If God did not exist

And the day either you or your little friend even come close to 'persecuting' me will be a cold day in hell. Have a nice one!! :cool:
Tough guy! :cuckoo:

Not at all... the misnomer here is them thinking that they are capable of persecuting anyone, I've never claimed to be 'persecuted'. So the dipshit even bringing it up to begin with apparently has a God complex since he thinks he has the power to persecute people of faith. You have to have power over someone to persecute them, these idiots have no power over anyone. A legend in his own mind. :cuckoo:
It does not surprise me that someone like daws, who is demonstrably ignorant of the bible, what it contains, and what it means to be a Christian, is also clueless about what constitutes a *threat*.

Pssst...advising you that will never be capable of, or afforded the opportunity of, persecution of a particular person is not a threat.

The purpose behind the comment isn't that anyone is gong to hurt you in any way, shape, or form....the purpose is to point out that you #1, probably don't know what "persecute" means, and #2, will never be afforded the opportunity to do so, based on your lack of intellect, ability, and general ineptitude.
same false assumptions, same dodge ,same faux intellect, same hubris ... same no evidence to back up claims....
And the day either you or your little friend even come close to 'persecuting' me will be a cold day in hell. Have a nice one!! :cool:
Tough guy! :cuckoo:

Not at all... the misnomer here is them thinking that they are capable of persecuting anyone, I've never claimed to be 'persecuted'. So the dipshit even bringing it up to begin with apparently has a God complex since he thinks he has the power to persecute people of faith. You have to have power over someone to persecute them, these idiots have no power over anyone. A legend in his own mind. :cuckoo:
the only mention of persecution other than your paranoid raving about it was post# 470.."Gee, another persecution delusion. Get over yourself."-o
the rest is on you..nobody is persecuting you ..that's just a favorite fantasy of thumpers...
Tough guy! :cuckoo:

Not at all... the misnomer here is them thinking that they are capable of persecuting anyone, I've never claimed to be 'persecuted'. So the dipshit even bringing it up to begin with apparently has a God complex since he thinks he has the power to persecute people of faith. You have to have power over someone to persecute them, these idiots have no power over anyone. A legend in his own mind. :cuckoo:
the only mention of persecution other than your paranoid raving about it was post# 470.."Gee, another persecution delusion. Get over yourself."-o
the rest is on you..nobody is persecuting you ..that's just a favorite fantasy of thumpers...

Yep, it was your partner in crime that brought up, not me nor any other person of faith participating in the thread.

Altho, if you look at the definition of the word:

noun: persecution; plural noun: persecutions1. hostility and ill-treatment, esp. because of race or political or religious beliefs.
"her family fled religious persecution"

You and your buddy sure do fit the bill, unless in your warped mind, you somehow think you're being nice to people of faith by calling them idiots?
Generally speaking, (not necessarily anyone on this board) I find most Christian fundamentalists hide behind the persecution complex whenever they cannot convince others of their viewpoint or are backed into a corner for lack of answers. Instead of earning respect, they demand it.


Per-se-cu-tion com-plex: Christian fundamentalists...feel persecuted or "oppressed" whenever they find someone that doesn't share their particular worldview... (rationalwiki)
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Generally speaking, (not necessarily anyone on this board) I find most Christian fundamentalists hide behind the persecution complex whenever they cannot convince others of their viewpoint or are backed into a corner for lack of answers. Instead of earning respect, they demand it.


Per-se-cu-tion com-plex: Christian fundamentalists...feel persecuted or "oppressed" whenever they find someone that doesn't share their particular worldview... (rationalwiki)


I knew a Wiccan who thought persecution of witches were bad.
Then he became a Christian and said the persecution didn't compare to what he had to endure as a Christian.

People can't take things out on God so they go after us.

Did you read about the arson in the news today? It is there almost every day:


It isn't a just a feeling or a complex. It is reality.

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Although more than 79 percent of people in the United States identify themselves as Christians, there’s a growing body of evidence that the media and the government, including the military, are doing their best to turn Americans against Christianity.

TV comedians and shows like The Simpsons regularly mock Christians, and Saturday Night Live even aired a “comedy” skit recently that depicted Jesus attacking Romans with a machine gun and slicing a man’s head in half. Can you imagine what would have happened if the skit had showed Mohammed instead of Jesus? Remember the bloody riots in September 2012 over a YouTube video about Mohammed? Yet no one objects when the media, and even our own government, disrespect Christian religious figures, as well as anyone who upholds Christian principles.

Religious Persecution in the U.S.? Christians are Fair Game
Annual number of persecuted Christians to be between 100 and 200 million

The media, the State Department, and the American public have all stubbornly ignored the uptick in the persecution of Christians around the globe, especially in Muslim cultures. The Pew Research Center concluded a couple of years ago that Christians are now persecuted in more nations than members of any other faith tradition. One sectarian watchdog organization estimates the annual number of persecuted Christians to be between 100 and 200 million.

Time for American Christians to Do Something About Persecution | Kerry Walters

I knew a Wiccan who thought persecution of witches were bad.
Then he became a Christian and said the persecution didn't compare to what he had to endure as a Christian.

People can't take things out on God so they go after us.

Did you read about the arson in the news today? It is there almost every day:


It isn't a just a feeling or a complex. It is reality.

Yes, Chuckt, I do not deny that Christians may be legitimately persecuted. I was talking small potatoes...the stuff that goes on, on message boards. :)

I knew a Wiccan who thought persecution of witches were bad.
Then he became a Christian and said the persecution didn't compare to what he had to endure as a Christian.

People can't take things out on God so they go after us.

Did you read about the arson in the news today? It is there almost every day:


It isn't a just a feeling or a complex. It is reality.

Yes, Chuckt, I do not deny that Christians may be legitimately persecuted. I was talking small potatoes...the stuff that goes on, on message boards. :)

Yes, Pacer. But why would message boards be much different than real life?
Generally speaking, (not necessarily anyone on this board) I find most Christian fundamentalists hide behind the persecution complex whenever they cannot convince others of their viewpoint or are backed into a corner for lack of answers. Instead of earning respect, they demand it.


Per-se-cu-tion com-plex: Christian fundamentalists...feel persecuted or "oppressed" whenever they find someone that doesn't share their particular worldview... (rationalwiki)

What separates a 'christian' and a 'christian fundamentalist'?

And on this board, you will find more threads started by atheists calling out people who believe differently, calling them stupid, mocking them, etc... Not the other way around. What they don't get is that they are no better than the christian who starts a thread telling all the atheists they are doomed... Flip sides of the same coin.
Yes, Pacer. But why would message boards be much different than real life?
Chuckt, some people get very passionate about their views and debates can get rather heated, at times. But I do not see any systematic harassment of anyone on this board that could be considered 'persecution'.
Generally speaking, (not necessarily anyone on this board) I find most Christian fundamentalists hide behind the persecution complex whenever they cannot convince others of their viewpoint or are backed into a corner for lack of answers. Instead of earning respect, they demand it.


Per-se-cu-tion com-plex: Christian fundamentalists...feel persecuted or "oppressed" whenever they find someone that doesn't share their particular worldview... (rationalwiki)

What separates a 'christian' and a 'christian fundamentalist'?

And on this board, you will find more threads started by atheists calling out people who believe differently, calling them stupid, mocking them, etc... Not the other way around. What they don't get is that they are no better than the christian who starts a thread telling all the atheists they are doomed... Flip sides of the same coin.

People like pacer do not even understand what the term "fundamentalist" really means. It is a derogatory term they use to discredit and marginalize any Christian who refuses to kowtow to progressivism or practice their religion ONLY in the dark, unlit recesses of private homes...(though not with other believers...that would be *fundy* of them).

It's a term they use that is more comparable to the word "******" perhaps than any other term currently being tossed about by progressives. Abortion = *choice*, tyranny is called *cultural differences*, murder is called *assisted suicide*....I have questioned many of the worst abusers of the word "fundy" to explain exactly what it is, and it NEVER fails to illuminate not only their utter ignorance of Christianity, but also their deep seated hatred and bigotry towards anyone that does not completely agree with their world view.

Try it on one of them the next time they use the term. It's like they follow a script. And they don't even know it...which is sad. And scary.
Not at all... the misnomer here is them thinking that they are capable of persecuting anyone, I've never claimed to be 'persecuted'. So the dipshit even bringing it up to begin with apparently has a God complex since he thinks he has the power to persecute people of faith. You have to have power over someone to persecute them, these idiots have no power over anyone. A legend in his own mind. :cuckoo:
the only mention of persecution other than your paranoid raving about it was post# 470.."Gee, another persecution delusion. Get over yourself."-o
the rest is on you..nobody is persecuting you ..that's just a favorite fantasy of thumpers...

Yep, it was your partner in crime that brought up, not me nor any other person of faith participating in the thread.

Altho, if you look at the definition of the word:

noun: persecution; plural noun: persecutions1. hostility and ill-treatment, esp. because of race or political or religious beliefs.
"her family fled religious persecution"

You and your buddy sure do fit the bill, unless in your warped mind, you somehow think you're being nice to people of faith by calling them idiots?
being nice has nothing to to do with it.
calling you idiots is being kind..
Generally speaking, (not necessarily anyone on this board) I find most Christian fundamentalists hide behind the persecution complex whenever they cannot convince others of their viewpoint or are backed into a corner for lack of answers. Instead of earning respect, they demand it.


Per-se-cu-tion com-plex: Christian fundamentalists...feel persecuted or "oppressed" whenever they find someone that doesn't share their particular worldview... (rationalwiki)

What separates a 'christian' and a 'christian fundamentalist'?

And on this board, you will find more threads started by atheists calling out people who believe differently, calling them stupid, mocking them, etc... Not the other way around. What they don't get is that they are no better than the christian who starts a thread telling all the atheists they are doomed... Flip sides of the same coin.

People like pacer do not even understand what the term "fundamentalist" really means. It is a derogatory term they use to discredit and marginalize any Christian who refuses to kowtow to progressivism or practice their religion ONLY in the dark, unlit recesses of private homes...(though not with other believers...that would be *fundy* of them).

It's a term they use that is more comparable to the word "******" perhaps than any other term currently being tossed about by progressives. Abortion = *choice*, tyranny is called *cultural differences*, murder is called *assisted suicide*....I have questioned many of the worst abusers of the word "fundy" to explain exactly what it is, and it NEVER fails to illuminate not only their utter ignorance of Christianity, but also their deep seated hatred and bigotry towards anyone that does not completely agree with their world view.

Try it on one of them the next time they use the term. It's like they follow a script. And they don't even know it...which is sad. And scary.
the preceding was steaming pile of fringe right paranoia, personal hatred and a ruse so the poster could write the word ****** to falsely compare her twisted pov to slavery.
a fine example of a persecution complex.
the only mention of persecution other than your paranoid raving about it was post# 470.."Gee, another persecution delusion. Get over yourself."-o
the rest is on you..nobody is persecuting you ..that's just a favorite fantasy of thumpers...

Yep, it was your partner in crime that brought up, not me nor any other person of faith participating in the thread.

Altho, if you look at the definition of the word:

noun: persecution; plural noun: persecutions1. hostility and ill-treatment, esp. because of race or political or religious beliefs.
"her family fled religious persecution"

You and your buddy sure do fit the bill, unless in your warped mind, you somehow think you're being nice to people of faith by calling them idiots?
being nice has nothing to to do with it.
calling you idiots is being kind..

I think it's more an indication of a deep rooted inferiority complex, but whatever makes you feel better dude. If you have to insult people to validate yourself, that's a pretty sad statement about who and what you are. :cool:
Yep, it was your partner in crime that brought up, not me nor any other person of faith participating in the thread.

Altho, if you look at the definition of the word:

noun: persecution; plural noun: persecutions1. hostility and ill-treatment, esp. because of race or political or religious beliefs.
"her family fled religious persecution"

You and your buddy sure do fit the bill, unless in your warped mind, you somehow think you're being nice to people of faith by calling them idiots?
being nice has nothing to to do with it.
calling you idiots is being kind..

I think it's more an indication of a deep rooted inferiority complex, but whatever makes you feel better dude. If you have to insult people to validate yourself, that's a pretty sad statement about who and what you are. :cool:
thanks again for proving my point.
what you think is false and bias.
What separates a 'christian' and a 'christian fundamentalist'?

And on this board, you will find more threads started by atheists calling out people who believe differently, calling them stupid, mocking them, etc... Not the other way around. What they don't get is that they are no better than the christian who starts a thread telling all the atheists they are doomed... Flip sides of the same coin.

People like pacer do not even understand what the term "fundamentalist" really means. It is a derogatory term they use to discredit and marginalize any Christian who refuses to kowtow to progressivism or practice their religion ONLY in the dark, unlit recesses of private homes...(though not with other believers...that would be *fundy* of them).

It's a term they use that is more comparable to the word "******" perhaps than any other term currently being tossed about by progressives. Abortion = *choice*, tyranny is called *cultural differences*, murder is called *assisted suicide*....I have questioned many of the worst abusers of the word "fundy" to explain exactly what it is, and it NEVER fails to illuminate not only their utter ignorance of Christianity, but also their deep seated hatred and bigotry towards anyone that does not completely agree with their world view.

Try it on one of them the next time they use the term. It's like they follow a script. And they don't even know it...which is sad. And scary.
the preceding was steaming pile of fringe right paranoia, personal hatred and a ruse so the poster could write the word ****** to falsely compare her twisted pov to slavery.
a fine example of a persecution complex.

Lol..like I said..ask one of you loons to define "fundamentalist" and see exactly how ignorant you really are.

Define "fundy" genius. You keep dodging that by pouring out more bigoted anti-Christian vitriol..which in turn, proves my point. Thank you. :lol::lol::lol:
What's funny is you guys are ganging on Newby, who is one of the kindest and most sincere posters on the board.

But hey, there comes a time when it's just right to come out and call a fundy a fricking ******, huh? Call a spade a spade. Cuz it doesn't matter what they do or believe, if they're Christian then they need to be strung up, hobbled, whatever you do to inferior beings.

Right? Amiright or amiright?

I'm right.

Explain what "fundy" means..and then point out the "fundies" that you are aware of who post on this site. Provide examples and links that support the label.

Have fun. I anticipate more hate speech and garbled sputtering.
People like pacer do not even understand what the term "fundamentalist" really means. It is a derogatory term they use to discredit and marginalize any Christian who refuses to kowtow to progressivism or practice their religion ONLY in the dark, unlit recesses of private homes...(though not with other believers...that would be *fundy* of them).

It's a term they use that is more comparable to the word "******" perhaps than any other term currently being tossed about by progressives. Abortion = *choice*, tyranny is called *cultural differences*, murder is called *assisted suicide*....I have questioned many of the worst abusers of the word "fundy" to explain exactly what it is, and it NEVER fails to illuminate not only their utter ignorance of Christianity, but also their deep seated hatred and bigotry towards anyone that does not completely agree with their world view.

Try it on one of them the next time they use the term. It's like they follow a script. And they don't even know it...which is sad. And scary.
the preceding was steaming pile of fringe right paranoia, personal hatred and a ruse so the poster could write the word ****** to falsely compare her twisted pov to slavery.
a fine example of a persecution complex.

Lol..like I said..ask one of you loons to define "fundamentalist" and see exactly how ignorant you really are.

Define "fundy" genius. You keep dodging that by pouring out more bigoted anti-Christian vitriol..which in turn, proves my point. Thank you. :lol::lol::lol:
un·da·men·tal·ism [fuhn-duh-men-tl-iz-uhm] Show IPA
( sometimes initial capital letter ) a movement in American Protestantism that arose in the early part of the 20th century in reaction to modernism and that stresses the infallibility of the Bible not only in matters of faith and morals but also as a literal historical record, holding as essential to Christian faith belief in such doctrines as the creation of the world, the virgin birth, physical resurrection, atonement by the sacrificial death of Christ, and the Second Coming.
the beliefs held by those in this movement.
strict adherence to any set of basic ideas or principles: the fundamentalism of the extreme conservatives.
fresh from the dictionary .
but I'm sure you'll have another twisted take on it .
again you have no point
People who follow fundamentalist Christian ideals. "In comparative religion, fundamentalism refers to anti-modernist movements in various religions."

Carries a negative connotation, because of the association with extremist views.
"When it comes to hating religion and the way it separates the people of our world I don't discriminate--I hate fundies just as much."

both are objective descriptions, what they leave out is the inflexible self imposed ignorance and affected superiority of its practitioners..
in other words what ever pain you encounter you've brought on yourselves.
in your case ,my guess is you've always been a self involved snot.
nothing you've posted is evidence of your claim that "we" are ignorant of what Christianity requires.
btw, you have none of those qualities.

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