
so you don't support the findings of NIST

How should I know, I don't know anyone from that group. But I do know steel and at what temperature various changes take place. What happens to the steel during those changes and how to read a clock on a recording showing fires 15 minutes after impact.

The problem is deciphering what exactly these lunatics are claiming. Most of them are mentally ill and don't even know what it is they think may have happened on 9-11.
don't blame others for your lack of comprehension
Architects and Engineers 911 truth and its signatories
have made their findings very clear

So you can't tell us if the planes did or didn't crash into those buildings?

You think the planes were holographs? Or the hundreds of thousands of news film and personal cell phone footage taken by individuals was also faked. Ha ha ha.

Sorry I even entertained the idea of what a lunatic like you thinks. I almost feel like a psychologist trying to see how delusional you truly are.
The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version ..

That's right. I 've been watching it happen.
such as ?

Scientific evidence of valence bonds breaking, inferno in the impact site 15 minutes or more after impact. Beams with evidence of fractured valence bonds. And all you provide is third party videos from conspiracy theorists and scientists who are not even good in their own fields. And then you LIE about the flames and the heat as if you where there
the firemen where there made it to the 79th floor and reported small fires..victim stood in the impact hole

The impact hole caused by you being dropped on your head as a child?

Lunatics like you keep switching what they think happened. First you claim that Arabs were involved, now you're claiming that the the buildings came down as a result of a controlled demolition and not because jet airliners crashed into them. :cuckoo:
why would the use of explosives exclude Arab involvement ?

If you need to ask then you don't know anything.

If it was arabs mining the wtc then they would have been very obvious, Are there any stories of gangs of men entering the WTC late at night and leaving early morning ?
such as ?

Scientific evidence of valence bonds breaking, inferno in the impact site 15 minutes or more after impact. Beams with evidence of fractured valence bonds. And all you provide is third party videos from conspiracy theorists and scientists who are not even good in their own fields. And then you LIE about the flames and the heat as if you where there
the firemen where there made it to the 79th floor and reported small fires..victim stood in the impact hole

yes,unlike you I do

And no sign of explosives

It just so happens I ran into a 9/11 "Truther" demonstration, at Union Square, in NYC, last night, (March 28). For my own, morbid amusement I decided to listen in on what they had to say, and perhaps probe them with some questions. (Even if it meant catching a later train home than I was planning for.)

It should come as no surprise to anyone that they are all incredibly paranoid, and crave attention. (Duh.) However, I wondered what the root of such mentality could be.

I am not, by any means, a psychological professional. However, I felt as though they were presenting themselves in a manner closely akin to mental illness. I will not get into specifics of diagnosis – I will leave that to the professionals. But, I would like to know if anyone else feels the same way.
If so, can "conspiracy theorism" be treated as a mental illness?

As I said, these guys are paranoid, but not "tin hat" paranoid nor "they're out to get me" paranoid. They seem to get a rush of bravery when they shout through their megaphones. And, they are "not afraid" of anyone who might try to shut them up.

And yet, they also think "The People in Power" are scheming to control the world, and that Bush, and his ilk, engineered 9/11 to help achieve that. They also think "Zionist Industrial Leaders" (which should not be confused with regular, "innocent Jews") were responsible for putting Hitler in power. But, that's besides the point.

I wanted to see how far they think the conspiracy goes, so I asked them to try to give a ball park estimate of how many engineers are either in on the conspiracy, or feel threatened by it, enough to lie to all the media. After some discussion, the numbers that eventually emerged, from them, were about 80%. One guy said it was probably 99%. Somehow that seemed awfully unrealistic...

And yet, that is how they view the world. They are not, the least bit, interested in engineering details, or carefully evaluating evidence, at all. They simply wallow in the "knowledge" that most engineers are lying, and most of the evidence is faked.

I know most of the folks on this board like to hit these guys hard with the real evidence. But, I doubt that will ever get through to them, any more. As an alternative, it might be worth thinking about what sorts of therapy could help them gain a more realistic grasp of human nature and history, etc.Not that I pretend to know what would help, in this manner, myself.
But, clearly, the problems are deeper rooted than the specifics in the case of 9/11.

Unfortunately, I did not have a video camera nor even much paper to take any notes, at the time, so everything I am writing here is out of my own memory. And, no, I don't recall any of their names, at the moment, either.

Published on 11 Aug 2013
Despite overwhelming proof the governments official story of what happened on September 11, 2001 is wrong, many people continue to believe the government's official version. Why?

Because they have more intelligence that you and the rest of the TFH group ( tin foil hat ) and can see the flames you say were not there. They an see the building imploding on itself before ejecting clouds of dust, and they can ask why didn't the people working there see the explosives being planted over a 6 month period.

so all evidence of demolition must be ignored..because it might not be easy.

Under the circumstances yes as the evidence points to shoddy design, cut corners and islamonazi terrorism. Not to Mossad or US government mining the WTC with H.E. that no one saw getting placed on the central core.


..... hey Phoeny tell them about All Your Qualfications ...now that wil really convince everybody what a sheer Genius you are and what a privilege it is for us to Read your Thoughts .......oh yes ...share them with us !!!!!!!

Instead of hitting on Phoenall, why aren't you suggesting to eots that this belongs in the Conspiracy forum and not in the Israel/Palestine forum? Is the 9/11 Conspiracy going to go on and on when the Israel/Palenstine conflict should be spoken about instead?

Published on 11 Aug 2013
Despite overwhelming proof the governments official story of what happened on September 11, 2001 is wrong, many people continue to believe the government's official version. Why?

Because they have more intelligence that you and the rest of the TFH group ( tin foil hat ) and can see the flames you say were not there. They an see the building imploding on itself before ejecting clouds of dust, and they can ask why didn't the people working there see the explosives being planted over a 6 month period.

so all evidence of demolition must be ignored..because it might not be easy.

Under the circumstances yes as the evidence points to shoddy design, cut corners and islamonazi terrorism. Not to Mossad or US government mining the WTC with H.E. that no one saw getting placed on the central core.


..... hey Phoeny tell them about All Your Qualfications ...now that wil really convince everybody what a sheer Genius you are and what a privilege it is for us to Read your Thoughts .......oh yes ...share them with us !!!!!!!

Instead of hitting on Phoenall, why aren't you suggesting to eots that this belongs in the Conspiracy forum and not in the Israel/Palestine forum? Is the 9/11 Conspiracy going to go on and on when the Israel/Palenstine conflict should be spoken about instead?

ask hossfly it is his thread..
Because they have more intelligence that you and the rest of the TFH group ( tin foil hat ) and can see the flames you say were not there. They an see the building imploding on itself before ejecting clouds of dust, and they can ask why didn't the people working there see the explosives being planted over a 6 month period.
so all evidence of demolition must be ignored..because it might not be easy.

Under the circumstances yes as the evidence points to shoddy design, cut corners and islamonazi terrorism. Not to Mossad or US government mining the WTC with H.E. that no one saw getting placed on the central core.

..... hey Phoeny tell them about All Your Qualfications ...now that wil really convince everybody what a sheer Genius you are and what a privilege it is for us to Read your Thoughts .......oh yes ...share them with us !!!!!!!
Instead of hitting on Phoenall, why aren't you suggesting to eots that this belongs in the Conspiracy forum and not in the Israel/Palestine forum? Is the 9/11 Conspiracy going to go on and on when the Israel/Palenstine conflict should be spoken about instead?
ask hossfly it is his thread..
Done. I just asked that it be moved to your favorite forum.
Because they have more intelligence that you and the rest of the TFH group ( tin foil hat ) and can see the flames you say were not there. They an see the building imploding on itself before ejecting clouds of dust, and they can ask why didn't the people working there see the explosives being planted over a 6 month period.
so all evidence of demolition must be ignored..because it might not be easy.

Under the circumstances yes as the evidence points to shoddy design, cut corners and islamonazi terrorism. Not to Mossad or US government mining the WTC with H.E. that no one saw getting placed on the central core.

..... hey Phoeny tell them about All Your Qualfications ...now that wil really convince everybody what a sheer Genius you are and what a privilege it is for us to Read your Thoughts .......oh yes ...share them with us !!!!!!!
Instead of hitting on Phoenall, why aren't you suggesting to eots that this belongs in the Conspiracy forum and not in the Israel/Palestine forum? Is the 9/11 Conspiracy going to go on and on when the Israel/Palenstine conflict should be spoken about instead?
ask hossfly it is his thread..

This thread actually has nothing to do with 9/11. Why don't you take it to the Conspiracy forum if you are so obsessed with it? Also, why don't you read Masterminds of Terror where you will find out how the Muslims planned 9/11? They are proud of what they accomplished and you are trying to take credit away from them. They wouldn't be too happy with you.
And yet, they also think "The People in Power" are scheming to control the world, and that Bush, and his ilk, engineered 9/11 to help achieve that. They also think "Zionist Industrial Leaders" (which should not be confused with regular, "innocent Jews") were responsible for putting Hitler in power. But, that's besides the point...

And yet, that is how they view the world. They are not, the least bit, interested in engineering details, or carefully evaluating evidence, at all. They simply wallow in the "knowledge" that most engineers are lying, and most of the evidence is faked...

But, clearly, the problems are deeper rooted than the specifics in the case of 9/11...

The co-founder of 9/11Truth UAlbany (Mike Metzger) said pretty much the same in his resignation letter. That his former co-crazies really had no hard facts, that they knew precious little beyond the YouTubes they had studied, and that when pressed for facts meekly whined that they were just asking questions. Of course, they really aren't interested in the answers because facts tend to ruin a juicy CT. In the case of Eots, it's all about "proving" his unshakable belief that "If it's bad ... Jews did it."
so you don't support the findings of NIST

How should I know, I don't know anyone from that group. But I do know steel and at what temperature various changes take place. What happens to the steel during those changes and how to read a clock on a recording showing fires 15 minutes after impact.

The problem is deciphering what exactly these lunatics are claiming. Most of them are mentally ill and don't even know what it is they think may have happened on 9-11.
don't blame others for your lack of comprehension
Architects and Engineers 911 truth and its signatories
have made their findings very clear

So you can't tell us if the planes did or didn't crash into those buildings?

You think the planes were holographs? Or the hundreds of thousands of news film and personal cell phone footage taken by individuals was also faked. Ha ha ha.

Sorry I even entertained the idea of what a lunatic like you thinks. I almost feel like a psychologist trying to see how delusional you truly are.
The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version ..

Funny, you do that all the time. The subject of this thread was how every thing is always blamed on Jews, and you changed it into a 9-11 conspiracy thread. Why don't you take your own advice, asshole?
Clearly el chimpo doesn't believe that any planes crashed into the buildings. And he wonders why people think he's nuts.

Eots, is nuts.
Clearly el chimpo doesn't believe that any planes crashed into the buildings. And he wonders why people think he's nuts.

Eots, is nuts.

Please be so kind as to supply actual hard evidence that supports the claim that hijacked airliners were used as weapons.

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