If gays can't be cured with therapy, how come people can change their mind about their gender?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Apparently, homosexuality is so fixed in the genomes of a person that no amount of therapy can cure it.

On the other hand, gender is such a fluid concept that it can change from day to day, depending on one's mood and feelings. One can be a man on Monday, a woman on Tuesday, and a made-up gender with an all-new pronoun set on Wednesday, and back to being a man on Thursday.

Will someone in the LGBTQ movement please explain? Because I'm confused.
Apparently, homosexuality is so fixed in the genomes of a person that no amount of therapy can cure it.

On the other hand, gender is such a fluid concept that it can change from day to day, depending on one's mood and feelings. One can be a man on Monday, a woman on Tuesday, and a made-up gender with an all-new pronoun set on Wednesday, and back to being a man on Thursday.

Will someone in the LGBTQ movement please explain? Because I'm confused.
Stop overthinking it
Apparently, homosexuality is so fixed in the genomes of a person that no amount of therapy can cure it.

On the other hand, gender is such a fluid concept that it can change from day to day, depending on one's mood and feelings. One can be a man on Monday, a woman on Tuesday, and a made-up gender with an all-new pronoun set on Wednesday, and back to being a man on Thursday.

Will someone in the LGBTQ movement please explain? Because I'm confused.
Stop overthinking it
Right, because thinking is bad.
Apparently, homosexuality is so fixed in the genomes of a person that no amount of therapy can cure it.

On the other hand, gender is such a fluid concept that it can change from day to day, depending on one's mood and feelings. One can be a man on Monday, a woman on Tuesday, and a made-up gender with an all-new pronoun set on Wednesday, and back to being a man on Thursday.

Will someone in the LGBTQ movement please explain? Because I'm confused.
Stop overthinking it
Right, because thinking is bad.
Put your hatred away. And leave people alone.
What's interesting to me is that LGBT has taken on all the aspects of a religion, and not one of these modern, feel-good, do-whatever religions like 21st century Catholicism, but like a rigid, old-fashioned, our-way-or-the highway, burn the heretics, religion, like the Catholicism of Inquisition-era Spain.
Apparently, homosexuality is so fixed in the genomes of a person that no amount of therapy can cure it.

On the other hand, gender is such a fluid concept that it can change from day to day, depending on one's mood and feelings. One can be a man on Monday, a woman on Tuesday, and a made-up gender with an all-new pronoun set on Wednesday, and back to being a man on Thursday.

Will someone in the LGBTQ movement please explain? Because I'm confused.
Stop overthinking it
Right, because thinking is bad.
Put your hatred away. And leave people alone.
So if I think too much, that's the same as hating people. OK, well you're going to have to explain that to me, because I don't understand.
Personal freedom and liberty = the ability to change your mind and live your life differently then anyone else.
But homosexuals can't change, not even if they want to. That's been established.

But transgenders CAN change, and all they need to do is announce their new gender at breakfast and tell people what pronouns to call them that day.
What's interesting is that all I'm doing is asking questions, and for that I am branded a "hater."

It sounds a lot like the Middle Ages, when Catholics were burning Protestants, and Protestants were burning Catholics, and most of the people who were burned were guilty of asking too many questions.
But no one has answered my question, so I will ask it again.

Why is homosexuality permanent and immutable and not affected by conscious choice, but gender fluid and changeable at one's own desire?
Apparently, homosexuality is so fixed in the genomes of a person that no amount of therapy can cure it.

On the other hand, gender is such a fluid concept that it can change from day to day, depending on one's mood and feelings. One can be a man on Monday, a woman on Tuesday, and a made-up gender with an all-new pronoun set on Wednesday, and back to being a man on Thursday.

Will someone in the LGBTQ movement please explain? Because I'm confused.
Stop overthinking it
Right, because thinking is bad.
Put your hatred away. And leave people alone.
So if I think too much, that's the same as hating people. OK, well you're going to have to explain that to me, because I don't understand.
Live and let live. It's not hard.
Apparently, homosexuality is so fixed in the genomes of a person that no amount of therapy can cure it.

On the other hand, gender is such a fluid concept that it can change from day to day, depending on one's mood and feelings. One can be a man on Monday, a woman on Tuesday, and a made-up gender with an all-new pronoun set on Wednesday, and back to being a man on Thursday.

Will someone in the LGBTQ movement please explain? Because I'm confused.
That is a great point! I never thought about how fundamentally contradictory those two concepts are. Personally, I'm going with gender fluidity is a Liberal crock of shit.
What's happening is this.

Homosexuals have been building up a big pile of bullshit over here in Corner A. This bullshit pile is now so big and huge that it has taken on all the aspects of a religion that cannot be questioned, and people who do question it, do so at the peril of destroying their career and business opportunities.

Now, the transgenders are building up another big pile of bullshit over there in Corner B. This bullshit pile isn't as big as the homosexual pile, but it has grown much quicker, and it too has become somewhat of a religion that can't be questioned, and those that do question it, do so at the peril of destroying their career and business opportunities.

So both sides are doing witch hunts, burning people, and having full-on Inquisitions, in the same way we Catholics and Protestants acted this way in the Middle Ages, but eventually grew out of it.

The problem is that these two piles of bullshit, which both demand complete orthodoxy in thought and deed, contradict each other on many points.

So that it is an impossible thing to do to actually believe in both homosexual orthodoxy and transgender orthodoxy, and remain a logical , thinking person.

So TheOldSchool gives me the standard religious answer: don't think about it, have faith.

And since both homosexuals and transgenders promise to burn us at the stake if we don't have faith, that's a mighty incentivized proposition.
Seriously, if I started a post like this on Facebook, the LGBT movement would try to get me fired from my job, blackballed from every working again, and Facebook would label my post as "hate speech" and permanently ban me.

This the kind of "therapy" you have in mind?
So TheOldSchool gives me the standard religious answer: don't think about it, have faith.

You are correct in saying that that's the standard religious answer for everything. But it's not what I said. Let my simplify it for you: don't fuck with people's lives who will never harm you.
Oh, but you are harming me.

You are telling me what I am allowed to say, what I am not allowed to say, what I am allowed to do, what I am not allowed to do, what I am allowed to think, and what I am not allowed to think.

You are creating a prison for the mind.

I protest at being your prisoner.
So TheOldSchool gives me the standard religious answer: don't think about it, have faith.

You are correct in saying that that's the standard religious answer for everything. But it's not what I said. Let my simplify it for you: don't fuck with people's lives who will never harm you.
Oh, but you are harming me.

You are telling me what I am allowed to say, what I am not allowed to say, what I am allowed to do, what I am not allowed to do, what I am allowed to think, and what I am not allowed to think.

You are creating a prison for the mind.

I protest at being your prisoner.
You're not my prisoner you drama queen. I could care less what you do as long as it doesn't affect me. Same way I feel about the LGBT community, and the straight community. But I won't abide you pursuing evil against the LGBT community. Because evil wins as long as good people do nothing.

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